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Roaming und Auslandsoptionen

Telefoniere, simse und surfe ganz entspannt - egal ob auf Reisen oder von Deutschland aus ins Ausland.

O 2  bietet dir passende Roaming Tarife, damit du unbeschwert deinen Aufenthalt genießen kannst. Und wenn du von Deutschland aus in andere Länder telefonieren oder simsen möchtest, dann bieten wir dir günstige Auslandstarife und Monatspakete.

Auf dieser Seite findest du alle Informationen über Kosten, was du beachten musst und wie du dein Roaming aktivierst.

Bist du selbstständig? Auslandsoptionen für Selbstständige

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Optionen im Ausland

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Optionen ins Ausland

Verbrauchs-Check im Ausland

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Roaming in der Schweiz

Mit unseren Schweiz Roaming Pack kannst du unbeschwert und preisgünstig den Aufenthalt in der Schweiz genießen.

Ab dem 18.12.2023 profitieren zusätzlich zu den neuen O 2 Mobile Tarifen auch O 2 Grow und O 2 Free Tarife von unserem Schweiz Roaming Angebot.

Mehr Informationen zu den Packs, ob diese für deinen Tarif verfügbar sind und wie du diese buchen kannst, findest du in Mein O 2 .

Zonen für Roaming Basic (2018) und Roaming Basic

Die jeweiligen Mitgliedstaaten der EU (derzeit: Belgien, Bulgarien, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Französisch-Guayana, Guadeloupe, Griechenland, Irland, Italien, La Réunion, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, Martinique, Niederlande, Österreich, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien, San Marino, Schweden, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Tschechische Republik, Ungarn, Vatikanstadt und Zypern) sowie alle weiteren Länder, für die die Preisvorgaben gem. der Verordnung (EU) 2022/612 vom 06.04.2022 in der jeweils gültigen Fassung Anwendung finden (derzeit Island, Liechtenstein und Norwegen).

Soweit die Preisvorgaben gem. der genannten EU-Verordnung in einem Land nicht mehr anwendbar sind, fällt das Land automatisch in die Zone 2 und es gilt der für diese Zone ausgewiesene Preis.

Andorra, Gibraltar, Großbritannien, Isle of Man, Republik Moldau, Schweiz.

Hinweis: Für Großbritannien wird trotz Ausscheidens aus der EU bis zum 31.12.2024 weiterhin nur der Preis gem. Zone 1 (EU-reguliert) abgerechnet (Verlängerung vorbehalten).

Albanien, Belarus, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Färöer-Inseln, Grönland, Israel, Kanada, Kosovo, Nordmazedonien, Monaco, Montenegro, Puerto Rico, Russland, Serbien, Türkei, Ukraine und USA.

Alle anderen Länder, in denen O 2 ein Roaming-Abkommen hat.

Prepaid im Ausland

Auslandstarife für Prepaid-Kunden

Einfach und günstig mit O 2  Prepaid in die Ferne schweifen.

Datenroaming auf dem Gerät aktivieren

Voraussetzung, um im Ausland das Internet nutzen zu können, ist die Aktivierung der Funktion „Datenroaming“ in den Geräteeinstellungen. So geht´s: 

Screenshot des iOS-Bildschirms

Wähle in den Einstellungen den Menüpunkt „Mobilfunk“ aus.

Screenshot des iOS-Bildschirms

Wähle anschließend „Datenoptionen“ aus.

Screenshot des iOS-Bildschirms

Aktiviere „Datenroaming“.

Screenshot des Android-Bildschirms

Wähle in den Einstellungen den Menüpunkt „Verbindung“ aus.

Screenshot des Android-Bildschirms

Wähle anschließend „Mobile Netzwerke“ aus.

Screenshot des Android-Bildschirms

  • Telefonie & SMS im Ausland
  • Mobile Datennutzung & MMS im Ausland

Beim Aufenthalt in einem grenznahen Gebiet, aber noch in Deutschland, kann es sein, dass das Handy eine Roaming-Verbindung aufbaut. Meistens liegt es daran, dass an dem Gerät die automatische Netzwahl aktiviert ist. Das Handy sucht sich das stärkste verfügbare Netz, in diesem Fall das des ausländischen Netzbetreibers.

Wir empfehlen, in diesen Regionen die manuelle Netzwahl zu aktivieren. Aus den angezeigten Anbietern wird das Netz ausgewählt, in dem Roaming möglich ist (Weitere Informationen zu den Partnernetzen im Ausland findest du in unserer PDF-Liste ). Wie die manuelle Netzauswahl funktioniert, ist im Benutzerhandbuch des Gerätes beschrieben. Auch in unserer Handyhilfe gibt es hierzu Tipps.

Jedes Land hat eine eigene Ländervorwahl. Deshalb ist es erforderlich, die nationale Vorwahl zuerst einzugeben. Für Deutschland ist das die 0049. Durch die doppelte 0 der Ländervorwahl entfällt die 0 der Ortsnetzvorwahl. Bei einem Anruf in München wird z. B. 004989 und die Rufnummer des Teilnehmers gewählt. Die doppelte 0 der Ländervorwahl kann auch durch ein + ersetzt werden. Die Eingabe ist dann: +4989 und die Rufnummer des Teilnehmers.

Gut zu wissen: Die Telefonnummern der Kontakte gleich mit der Ländervorwahl abspeichern, dann wie gewohnt den Kontakt auswählen und die Verbindung wird hergestellt.

Anrufe aus dem Ausland nach Deutschland oder in andere Länder können zusätzliche Kosten verursachen. Informationen zu Tarif und Optionen gibt es in Mein O 2  oder der Mein O 2  App .

Es steht spontan ein Kurztrip nach London, Rom oder Lissabon an und nicht alle Freunde konnten informiert werden? Da sie nicht wissen, dass sich der gewünschte Teilnehmer in einem anderen Land aufhält, übernimmt dieser die Kosten für die Verbindung des ankommenden Anrufs ins ausländische Netz. Die Gebühren sind tarifabhängig. Informationen zu Tarif und Optionen gibt es in Mein O 2  oder der Mein O 2  App .

Bei vielen Roaming-Partnern lässt sich die Mailbox, wie in Deutschland, einfach über die 333 erreichen. Wenn das nicht funktioniert, wird die Mailbox zur Abfrage direkt angewählt.

Die Mailboxnummer besteht aus der Netzvorwahl (z. B. 0176), dem Mailbox-Infix (bei O 2 ist das die 33) und der Rufnummer. Auch hier ist es wichtig, das internationale Format zu verwenden, also z. B. 0049 176 33 123456 oder +49 176 33 123456.

Wurde die Rufnummer von einem anderen Anbieter zu O 2 mitgenommen, muss ein anderes Mailbox-Infix eingegeben werden:

  • 33 für die Netzvorwahlen 0176, 0179 und 01590
  • 99 für die Netzvorwahlen 0157, 0163, 0177 und 0178
  • 13 für die Netzvorwahlen 0151, 0160, 0170, 0171 und 0175
  • 55 für die Netzvorwahlen 0152, 0162, 0172, 0173 und 0174

Wenn im Ausland die Mailbox abgehört wird, muss aus Sicherheitsgründen die Mailbox Geheimzahl (PIN) eingegeben werden. Zur Abfrage wird zunächst die Mailboxnummer gewählt. Sobald die Ansage läuft, wird sie mit der Eingabe * unterbrochen. Danach nur noch die Geheimzahl eingeben und mit # bestätigen.

Die Mailbox-PIN ist nicht mehr bekannt? Dann kann sie per SMS zugesandt werden. Dazu wird die Mailboxnummer gewählt und nach Abfrage der Geheimzahl statt der # die Taste * gedrückt. Die PIN wird per SMS zugeschickt.

Wenn die Mailbox während des Auslandsaufenthalts nicht benötigt wird, kann sie vor Reiseantritt mit der Tastenkombination ##002# deaktiviert werden.

Gut zu wissen: Im EU-Ausland sind Anrufumleitungen auf die O 2 Mailbox jetzt kostenlos. Du zahlst je nach Tarif höchstens noch für das Abhören der Mailbox. Außerhalb der EU werden für Anrufumleitungen auf die O 2 Mailbox die Gesprächsgebühr für den eingehenden und den abgehenden Anruf erhoben.

Der Versand von Kurzmitteilungen ist auch aus ausländischen Netzen möglich. Die Preise pro SMS sind vom Tarif und dem Reiseland abhängig. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass die richtige Ländervorwahl (für Deutschland z. B. 0049 oder +49) und die Netzvorwahl ohne 0 eingegeben wird. Der Empfang von SMS ist immer kostenlos.

Der Versand von MMS funktioniert im Ausland bei allen Mobilfunkanbietern, mit denen O 2 ein Abkommen für mobile Datennutzung geschlossen hat. Eine Liste unserer Roaming-Partner steht hier zur Verfügung. Der Empfang von MMS im Ausland ist kostenfrei.

Für folgende Arten von Diensten können beim Roaming in der EU höhere Kosten anfallen:

  • Auskunftsdienste: 118…
  • Servicedienste: 0180/…
  • Televotum: 0137/…
  • Funkrufdienst: 01680/… bis 01681/…
  • Cityruf: 01640/… bis 01649/…; 01682/… bis 01689/…; 01692/…; 01693/…; 016951/…; 016952/…
  • Skyper: 016953/…
  • Scall: 01696/…; 01699/…
  • VPN Services: 0181/… bis 0189/…
  • Nationale Teilnehmernummer: 032/…
  • Persönliche Rufnummer: 0700/…
  • Premium Voice: 0900/… Gut zu wissen : Teilweise kann es auch vorkommen, dass diese Vorwahlbereiche/Nummern aus ausländischen Netzen nicht erreichbar sind.
  • Ausländische Sonderrufnummern: Die Nutzung von ausländischen Sonderrufnummern ist im EU-Ausland mit erhöhten Kosten verbunden. Diese sind abhängig von dem jeweiligen ausländischen Netzbetreiber/Roamingpartner.
  • Freephone Nummern: 0800 (national) und 00800 (international)
  • Soziale Dienste: 116...

Gut zu wissen: Weitere Informationen zu Sonderrufnummern und Mehrwertdienste findest du hier .

Mit O 2 Roaming ist Telefonieren, SMS schreiben und Surfen auf Kreuzfahrtschiffen, Fähren und in Flugzeugen über Satelliten-Verbindungen nicht möglich . Falls vorhanden, kannst du alternative Angebote des Reiseveranstalters nutzen, z.B. WLAN-Hotspots an Bord von Kreuzfahrtschiffen oder Flugzeugen.

Bitte beachte: Bei Gesprächen, SMS und Datennutzung in Flugzeugen und auf See können abweichende Kosten zu deiner aktuellen Roaming-Option entstehen.

Es braucht nicht viel, um mit dem Handy auf Reisen online zu sein. Das Handy wählt sich selbst in das Netz unserer Roaming-Partner ein und schon kannst du von der Routenplanung bis zum Selfie die Funktionen des Gerätes nutzen. Zu beachten ist, dass je nach Reiseland und nach Tarif Kosten anfallen können. Informationen zu Tarif und den Konditionen gibt es in Mein O 2 oder in der  Mein O 2  App .

Vor dem Weg ins Ausland solltest du dir überlegen, ob du das Internet mobil nutzen möchtest. Falls nicht, kann es unter „Einstellungen“ das Datenroaming deaktiviert werden. Wie das funktioniert, zeigen wir dir in dieser Anleitung .

Im Ausland ist in den meisten Netzen Datennutzung möglich. Eine Liste unserer Roaming-Partner steht dir hier  zur Verfügung. Wenn das Gerät im Ausland in einem Netz ohne Datendienste registriert ist, kannst du manuell am Handy das Netz wählen, in dem die mobile Datennutzung möglich ist. Bei den meisten Handys ist dies im Menüpunkt „Einstellungen“ möglich. Da die Menüpunkte von Handy zu Handy variieren, lohnt sich ein Blick in die Bedienungsanleitung .

Um das Internet auch im Ausland nutzen zu können, müssen mobile Daten und Datenroaming aktiviert sein. Dies kannst du in den Geräteeinstellungen überprüfen. Wenn eine Sperre der Datennutzung im Ausland über das Service‑Team veranlasst wurde, ist das mobile Surfen ebenfalls nicht möglich. Die Entsperrung wird von unserem Service‑Team durchgeführt.

Kosten für die Datennutzung im Ausland werden maximal bis zu einem Betrag von 59,50 € pro Abrechnungszeitraum in Rechnung gestellt. Nach Deaktivierung dieses Kostenschutzes durch den Kunden, werden die Kosten für die Datennutzung im Ausland bis maximal 119,00 € pro Abrechnungszeitraum in Rechnung gestellt.

Wir informieren dich per SMS, wenn du den Maximalbetrag von 59,50 € bzw. 119,00 € für die Datennutzung erreicht hast. Du hast die Möglichkeit, Datenroaming auch über den Betrag von 59,50 € bzw. 119,00 € pro Abrechnungszeitraum hinauszunutzen. Dazu sende eine SMS mit KOSTENSCHUTZ AUS bzw. KOSTENSCHUTZ ZWEI AUS an die Kurzwahl  80115. Beachte bitte, dass die Deaktivierung des Kostenschutzes zu hohen Kosten führen kann. Möchtest du Datenroaming in den Weltzonen 2 - 4 nicht mehr über den Maximalbetrag hinaus nutzen, sende eine SMS an die 80115 mit KOSTENSCHUTZ EIN .

Gut zu wissen: Änderungen sind jeweils nur für den aktuellen Abrechnungszeitraum gültig.

Wichtige Roaming Informationen kannst du auch unseren Preislisten entnehmen


Am 01.07.2022 ist eine neue EU-Roaming-Verordnung in Kraft getreten. Die bisherige Verordnung lief zum 30.06.2022 ab. Mit der neuen Roaming-Verordnung sind neue Verpflichtungen u.a. in Bezug auf Dienstqualität und Transparenzvorgaben in Kraft getreten.

  • Mehr erfahren


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Notrufnummern im Ausland

Notfall im Urlaub? Wir haben für Sie eine ständig aktualisierte Übersicht aller Notrufnummern im Ausland zusammengestellt. Damit sind Sie auch auf Reisen bestens abgesichert.

  • Zur Übersicht der Notrufnummern

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Best Travel Daypack in 2023 (10 Great Options)

There’s no such thing as a perfect travel daypack, but we know which ones come really close. You see, it largely depends on your definition of a travel daypack – maybe it’s a bag that will fit everything you need, from a bulky DSLR to all the little lens filters.

Or maybe it’s just a packable daypack that fits into your jacket pocket, which you can use to carry all the souvenirs you buy along the way.

At A Glance: Our Top Travel Daypacks

  • Best Small Travel Daypack Osprey Daylite (Plus) Jump To Review
  • Most Secure Daypack Pacsafe Metrosafe Anti-theft Backpack Jump To Review
  • Best Packable Daypack 4Monster Packable Daypack Jump To Review
  • Best For Women Fjallraven Kanken Classic Jump To Review
  • Best Hiking Daypack Mystery Ranch In and Out 19 Jump To Review
  • Best Sling Daypack Pacsafe Vibe 325 Crossbody Daypack Jump To Review

Whichever it is you are looking for, we’ve got your back. Scroll down to see the ten favorite daypacks for travel, from anti-theft to off-road options!

Top Product Overview

Best travel daypacks, osprey daylite (plus).

Osprey Packs Daylite Plus Daypack, Black

Osprey Da ylite  is one of the most iconic travel daypacks ever. It is the perfect option for those of you that already own one of  Osprey’s larger travel backpacks , especially if it has attachment points for the Daylite. You can strap the daypack onto the larger backpack, which makes it so much  easier to travel with more than one piece of luggage. 

The  Daylite and the Daylite Plus  are both made from polyester.  They are small and lightweight backpacks, with padded and ventilated back panels and harnesses for great carrying comfort. The only difference between the two is that the Daylite Plus has two extra pockets – one is a stretchy shove-it pocket, and the other is a small zippered pocket.

Both daypacks have an  internal laptop sleeve that will fit devices up to 14” , as well as an  external hydration sleeve that is just behind the back panel. Both Daylites come equipped with a  thin webbing hip belt and a chest strap , in case you ever need that extra support. Which shouldn’t happen too often, since they are incredibly lightweight packs.

They both have a small front compartment with two slip pockets and a key clip, as well as two side water bottle pockets. And let’s not forget about those side compression straps, that will help you cinch in the backpack if you decide to use it for just your phone, sunglasses, and wallet.

If I had to choose, I would go with the Daylite Plus . The difference in size between these two is not remarkable, but the difference in their capacities is actually pretty big.

The larger Osprey daypack offers 7 liters more , which is a big deal when talking about a small daypack for travel. And since the difference in price is also barely noticeable (some $15), I think it just makes sense to go for the larger daypack. But it is entirely up to you, and your personal preference.

  • Internal laptop sleeve
  • External hydration sleeve
  • Padded and ventilated backpanel
  • Not waterproof
  • Will not fit 15” laptops

Product Information

  • Dimensions: 18.9 x 11.02 x 9.45 in
  • Weight: 1.29 lbs
  • Capacity: 20 liters

Pacsafe Metrosafe Anti-theft Backpack

Pacsafe Metrosafe LS450 25 Liter Anti Theft Laptop Backpack - with Padded 15' Laptop Sleeve, Adjustable Shoulder Straps, Patented Security Technology (Black)

I’m sure you’ve heard horror stories at one point in your life, about friends or acquaintances who had their belongings stolen while they were in a foreign country. And I’m not talking about just their phone or camera – I mean their wallet, IDs, credit cards, and passports.

That’s one of my worst nightmares, which is why I’m a really big fan of  anti-theft backpacks . Especially when travelling to cities that are known to have a big issues with pickpockets,  like Lisbon .

While there are many cheaper options out there,  Pacsafe Metrosafe  daypack will forever be one of my favorite anti-theft packs. The   simple design  is suitable for everyone , from teens to seasoned  business travellers . It is made from polyester and entirely cut-proof materials ,  meaning that its  straps, body and back panel are 100% slash-proof.

This backpack has lockable zippers , which include both the zippers to the main compartment and to three external pockets. But the thing I love most about is the Turn and Lock security hooks .

They’re a great day trip backpack – for when you’re riding the metro or sitting at a crowded restaurant – you can put the backpack down on the floor, secure it to the nearest fixture (chair leg, pole, etc.) and have peace of mind that no one will run away with it while you’re not looking.

And if someone does try to tamper with the lock, you will most definitely notice them.

This anti-theft backpack is carry-on sized  and features a spacious main compartment that can fit 15” laptops, a change of clothes and a few other items. There are also several exterior pockets for all your smaller travel accessories, as well as an RFID safe pocket inside the main compartment.

The shoulder straps and the back panel are padded , for your carrying comfort.

  • Stretch side pockets
  • Padded shoulder straps and backpanel
  • RFID safe pockets
  • No hip belt or chest strap
  • Dimensions: 18.9" x 11.8" x 6.7”
  • Weight: 1.84 lbs
  • Capacity: 25 liters

4Monster Packable Daypack

4Monster Hiking Daypack,Water Resistant Lightweight Packable Backpack for Travel Camping Outdoor (Blue, 32L)

Here’s another great option for all of you on a budget – the 4Monster packable daypack is only around $20, depending on the size. This makes it one of the most affordable travel backpacks out of the bunch.

It comes in 3 different sizes, 16L, 24L and 32L which range in weight from 3.7-4.4 oz. So, yes, this pack is incredibly lightweight ! It is made from water-resistant, ripstop nylon, which is very durable. And the zipper is water resistant YKK as well, making it high quality indeed.

Another things I love about this daypack is its packability. It squeezes into 5-6 inch pouch (depending on which size you get). Making it ultra-portable. You can throw it in your luggage, bigger pack or pocket and use it whenever you want while traveling.

DISCOUNT:  Use SAVE10-EWT for 10% off at checkout .

Other decent features include the shoulder straps are covered with breathable mesh, for good ventilation on really hot days. But since this is a packable backpack, there is no padding in it whatsoever. Considering the small capacity of the bag; it shouldn’t get too heavy, so you can still stay comfortable while wearing it.

It has a spacious main compartment that can actually hold a decent amount of your gear. If you want to go ultralight get the 16L, but if you prefer more space for a rain jacket, laptop or other gear you can size-up to the 32L. There is one small front pocket and two stretchy side pockets for water bottles and the like.

Just keep in mind such packs are not super comfortable when loaded with a lot of heavy gear. And it does not have a sternum strap or hip strap, so you will need to improvise if you want it to stay put on your body while you’re walking around for hours.

  • Packable & ultra-lightweight
  • Front & side pockets
  • No sternum strap
  • Dimensions: 16.5” x 9” x 6”
  • Weight: 3.7 oz
  • Capacity: 16 liters

Herschel Travel Daypack

Herschel Travel, Black, 20.0L

Herschel backpacks  are hip and trendy – perfect for the young traveller who wants to be stylish and cool. They’re also really good travel backpacks, made from great materials with excellent features.

Their travel daypack is a great choice both for people who need a simple pack for day-to-day outings and also for those that are looking for a good carry-on.

It has three main compartments, one of which is a TSA-friendly padded laptop compartment designed to fit devices up to 15”. The interior of this compartment is also lined with fleece and features a protective strap, to ensure that your computer doesn’t just slip out when you’re unzipping the compartment.

The main compartment of the daypack is quite spacious, and can easily fit enough clothes for shorter trips. And it can fit even your bulkiest gear – DSLRs, lenses, tripods, drones, etc.

The travel daypack also has a front compartment with an organizer panel, perfect for all of your smaller items you like to keep separate and have easy access to. In addition to all that, this backpack also features a side water bottle pocket, as well as a luggage strap in the back.

That luggage strap is actually a padded and ventilated insert that will keep your lower back cool and dry even in scorching summer heats. The airmesh of the luggage sleeve is also found on the padded shoulder straps, ensuring your carrying comfort.

In addition to all that, the Herschel travel daypack also features a hidden top pocket, with hook and loop closure.

  • Carry on sized
  • Padded and ventilated harness and backpanel
  • TSA friendly laptop compartment
  • Might be too big for some people
  • Dimensions: 18.5" x 12.5" x 7”
  • Weight: 2.3 lbs
  • Capacity: 30 liters

Fjallraven Kanken Classic

Fjallraven Women's Kanken Backpack, UN Blue, One Size

The Kanken  is one of the most iconic backpacks ever. Still sporting the same style from the 70s, it’s one of the most popular daypacks with teens and young adults all over Europe.

Part of that is because it’s a hip and trendy backpack, and the other part is that it’s sort of a status symbol – these packs aren’t cheap at all.

But they’re worth every single penny, because of their amazing durability. They can easily survive more than a decade of use, which is mostly due to the tough and abrasion-resistant Vinylon fabric.

And while this travel backpack is most popular with high schoolers and college kids, I’ve also seen it on numerous travelers and digital nomads all over the world – specifically because of its excellent style and durability. And, it makes perhaps the best bag for sightseeing because it’s so light and fashionable (so it’s a great daypack for women too).

There’s also the really spacious main compartment, which can fit enough clothes for shorter trips, and not to mention all the travel gear you might need to put in a daypack.

There’s the smaller front pocket for any accessories you want to have easy access to, and the internal sleeve that’s just the right size to hold a 14” laptop. The backpack itself can contain a 15” device, but it won’t fit in the sleeve.

The shoulder straps aren’t padded, but they are really tough and convertible. In addition to that, the sleeve in the main compartment of the Kanken has a foam insert – this is supposed to keep it comfortable against your back, but also doubles as a sitting pad. A useful thing to have if you wind up in a pub with uncomfortable wooden stools.

Plus, if you don’t take it out of the sleeve, it will do a great job at protecting your laptop.

  • Timeless style
  • Spacious interior
  • Lightweight with durable exterior
  • No padding or ventilation in harness and backpanel
  • Not a lot of pockets
  • Dimensions: 12” x 15” x 11”
  • Weight: 0.7 lbs
  • Capacity: 13 liters

Mystery Ranch In and Out 19

If you are looking for the best packable backpack for your next city trip then the Mystery Ranch In and Out 19 might be the ticket. It is ultra-packable without compromising on many of the features you expect in a travel daypack. Especially since it is made from 100D Cordura, which is super-durable .

Although it is not quite 3 ounces in weight, it’s just under a pound, it’s still a pretty small pack, so it won’t weigh you down in your adventures. With a total capacity of 19 liters , this will easily hold your must-have gear, but still, stay lightweight enough that you don’t really feel it on your back.

I really like that this day backpack for travel comes with its own outside mesh zippered pocket that it is designed to pack down into . So, there are no bags to lose when it’s unpacked. There is also a stretch side pocket for your water and compression straps in case you don’t fill it completely. This makes it far more comfy to wear in my experience as your gear does not swing when you walk!

Mystery Ranch has also included space for a 2L water bladder inside in case you want to use it for sports, hiking or prefer that to carry a water bottle (I know I do). And there is a sternum strap to secure it better to your chest for those long days out while you travel.

  • Daypack features on a packable pack
  • Sternum strap
  • Lightweight
  • No hip belt
  • Water bottle pocket is small
  • Dimensions: 16.25"x9.5"x8.25"
  • Weight: 0.9 lbs
  • Capacity: 19 liters

Osprey Ultralight Stuff Pack

Osprey Ultralight Collapsible Stuff Pack, Tropic Teal

If you’re interested in a packable daypack,  Osprey’s Ultralight Stuff Pack  is a really good option. It’s quite affordable, although still not as cheap as I would have liked. But, you’re paying for the brand name, so it’s expected.

The foldable day pack is made from ripstop nylon, a material with amazing durability, abrasion and water resistance. It is not entirely waterproof, so don’t go running in the rain with it just yet – unless you decide to get a rain cover for the daypack.

One thing that makes this bag stand out from most other packable daypacks is the presence of breathable mesh on its shoulder straps. That’s not really something you expect from a daypack that folds down to a size of a pen, and a really big plus when it comes to your carrying comfort.

When I opened it completely I found its main compartment to be very spacious. Not only that, but I was surprised to see that it features an internal security pocket that is just the right size to fit your smartphone or a smaller wallet.

On the outside, it was also great to see that Osprey had added an external zippered pocket, perfect for any items you want to have more easily accessible, like your sunglasses. And there’s one stretchy exterior mesh pocket, which will easily fit your water bottle.

The only downside of this daypack is that it does not have a chest strap. Not that I would expect one from a foldable bag, but they make things more comfortable from my experience. I never walk long without putting mine on.

Now, there are ways to create your own if you really need one, so don’t skip the backpack just because of that. A cheap mattress cover clip can work just as well as a chest strap, and ensure that those lightweight shoulder straps stay put on your chest.

Are there cheaper options out there? Yes, absolutely. But will they hold up as well as this one? Probably not. The thing is, if you want a cheap packable solution, you can grab pretty much just any daypack for $10-15. But there’s a good chance it won’t survive more than one or two trips.

But if you want a lightweight, packable travel daypack that you will be able to use for a long time, Osprey Ultralight Stuff Pack is the one for you.

  • Packable & lightweight
  • Total of three exterior pockets
  • AirSpace Mesh on shoulder straps
  • Doesn’t fit 15.6” laptops
  • Pricey (for a packable daypack)
  • Dimensions: 17” x 9” x 7”
  • Weight: 3.04 oz
  • Capacity: 18 liters

AmazonBasics Ultralight Packable Day Pack

Amazon Basics Lightweight Packable Hiking Travel Day Pack Backpack - 19 x 8 x 13 Inches, 35 Liter, Red

If you’re looking for a quick and cheap solution, the AmazonBasics packable daypack is a great option. With a price point under $20, it’s a pack anyone can afford, so easily one of the best options for people on a really tight budget.

And it’s going to perform really good, as long as you know exactly what to expect from a travel daypack. It is made from durable nylon, so it’s a very sturdy bag. I actually love it for travel because it is so small, and it can easily fit into the inner pocket of your jacket.

And then when you need an actual backpack, just take it out and transform the little square of fabric into an amazing portable travel backpack.

With breathable mesh on the straps, the AmazonBasics packable daypack does a good job at keeping you cool and dry during hot weather. But keep in mind that this doesn’t have a chest strap – if you move around a lot, the straps will fall off your shoulders.

So, just be careful not to make the backpack too heavy, since it’s not going to be the most comfortable to wear.

Its main compartment is very spacious and can fit a lot of travel gear. In fact, you can choose between two sizes – a 25-liter bag and a 35-liter bag. I would personally go with the smaller one since the 35-liter bag can be really uncomfortable at full capacity.

In addition to that large main compartment, this travel daypack also features two mesh exterior pockets and an external zippered pocket. Both sizes have the exact same features, and the only difference is in their size and capacity.

Even though the daypack doesn’t have a dedicated laptop sleeve, you will be able to fit a computer inside the spacious compartment. But I wouldn’t necessarily recommend that, seeing how there’s no padding to prevent the device from poking you in the back when you travel.

  • Very affordable
  • Extremely portable
  • Ventilated shoulder straps
  • Not entirely waterproof
  • Dimensions: 17.5” x 7.5” x 11.5”
  • Weight: 5.6 oz

Pacsafe Vibe 325 Crossbody Daypack

Pacsafe Vibe 325 10 Liter Anti Theft Sling Bag/Crossbody-Fits 13 inch Laptop Casual Daypack, Black, One Size

The  Vibe anti-theft backpack by Pacsafe  is an amazing option for people who really don’t carry a lot of stuff. If you need something to keep your phone, wallet, and maybe a tablet safe, this is a really good option for you.

It’s a crossbody travel daypack, so you actually have multiple ways of carrying it. And with ventilated and padded shoulder strap and back panel, you will stay comfortable regardless of how you decide to carry  this travel bag. 

This daypack is made from cut-resistant fabric, and it features lockable zippers. The main body of the bag is made from water-resistant ripstop nylon, with steel mesh inlay that makes it slash-proof. Its interior is lined with polyester, and there’s thick padding all around the backpack.

It is designed to keep all your belongings safe, no matter where you are in the world – perfect if you’re traveling to an area that has a reputation for being a bit unsafe for tourists. The internal RFID safe pocket will protect you even from those that are trying to illegally scan your credit card or ID, which is a big bonus.

And this travel backpack is actually a lot bigger than it looks. Yes, it is small and slim, but it can easily fit a 13” MacBook or an iPad – not bad for such a compact daypack.

On top of that, there is a dedicated padded laptop sleeve inside the bag, as well as an organizer panel for your phone, wallet, and other smaller items.

This packable daypack also features an exterior zippered pocket, which is lockable just like the main compartment. Overall, if you’re leaning towards a smaller bag but would like to have the option of carrying your (13”) laptop, consider getting the Vibe.

  • Cut-proof fabric and lockable zippers
  • Fits 13” laptop in padded sleeve
  • Ventilated and padded shoulder strap
  • No exterior pockets
  • Dimensions: 15.8” x 9.1” x 3.2”
  • Weight: 1.37 lbs
  • Capacity: 10 liters

The North Face Jester Backpack

The North Face Jester Backpack, Ketchup Red, One Size

If you’re looking for one of the most spacious and comfortable travel daypacks,  the Jester by TNF  is another option worth considering. With a capacity of 28 liters, it’s one of the largest daypacks featured in this review.

And with a sturdy polyester body, comfortably padded and ventilated backpanel, and harness, it’s a backpack that you’ll be able to use both abroad and home.

The Jester is equipped with the FlexVent suspension system, which includes breathable mesh and a spine channel for optimal ventilation. It has a sternum strap that ensures the padded shoulder straps don’t slip, for ultimate carrying comfort.

This bag features a floating laptop sleeve inside the main compartment – floating means that it doesn’t touch the bottom of the bag, which protects your laptop from any bumps at the bottom of the bag. In addition to that, the main compartment is quite spacious and has more than enough space for all your necessary travel gear.

The Jester is one of the best travel daypacks for those that don’t travel light. If you’re carrying a lot of equipment when you’re traveling, you will need all the extra space you can get.

And with multiple compartments and exterior pockets, including an organizer pocket for all your smaller travel accessories, this daypack can really hold it all.

On top of all that, the Jester travel backpack also features side pockets and a bungee cord on the front panel for quickly stashing away your jacket or hoodie. The only thing it’s missing are compression straps – I would have loved to see some above the side pockets so that you could put bulkier items inside them.

  • Padded laptop sleeve
  • Ventilated and padded backpanel
  • Multiple compartments and pockets
  • No compression straps
  • Dimensions: 19.75" x 13.25" x 7.5”
  • Weight: 1.8 lbs
  • Capacity: 28 liters

Comparison Table Of Travel Daypacks

What to look for, regular vs. packable daypacks.

So, the two main types of daypacks I’ve shown you here are regular and packable daypacks. Regular daypacks are just classic backpacks designed to hold your must-have travel gear while you are exploring new and unknown cities. They usually feature some padding in the bag and harness, and some will even have great ventilation in this area.

These backpacks are a great option for people who want to have a daypack they can use even when they get back home. Maybe you need a new  everyday carry backpack,  or maybe you want to give up on a messenger bag in favor of a comfortable backpack.

Packable daypacks are those that can fold into their own pocket , and that take up no space in your luggage. If you properly fold one of these, you can pretty much just keep in the pocket of your jacket – a pretty cool option to have, especially if you’re dealing with lack of space in your luggage.

However, the thing to keep in mind about these is that you are giving up on padding . While they might be great for carrying your wallet, chargers, cameras and whatnot, they’re not going to be that comfortable to wear – these packs normally feature really thin shoulder straps, which can cut into your shoulders.

But they’re a great thing to have handy – maybe you’ve gone crazy shopping and you don’t want to carry all those heavy books and souvenirs in your hands. Take out your packable daypack and stuff it with all the items that you don’t want to carry in your hands.

The choice is entirely yours, but it’s important to know exactly what to expect from a pack before you actually buy it.

Backpack Size And Volume

A travel daypack only makes sense for people who are used to carrying a lot of items while they’re out and about exploring new cities. If you’re used to just carrying your wallet, smartphone and keys, maybe think about getting  an RFID safe wallet  or a  travel fanny pack  – they’re actually making a comeback, and they’re all the rage right now.

But if you’re anything like me and don’t like being weighed down by your heavy DSLR, tripod, laptop and a zillion different chargers, a travel daypack is a good investment. However, not just any pack will work – really think about the number of items you carry around , what it is you don’t leave the house without and how much space you need.

Maybe it’s an exterior pocket or a padded laptop sleeve. In any case, make sure that you are getting a daypack that is the right size for you – anything too small, and you won’t be able to get enough use out of it. Anything too big, and you’ll be annoyed that you’re carrying a half-empty pack everywhere.

In any case, I’d say it’s better to get a pack that’s slightly bigger than you need, because you never know when you might need that extra space . Maybe you just bought a snowball or a bottle of liquor, and you don’t feel like carrying it in your arms for the rest of the day – just throw it in your daypack and problem solved!

Compartments And Exterior Pockets

Do you normally carry a lot of gear while you are travelling? If so, you will need a backpack with multiple compartments and pockets, which will let you organize your gear and have everything handy.

If you’re used to carrying your laptop everywhere, look for a daypack with a padded sleeve or compartment that can actually fit your device . The same goes if you usually carry your tablet everywhere.

Also, what do you usually do with your jacket ? Do you always wear it, or do you wind up carrying it in your arms most of the time? If it’s the latter, look for a daypack that has bungee cords on the front panel – these are great for stashing away a spare layer of clothing . And since they’re flexible and stretchy, they can normally fit even really bulky winter jackets.

You can usually tell from the photos of each backpack how many exterior pockets and compartments it has. And if you’re wondering about the pockets inside the bag, you’ll have to check out the mini-reviews to find out.

Best Daypacks: Our Favorites

Not entirely sure which of these daypacks is best for you? That’s okay – pick up one of our favorites, and it should be the perfect fit!

The overall best daypack for travel is for anyone who loves to wander around unknown streets is the Osprey Daylite Plus . It’s the backpack that has everything, from the padded shoulder straps to the internal laptop sleeve.

It is  made from rugged materials,  which have  excellent water and abrasion resistance t o protect your gear in all circumstances. On top of that, it’s a backpack you can use for multiple purposes, from traveling to light hikes and even everyday commutes. Talk about value for money!

  • Large panel loading main compartment provides accessibility to inside contents
  • Dual stretch mesh side pockets provide additional storage options

If you’re mostly looking for a packable daypack, your best option is the 4Monster Packable Daypack . It’s  very affordable, fits into a jacket pocket when folded and it’s still a great bag.  With a spacious main compartment and  two zippered pockets,  this pack will easily fit all of your must-have travel gear.

And the  ventilated shoulder straps  will help keep you cool even during really hot days, while the  double fabric at the bottom  ensures the pack doesn’t rip no matter how much you stuff it.

  • 【Lightweight & Compact】Weight only 4 (oz), which is about half of the weight of a iphone. Easy to carry, can be folded into the wallet size fit into a pocket.
  • 【Water Resistant material】This lightweight hiking daypack is made of water-resistant material and zipper. Effectively prevent rainwater from wetting the phone or cash and other items in the backpack.

And if you’re the kind of traveler that likes to step off the beaten path, pick up the Mystery Ranch In and Out .  With a  hydration bladder pocket , this pack is perfect for all travelers who prefer the outdoors to the urban jungle.

Its made from durable materials and it features a padded and ventilated backpanel that will keep you comfortable throughout your adventures.  Plus, the multiple external compression straps let you control the shape and size of the bag, allowing you to customize it to your needs.

TETON Sports Oasis 18L Hydration Pack with Free 2-Liter water bladder; The perfect backpack for Hiking, Running, Cycling, or Commuting

  • WATER NEVER TASTED SO GOOD: During a long hike having water so convenient and still cold…there’s nothing like it. Lightweight with a custom fit, you’ll forget you have it on until you need it.18L pack give you plenty of storage for your day hike
  • HYDRATION BLADDER INCLUDED: 2-liter water bladder included; Complete with durable, kink-free sip tube and innovative push-lock cushioned bite valve; Large 2-inch (5 cm) opening for ice that also makes cleaning easy

You can check out all of the daypacks for travel featured in this review on Amazon, including our three favorite ones. Head over there to see their prices and color options.

If you still haven’t found the perfect daypack for you, check out our related posts. We’ve done reviews on most of the backpacks worth buying, and one of them has to be right for you!

Best Place to Buy Travel Daypacks

Now, you might be wondering where is the best place to buy a daypack for travel. After all, it can be quite confusing figuring out which travel daypack to buy, but then you have to figure out which store to get it from!

From my experience buying dozens of backpacks for my travels over the years, I would recommend the following options:

  • REI (They have lots of options for travel & hiking daypacks)
  • Amazon (for more general & fashionable daypacks)
  • 4Monster – Packable bags
  • Pacsafe – Anti-theft daypacks

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best size for a travel daypack.

The ideal size for a travel daypack is between 20-30 litres. This gives you enough space to carry around your daily essentials like water, food, a rain jacker or umbrella, a laptop or camera and a book. If you tend to carry even more, then start with 30+ litres.

What should I pack in my travel daypack?

Some of the best items to pack in your daypack include: - a water bottle - snacks - sunscreen - umbrella or rain jacket - charging cable & battery - camera or drone - guidebook - tickets, cash, credit cards, id

Can a daypack be a personal item?

A backpack can qualify as a personal item on a plane if it is small enough to fit under the seat in front. I usually carry my travel daypack on internal flights and have never had a problem.


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10 Best Travel Day Packs (2021 Edition)

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Ashley Rossi

Ashley Rossi is always ready for her next trip. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram for travel tips, destination ideas, and off the beaten path spots.

After interning at SmarterTravel, Ashley joined the team full time in 2015. She's lived on three continents, but still never knows where her next adventure will take her. She's always searching for upcoming destination hotspots, secluded retreats, and hidden gems to share with the world.

Ashley's stories have been featured online on USA Today, Business Insider, TripAdvisor, Huffington Post, Jetsetter, and Yahoo! Travel, as well as other publications.

The Handy Item I Always Pack : "A reusable filtered water bottle—it saves you money, keeps you hydrated, and eliminates waste—win-win."

Ultimate Bucket List Experience : "A week in a bamboo beach hut on India's Andaman Islands."

Travel Motto : "Travel light, often, and in good company."

Aisle, Window, or Middle Seat : "Window—best view in the house."

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Never underestimate the power of a good travel day pack on a trip. These versatile day packs are perfect for any active vacation or even for a city getaway if a backpack is more your style than a purse. Plus, if you run out of space in your bag on the way home, they make for a great spare carry-on.

Patagonia Lightweight Travel Tote Pack 27L

patagonia ultralight black hole tote bag.

This hybrid tote/backpack is one of the best day packs for travel because of its dual functionality and lightweight material. Though it’s not heavy, it’s well made and resistant to both tears and wet weather.

The main compartment is zippered, and there are two mesh water bottle side pockets, as well as a large zippered front pocket, so it can hold all of your carry-on essentials . The 27-liter size makes it roomy enough for an overnight stay, but it folds into itself for easy storage.

travel day pack o2

Gonex Packable Daypack

gonex packable daypack.

Gonex makes a great streamlined pack that stuffs into its own small pouch. The material is a lightweight but strong nylon that’s resistant to rain and tears. It has one main compartment as well as a few smaller ones, making it one of the best travel day packs to keep you organized without adding a lot of weight.

travel day pack o2

Public Rec Pro Pack Plus

travel day pack o2

This offering from Public Rec is a sturdy option for those looking to do some hiking or other outdoor activities. Even though the bag is made of strong polyester, it’s still lightweight and waterproof. It has a padded sleeve for a 15-inch laptop, stretch-woven side pockets, a padded shoulder harness, and a zippered top pocket for essentials.

travel day pack o2

Matador Freerain24 Backpack

travel day pack o2

The Matador Freerain is the latest style in Matador’s compact packs range. This ultra-light style is watertight with waterproof rolltop construction, making it super durable for any type of outdoor activity. It has a 24-liter main compartment, dual side pockets, and a front vertical pocket for easy access to essential items.  

travel day pack o2

Osprey Daylite Backpack 13L

osprey daylite pack.

Whether you’re taking a city tour or a summit excursion, the Osprey Daylite is the perfect travel day pack. For hikers, it has a slot for a hydration bladder and is designed to be attached/removed from larger Osprey bags. For the urban traveler, it has a large main compartment, front pocket, and side mesh pockets. At 13 liters, it’s on the smaller side, but it still fits everything you would need for a day.

Sherpani Camden Pack

sherpani camden bag.

This is a great travel day pack for urban travel due to its zipper locks, RFID-protected pocket, laptop sleeve, and flexible straps: It can be carried as a tote, worn as a backpack, or worn crossbody. There’s also a zippered luggage pass-through sleeve so you can put it over the handle of your carry-on at the airport.

Herschel Supply Co. Nova Mid Volume Backpack

nova mid volume backpack.

This stylish travel day pack option holds a 13-inch laptop in the padded sleeve compartment and has internal and external pockets to hold your essentials. The main compartment zips shut, and the shoulder straps are padded.

travel day pack o2

Fjallraven Kanken Classic

travel day pack o2

I’ve been flying with my Kanken as my personal item for more than a year now and I love its size, durability, and shape. The Classic style makes for the perfect travel day bag as well, with a roomy main compartment and front pocket for your essentials. The simple design is stylish, and you can fit a surprising amount of clothing and gear inside.

REI Co-op Flash 18 Pack

travel day pack o2

REI’s Flash Pack is a travel day pack with dual functionality. Simply turn it inside out and the backpack doubles as a stuff sack for packing. This day pack is super comfortable to wear with a lightly padded back panel—which also slips out to double as a seating pad—as well as padded shoulder straps and a detachable hip belt and sternum strap. The sternum-strap buckle can also be used as a safety whistle. And at 18 liters, it’s the perfect size for day trips. What can’t this day pack do?  

travel day pack o2

Cotopaxi Luzon 18L Packable Daypack

travel day pack o2

Cotopaxi makes a great lightweight travel day pack, perfect for hiking. The 18-liter pack has a large main compartment with an internal hydration sleeve, mesh shoulder straps, a front zippered pocket, buckled strap support, and a top drawstring closure.

More from SmarterTravel:

  • How to Pack a Backpack: 5 Essential Tips
  • 9 Great Crossbody Bags for Travel
  • How to Choose the Perfect Suitcase

Some review products are sent to us free of charge and with no incentive to offer a favorable review. We offer our unbiased opinions, positive and negative, and will never accept compensation to review a product.

Editor’s note: This story was originally published in 2017. It has been updated to reflect the most current information.

We hand-pick everything we recommend and select items through testing and reviews. Some products are sent to us free of charge with no incentive to offer a favorable review. We offer our unbiased opinions and do not accept compensation to review products. All items are in stock and prices are accurate at the time of publication. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission.

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O2 Travel International Roaming Review: Countries, Speeds & Fair Usage

travel day pack o2

On O2, you can use your mobile phone abroad at no extra cost in up to 75 destinations, depending on your price plan.

travel day pack o2

The countries in which you’re able to use the O2 Travel offer depends on the price plan you have. On O2’s Pay As You Go plans, you’ll have access to international roaming at no extra cost in 43 European destinations. This increases to 48 destinations on Pay Monthly plans, and to 75 destinations on Pay Monthly Plus (and on regular Pay Monthly plans if you’re living in a Virgin Media household ).

In this article, we’ll review the O2 Travel offer including the countries where you’re able to use it and how much it will cost. We’ll also look at data speeds when abroad, the fair usage policy on O2 Travel and alternative roaming offers from other networks. Finally, we’ll look at how you can keep your current phone number if you’re moving to O2 to take advantage of their O2 Travel offer.

  • 1.1 O2 Europe Zone Countries
  • 1.2 O2 Travel Inclusive Zone Countries
  • 1.3 O2 Travel Countries
  • 2 Roaming Speeds
  • 3.1 Within Europe
  • 3.2 Outside Europe
  • 4 Keeping Your Phone Number
  • 5 More Information

What is O2 Travel?

On most O2 price plans, it’s possible to use your mobile phone abroad when travelling to other countries. The destinations that are included within the O2 Travel offer depend on the type of price plan you have:

For customers with an O2 mobile broadband plan , the O2 Travel offer isn’t currently available. This is because international roaming is not available on O2’s mobile broadband service.

O2 Europe Zone Countries

travel day pack o2

The following destinations are part of O2’s European roaming zone (locations marked with a † are only available on Pay Monthly plans) :

  • Canary Islands
  • Czech Republic
  • French Guiana
  • Isle of Man†
  • Liechtenstein
  • Netherlands
  • Saint Barthelemy
  • Saint Martin
  • Switzerland†
  • Vatican City

† If you’re an O2 Pay As You Go customer, inclusive roaming is not available in 5 European destinations (Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Jersey, Monaco and Switzerland). Instead, you’ll need to pay £1.99/day for up to 100MB of data in these countries.

Within Europe, you’re able to use your inclusive minutes and texts to contact any other number within O2’s Europe Zone. Your usage of European roaming is subject to the fair usage policy described here : the most important being that it should only be used “for periodic travel, like holidays or short breaks”. If you use your mobile phone abroad for 63 days or more in any four-month period, O2 reserves the right to apply a regulated surcharge to your usage (currently 3.3p/minute, 1p/text and £3.50/GB).

You’ll be able to use up to 25GB data per month when abroad (or less if your normal UK data allowance is less than 25GB).

On O2’s Pay As You Go plans including Big Bundles , roaming is not included in Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Jersey, Monaco or Switzerland. In these places, you can pay £1.99/day for 100MB of data.

O2 Travel Inclusive Zone Countries

travel day pack o2

Within O2’s Travel Inclusive Zone countries, you’ll get unlimited minutes, texts and data when abroad in the following destinations:

  • El Salvador
  • New Zealand
  • United States

There’s traffic management applied when you’re abroad, so your download speeds could be slowed down, depending on your usage.

O2 Travel Countries

travel day pack o2

You can use the £6 per day O2 Travel offer in all of the following destinations:

  • British Virgin Islands
  • Cayman Islands
  • Costa Rica*
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador*
  • Madagascar*
  • Netherlands Antilles
  • New Zealand*
  • Saint Lucia
  • South Africa
  • St Kitts & Nevis
  • St Vincent & the Grenadines
  • Trinidad & Tobago
  • Turks & Caicos islands
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United States*

* This country is also part of the O2 Travel Inclusive Zone offer. If your tariff includes this offer, you won’t need to pay the £4.99/day charge.

To opt-in to the O2 Travel offer, text TRAVEL to 23336. It can take up to 24 hours for O2 Travel to be enabled on your account so it’s best to opt-in before departing on your trip. To opt-out of the offer and to pay O2’s standard international roaming rates instead, text NOTRAVEL to 23336.

The £6 per day O2 Travel offer isn’t available to customers on O2 Pay As You Go .

Roaming Speeds

travel day pack o2

According to their terms and conditions , there’s now a download speed limit of 2Mbps when you’re travelling abroad in other countries. This has applied from June 2022.

The 2Mbps speed limit should be enough for most day-to-day use such as browsing the web, sending messages and using social media. It’s also enough for things like maps and for listening to music. If you’re streaming online video, it should be possible to stream in standard-definition. However, it won’t be possible to stream in HD quality.

Fair Usage Policy

O2 has a fair usage policy for their O2 Travel international roaming service. The fair usage policy depends on whether you’re travelling to another European country or to a country outside of Europe.

Within Europe

travel day pack o2

According to O2’s terms and conditions , a surcharge may be applied for your usage if you spend more 63 days abroad in Europe over a rolling 4-month period. If you exceed the 63-day limit, O2 should give you the opportunity to demonstrate prevailing use in the UK. They should also give you two weeks notice before a surcharge is applied at a rate of 3.3p/minute, 1p/text and £4.50/GB of data.

Outside Europe

travel day pack o2

  • The download speeds available for file transfer, online gaming, peer-to-peer downloads and network backup services is restricted. According to O2, these services “may not work with O2 Travel”.
  • Audio and video streaming optimisation are in use. This may reduce the quality of your streaming content when abroad.
  • The use of tethering and personal hotspot is not permitted in O2 Travel countries. This means you’re unable to share your data connection with other devices.
  • When using O2 Travel outside Europe, your SIM card can only be used inside a smartphone.

Keeping Your Phone Number

travel day pack o2

If you’re joining O2 to take advantage of their O2 Travel offer, it’s a straightforward process to keep your current phone number .

To do so, ask your current mobile network to provide you with a PAC Code . You can get this through your mobile network’s website or app, or by texting PAC to 65075.

Once you’ve received the PAC Code from your old network, order your new mobile phone or SIM card from the O2 website. When it arrives, you can provide the PAC Code to O2 by submitting it through this online form . Your phone number transfer will then be scheduled by O2, normally for the next working day.

For a step-by-step guide on moving your phone number to O2 , please select your current mobile network from the drop down menu below:

Select your current mobile network:

Your current mobile network... BT Mobile EE giffgaff O2 Sky Mobile Three Virgin Mobile Vodafone 1pMobile ASDA Mobile Honest Mobile iD Mobile Lebara Mobile Lycamobile Orange Plusnet Mobile Smarty Superdrug Mobile Talk Home Talkmobile TalkTalk Mobile Tesco Mobile T-Mobile Vectone Mobile VOXI

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More Information

For more information about O2 Travel, please see O2’s official website .

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10 Best Travel Daypacks For Your Next Getaway

They'll let you enjoy the sights while keeping your stuff handy, wherever you're headed.

travel daypack

Every product was carefully curated by an Esquire editor. We may earn a commission from these links.

Packable Daypack


Herschel packable daypack.

Stowaway Ultralight Day Pack


L.l.bean stowaway ultralight day pack.

Daylite Daypack


Osprey daylite daypack.

Mountain Daypack - S


The north face mountain daypack - s.

Refugio 26L Day Pack


Patagonia refugio 26l day pack.

Lite Daypack


Bellroy lite daypack.

Daypack Tech

Most functional Travel DAYPACK

Topo designs daypack tech.

Day Pack 2


Aer day pack 2.

Cargo Series 25L Daypack + 3-Can Cooler


Carhartt cargo series 25l daypack + 3-can cooler.

Aero Backpack


Troubadour aero backpack.

Whatever your travel needs are, daypacks are always a good choice because they can satisfy all the following needs: Commuting to the office , daily errand runs, a day trip away from downtown, or a weekend flight to your cousin's whatever... the list is endless. Below, we've selected 10 best daypacks for travel that'll let you enjoy the world around you while keeping your stuff handy , whatever they are, and wherever they're headed.

Herschel's daypack will keep your act together, like how it did to the two riders on the subway I observed. At its best, it's a trek- and camp-friendly bag, that's saying nothing of its ability to fold onto itself and be easily stored elsewhere, or its classic look that won't muddle with your office-wear.

It can't get more classic than looking like an old-timey hiker in a Carhartt beanie, Columbia jacket, and L.L.Bean Stowaway daypack. Updated to be lighter and more durable, it can collapse into its own pocket to be stashed in your luggage.

The terrain you'll trek through, or the asphalt your feet will cover will be no match for the great companionship you get in Osprey's Daylite. The daypack is meant for packing light—which also means packing smart—so that you won't stay out too late.

Shop large size

The knee-jerk reaction of any outdoorsmen when they realize they lack a travel backpack is probably to go to The North Face and sleuth it out. That sharp-witted impulse will really prove itself well if it includes getting the weather-resistant Mountain, a daypack that fits enough and more for a morning hike, or work.


Patagonia's vests are for the finance bros. Its backpacks are, however, for those who actually enjoy what life has to offer—a demographic that may or may not include those men in suits. Refugio has the volume, fit, and burly build for that trail you'll probably be hopping on soon, warding off raindrops, dust, and wear and tear in the meantime.

$99 at amazon

Not only did Bellroy release a compact, under-one-pound daypack in its latest Lite range of bags, but it also released it in a packable finish with so many pockets for different odds and ends. Those with an active, on-the-go lifestyle couldn't possibly complain.

If you just want to pack stuff in, out of sight, out of mind, the buck for you stops at Topo Designs' daypack. It comes with two large compartments on the outside and inside, and easy access pockets for smaller knickknacks. It'll be packed full of laptops, gear, and even an axe if your trip involves an ice cave.

This proves that daypacks can look slick. You can now travel to work or around the world—or just to Equinox—like a devoted minimalist. At its size, it holds enough of what you'll pack and organize them neatly. The waterproof nylon outer will guard the bits and bobs inside the fortress.

Carhartt is known to be the stout, heavy-duty guy you can rely on for a long time coming. But with its cooler daypack, it's also a fun guy you can raise a can of beer or soda with, in case you prefer some company or the shitty weather is pissing you off.

Aero was not born to be a daypack; in fact, that moniker is nowhere to be found on its ID. But, with storage of 34 liters, an array of pockets for shoes and outdoors accessories, and a waterproof build, this bad boy might as well be. Its clean lines also won't look out of place in the wild, because your panache doesn't stop at the indoors.

Types of Daypacks

travel daypacks

You see a backpack, so you take it wherever you go. That's how backpacks work. Daypacks just happen to be larger, burlier, and tougher for roughing it. A travel daypack and a daypack for hiking often have enough space and smarter interior organization for a variety of outdoor gear like shoes, gadgets, clothes, and something to eat or drink.

And then there's packable daypack that can be folded onto itself to be stored in your luggage during your travel. It's considered the spare, extra bag you'll need when your main carrying option is too big or heavy. As such, packable daypacks are often lightweight and flexible.

What to Look for in Daypacks

  • Capacity : If for a day trip, don't stray too far away from 20L-to-25L daypacks; A daypack nicely under 20L will also suffice. If for a longer outing, shoot for larger, more spacious daypacks that can really pack. Most of the time, larger capacity begets larger dimension and heavier weight, but fabric and material also play a role.
  • Material : If a backpack is built for traveling, it likely already comes in durable fabrics that can withstand nature's curveball. Polyester is the common, basic one that's not too shabby. Going from there you've got ripstop that's anti-tear-and-rip, or nylon that's water-resistant. There's even ballistic nylon or Cordura that are weather-resistant. Hence, most daypacks are pretty impervious to accidental harm.

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The Best Packable Daypack for Travel

The Away The Packable Backpack, one of our picks for best packable daypacks for travel.

By Kit Dillon

Kit Dillon is a writer focused on bags and travel gear. He has worked for Wirecutter for a decade and lost count of the number of bags he has tested.

Packable daypacks are a perfect option if you need a lightweight spare bag to stash inside your luggage when you travel. They’re also great if you need an extra bag while running an unexpected errand during your daily commute.

After testing 18 packable daypacks, we chose four lightweight, portable, well-constructed bags to fit a variety of situations, including traveling, hiking, and commuting.

Although every trip has its specific considerations, the bags we recommend share a few similar qualities. All of them are water resistant to some degree, pack down small enough to fit easily into a carry-on bag, and hold at least 20 liters comfortably. We picked a bag for city travelers , a pack good enough for daily use , and a lightweight bag that stays dry in stormy weather . For space-conscious travelers, we have a pick that fits in the palm of your hand .

The research

Why you should trust us, compact and comfortable: away the packable backpack, more structure: waterfield packable backpack, a lightweight bag to carry in the rain: matador freerain22 waterproof packable backpack, a pack that fits in your palm: sea to summit ultra-sil day pack, how we picked and tested, other good packable bags, the competition.

I’ve covered travel luggage and bag design for Wirecutter for nine years and have personally researched, tested, and compared hundreds of bags in that time.

For this guide, I built on previous years of experience and research by a writer and two editors who have, among them, worked remotely from every continent except Antarctica.

We developed our earliest criteria for this piece after doing an interview with Sara Morrow, an archaeologist who spends summers working expeditions on a small island off the coast of Ireland. She uses a packable daypack to transport her tools, notebooks, and personal items between the base camp and dig sites, and she considers it a necessity in the field.

Personally, I try to pack lightly and almost always travel with at least one packable bag to use on small day journeys once I’ve reached my destination.

The Away The Packable Backpack, one of our picks for best packable daypacks for travel.

Away The Packable Backpack

Compact and comfortable.

Remarkably light and easy to compress, this bag ticks all the boxes for daily use while traveling: comfortable, quietly stylish, and sturdy.

Buying Options

Who this is for: It’s a good option for anyone who wants a packable bag that takes up as much space as a pair of socks but is still comfortable. Its casual look is also unlikely to draw attention when you’re walking around.

Away’s The Packable Backpack is made of a blend of light recycled nylon, with classic, if somewhat minimal, good looks.

It doesn’t weigh much, and it’s comfortable to wear. On your shoulders, the only thing that sets this bag apart from a regular backpack is the lack of structure, a side effect of the bag’s 7-ounce weight. It doesn’t have the same reassuring heft of a traditional backpack (no packable bag does), but when it’s filled with a few odds and ends, its wide straps and sensible shape are comfortable to carry on your back. To save on weight, Away designed the top of the bag like a cinch tote with a flip cover—a simple and effective solution.

It packs up small. When not in use, it rolls up and fits into a separate zippered pouch; it’s about the size of a bunched-up heavy T-shirt.

It’s well made and well priced. For a bag of this quality, it’s an excellent bargain. Away uses the same materials in similarly designed packable tote and sling bags, which we recommend if you’re looking for packable options that aren’t backpacks.

Flaws but not dealbreakers

A minor quibble is the lack of internal organization beyond the one small, zippered wallet pocket. If you need more organization, the WaterField Packable Backpack has another front pocket and bottle holders. But it’s such a small complaint for bags in this category that it’s hard to call it a flaw.

  • Expanded dimensions: 18.1 by 11 by 5.9 inches (height by width by depth)
  • Packed dimensions: 7 by 4.5 by 2.5 inches
  • Weight: 7 ounces
  • Capacity: 19 liters
  • Warranty: 100-day return and one-year warranty

A black WaterField Packable Backpack, one of our picks for best packable daypacks for travel.

WaterField Packable Backpack

A more structured pack.

Slightly heavier weight and more-advanced materials give this backpack a reassuring heft and impressive water resistance—and a high price tag. It’s comfortable enough to use as your daily backpack.

Who this is for: Anyone who values a slightly mature look with extra durability and protection from the rain will appreciate this pack. However, it is our most expensive pick.

The WaterField Packable Backpack is a well-built travel backpack that marries the heft of a regular backpack with the compactness of an easy-to-pack tote.

It looks and feels like a regular backpack. In addition to being the most traditional-looking backpack of our picks, it feels the most like a traditional backpack. The shoulder straps, which are ergonomically shaped and lined with breathable mesh fabric, make the bag easier to carry over long distances.

It has more organization. WaterField’s Packable Backpack has a front zippered pocket and two open side pockets that could hold a water bottle and an umbrella. When you’re not using the bag, you can fold it down into a built-in packing pocket, which doubles as an interior zippered pocket when the bag is on your back.

Its high performance matches its high price. However, it’s WaterField’s attention to materials that sets this bag apart from our other picks (and increases the overall price). A layer of Taslan nylon—a very thin, but sturdy, fabric—is layered with a structural tricot mesh and a robust water-resistant coating. Water practically bounced away from this bag during testing—even more so than with our pick from Matador —so it’s a good option for wet climates.

  • The Waterfield Packable Backpack weighs about 12 ounces; it’s heavier than our other picks but not by much. The bag holds 16 liters of stuff, which is on the smaller side compared with our other picks but still plenty big for a single traveler on a walk. It doesn’t pack down as small as our other picks.
  • It’s a little tricky to pack into its self-contained pocket. It’s not as simple as just inverting it and stuffing away to your heart’s content. You have to do a series of particular folds to pack the bag properly, which WaterField shared in a video . There’s a fine line between portability and irritability, and this bag cuts that line very close.
  • Expanded dimensions: 15 by 11 by 6 inches (height by width by depth)
  • Packed dimensions: 9 by 9 by 3 inches
  • Weight: 12 ounces
  • Capacity: 16 liters
  • Warranty: “practical lifetime” repair or replacement

A person wearing a black Matador Freerain22 Waterproof Packable Backpack.

Matador Freerain22 Waterproof Packable Backpack

A lightweight bag to carry in the rain.

This bag will keep your things dry during adventures in wet climates or unpredictable weather. It packs down to about the size of a potato, but its lack of overall structure isn’t ideal for long hikes or days of carrying.

Who this is for: If you need a spare lightweight bag that can stand up to the elements while taking up very little space, the Freerain22 backpack is for you.

The Matador Freerain22 Waterproof Packable Backpack is excellent in wet climates or anywhere where you might realistically expect to get caught in the rain—think hiking around Seattle or touring London in the fall.

Close-up of a person wearing the Matador Freerain 24 2.0 to show the water bottle holder on the side of the backpack.

It’s mini but mighty. The Freerain22 backpack folds down so small—to about the size of a pocket camera—that it feels like a magic trick. Made from 30-denier abrasion-resistant Cordura nylon (denier is a measure of the fiber thickness in a fabric), it kept our things dry even in a rainstorm, although a small amount of humidity and moisture did get in on occasion while we were hiking around Hawaii. The main compartment opens and closes with a roll top that buckles down on the sides like a dry bag. It’s the best possible design if you’re serious about keeping out water.

It’s versatile—to a point. During our testing, it worked well for travel and on the trail, as long as we didn’t try to carry too much, too far. This pack’s mesh shoulder straps, though very breathable and wide enough to distribute the weight, are like two pieces of hosiery: barely there. And though they are wide enough to resist pinching, a thin strip of fabric can only do so much to protect your clavicles. In addition to using this pack for travel and hikes, we also liked to throw the Freerain22 pack into a jacket pocket in case it rained during commutes around town.

It has some nice extras. Along with a sternum strap, removable hip strap, and loops to hold trekking poles or ice axes, it has two side pockets for water bottles, with side buckles for securing the containers in place, and a zippered front pocket. Other than that, it doesn’t have much organization. But that’s not why you buy a bag like this. The Freerain22 backpack is best as a just-in-case bag. It’s so small that you can bring it with you everywhere, and when you need it, you’ll be glad you have it.

  • The compromises that are necessary to shrink a bag this small also become its flaws. The shoulder straps are so thin and insubstantial that it’s impossible for the Freerain22 backpack to be comfortable over long distances, especially when you’re carrying more than 10 pounds.
  • Some of our testers also found that the shoulder straps, though adjustable, were so long that they couldn’t get the straps short enough to fit their shoulders and frame.
  • It’s not as structured as our other picks—it feels more like a reusable shopping bag on your back. If you want a stiffer, more traditional backpack feel, consider the WaterField Packable Backpack .
  • Expanded dimensions: 19.5 by 11 by 9.5 inches (height by width by depth)
  • Packed dimensions: 5 by 3 inches (length by diameter)
  • Weight: 6.6 ounces
  • Capacity: 22 liters
  • Warranty: one-year repair or replacement

A person wearing a yellow and gray Sea to Summit Ultra-Sil Day Pack.

Sea to Summit Ultra-Sil Travel Day Pack

A pack that fits in your palm.

Toss this lightweight, phone-size packable bag into your luggage or coat pocket, and you’ll never get caught without a spare bag again. If you need something to carry more often, though, you might prefer one of our more structured picks.

Who this is for: It’s fantastic for anyone who needs a light, spare bag that they can take with them anywhere, anytime.

The Sea to Summit Ultra-Sil Day Pack is perfect to keep in your pocket or in the glove compartment of your car—it’s handy for when, say, you need a spare bag at the market.

Close-up of a person holding a folded Ultra-Sil Day Pack in the palm of their hand.

It’s our most packable pick. The Ultra-Sil pack is the smallest and lightest packable backpack we recommend. Packed up, it’s very discreet: nearly the size of a keychain accessory.

It’s tougher than it looks. The bag itself is a no-frills sack made from a paper-thin siliconized Cordura nylon, which means it’s very light and water resistant. It has reinforced stitching at stress points, so it can carry more weight than you would expect. That said, since this pack is made of such thin, light material, carrying large or awkwardly shaped loads is somewhat uncomfortable, especially when compared with our more-structured picks.

  • With a bag this small and light, any flaw is an aspect of its narrowly engineered use. Are the shoulder straps thin? Of course! Would it be nice if this bag—which deploys from a small sack that fits in the palm of your hand—had more back padding? Yes. But that would also make it larger and heavier. If you’re not willing to trade some comfort to get the smallest possible carry, this isn’t the bag for you.
  • The bag also won’t keep your things dry in the rain like some of our other picks, such as the Waterfield Packable Backpack or the Matador Freerain22 Waterproof Packable Backpack .
  • Expanded dimensions: 19 by 11 by 8 inches (height by width by depth)
  • Packed dimensions: 3.5 by 2 by 1.5 inches
  • Weight: 2.5 ounces
  • Capacity: 20 liters
  • Warranty: lifetime repair or replacement

Several packable daypacks we tested, shown side by side.

Depending on whether you plan to scale cliffs or tour museums , certain features become more or less important when you’re choosing a day bag.

To help make sense of what to prioritize among the dozens of available options, we pored over articles across many outdoor publications and consulted other comparative reviews and advice from sources such as REI and GearLab .

We also considered our own experiences to determine what makes a great packable daypack. Here’s what we look for:

  • Weight and size: The whole point of a packable daypack is that it packs well, so weight and compressed size are important factors. Carrying capacity generally correlates to the weight and size of a bag, except in more explicitly technical packs, which may cut down on weight by using lighter, but more expensive, materials.
  • Ergonomic features: Stowable daypacks can look and feel like stuff sacks with straps, or they can be full, ergonomically shaped backpacks. The wearability of a bag usually comes down to its load distribution and support system (such as the sternum strap on the Matador Freerain22 Waterproof Packable Backpack ).
  • Organization: Most packable daypacks come with at least two compartments—the largest, or main, compartment and the (often attached) pouch into which the whole pack stows away. Beyond those, an external pocket that can hold small, frequent-use items (such as keys) or sleeves for water bottles are useful. The drawback of adding more organization is that it decreases the packability of a bag and often contributes to weight.
  • High-quality materials: Because a packable daypack needs to be able to carry at least some weight when in use but still fold up for storage, materials make the difference between a lightweight pack that feels cheap and flimsy versus one that you feel confident filling to the max and carrying into a rainstorm. The fabrics and composite materials used in higher-quality bags are light and durable but remain nearly invulnerable to water.
  • 15- to 25-liter capacity: This seems to be the ideal range for a pack that can hold a full day’s worth of stuff while remaining reasonably lightweight and portable. It’s enough to accommodate a 13-inch laptop, along with some rain protection, a camera, an extra layer of clothing, and whatever else you might need for a day about town.
  • Weather resistance and durability: Although a few bags we liked, such as the Matador Freerain22 pack and the WaterField Packable Backpack , come extremely close, total waterproofing is a lot to ask of any lightweight bag. At a minimum, a pack should provide enough protection to keep you and your gear dry through at least a few minutes of wet weather. The better packs often feature more-careful construction, which is visible in details such as sealed and tighter stitching (our pick from Matador), self-sealing YKK zippers (our pick from Away), and reinforced bottoms (our pick from WaterField).

If you’re planning some heavy excursions and looking for the absolute best equipment: You might consider the Hyperlite Summit 30 . It’s a remarkable piece of equipment, a full-size 30-liter backpack weighing only 0.8 pounds. Made of Dyneema composite fabric, Hyperlite backpacks are highly water resistant and long-lasting. And each one folds up to take the same space as a couple of T-shirts. Most people looking for a spare travel bag don’t need a $200 ultralight backpack designed for hiking. But for a rare type of traveler, the Summit 30 might be the best choice.

If you need a heavy-duty bag for hiking: The Matador Beast28 Ultralight Technical Backpack is a capable hiking daypack that’s hydration-bladder compatible, but not everyone needs a packable bag this hefty. Alone, it’s 1.25 pounds, which is heavier than any of our picks. For the price, we prefer the simplicity of our other picks. But the Beast28 is a good bag, albeit with a large footprint even when it’s packed up.

If none of our picks are available: Consider the REI Co-op Flash 18 Pack , another decent choice in the sub-$50 cinch-top-bag category. It’s a fine alternative, but for a little more money you get a lot more value with our other choices.

Aer Go Pack 2 : The previous version was a pick, but the current model is too bulky to be packable; it takes up more space in your suitcase than would ever be worth it on a trip.

Cotopaxi Luzon 18L Backpack : This is a decent small backpack, but the drawstring closure top kept this out of consideration. Not only are drawstrings a hazard if they slip out, but they are prone to breaking, and the cinch closure is useless against bad weather.

Dakine Packable Backpack 22L : These are tempting bags, especially for the price. But the fabric (115-denier recycled nylon) feels thin and underwhelming—although it’s Bluesign approved, which we like. The problem is the bag’s closure, which only has a cinch top. If Dakine added a lid that could close over the design similar to Away’s The Packable Backpack , we’d likely make it a pick.

Eddie Bauer Stowaway Packable 20L Backpack : This bag was previously our runner-up pick for hikers. Its zipper and material felt flimsy enough that we were concerned they would fail with long-term use.

Fjällräven High Coast Foldsack 24 : This is a good bag at a slightly high price, but it didn’t make the cut for us because of its weight and large size even when rolled up.

Gonex 20L Lightweight Packable Backpack : Although it has rave reviews online , we found the stitching was more fragile than we like to recommend.

L.L.Bean Stowaway Pack : The Stowaway Pack was organized and comfortable enough that we liked carrying it on the hiking trail, but we preferred our pick from Matador for its better weatherproofing.

Mystery Ranch In and Out 19 : The In and Out 19 is made of a 100-denier Cordura nylon, which was strong but too heavy for us. The biggest mystery during our testing was how to fold this bag back into its pouch.

Patagonia Ultralight Black Hole Tote Pack 27L : This is simply a bad design for a tourist. The tote’s large handles, which hang loosely off the back of the bag when it’s worn as a backpack, are a huge red flag for personal safety and security. And all the extra straps and connections make carrying and using the bag a pain.

REI Co-op Stuff Travel Pack - 20L : This is a competitor of the Matador Freerain22 pack that falls short. It mimics our Matador pick in its design, but not in the quality of its materials. Its flimsier fabric and zipper will fail sooner.

This article was edited by Ria Misra and Christine Ryan.

Meet your guide

travel day pack o2

Kit Dillon is a senior staff writer at Wirecutter. He was previously an app developer, oil derrick inspector, public-radio archivist, and sandwich shop owner. He has written for Popular Science, The Awl, and the New York Observer, among others. When called on, he can still make a mean sandwich.

Further reading

Various travel gear items laid out on a yellow background.

The Best Gear for Travel

by Wirecutter Staff

We put in another year and tens of thousands more miles of travel to test the best travel gear—and we stand by last year’s choices alongside a few new picks.

A person standing outside in a light blue short sleeve shirt wears the Cotopaxi Allpa 35L backpack, in black with a gray llama-head logo and aqua accents.

The Best Carry-On Travel Backpacks

by Kit Dillon

The Cotopaxi Allpa 35L is our backpack pick for most travelers. We also have picks for other travelers, including those who want to carry a bit more.

Three of our favorite backpacks, totes and duffle bags on display

Wirecutter’s Favorite Bags, Totes, Backpacks and Carryalls

by Truth Headlam

Whether you’re going to school, work, the gym, the store, or on vacay, you need a bag. Here’s the Wirecutter-recommended carrying gear we love most.

illustration of a woman standing in front of several layers of mountains

Essential Gear for Traveling Solo

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20 Best Travel Daypacks of 2024

You’re spoiled for choice when looking for the best travel daypack. These 18 options will help you navigate any adventure.

20 Best Travel Daypacks of 2024

Looking for a new daypack to carry your gear in comfort and style? With hundreds of options out there, it can be difficult to sift through all the mediocre products to find the best travel daypack for you.

Your daypack will be your constant companion while you travel, so it’s essential to pick one that is comfortable, functional, and durable.

I’ve dug through the details on dozens of different packs and put them to the test in the real world. Read on for my picks of the best daypacks for travel across a wide range of categories. Whether you need a pack for hitting the trail, traveling the world, or commuting to work, you’re sure to find one that fits your needs.

Moment MTW 17L Daypack

Moment MTW 17L Daypack

This daypack is the best all-around backpack for ANY type of adventure, whether you’re hiking, commuting, or just exploring a new city! It comes at a great price, too.

  • Best Daypack Overall: Moment MTW 17L Daypack
  • Most Affordable Daypack: REI Co-op Flash 18 Pack
  • Best Lightweight Daypack: Osprey Daylite
  • Best Commuting Backpack: Timbuk2 Parker Commuter
  • Best Laptop Backpack: NOMATIC Backpack
  • Best Camera Daypack: WANDRD PRVKE
  • Best Hiking Daypack: Osprey Talon 22
  • Most Versatile Daypack: Osprey Arcane
  • Best Daypack for Travel in Europe: Able Carry Daily Plus
  • Best Waterproof Daypack: Rains Backpack
  • Best Women’s Daypack: Timbuk2 WMN Never Check Day Backpack
  • Best Men's Daypack: Bellroy Venture Ready
  • Best Tactical Daypack: Mission Workshop Rhake
  • Best Daypack for a Classic Backpack Style: Fjallraven Kanken Classic
  • Best Packable Daypack: Sea to Summit Ultra-Sil Day Pack
  • Best Packable Waterproof Daypack: Matador Freerain24 Backpack
  • Most Eco-Friendly Daypack: Cotopaxi Batac 16L
  • Best Roll Top Daypack: Stubble & Co Roll Top Mini
  • Best Leather Daypack: Kodiak Katmai
  • Best Anti-Theft Daypack: Pacsafe Eco 18L

Moment MTW Backpack

Best Daypack Overall

  • Sleek, minimal design
  • Compact size
  • Smart accessibility features

REI Co-Op Flash 18

Most Affordable Daypack

Rei co-op flash 18 pack.

  • Great hiking daypack
  • Functionality

Osprey Daylite

Best Lightweight Daypack

Osprey daylite.

  • Very large lugs for wet/soft terrain
  • Designed for excellent comfort
  • Great for mud
  • Very comfortable

Timbuk2 Parker Commuter

Best Commuting Backpack

Timbuk2 parker commuter.

  • Tons of exterior pockets and organization
  • Great durability and lifetime guaranty
  • Professional style
  • Expandable storage space

Nomatic Camera Backpack

Best Laptop Backpack

Nomatic backpack.

  • Sleek minimalist style
  • Fantastic organization
  • Weather-resistant construction
  • Expandable main compartment


Best Camera Daypack

Wandrd prvke.

  • Fantastic organization for camera gear
  • Tons of pockets
  • Great versatility with removable camera padding
  • Lifetime guarantee
  • Plenty of storage space

Osprey Talon 22

Best Hiking Daypack

Osprey talon 22.

  • Protected by Osprey’s powerful warranty
  • Great comfort and durability
  • Top pick for hikers

Osprey Arcane Roll-Top

Most Versatile Daypack

Osprey arcane.

  • Ready for almost anything
  • Recycled materials
  • Simple, intelligent features

Able Carry Daily Plus

Best Daypack for Travel in Europe

Able carry daily plus.

  • Excellent fit and comfort
  • Tons of organization pockets
  • Easy-access exterior pockets

Rains Waterproof Backpack

Best Waterproof Daypack

Rains backpack.

  • Fully waterproof material
  • Stylish design
  • Great build quality and durability

Timbuk2 WMN Never Check Day Backpack

Best Women’s Daypack

Timbuk2 wmn never check day backpack.

  • Perfect fit for smaller women
  • Great water resistance

Bellroy Venture Ready

Best Men's Daypack

Bellroy venture ready.

  • Intelligent design features
  • Comfortable pack panel and shoulder straps
  • Awesome versatility

Mission Workshop Rhake

Best Tactical Daypack

Mission workshop rhake.

  • Premium build quality
  • Made in the USA
  • Tons of well-designed organization for packing essentials

Fjallraven Kanken Classic

Best Daypack for a Classic Backpack Style

Fjallraven kanken classic.

  • Very sturdy

Sea to Summit Ultra-Sil

Best Packable Daypack

Sea to summit ultra-sil day pack.

  • Packs down to almost nothing
  • One of the lightest daypacks on the market

Matador Freerain24

Best Packable Waterproof Daypack

Matador freerain24 backpack.

  • Accessible roll-top design
  • Lightweight
  • Great for trails


Most Eco-Friendly Daypack

Cotopaxi batac 16l.

  • Cool colors
  • Each bag is unique
  • Great functionality for a day out

Stubble & Co Roll Top Mini

Best Roll Top Daypack

Stubble & co roll top mini.

  • Excellent water repellency
  • Sleek, intuitive design
  • Secure and functional 16" laptop sleeve

Kodiak Katmai Leather Backpack

Best Leather Daypack

Kodiak katmai.

  • Beautiful real-leather style
  • Great organizing pockets
  • Durable materials and construction

Pacsafe Eco 18

Best Anti-Theft Daypack

Pacsafe eco 18l.

  • Slash-proof material and straps
  • Gives lots of peace of mind
  • Comfortable shoulder straps

Moment MTW 17L Daypack : Best Daypack Overall

Moment started on Kickstarter with photography accessories and gear for smartphones. Now they’ve grown into a full-fledged marketplace for adventurous creatives.

Moment’s brand ethos is all about slowing down to find and savor real experiences. Their products are thoughtful, dialed-in, and minimalist, and are intended to let you focus less on your gear and more on what’s around you.

The Moment MTW 17L Daypack is a beautiful travel daypack with honed-in details, tasteful styling, and just the right amount of space (or lack thereof) in the main compartment for minimalist travelers and commuters.

At first glance, this bag is sleek, streamlined, and minimalist. No unnecessary straps, buckles, or zippers here to mess with the aesthetic. Seriously, this bag is stunning!

That clean, understated look conceals an array of functional and well-thought-out organization features. You get an exterior pocket for water bottles, side zip access that makes it easy to reach your gear, a padded laptop sleeve that fits up to a 16-inch screen, and a fantastic array of organizational pockets. This bag is ready for whatever you’re bringing with you.

With its stylish design and streamlined build, this is definitely a pack oriented to urban travel and commuting. While it works as a hiking pack, if you’ll be spending a lot of time on the trail, you may want to look at something built more for that purpose.

The exterior is made of a recycled, water-resistant Cordura fabric. Combined with low-profile padding, you can be sure your belongings will be protected in this bag. Want a little more space? The MTW is also available in a 21L version that gets you more volume.

  • Pros & Cons
  • Technical Specs
  • Limited exterior pockets
  • Heavy for a daypack
  • No hip belt

REI Co-op Flash 18 Pack : Most Affordable Daypack

This hiking and travel daypack has been for sale in various iterations since the mid-2000s and has never failed travelers and hikers looking for a solid travel daypack at a reasonable price.

The REI Co-op Flash 18 Pack has an 18 L capacity, which puts it in the middle of the range for daypack size. At 9 oz, it’s lightweight, and the frameless build also makes this daypack quite compact; it can roll up to about the size of a softball. This makes it the perfect companion on a long trek when you want to do a quick side trail. Its ripstop nylon build makes it tough and durable.

Where this day bag can really shine is in its simple functionality. It gives you everything you need without any unnecessary frills. It has one spacious main compartment that closes with a drawstring. There are no zippers to snag. You don’t get much in terms of organization, but for a simple bag on your back, it works really well.

There aren’t padded shoulder straps, which isn’t ideal for carrying heavier loads, but that’s not the purpose of this bag. As long as you aren’t overloading it, this simple daypack is actually surprisingly comfortable.

Overall, this is one of the best-value travel daypacks you can find. With its minimalist design and lightweight construction, this packable daypack is a fantastic option for hikers, but probably not the best choice for city travelers or commuters who may benefit from more organization.

  • Great daypack for hiking
  • Lighter than traditional backpacks
  • Easily packable bag stows away for storage
  • Mesh shoulder straps aren't padded
  • Not good for cities

Osprey Daylite : Best Lightweight Daypack

Osprey is a huge name in the backpack world, and as someone who took one of the company’s 65L backpacks around the world, I can say they’re one of my favorite backpack brands on the planet.

Osprey’s Daylite bags were originally designed to attach to the back of some of the company’s larger travel backpacks to make them a convenient option for world travelers, but thanks to their popularity, they are now sold separately as well.

At just 13L, this is one of the smaller daypacks on the market. If you need a lot of space, you’ll probably want something different, but the compact size is perfect for people who are always on the go.

Comfort is where this travel daypack really shines. There’s plenty of padding on the back and shoulders, and the shoulder straps wrap comfortably around your back. You won’t feel weighed down by this bag on all-day hikes.

There are a bunch of extra pockets on this packable daypack, most importantly the water bladder pocket common to all Osprey bags, which is also a convenient size for a laptop or tablet. There are zippered compartments on the interior and exterior for keeping small items in place and accessible.

There are stretchy mesh water bottle pockets on the side, but they’re a bit tight for larger bottles. On a pack that’s otherwise great pack for hiking, I’d love to see bigger side pockets.

Put simply, Osprey backpacks are popular for a reason. They are comfy, and the Daylite offers a lot of pack for your money.

  • Protected by Osprey's robust warranty 
  • Comfy shoulder straps
  • Compatible with other Osprey travel backpack systems
  • Compression straps help cinch down the pack
  • Lower capacity
  • Small bottle pockets

Timbuk2 Parker Commuter : Best Commuting Backpack

Timbuk2 is a growing modern lifestyle brand that focuses on building sleek packs and bags for urban nomads. Their products are perfect for people who are always on the go.

A good commuting bag needs to focus on the essentials: a protective laptop sleeve, smart organization, and durability to survive your daily grind.

The Timbuk2 Parker Commuter is a travel daypack designed specifically for urban commuters, and it shows.

The first thing you notice about the bag is the abundance of pockets to keep all your gear organized and accessible. There are three (yes three!) zippered exterior pockets, stretchy bottle pockets on the side, a side- or top-access laptop sleeve, and more pockets on the inside.

You definitely won’t be running out of places to put things in this bag.

This bag has a clever expandable backpack design that lets you compress it down or open up more volume when you have more to carry.

You also get an integrated zip-away rain cover to keep your stuff dry when the heavens open up.

The Parker Commuter manages to offer all these features without looking cluttered or “tactical.” It has a clean, professional style that fits right in anywhere, from the office to the airport to just cruising around town.

It’s not perfect though. The laptop sleeve only fits up to 15″ screens, so if you have a big 17″ work computer, it probably won’t work. It’s also quite heavy at almost 4 lbs. This won’t be a huge issue for most people, but if you bike to work or have a long walk, you may want a lighter bag.

This everyday backpack definitely isn’t meant for hiking or other outdoor adventures, so it’s not really the best travel daypack for doing everything. If you want a dedicated daily driver for city commuting, though, it’s hard to beat.

  • Organization may be overkill for some
  • Sadly, it only comes in black

NOMATIC Backpack : Best Laptop Backpack

NOMATIC is a modern lifestyle and travel brand that aims to build products that look sleek and stylish while staying incredibly functional. Their packs and bags are designed for travel and everyday use in an urban environment.

Whether you’re commuting to work or cruising around campus, you need a durable and functional backpack that will carry your gear in style. The NOMATIC Backpack is perfect for anyone looking for a backpack with understated styling and uncompromising utility. It really is one of the best laptop backpacks out there.

The external of this pack is very simple and streamlined. There aren’t lots of unnecessary straps, zippers, and pockets, so it looks very clean and sleek. With a combination of waterproof fabric and coated zippers, the exterior is also very rain-resistant.

Inside the main compartment you get a ton of pockets and compartments to keep everything organized. There is a padded laptop compartment, a padded sleeve for a tablet, and a document sleeve, along with lots of small pockets for keeping items like charging cords, a phone, and sunglasses. The pack also has lockable zippers to keep it secure while traveling. In all there are 20 different compartments, so it’s easy to stay organized and have a place for everything.

The everything-but-the-kitchen-sink design comes at a weight cost though. This bag weighs a hefty 4 lbs. That’s heavier than most travel backpacks, so if carrying less is important to you, you may want to look elsewhere.

If you want the most organized pack possible, though, the NOMATIC Backpack has you covered with a design that’s optimized for urban travelers.

  • Large compartment for a laptop
  • Only one color (black)
  • No good water bottle pockets

WANDRD PRVKE : Best Camera Daypack

WANDRD was started by two brothers who couldn’t find a quality camera bag that both functioned well and looked good. They set out to make their own camera bags for photographers who travel and explore the world.

A good camera daypack needs to be protective, offer fantastic organization, and make it easy to access your camera on the go. It also shouldn’t compromise on standard daypack requirements like comfort and durability.

The WANDRD PRVKE is their original camera backpack that started it all, though it’s been through many iterations. This bag was designed to work better than anything on the market while still delivering style and comfort.

It all centers around the camera compartment, which is padded and very protective for your expensive photography gear. The pack comes with an array of removable dividers that you can configure to hold your camera, lenses, and other accessories.

The best thing about the camera storage is its easy accessibility. There is a wide-opening zippered flap on the front of the pack that gives you access to everything inside, and a zippered side opening makes it easy to grab your camera on the go—perfect for getting those unexpected shots.

The entire camera protection system is also removable. This adds a ton of versatility and means you aren’t limited to using this bag as a camera bag only. Remove the padded camera storage, and you have a spacious everyday or travel daypack.

The downside is that you have to pay extra to have the padded camera cube included with the bag. It’s an expensive pack as it is, and the price with the full photography bundle is very high.

It seems like they’ve thought of everything with this camera daypack, and the design is top-notch. The high price puts it out of reach for many people, but for serious photographers, this is the bag to get.

  • More complicated than most people will need

Osprey Talon 22 : Best Hiking Daypack

This hiking and travel backpack from Osprey has been lauded for its all-around utility and excellence, which you will find useful on the trail in just about any situation you come across.

The Osprey Talon 22 has been built with comfort as a first priority. This is a massive benefit for long days on the trail.

The form-hugging shape is designed to complement your body and distribute the weight of your gear evenly. It also has an aluminum frame to maintain that weight spread and make the backpack sturdier without weighing it down excessively.

This Osprey daypack clocks in at 1 lb 13 oz, with an alternative for smaller torsos weighing 1 lb 5 oz. This isn’t a lightweight bag, but the supportive frame, hipbelt, and padded shoulder straps make it much more comfortable than a lighter pack.

There’s an aerated padding system on the back to keep you well-cushioned and less sweaty. The nicely padded shoulder straps are very comfortable, and the system of internal supports means that weight is effectively transferred to the hip and chest straps instead of being totally on the shoulders. The side compression straps also help cinch this bag closer to your body to balance the weight.

There are three zippered compartments on the outside, some small, easy-access pockets on the chest and hip straps, two water bottle pockets, a large stretchy jacket pocket, compression straps, and a pocket on the back for a water bladder to use this as a hydration pack.

The only drawback I can think of for this bag is that it isn’t waterproof. If that’s a key concern for you, I would look into getting a rain cover for the bag before writing it off entirely. For any other situation, if it’s outdoors, this is the bag for you. Take it on a day hike, climbing trip, or mountain bike ride. This is the best travel daypack for outdoor adventure.

Click here to check out my full Osprey Talon review .

  • Great range of zipper pockets
  • Compression straps to secure your load
  • Works as a hydration pack for hiking, biking, and more
  • Doesn't come with rain cover
  • Pricey (but worth it)
  • Not good for commuters

Osprey Arcane : Most Versatile Daypack

We talk a lot about Osprey on TravelFreak, and it’s because they build seriously good packs. Between their emphasis on innovative carrying systems and their lifetime guarantee, it really is hard to go wrong with an Osprey bag.

So far this list has focused mostly on daypacks built for very specific purposes. The Osprey Arcane breaks that trend with a design that works for a little bit of everything. This simple and stylish backpack is meant for everyday use, and with a padded sleeve for a laptop, accessible exterior pockets, and a streamlined design, it’s ready for the office, the gym, and everywhere in between.

The carrying system has a lot of carry-over from Osprey’s dedicated hiking packs, and it’s plenty comfortable for all-day use. Although it’s not marketed as a hiking pack, it will work very well for casual day hikes. The front jacket pocket, side bottle pocket, and waterproof roll-top closure are great features for hiking.

The Osprey Arcane even works great as a travel daypack for trips around the world!

  • No sternum strap or hip belt
  • Only one bottle pocket

Able Carry Daily Plus : Best Daypack for Travel in Europe

Able Carry has a straightforward brand mission to “engineer the best everyday bags to supercharge your day.” They aim to do this by creating functional, durable designs that prioritize fit and performance for adventurous travelers.

I love that Able Carry puts so much focus on fit and comfort. It’s easy to geek out about features, materials, and organization, but in the end, if a bag is not comfortable, it isn’t going to work well for you.

If you’re planning a trip around Europe, you’ll likely be spending a lot of time with your backpack on your shoulders. Fit becomes even more important, and you need something that can take you from airports to train stations to the streets with ease.

The Able Carry Daily Plus is a bomber, reliable daypack that will stand up to the wear and tear of travel. It is designed to be comfortable and supportive even with heavier loads, so it’s perfect for longer trips.

This backpack has a somewhat tactical aesthetic that may not appeal to everyone, but it is definitely functional.

The main shell is made from X-Pac laminate fabric. This fabric uses multiple layers to get a unique blend of performance. The outer layer is a durable nylon, then there is a ripstop x-grid that adds structure and tear resistance, then a waterproof film, and finally a thinner fabric on the inside to protect the waterproof layer.

X-Pac is commonly used in high-end backpacking gear, so you can expect impressive performance from this fabric. It is tough, entirely waterproof, and should last a long time.

The interior organization of this bag is impressive. In the main compartment, it has a padded laptop sleeve and tons of internal pockets for keeping everything neat and accessible.

You also get good exterior pockets, including a concealed bottle pocket that zips closed to maintain the clean aesthetic. I personally like having my water bottle easily accessible at all times, but you may prefer this system.

The Able Carry Daily Plus is a well-built bag that is supportive and comfortable enough for longer trips and heavier loads.

  • Highly water-resistant, so there's no need for add-on rain cover
  • Spacious main compartment for all your travel gear
  • High-quality materials
  • Lacks external mesh pockets

Rains Backpack : Best Waterproof Daypack

Rains is a modern lifestyle brand that specializes in rainwear and waterproof daypacks for city use. Their packs use the same signature waterproof PU fabric as their rain jackets for fully weatherproof performance.

The Rains Backpack is a simple, streamlined design that combines elegant, minimalist styling with impressive water resistance.

This little daypack keeps it simple with a flap-opening main compartment, a single internal zip pocket, and a single external zip pocket on the back panel. This exterior pocket is great for keeping items like phones secure since it’s right next to your back.

The big thing that’s missing for me are side pockets for bottles. It really doesn’t make sense to put a bottle inside the main compartment, and I’m not sure why they left this feature out.

Some people may prefer having more pockets in general, but there’s definitely something to be said for simplicity. Less stitching also means better water resistance.

The shoulder straps are thin and not my favorite. They work fine as you’re carrying light loads, but I wouldn’t necessarily want to wear this packable daypack all day. For commuting or quick jaunts around town or across campus, it’s not a problem though.

Overall, this is a great option for a stylish day-to-day bag that offers waterproof performance. If you’re looking for waterproof daypacks that are more hiking and outdoor-oriented, the Matador Freerain24 on this list is another great waterproof option.

  • Small capacity
  • Thin shoulder straps
  • Fewer pockets than other daypacks

Timbuk2 WMN Never Check Day Backpack : Best Women’s Daypack

This is the second Timbuk2 bag on this list—and for good reason.

They pride themselves on building products with legendary durability, and they stand behind their bags with a lifetime warranty and repair services. They even sell a full range of replacement parts, from buckles to luggage wheels, so you can do DIY repairs to keep your bag going the distance.

Unfortunately, there aren’t too many backpacks out there designed specifically for women’s frames. That means you often have to compromise with a bag that is either uncomfortable, or lacking in features, functionality, and quality.

The Timbuk2 WMN Never Check is a perfect daypack if you’re petite woman who has struggled to find a backpack that fits right. The compact size, tailored fit, and impressive array of features mean you don’t have to compromise on anything.

This bag is small, with just 13L of interior space, but it has fantastic organization that makes it easy to bring everything you need day-to-day. The padded laptop sleeve, inner dividers, and exterior zippered pocket keep your belongings organized and easy to access.

The backpack is built with a high-denier water-resistant fabric that will stand up to a lot of abuse. Paired with waterproof zippers, this exterior protects your belongings from splashes or unexpected downpours.

For women looking for a stylish, well-fitting travel daypack that still offers maximum durability and functionality, this backpack is a fantastic choice.

  • Built-in luggage strap to secure pack to rolling luggage
  • Only one color option
  • Limited storage

Bellroy Venture Ready : Best Men's Daypack

Bellroy is dedicated to building packs and bags that have a positive impact on the world. They are a certified B-corp, and put a lot of emphasis on using renewable and recycled materials.

They also just build stunning, highly-functional products.

For a men’s daypack, you want something streamlined, durable, and versatile enough to do everything you need. The Bellroy Venture Ready is a capable pack that can carry your laptop to work, a change of clothes to the gym, and your gear for a hike.

It’s obvious that ease-of-use was a high priority when this pack was designed. The wide zipper opening makes it super easy to get into the main compartment, there are plenty of easy-access zippered pockets for organization, and stretchy pockets on the side can hold your water bottles.

I love that the designers paid close attention to little details, like the clever interior pocket that can be opened without spilling stuff out in any position.

The styling of this pack is spot-on, with just the right balance of rugged and sophisticated. It looks at home in the office, on the streets, or out on the trail.

  • Only one water bottle pocket

Mission Workshop Rhake : Best Tactical Daypack

Looking for a pack that is loaded with features and is constructed like a tank? Mission Workshop has a range of bombproof packs that use high-tech materials and incorporate smart design.

If any daypack is ready to survive the apocalypse, the Mission Workshop Rhake is it. It is built tough in the USA, is totally weatherproof, and has all the organization you could wish for. Sound too good to be true? Well, it comes at a cost. This bag has a price tag that’s more than triple most of the daypacks on this list.

It is built of X-Pac, a 4-layer material that was originally designed for yacht sails, but also works great for packs because of its durability and waterproofness. You can count on this bag to keep your gear dry in downpours.

A highlight of this bag is its incredible organization system. It has tons of zippered interior and exterior pockets designed to hold your phone, keys, tablet, sunglasses, cables, laptop, and more. Seriously, there’s no way you’ll run out of pocket on this thing.

The Mission Workshop Rhake isn’t for everyone—it’s a bit heavy, very expensive, and overkill for most people. If you want a tactical backpack that has every feature you could wish for and incredible build quality, it’s worth checking out.

  • Very expensive

Fjallraven Kanken Classic : Best Daypack for a Classic Backpack Style

You’ve probably already seen this iconic but unpronounceable name adorning travelers’ backs almost everywhere in the world. There is a reason for its popularity: it is an excellent travel daypack. (Also, it’s pronounced fyell, reven if you were wondering!)

The styling of the Fjallraven Kanken Classic makes this everyday backpack stand out. It’s clean, simple rectangular design gives this bag a timeless look that’s hard not to love.

It’s not just about the looks though. This is a very well-built and durable travel daypack. The main pack material is made from vinylon F, a synthetic fiber that behaves like many natural fibers. When it gets wet, the fibers expand, naturally sealing out water without the need for chemical coating. This is also a very durable, hard-wearing fabric.

At 13 L this is a smaller packable daypack, but its easily packable shape will surprise you with how much it can fit in the main compartment. The external zippered pocket is great for keeping small essentials within easy access.

While there are pockets on the sides, they are too small to really be used for bottles, so that’s one downside to consider.

I’d also love to see padded mesh shoulder straps, though that may interfere with the aesthetic. The simple webbing straps you get on this bag look good, but they can dig into your shoulders on long days.

Another drawback in my mind is security. With the lack of an inner zippered pocket , I don’t see this as a very secure place for your valuables. Besides that, this is an excellent travel daypack that I highly recommend.

And of course, we can’t forget that beautiful Scandinavian aesthetic—utilitarian, but with a timeless style. I don’t think you could find a more stylish travel daypack if you tried.

  • Versatile travel daypack
  • Lower security for your things 
  • No real water side pockets for bottles

Sea to Summit Ultra-Sil Day Pack : Best Packable Daypack

This offering from Sea to Summit is aimed at the traveling hikers out there. With its form-hugging shape, spartan aesthetics, and ultra-lightweight compact design, this is a packable daypack designed for the trail.

This bag is very focused on its purpose as a secondary smaller daypack for backpackers on longer treks or minimal travelers touring the globe. It’s meant to stash inside your main bag until you get to camp or to the hotel. Then you can whip it out for fast-and-light side trail hikes or day trips in a new city.

For it’s intended purpose, there’s nothing like it, but if you want a nice all-around daypack, it is probably too minimal for most people.

One of the first things you’ll see on the product photos for this Sea to Summit Ultra-Sil Day Pack is a tennis-ball sized sack attached to a keychain—that’s how compact this thing is. It weighs in at a frankly extraordinary 2.5 oz. I’m pretty sure I own socks that are heavier than that! It’s all made of water-resistant nylon material, and with a 20 L capacity, you can fit a fair bit in there.

On the comfort and convenience side, there isn’t a lot to talk about in this packable bag. There are no extra straps, no pockets beside the one main pocket, no padding on the shoulder straps, and no side pockets. It’s not weatherproof , although the bottom is water-resistant.

This is a purpose-built packable daypack that’s meant to be as light and compact as possible, so you sacrifice some comfort and convenience.

Basically, this bag is a straight shooter. It’s light and compact and that’s what it does best. If you are hitting summits or thru-hikes and want to shed as much weight as possible, this is the best packable daypack you can buy.

  • Incredibly lightweight
  • Great daypack to store in a main bag
  • Spacious compartment for such a lightweight bag
  • Not very durable
  • No padding 
  • No external storage

Matador Freerain24 Backpack : Best Packable Waterproof Daypack

This is another light, packable daypack that will work well for travelers who like to hike. It is a little heavier than the Ultra-Sil, but that extra weight comes with extra functionality that some travelers might find useful.

First and foremost, this daypack is packable! It rolls down into a pouch that you can easily throw into your main bag. On top of that the Matador Freerain 24 is a completely waterproof backpack . This is a huge selling point of the bag!

The bag is very light at 5.5 oz, but with 24 L of space, it’s still plenty big enough for your travel gear.

Comfort-wise, given that this is a lightweight, packable daypack, there is not much in the way of padding. The shoulder straps are made of a lightweight breathable mesh, and they’re well-shaped. As long as you aren’t carrying heavy loads, it should be comfortable enough.

Overall, this is a great compressible daypack if you want a waterproof, lightweight, and packable daypack but don’t want it stripped down to the bone.

  • Great for day trips on trails
  • Not good for commuters 
  • Small water bottle pocket

Cotopaxi Batac 16L : Most Eco-Friendly Daypack

I have never seen a packable daypack quite like this one. Trust me: No one else will ever have one quite like yours! That’s because the Batac 16L daypack —part of the Del Dia range from Cotopaxi—are all crafted from recycled scraps and cutoffs leftover from creating other products. That makes this one of the most eco-friendly daypacks on the market.

And they don’t stick to a single-color scheme. Scraps that match the right material specifications are stitched together in a color riot to make a series of unique bags that help Cotopaxi cut down on waste. The bags’ sales page literally has a photo gallery of different examples of individual bags that have been made. A fantastic innovation if you ask me!

At 16L, this is one of the smaller daypacks on the market. It has a long rectangular shape that makes it easy to pack and make use of the small space. The materials are mesh and nylon, which make it very light and compact. This backpack folds into its own pocket so you can throw it in your suitcase without taking up extra room.

It has an easy-access zippered pocket reachable from the outside and an internal sleeve divider that can fit a laptop or water bladder.

One major downside of this packable backpack is that the mesh pockets on the sides of the bag are not really suitable for larger water bottles such as Nalgenes. Depending on the water bottle you use, you may look for a bag with a bigger mesh pocket on the side.

As for comfort, the thin shoulder straps on this packable daypack don’t have a ton of padding, and there’s no hip belt, which could be a concern for some. That said, this bag will likely not be carrying a massive amount of weight unless you’re carrying a lot of water.

There is an adjustable sternum strap for a bit of extra support in the front. The shoulder straps hug the body well and have plenty of room for adjustment.

Overall, if you’re after the best small packable daypack that combines the basics of functionality with the funkiest look, this is the ultimate daypack for you. It would do well on a day trip, a commute, or a short hike.

  • Compact compressible daypack for easy storage
  • Convenient internal pocket
  • Not weatherproof
  • Not much padding

Stubble & Co Roll Top Mini : Best Roll Top Daypack

Stubble & Co’s Roll Top Backpack blends sleek minimalism, functionality, and intuitive design.

The roll-top access is a unique feature that I’ve loved having on this backpack. The G clip ensures quick and secure access perfect for travel, and this expandable backpack can add extra room with the roll top for longer trips.

Its 20L capacity can accommodate all your daily essentials, electronics, and more—great for digital nomads like myself!

The padded sleeve for a laptop is accessed externally from the back panel, which I love. You don’t have to reach inside the bag and move things around to get to your computer! It is also very secure, because the laptop is closest to your body and nearly impossible to pickpocket.

Two side pockets offer external space for water bottles, snacks, sunglasses and other small essentials. There is even a small zippered pocket flush with the front of the bag for easy access to things like documents, credit cards and keys.

The interior pocket helps keep you organized while still offering a spacious main compartment for bulkier items.

With padded shoulder straps and an adjustable sternum strap for optimal weight-bearing, I haven’t experienced any discomfort while wearing this backpack for several hours at a time.

Made from water-repellent recycled materials, this is a perfect roll-top daypack for those on the go!

  • Heavier than many other packs

Kodiak Katmai : Best Leather Daypack

Kodiak Leather is a brand that’s been making a name for itself with premium-quality leather packs, bags, purses, and wallets that come in at an approachable price.

The Kodiak Katmai is a beautiful leather daypack that is designed for all-around everyday use. It is built with high-quality top-grain leather and has a timeless style that will only improve as you use it.

I love the feel of good, quality leather, and this bag is definitely well-built. It should handle the wear and tear of everyday use without any problems. Just be aware that, as a leather product, it will require some additional care to keep it in top condition.

While this pack has an internal sleeve on the back, it isn’t really padded, so I definitely wouldn’t use it as a laptop bag. But overall, the Kodiak Katmai is a great pack for anyone who loves the timeless style of quality leather gear.

  • Smaller capacity
  • Leather requires more care than other materials

Pacsafe Eco 18L : Best Anti-Theft Daypack

Pacsafe is a globally trusted brand focusing on anti-theft backpacks . It was founded 20 years ago by two guys who had some of their stuff stolen on a trip and vowed to help people never have that same experience.

Everything in the design of this travel daypack is meant to keep your belongings secure. The main pack material has a slash-proof wire mesh built in. The lockable zippers make sure no one is getting into your bag. The straps also feature wire reinforcement so a thief can’t cut the straps and run.

There’s an interior padded laptop compartment, an RFID-protected passport, and a credit card pocket at the back where it’s hardest to reach. There aren’t any easy-access exterior pockets beyond some mesh pockets for water bottles.

Finally, there’s a strap-locking system that allows you to lock the bag onto heavy furniture without it getting snatched; very handy for a night in a dorm room or extra peace of mind in a cafe.

Overall, while this travel bag probably isn’t versatile enough to be taken seriously as a hiking bag, it is absolutely the best travel daypack if you are worried about security on the road.

  • Heavy for its size
  • Overkill security for many people

Buying Guide for the Best Travel Daypacks

There are some serious factors you’ll want to keep in mind in order to snag yourself the best travel daypack for you.

Comfort and Fit

In my opinion, comfort and fit are the most important considerations when searching for the best daypacks. You may find the most durable, feature-packed bag on the market, but if it rubs your shoulders wrong or leaves your back aching, it isn’t going to work for you.

Comfort and fit are largely personal: what works for someone else may not work for you. Your height, build, and personal preferences all play a role in finding a pack that fits. Whenever possible, I recommend trying a pack on before buying it, ideally with some weight in it. If you’re shopping online, you should buy from a retailer with a good return policy so you can return a bag if it doesn’t fit.

A man hiking in the mountains with a small daypack and bedding

There are definitely some general features you should look for that contribute to a pack’s comfort and carrying capacity.

Well-padded shoulder straps will definitely help eliminate pressure points and distribute the load more evenly. A sternum strap across your chest will help dial in the fit and pull some of the weight off your shoulders.

If you need a pack for a longer day hike, I’d definitely recommend getting a pack with a hip belt. This can make a big difference in your comfort after hours on the trail. Some sort of built-in frame or framesheet will also help distribute more of the load down to your hips.

Daypack Size

This is a pretty obvious consideration with any travel backpack. But with a daypack, you have slightly different considerations than with a trekking pack . To find the best travel backpack, you need to think about what you will be using this bag for and how much stuff will be inside it.

Most daypacks have somewhere between 10 and 30 liters of storage volume, and the specific size you get will depend on your use case and personal preferences.

Smaller travel daypacks are excellent if you’re someone that travels light or in warmer conditions. A bag with a 10 L to 20 L capacity is great for many situations. This size range works for carrying your food and water on a day hike, carrying your camera around a new city, or taking your essentials to work.

A compact travel daypack is great for air travel because you can use it as your under-seat personal item without any extra baggage charges.

A small packable daypack, like many of the options on this list, is fantastic for bringing inside a larger bag. A lightweight travel backpack like this can carry everything you need for day trips while stowing away when it’s time to move on.

photographer with a backpack standing on a ledge overlooking a desert

Larger bags are better for people who often have to carry more stuff. If you are lugging a lot of textbooks to university, going on a longer trip, or hitting a trail during the colder months, a 20-30 L capacity is what you should aim for.

Larger bags also tend to come with more organizational features to help you stay organized.

The downside is that they are bulkier, and when they are less full, the weight won’t sit as comfortably. I’ve also found that a larger pack can lead to a tendency to overpack; I’ll bring things I don’t really need just because I have the space for it.

Whether you are traveling around the world or going on a long hike, you’ll spend a lot of time wearing your daypack, and cutting down on weight can help reduce fatigue after long days. Some of the packs on this list come in close to half a pound or less, meaning you won’t have any unnecessary weight on your shoulders.

Lighter isn’t always better though. A flimsy, poorly-built travel backpack can actually feel heavier and less comfortable than one with a frame and well-padded shoulder straps, especially if you need to carry heavier loads. Lighter packs are also typically less durable.

Rather than looking for the lightest possible pack, I recommend focusing on functionality, comfort, and durability before trying to cut weight. It usually isn’t worth saving a few ounces if it means getting a bag that doesn’t carry as well or wears out quickly.

Pockets, Storage and Organization

Keeping things organized can streamline the travel experience because your essential items will be on hand when you need them. This is particularly important in airports, where knowing where your passport and valuables are at all times can reduce your stress while traveling. This convenience is also great for a commute when good pockets will help keep important stuff like laptops from rattling around.

A hiker in a red jacket stands on a cliff with a backpack

The pockets and features you need will depend you your use case. For city travel, you’ll probably want a padded sleeve for a laptop and zippered pockets for keys, charging cables, and other small items. For hiking and outdoor adventures, you’ll probably want a front stuff pocket and stretch mesh pockets for bottles on the side.

If you are traveling by air a lot, you also may want to look for features like a luggage strap, multiple grab handles, and lockable zippers to make your time in airports easier and more secure. An expandable backpack design can also make a daypack more versatile for different trips.

Most daypacks for travel these days are made from some variety of coated synthetic fabric, but there is a wide range of different options in this category, and pack fabric will have a big impact on the performance, comfort, and weight.

A travel daypack will typically be made of either ripstop nylon or polyester. While there are some differences between the two materials, in my mind they are similar enough that you don’t need to worry about which one you get. The biggest difference will be in the specific weave, weight, and coating of the fabric.

Fabric thickness is typically measured in denier, which indicates how many individual fibers are in each thread. A higher denier number will make a thicker, stronger, and heavier fabric. A travel backpack will typically use a fabric somewhere between 100-denier and 600-denier. If cutting weight is more important to you, look for a lower number. Higher denier fabrics will be more durable.

Most travel backpacks that claim to be weatherproof will not be fully waterproof, so you can’t go wading through rivers with them and expect them to stay dry. However, if you do find yourself in an unexpected downpour, a weatherproof bag will give you enough time to find shelter without putting your belongings at risk of getting soaked.

A travel daypack is a very visible piece of equipment, so for many of us, the aesthetic will be as important as anything. Some daypacks are made for the trail, and are more utilitarian, while more city-oriented packs definitely focus on styling.

The best daypacks for travel manage to combine style and function. You can wear them around town without looking like a lost tourist but also hit the trail with the confidence that they will take a bit of punishment.

Final Thoughts

Your daypack will be your constant companion while you travel, whether you’re hopping between airports or cranking out miles on the trail. It’s important to find one that has the features you need combined with comfort and durability.

The packs on this list have been chosen because they are the best daypacks for travel within their specific niche. Whether you need a school bag for college, a hiking pack, or a daypack for long-term travel, hopefully, you can find the perfect daypack for your needs.

  • The Best Travel Backpacks for Every Adventure
  • The Best Carry-On Backpacks For One Bag Travel
  • The Best Carry-On Duffel Bags for Travel
  • The Best Camera Backpacks for Hiking

Travel Daypacks FAQs

What is the best day bag for travel.

The Moment MTW 17L Daypack is our top day bag for travel and everyday use.

What is the best size daypack for travel?

15-25 liters is a good size for a travel daypack.

What is the difference between a daypack and a backpack?

A daypack refers to a backpack that is designed specifically for day trips (as opposed to multi-day travel). Daypacks are usually under 30 L.

What is a daypack for flying?

When flying, a daypack will usually count as your personal item—meaning it fits under the seat in front of you.

Should a daypack have a frame?

Small daypacks don’t need a frame, but larger bags designed to carry heavy loads need some sort of frame.

Jeremy Scott Foster

Jeremy Scott Foster

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How To Choose The

Best Daypack For Travel

The minimalist's guide to selecting the best travel daypack for one bag carry-on travel and beyond.

  • 01. Introduction
  • 02. Considerations
  • 03. Traditional
  • 04. Packable
  • 05. Expandable
  • 06. Alternate
  • 07. Packing It All Up

Think you know all there is to know about daypacks? Think again.

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Choosing the best Daypack for Travel and Beyond

The humble daypack: simple in form, but oh so valuable in function. Daypacks are the bread and butter of the backpack world, allowing us to enjoy all of what life has to offer while keeping the essentials handy.

Tom Bihn Synapse 25 In Detroit

Unlike travel backpacks —which are at home in airports, buses, and hotels—daypacks are found in nearly every facet of life and travel. From daily commutes to grocery store trips, coffee shops, and dog walks—daypacks are an essential part of most people’s lives. (Even if they might not realize it!)

In a travel sense, daypacks are ubiquitous with adventure and intrigue. From waterfall hikes in Thailand to exploring Portuguese side streets or relaxing with a few beverages on an Australian beach—daypacks are ready to hold all of your essentials as you live life to the fullest.

So, that begs the question… How do you choose the right one?

(Spoiler alert: You read this guide!)

Different Types Of Daypacks

Choosing the best daypack is a tricky—and loaded—question that doesn’t have one definitive answer. Much like travel backpacks, there are many different options that all get the job done. But in the end, we’re fairly confident there is no “best” daypack for everyone. It all depends on your personal preference and what you’re planning on doing with it.

If you want to skip ahead and just see some options already, check out the video below.

Here’s what you can expect

In this guide, we’re going to help you figure out how to choose the best daypack for your situation. We’re going to dive into all the different “categories” of daypacks and explain what you can expect with each as well as the pros, cons, and recommended use-cases.

We’re also going to provide some specific recommendations for each category, in addition to going over what you’ll want to look for and avoid in each case.

Aer Go Pack Luggage Pass Through

Finally, we’ll be going over some more general “pro tips” like how to efficiently pack a daypack, how to travel with a daypack and other luggage, and how to travel like a pro in a more general sense. (Although, we like to think that all of our content covers that last point.)

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Forget the “best” daypack. What kind of pack do YOU want?

Let’s get a few things straight before we dive into finding the best daypack for your situation. There are a few key considerations you should be thinking about when choosing a daypack, which we’ve outlined below. As we progress through this guide, we will continue to come back to these questions. If you can get clear on your answers here, we are confident you will be able to find the perfect daypack for your needs.

So, the first question you should be asking yourself is…

This is the most logical place to start in your quest for the perfect daypack. Choosing what daypack to buy will be most influenced by what you’re going to use it for! Here are some common examples of daypack-related activities that will require different types of packs:

  • Traveling the world with a carry-on travel backpack and a personal item.
  • Going on a day hike.
  • Traveling with roller luggage.
  • Bringing your laptop and tech gear to work every day (although we have a separate laptop bag guide for this).
  • Holding groceries on your way home from work.
  • Having a stylish accessory for travel or days out with friends.

Lowe Alpine Aeon ND20 In Javea, Spain

The type of activities you plan on doing with your daypack will have a massive effect on what kind of bag is best for you. Obviously, there are many additional scenarios you may find yourself in outside of the ones on this short list, but we hope that by the end of this guide you’ll have the knowledge to make an educated decision on your own.

We should also mention that we are strong advocates for having multiple daypacks for different scenarios. As a bunch of self-proclaimed minimalists, we don’t tend to endorse consumption for consumption’s sake, but having two to three specialized daypacks can be enough to cover just about any scenario you find yourself in. You could get by with one versatile pack for every occasion, but you’re going to have to make some compromises. (But we don’t particularly like compromises.)

The next question you should be asking yourself is…

While your answer to the first question may heavily impact the answer to this question, we still think it’s worth discussing on its own. Think of this in more general terms—are you the type of person who likes to have everything they could ever need for a day out? Do you love being prepared for any kind of weather that may hit? Are you “that person” who is prepared to spend a night in the woods every time you go for a hike?

Walking With The Topo Designs Daypack

Additionally, consider how many people you tend to be around. If you’re more of a solo adventurer or if you need a bag for commuting by yourself, you can probably get by with a smaller daypack. But if you tend to travel with large groups of people or you’d consider yourself a “social butterfly,” you may want to consider going for a larger daypack. You’ll thank us when you become the hero of the group after carrying everyone’s water bottles and jackets. Hell, you may even get a free beer or two out of it if you play your cards right.

The gist here is that if you think you’ll be carrying a decent amount of stuff while you’re out and about, you’ll want to opt for a daypack that has a larger capacity and an ample harness system to handle that extra weight.

If you’re a bonafide minimalist or you hate the idea of carrying a pack over five pounds, you’ll want to opt for a smaller and lighter bag. In this case, you can also get away with a more minimalistic harness system. We’ll get into all that (and more) later.

Yes, yes—there are certainly more things you’ll need to consider when choosing a daypack. Here’s a quick run-down…

Budget: Obviously, you’ll want to consider how much you’re willing to spend. In a general sense, as you spend more, you can expect to see higher-quality materials, better craftsmanship, more accessories, and better styling.

Lefrik Handy Backpack On 5'7" Rebecca (Left) & 6'4" Nathan (Right)

Body Type: Your height and torso length will dictate what type of bags fit you best—and the fit is crucial. Some daypacks come in men’s (larger) and women’s (smaller) versions. Regardless of gender, you’ll want to make sure the pack fits your body type. Luckily, this doesn’t tend to be as much of a problem with daypacks as it is with larger travel backpacks.

Durability: This can change depending on personal preference or the type of activity you’re doing. Daily commuting is going to be tougher on your pack than quick trips to your neighborhood coffee shop. You’ll want to consider how often you plan on using this pack, and how long you’d like to have it.

Weight: If you’re concerned with the overall weight of your pack, certain types of daypacks will be drastically lighter than others. Drastically. Lighter.

Tortuga Setout Divide Backpack Water Bottle Pocket

Extras: Between hip belts, compression straps, water bottle pockets, laptop compartments, and a slew of other add-ons…there’s a lot to consider here. If there are certain backpack features that you feel like you can’t live without, it might restrict you to certain types of daypacks.

The daypack we’ve all come to know and love.

What is a traditional daypack?

The traditional daypack is just what you’d assume—a daypack that functions well for daily use. This is the O.G. daypack. Remember that JanSport pack you and everyone else brought to school as a kid? Well, that would fall into this category. Although we’re happy to say there are plenty of alternatives nowadays, and of varying qualities.

Osprey Daylite Plus In Porto, Portugal

These types of daypacks function well and offer a ton of variety—this is actually the category where you’re going to see the most variety by far. We’re pretty confident even the pickiest gear nut could find something that fits the bill here. With a wide array of materials, color schemes, and styles—there’s something for everyone.

Aer Pro Pack 24L

The Aer Pro Pack 24L is a prime example of efficient allocation of space. Whereas a lot of daypacks struggle with gear settling at the bottom of the main compartment (leaving the top unoccupied), the Pro Pack lets its other compartments fill that void. You can either use that otherwise wasted space by packing its valet pocket and admin panel or stacking as much gear as its roomy main compartment can handle—the choice is yours.

Traditional daypacks can come in a wide variety of sizes but, in general, most packs will have a capacity between 10 and 25 liters. Usually, you’ll find one large compartment with a few other smaller pockets around the bag. But there is a ton of variety in the traditional daypack department, so that’s not all you’re going to find—there are plenty of traditional daypacks out there that offer loads of organization. Really, you can find bags at any end of the spectrum—from zero organization to a boatload to a happy medium.

Topo Designs Daypack In Detroit

Now, we should clarify that while we love ourselves a good old-fashioned daypack, they do have their drawbacks. In fact, we’d argue that the drawbacks encountered on traditional daypacks are what eventually caused backpack manufacturers to start looking into other types of daypacks (like the ones you’ll find in the rest of this guide). More on that later. For now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty.

Materials & Durability

These types of daypacks have by far the most extensive variety of fabrics and materials. In fact, you can find a traditional daypack made with just about every backpack material out there. Here are some common examples of fabrics you might encounter on a pack like this:

  • And everything else under the sun…

If we had to recommend a few of these fabrics, we’d probably point out Ballistic and Ripstop Nylon. These are the heavy hitter backpack materials that we love to see because they’re incredibly durable over the long term, they’re rip- and abrasion-resistant, and they’re mostly weather-resistant. The CORDURA® name also tends to be a good one to look for, as it signifies that the fabrics have been held to a certain level of quality. In terms of specific CORDURA® materials, you’ll mainly find polyester and nylon.

Topo Designs Daypack Slash Pocket and Lash Tab

We generally recommend avoiding polyester, canvas, and leather for travel. Polyester is lightweight but it lacks long-term durability, and it can rip and scuff easily. Canvas and leather can certainly be high quality, but they tend to be very heavy. Don’t get us wrong, we’ve seen great packs that use these materials, but if you’re looking for the “best” materials out there, we’d recommend opting for some of the other options on this list.

Aer Flight Pack 3 Zippers

Outside of fabrics, you’ll likely find a variety of other hardware and zippers on these types of packs. We always recommend YKK or SBS branded zippers as they have long track records of providing high-quality zippers that stand the test of time. Zipper sizes range on a scale from one (small) to ten (large), and most of the packs in this category will have at least a #5. We’d recommend looking for something a bit higher, though—some of our favorite daypacks have #10 YKK zippers, which are super beefy. In general, anything between #8 and #10 will be sturdy enough that you won’t need to worry about anything breaking anytime soon. (By the way, this should go without saying, but avoid plastic and unbranded zippers at all costs!)

Tom Bihn Synapse 25 Sternum Strap

Additionally, you’ll find various types of hardware—in the form of buckles, adjusters, and straps—on these packs. Duraflex , Woojin , and ITW are good brands to look out for. If you don’t see a brand name on the buckles of a daypack, you might want to look elsewhere. The reality is that plastic buckles are one of the easiest things to break on a bag—you can easily snap one in half just by setting the pack down abruptly—so sticking with a high-quality, trusted brand here is absolutely worth the extra couple bucks you’ll likely have to throw down.

Curious about what other materials you can expect on a pack like this? Here’s a quick overview:

  • DWR coating: This is a coating that can be applied to many fabrics which increases water-resistance. It will by no means make the pack completely waterproof, but it will help quite a bit by providing some added weather-resistance.

Who (and what) is it good for?

The traditional daypack is useful for people who need a pack for daily use and aren’t concerned about traveling light. We’re of the firm belief that any commuter or city-goer who does a lot of walking or regularly takes public transit should have a traditional daypack they love. Actually, scratch that—everyone should have a traditional daypack they love.

Arc'teryx Blade 28 Backpack In Northern Michigan

This type of pack is excellent at holding tech gear, groceries, clothing, and everything in between. It’ll hold everything you need for those longer-than-expected days at work, short hikes, weekend trips, and whatever else you may encounter in your day-to-day life.

As far as travel goes, this pack does hold some value, but it’s not exactly “optimized” for travel. If you’re looking for a pack that you can cram into your one bag travel pack, this isn’t going to be your best bet. It might be doable, but there are way better options out there (which we’ll get into soon).

Aer Flight Pack 3 Back Handle

However, if you plan on using roller luggage or a duffel, a daypack like this can be a perfect addition to your travel kit. If roller luggage is your style, we’d recommend grabbing a pack that has a luggage pass-through, like the Aer Flight Pack 3 , so you can toss your pack onto your suitcase and stroll through the airport like a total boss.

This is a pack that we think virtually everyone should have in their closet. Even if you don’t plan on using it regularly, it’s great to have for quick trips and days out of the house. It can replace totes, duffels, and reusable grocery bags while offering a whole lot more functionality because, like all backpacks, you can have both hands free while wearing it!

Once you grab one that fits your style and has some quality materials, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

This backpack is good at most things, but it’s not quite as specialized as some of the other packs we’ll highlight in this guide. Essentially, Traditional Backpacks are versatile packs that will function well in 8 out of 10 situations. But for those other two instances, you’d be better off with something else.

Traditional backpacks offer impressive materials and harness systems that allow you to comfortably carry heavy or bulky gear for long periods of time. They also offer the most purchasing options, meaning you can opt for a pack that provides a boatload of additional functionality, a pack that is sleek and minimal, or something in between. The same goes for style and size. One crucial point is that you’ll see longer-lasting and more durable materials on these types of packs because weight and bulkiness aren’t as much of an issue.

YETI Tocayo In Detroit, Michigan

These bags also tend to have the most “structure,” which means they’ll be good for holding more valuable or fragile gear and you can easily organize the contents inside. Because they have more structure and lots of accessories, you’ll also find that these types of daypacks often have multiple carry options—allowing you to carry the pack in “briefcase mode” or “duffel mode” or some other mode entirely. That provides some nice versatility that can be good for some use-cases or specific situations.

And finally, the wide variety of packs in this category means you can spend as much or as little as you’d like. There’s something for every budget, which isn’t entirely true for the other categories on this list.

If you’re looking for something extremely lightweight and minimal, this type of pack isn’t going to be your best bet. You can find light daypacks here, for sure, but a packable daypack may suit you better. Traditional daypacks also tend to be a bit on the bulkier side, so if you’re looking for a pack that you can toss into your larger travel pack, there are better options out there.

As we’ve mentioned, the traditional daypack is king when it comes to versatility—but, by definition, that means it’s not king when it comes to specialized use-cases. As you’ll see later in the guide, there are a variety of packs for specific niches that will go above and beyond what a traditional daypack is capable of.

The Verdict

If you’re looking to carry stuff efficiently or you want a versatile pack that will last a lifetime, this is what you need. In fact, even if you don’t think you need this type of pack you should still probably have one on hand. It’ll come in handy more often than you think.

Tom Bihn Synapse 25

But if you have other, more specific considerations, you might want to keep reading…


Aer Flight Pack 3

The Aer Flight Pack 3 is a reliable and functional mid-sized daypack from a trusted brand. It’s got a sleek, minimal look and it uses high-quality materials that have held up well during our testing. If you’re looking for the ultimate daypack, you’ll want to check this one out.

Topo Designs Daypack Review

The Topo Designs Daypack is a stylish little backpack that isn’t really so little. At 20 liters, it’s a reliable daypack that can handle weekend trips or bulky items with ease. Although it might look simple, there’s a lot going on inside this heritage style pack—including some high-quality, durable materials.

Tom Bihn Synapse 25 Review

We love Tom Bihn because they put a ton of care, effort, and detail into the decisions they make when creating packs. The Synapse 25 is no exception. With some excellent organization, customization options, and great materials—this bag is a winner and could be a great option for longer trips.

Are packable daypacks the future of the backpack world? We’re not sure, but we’re definitely into them.

Video Overview: 9 Packable Daypacks For Minimalist Travel & Why You May Need One In Your Carry-On Backpack

Feel free to watch this guide overview in video format. We’ll go more in-depth in the written content and keep this page up to date.

Be sure to subscribe to Pack Hacker on YouTube and never miss a video.

What is a packable daypack?

Packable daypacks are the latest, greatest, and most innovative item to hit the daypack market for some time. Over the past few years, we’ve seen packable daypacks explode in popularity, and for good reason. They’re ridiculously lightweight, super compressible, and they solve a problem that almost everyone has faced at some point in their lives.

YNOT Deploy Packable Daypack

If you’ve ever arrived in a new city with a big ole’ piece of luggage and thought, “If only I had a smaller bag I could use for the day,” then you are in luck. The packable daypack was built to solve that problem, and for that, we love it.

The way packable daypacks work is pretty straightforward (it’s also, like, in the name—but we’ll clarify). They’re usually built with extremely thin and lightweight materials, which allows you to compress the bag into a small ball, just like you might do with a plastic disposable shopping bag. But it’s not just thin materials we’re talking about here. Everything on a packable daypack is light—from the shoulder straps to the zippers to the buckles. It’s all purpose-built to compress, so you’ll rarely see thick shoulder straps, beefy zippers, or extra features on these bags.

Tortuga Setout Packable Daypack Compressed Size Comparison

Most bags compress into a pocket on the pack or a small compression pouch. Basically, you pack the bag into the pocket or pouch, zip it up, and you’ve just compressed a backpack down to the size of a soda can (or sometimes, even smaller).

From there, you can toss that can-sized pouch into your larger travel bag, your desk at work, your car, or just have some fun and play a game of catch with your friends! There are no rules when it comes to packable daypacks, people.

Packable daypacks can vary in size, but you can generally expect them to fall between 10 and 25 liters in capacity when expanded. When compressed, smaller-sized packs will take up less room, but the materials and design also play a significant factor. We’ve seen 24-liter daypacks that compress smaller than 15-liter packs. So it’s vital to do your research on each bag before you purchase and consider how important the expanded and compressed sizes are to you.

As far as compartments go, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a packable daypack with more than two or three pockets. The majority of these bags have one large compartment with a small quick-grab pocket—and that’s about it. As you’ll see, these types of bags are pretty barebones (because they have to be).

When it comes to packable daypacks, thin and light is the name of the game. Everything on a packable daypack is purpose-built to allow the pack to compress to less than a quarter of its initial size. But let’s be honest, compressing is the easy part. After all, you can compress a plastic grocery bag or a Ziploc bag pretty easily.

The hard part is creating a bag that can do all of that while still holding up for years to come. Using a backpack to carry heavy or bulky items can put a lot of stress on it, but even more importantly, compressing a bag can put an incredible amount of pressure on the seams and materials. So, how do you create a backpack that is strong enough to hold up to all of that while still being extremely thin and lightweight?

Tortuga Setout Packable Daypack Ripstop Fabric

Well, thanks to #science and years of fabric innovation, we now have a handful of materials that are up to the challenge. Here are some of the most common materials you’ll find on a packable daypack—and keep in mind that these materials are similar to what you’d find on other backpacks, they’re just going to be much thinner versions of the same fabric.

  • …and that’s about it!

As you can see, there’s a pretty select number of materials that you can use when making a packable daypack. And really, all of these materials are incredibly similar—they’re all thin, lightweight, and have an extremely high strength-to-weight ratio.

Now, with all this talk about super thin, super durable materials… we know what you’re thinking. “Okay, but how durable can these things ACTUALLY be?” Well, if you’re skeptical, you should be.

Mystery Ranch In and Out Packable Daypack

Here’s the deal. A packable daypack is likely never going to be as durable as a full-fledged, traditional daypack. With materials this thin, you’re always running the risk of creating small punctures, abrasions, rips, tears, and more. While 30D Ripstop Nylon is exceptionally durable given its weight, that’s just the thing—it’s so thin and light that it’s never going to be as durable as, say, 1000D CORDURA® Nylon.

What we’re trying to say here is that given the limitations of packable daypacks, they’re incredibly durable. Let’s not beat around the bush here—they’re certainly not the most durable packs money can buy. In fact, you’ll want to be careful with your packable daypack—even putting bulky items in can be cause for concern.

But as far as we’re concerned, as long as you put some thought into how you pack your bag and you treat it well, you’re going to be okay. And the pros of a packable daypack truly cannot be understated.

Packable daypacks are extremely small when not in use, but still quite functional when in use. As you can imagine, there are a lot of situations where this can be helpful!

We mainly use packable daypacks for travel. If you’re traveling with one large travel backpack, you can bring along a packable daypack to use once you arrive at your destination. The benefit here is that it takes up little to no space in your pack while you’re traveling, and then you don’t have to use your enormous travel backpack for a day out in a new city.

Packable Daypack Size Comparison

Some packable daypacks are even small enough where you can toss one in your jacket pocket and carry it around with you just on the off-chance you might need a backpack at some point during the day. Pretty awesome, right?

There are many uses for packable daypacks outside of travel, as well. You may want to keep a packable pack in your desk at work, in case you need to hit the grocery store on your way home. You could keep one in your car or a saddle bag on your bike. Or, for the ultra-minimalists and tiny apartment dwellers, you may want to just save space in your closet and use one of these as your only daypack!

Putting The Matador Freefly16 In A Jacket Pocket

Packable daypacks are great for anyone on the go. They allow you to be prepared to carry “stuff” (whatever that may be) at any moment, without having to lug around an empty backpack. They’re also great for minimalists, or anyone who’s looking to remove bulky items from their life.

Alright, this won’t take long (we promise).

Packable daypacks are thin, light, and allow you to be prepared for anything. …And that’s why they’re great! We really cannot understate how nice it is to have a backpack that compresses to the size of your fist. It’s truly awesome.

Lightweight Packable Daypack

But, let’s be honest, there are some downsides…

Now that we’ve talked at length about why packable daypacks are amazing and everyone should have one, let’s get real for a minute. There are downsides to these bags—quite a few, in fact. And while none of them are necessarily dealbreakers, you should be aware of them.

Matador Freefly16 Daypack In Use

A packable daypack is likely never going to have as much structure and rigidity as a traditional daypack or any of the other daypacks we’ll be mentioning in this guide. That is, unless some new, amazing fabric technology comes out. The reality is that because these bags are so thin and so lightweight, the material is not going to stand up straight or hold its shape like a regular backpack would.

As a result of this and some other factors, packable daypacks do not carry nearly as well as a traditional daypack. Because they have to be so thin and light, they generally have extremely minimal harness systems (although we’ve tested a few that excel in this department, they’re few and far in between). Usually, you’ll find extremely thin straps—which tend to get twisted as you’re using the bag—with minimal zippers and buckles. No matter how you slice it, packable daypacks aren’t great for carrying heavy loads over long distances.

Matador Freefly16 Daypack Stitching Coming Loose

As we mentioned earlier, durability is another thing to consider with packable daypacks. Super-thin ultralight materials are never going to be as durable as the thick, heavy stuff. You are far more likely to experience a puncture, tear, or rip with a packable daypack than with a traditional one. Although, if yours is made with ripstop nylon, those rips won’t get any bigger, which is nice. For this reason, they’re not the best for sustained, heavy use.

Packable daypacks serve a specific purpose, and they do it very well. They allow you to be prepared for anything—whether that’s in the travel context, at work, or on your commute. If you need something that will take up virtually no space when not in use while still being functional when in use, there’s nothing better. But all that comes with downsides. A packable daypack is not suited for heavy, daily use—and it’s not the most comfortable thing to wear, either.

Tortuga Setout Packable Daypack

As far as we’re concerned, those aren’t dealbreakers. In fact, if we could only choose two packs off this list, a packable daypack would surely be one of them. For one bag travel, they’re practically indispensable. And for everything else, they’re pretty damn convenient.

Tortuga Setout Packable Daypack Review

The Tortuga Setout Packable Daypack is a classic. It’s lightweight and compresses to the size of an aluminum can, but it’s still got a 19-liter capacity when expanded. It also pairs well with other gear in the Setout line.

Mystery Ranch In & Out Daypack Review

This is the packable daypack that is the exception to the norm. Why? Because it looks and feels like a regular backpack! It’s got robust materials, a bunch of pockets, and some accessories that you just never see on packable daypacks. But it’s also heavy and bulky as a result.

Matador Freefly16

Matador is known for making extremely packable gear, and the Freefly16 is just one of their packable daypacks. We like this one because it’s pretty versatile and offers a decent harness system without sacrificing space when compressed. That being said, we’ve had some durability issues during testing.

It’s a travel pack! No, it’s a daypack! No, it’s an expandable backpack! (And it’s the best of both worlds.)

What is an expandable backpack?

If you’ve been reading carefully, you may have noticed something different about this section. Here, we’re not going to be discussing a daypack, specifically, but an expandable backpack.

What’s the difference, you ask? And why is this thing that is supposedly not a daypack in a guide called The Daypack Guide?

Knack Large Expandable Pack Compressed (Left) Expanded (Right)

Well, an expandable backpack is part daypack, part travel backpack. This is a bag that can function as either, and it does so by expanding or compressing accordingly. Does it compress as much as a packable daypack? No, not even close. And that is why it has its own category!

Expandable backpacks give you the best of both worlds (at least, in theory) by providing you with a fully-capable travel backpack that you can use for extended one bag travel. The idea is that you can use this bag for long journeys—like flights or train rides—and then remove the contents of the pack once you get to your destination.

Aer Travel Pack 3 In Arizona

Once you’ve removed a majority of the contents, you can compress the bag down to daypack-size and head out on the town. You won’t stick out nearly as much as you would with a massive travel backpack, although we’re not going to lie, it will certainly look a bit more cumbersome than a traditional or packable daypack.

These types of packs often have high liter-capacities, up to 35 or 45 liters when fully expanded and in “travel pack mode.” When compressed, the size can vary—but expect to lose between 10 and 15 liters of capacity. Some bags are built in a way that there are two different “modes” with different capacities and little to no wiggle room in between. These usually use some kind of compression zipper that will run around the length of the bag, allowing you to compress it by zipping up excess fabric.

Tortuga Setout Divide Backpack Expanded & Compressed

Other bags may be built in a way where you can simply compress them down to whatever size you’d like. These usually use simple compression straps, meaning you can often compress the bag to be extremely thin, or compress it just a little bit from its fully-expanded size.

Expandable backpacks tend to have the same kinds of materials you’d find on a travel backpack because, well…they are travel backpacks! This means you’re going to encounter some pretty durable and high-quality fabrics.

Could you find similar materials on a traditional daypack? Absolutely. However, with expandable backpacks, you’re going to see higher-quality materials across the board, as opposed to traditional daypacks where you’ll find a ton of different materials of varying qualities.

Aer Travel Pack 3 Brand

The majority of expandable daypacks are going to be made with some kind of nylon. That might be Ballistic Nylon, Ripstop Nylon, CORDURA® Nylon, or some other version. These are all super durable fabrics that can put up with daily use and long term travel for years to come. And while you might notice that these are similar to the materials we mentioned in the Packable and Traditional Daypack sections, they’re generally going to be much, much thicker. A packable daypack might have 30D Ripstop Nylon, while an expandable daypack is more likely to have 1000D Ripstop Nylon.

You could still find a variety of materials here—anything from polyester to canvas, sailcloth, and more—but in general, we tend to encounter nylon on these bags. And quite frankly, given the wear and tear that is likely to occur with a bag like this, we’d recommend going for something strong like a Ballistic or Ripstop Nylon over pretty much anything else.

And just like the traditional daypacks we covered in the first section, you’ll find a variety of other materials on these bags. Here’s a quick run-down if you need a refresher:

  • DWR coating

Expandable backpacks are great for minimalist travelers. They can fit everything needed for a year of perpetual one bag travel while still functioning well as a daypack when out and about in a new city. The general concept with expandable backpacks is very similar to packable daypacks, only in this case, instead of having a travel backpack and a daypack, you’ve got one that pulls double-duty.

Knack Large Expandable Pack Flat Lay

One potential problem with this system is that you do need a place to store the extra contents of your bag when not in use. Presumably, you’d be able to toss most of your stuff into a dresser in your hotel or Airbnb, or into some kind of locker at a hostel. If you don’t have a place to store your stuff, that could be a bit of a problem—unless you’re cool with stashing the contents of your bag in an alley, or maybe under a bridge or something. (Sorry, we don’t have much experience with this.)

We should also mention that packing cubes can be a huge convenience here. If most of your stuff is packed into two or three packing cubes, you can simply pull them out, compress the pack, and you’re good to go. Otherwise, you’ll be dealing with a whole mess of clothes and other unorganized gear.

This type of backpack is fantastic for someone who is looking to travel minimally, or especially someone who’s on a budget. Most expandable backpacks are priced similarly to your average travel backpack, so you can save a good bit of money by buying just one expandable backpack instead of both a travel backpack and a daypack.

As we mentioned in the durability section, these bags are generally going to hold up longer and be capable of handling more wear and tear than your average daypack. After all, they have to function as a travel backpack and a daypack—meaning they’re going to see a whole lot of use. They also need to be able to hold up to the pressures of compression.

Peak Design Travel Backpack in Minneapolis, Minnesota

And because they need to function as a travel backpack, they also have more robust harness systems, meaning you’ll be able to carry heavier loads for long periods of time while remaining comfortable. Ultimately, the best thing about expandable backpacks is their versatility. And for that, we love them.

Throughout this section, we’ve been explaining how expandable backpacks can function as both a travel backpack and a daypack. But if you’re anything like us, you might be wondering how well they perform in both of those roles…

We’re not going to sugarcoat this—expandable backpacks rarely function as well in “daypack mode” as a bonafide daypack will. No matter how much you compress an expandable backpack, it’s still going to have the length and width of a travel backpack, meaning it’s going to look and feel pretty large on your back. While some packs handle this problem well, most expandable daypacks are going to look a little awkward when you’re wearing them. Let’s just say no one’s going to be fooled by your “daypack.”

Knack Large Expandable Pack In Its Expanded State

Expandable backpacks are also heavy, but that’s to be expected when you’ve got a travel backpack and daypack in one package.

If you’re on a budget or you hate the idea of having two backpacks, an expandable backpack is an obvious choice. It will function well as a travel backpack and pretty well as a daypack once you get to your destination. As long as you can find a place to drop off your stuff, you’ll be all set for perpetual travel with one pack.

Tortuga Setout Divide Backpack Review

The Tortuga Setout Divide is built specifically to function as an expandable backpack. It has two capacities—34 and 26 liters—depending on which mode you’re in, and it compresses with one large compression zipper that runs the length of the pack.

Aer Travel Pack 3

The Aer Travel Pack 3 is one of our favorite travel backpacks, and it also happens to work very well as a daypack. With a robust set of compression straps and a design that collapses well onto itself, it’s one of the few travel packs you can rock as a daypack without looking totally ridiculous.

Peak Design Travel Backpack Review

The Peak Design Travel Backpack is another travel backpack with a compression system that does a great job of converting the pack from travel mode to daypack mode. In fact, this is one of the more innovative compression systems we’ve seen—it uses a large compression zipper and several compression buttons instead of straps.

There are a lot of daypacks out there. Some would say, too many. We think that’s ridiculous.

We’ve gone over the three main categories of daypacks. But there has to be more, right?

Yes! There are many other types of daypacks. In this section, we’re going to briefly run through some of the other daypacks you might encounter in the wild. These are packs that have niche use-cases or are slight variations of some of the other packs we’ve mentioned in this guide.

So, without further ado, let’s check them out.

Waterproof Daypacks

Waterproof daypacks are pretty self-explanatory. Unlike other backpacks that may be “water-resistant” or “weather-resistant,” these packs are truly impervious to water.

Matador Freerain24 2.0 Rolltop Buckles

Waterproof daypacks usually use some type of nylon that has been coated with DWR, Hypalon, or some other waterproof coating. But what really makes these bags stand out is their waterproof zippers and closure systems. Truly waterproof zippers are much different than weather-resistant zippers, and they’re pretty hard to come by.

Most bags will opt for a rolltop closure system for the main compartment, and a few waterproof zippers for other areas of the pack (if there are other areas). If done right, a rolltop closure system will be completely airtight. All you need to do is keep folding it onto itself, and then buckle it up.

Submerging The Matador Freerain24 In Water

If you need a waterproof daypack for whatever reason, we’d recommend testing it out before you truly put it to use. Before you bring it into the wild, throw some paper towels or toilet paper into it, close it up, and submerge it in a bathtub for a few minutes. If the paper towels are still dry afterward, you know it’s totally waterproof.

Waterproof daypacks usually have just one compartment, although they may have a few smaller pockets with waterproof zippers. And we’re pretty sure we don’t need to tell you what these bags are good for, or who would benefit from them…right? It kind of goes without saying.

Matador Freerain24 2.0

Matador is known for making a bunch of packable gear, and this bag pulls double-duty as a packable daypack that’s also waterproof. Well, it’s fully waterproof minus the front zippered pocket. And yes, we’ve tested this ourselves.

Mini Daypacks

There’s no getting around it—these little packs are super cute. We tend to think of mini daypacks as a more stylish and slightly less-functional alternative to packable daypacks.

These packs tend to just be miniaturized (cuter) versions of traditional daypacks. You’ll find similar materials, although everything’s going to be slightly more minimal. You can expect a minimal harness system and only a few pockets in addition to the main compartment (or maybe none at all).

Fjallraven Kanken Mini Mekong Delta

The great thing about a mini daypack is that it looks great and can still be squished down to fit inside a larger travel backpack. But you’re sacrificing quite a lot with a bag like this. It’s still going to take up a lot of space inside your larger bag, it isn’t going to provide the best carry, and it won’t be able to hold many things.

That being said, if you want a stylish little bag and you don’t intend on carrying more than a few items on your days out, a mini daypack just might be the ticket.

Fjallraven Kanken Mini

This mini daypack is quickly becoming a classic. The Fjallraven Kanken Mini is stylish, cute, and comes in about a million different colors. We love the way it looks, and it functions well given its size. We’d recommend grabbing a pair of the shoulder strap pads for some extra comfort.

Lay-Flat Daypacks

Lay-flat daypacks are pretty much just traditional daypacks that you can lay flat at the base of your travel backpack or roller luggage.

We don’t usually see these types of packs explicitly marketed as “lay-flat daypacks”—they’re typically just traditional daypacks that happen to work well for this use-case. To lay flat, this type of pack needs to be made with somewhat “flimsy” or thinner materials. That also means that it’s not going to have the rigidity and structure of your average daypack.

Aer Go Pack Laying Flat Inside The Aer Travel Pack 2

These types of packs can be useful for people who don’t like the idea of a packable daypack or don’t like how they look/feel. The main issue is that it will still take up a significant amount of space in your pack, even if it lays flat really well.

If you are looking for a pack like this, we’d recommend reading some reviews (like ours) before you buy. It can be pretty hard to tell how well a pack lays flat without testing it yourself.

Aer Go Pack

The Aer Go Pack is labeled as a “packable” daypack, but it’s really more of a lay-flat daypack. This pack is made with thin materials and has very little structure when empty, so it will take up minimal space when laid flat in a suitcase or backpack. You also have the option to roll it up, if you are so inclined.

Cotopaxi Batac 16L

A lay-flat daypack that will add a pop of color to your adventures, the Cotopaxi Batac 16L is a durable, ultra-lightweight pack you’ll want to show off. It has minimal features—but has a comfortable enough carry to work well for long days out and about.

Budget Daypacks

Budget daypacks are mostly just traditional daypacks that have been made with cheaper, lower-quality materials like polyester, canvas, or even cotton. You can expect a barebones daypack with a couple of pockets, and that’s about it. But that’s why it’s so cheap!

Lefrik Handy Backpack In Essex, England

These packs are not going to last a lifetime, they may not look as fabulous as you’d like, and they’re not going to carry very well. But they’re cheap! If you’re on a budget and need to carry stuff while still using two arms—boom! These packs will do that. But be warned—you might encounter some issues in the middle (or beginning) of your trip.

Uniqlo 3-Way Bag

Uniqlo is known for making low-priced clothing and accessories that are still stylish and fairly durable given the price. This 3-Way Bag, which can be carried in backpack, messenger, and briefcase mode, is no exception.

Lefrik Handy Backpack Review

While not ideal for bulkier items, the Lefrik Handy Backpack is a lightweight and affordable everyday bag that will be right at home in the city. Plus this bag is made of 100% recycled polyester from discarded PET bottles—so environmentalists rejoice!

Camera Daypacks

Camera daypacks are built specifically for carrying cameras and all the accessories that come with them. From lenses to SD cards to tripods, photographers need to lug around a lot of stuff to their shoots.

Peak Design Everyday Backpack 30L (V2) Side Access

A camera daypack is going to be a bit more minimal than a full-fledged camera bag, as the goal is to hold just enough stuff for a couple hours of shooting. You can expect a bag with plenty of organization, some internal padding, and enough room to hold a camera, one or two lenses, and all the batteries, cords, and memory cards you need for a day out.

Taking the F-Stop ICU out of a Thule Subterra 34L

In our experience, camera daypacks aren’t entirely necessary unless you’re dead-set on having a daypack specifically for shooting. We tend to use camera inserts—like the F-Stop Small Shallow ICU —to convert a traditional daypack into a “camera daypack,” or add a camera compartment to our larger travel pack.

Peak Design Everyday Backpack 30L V2

Made of durable materials and full of features, The Peak Design Everyday Backpack 30L (V2) is a solid choice for all photographers and videographers. But its classic aesthetic and nice internal layout will also make digital nomads and one bag travelers pretty happy too.

Chrome Niko F-Stop Camera Backpack

Ideal for gearheads, The Chrome Niko F-Stop Camera Backpack has enough space and organizational features to fit a few camera bodies, a handful of lenses, and some additional accessories. Chrome is known for their quality craftsmanship—and their camera pack is no exception.

Secure Daypacks

Secure daypacks might look like a traditional daypack, but they’ve got a whole lot going on under the hood. These packs are built to repel any potential thief and keep all of your belongings safe and sound.

Loctote Flak Sack II In Detroit, Michigan

You can expect to see some pretty cool tech on these packs—from tear-proof fabrics to lockable zippers to metal cables that you can use to lock the bag to fixed objects. These bags are great for travel, where security is always an issue. Having an ultra-secure pack means you can doze off on that long train ride or walk through crowded markets without having to worry about pickpockets.

These daypacks will usually be on the heavier side, thanks to their additional security measures, and that’s fine with us. Knowing your stuff is safe is pretty damn valuable, and we’ll take that over a few saved ounces any day of the week.

Loctote Flak Sack II

The Loctote Flak Sack II is an extremely tough bag that’s slash-proof, RFID blocking, and lockable—both to itself and a fixed object (so you can leave it behind without worrying about your valuables). It is on the heavier side—but for a bag built for security, it really should be.

We’ve done our bit. Now it’s your turn! Let’s make this daypack thing happen.

Hooray, you’ve made it to the end of our guide! Congratulations, you are now a daypack expert. Hopefully, at this point, you have a good idea of what to look for in a daypack, and you’ve got enough knowledge to find the right daypack for you and your unique situation.

Different Types Of Daypacks

Now that you’ve got the daypack figured out, it’s time to put it to use. We’re not going to do an exhaustive guide on how to use a daypack (as much as we’d like to) because we’re pretty sure it’s self-explanatory. However, there are a few quick tips that we’d like to highlight before we close this thing out.

Next time you get ready for a day out in a new city, think of these tips when loading up your daypack:

  • Use packing cubes for larger items: We recommend using packing cubes in most travel backpacks, and the same principles apply to daypacks. A few small packing cubes or pouches let you organize all the contents of your bag and give you easy access to whatever you need. The best thing about using packing cubes with a daypack is that, if you plan right, you can grab a fully-loaded packing cube from your travel pack and toss it in your daypack. These are great for clothing and medium-sized pieces of gear.

GORUCK GR1 Main Compartment

  • Use pouches for smaller items: When it comes to tech gear, toiletries, and other small items you’d like to keep organized—pouches are a lifesaver. Unlike packing cubes, which tend to be one large compartment, pouches tend to offer plenty of organization for smaller items like thumb drives, SD cards, and pens that you might not find on your daypack. We love using pouches in coffee shops and coworking spaces to easily pull out all our tech-related gear for the day.

Trakke Laggan Pouch At The Coffee House

  • Keep your laptop safe: We always recommend using a padded laptop sleeve to keep your laptop safe in transit. Even if your bag has a laptop compartment—and even if it’s padded—it’s always worth throwing it in a padded sleeve for peace of mind.

Hopefully, these tips will take your packing to the next level. And if you have any other pro tips you’d like to share, feel free to drop us a line! We’d love to hear about them.

Concluding Thoughts

So, here we are. We’ve finished our long tour through the world of daypacks. We’ve learned some stuff, seen some interesting packs, and had a few laughs. We hope this guide has opened your eyes to what kind of daypacks are available, and why you might want to opt for one style over the other.

Tortuga Setout Laptop Backpack In Detroit, Michigan

But we’d like to close this one out by reminding you that choosing the “best” daypack is not only impossible but not a big deal. At the end of the day, you should go with a bag that will not only suit your needs but that you LIKE! There’s no point in buying a bag that you don’t actually like, no matter how many features and durable materials it has.

So whether you opt for an ultralight packable daypack or a retro leather bag, just be sure to get out there and use it while you enjoy the world—whether that means making your commute just a bit less stressful or enjoying a day in a new city.


Author: Aidan DiPrima

Aidan is a writer, editor, gearhead, and New England native that currently calls Boston, MA home. When he’s not mountain biking with his Aussie Shepherd or traveling around the states, he’s making sentences as concise as possible—a challenge he doesn’t take lightly.

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Day Bags What is the Best Day Pack for Travel by JetSettingFools.com

Day Bags: What Is The Best Day Pack For Travel?

Welcome to JetSetting Fools, here you will find our best travel tips for destinations worldwide. Some of the links on this site are Affiliate Links and if you use them to make a purchase, we may earn a commission. For more information, read our Disclosure Policy .

A good day bag is essential when traveling. As full-time travelers, our daypack bags are one of the most important items we carry. We never explore a city or go on a hike without them. As we prepared for our initial Around the World Trip in 2014, we were tasked with finding the Best Day Pack for Travel.

We were overwhelmed by the numerous choices of travel daypacks – there are so many styles and sizes to choose from! However, before we could determine the best daypack for travel, we had to seriously consider how we would use it.

Why Use a Day Travel Pack?

Before we talk about why you would use a small daypack for travel, we should answer the question, What is a Day Bag?

A travel daypack is a small bag that is carried while sightseeing, hiking or adventuring on day trips. For many travelers – ourselves included – a travel day bag also doubles as carry on luggage for both buses and long haul flights . 

A day travel bag is responsible for containing all of the things you would typically want (or need) while out exploring or sitting in a seat while enroute.

We use a small travel daypack anytime we leave our accommodations . In it, we carry necessities – like a wallet, DSLR camera , phone, keys, a small notebook, pen and a water bottle . Additionally, there are specific pockets in my bag where I stow hand sanitizer, hand lotion, sunscreen and lip moisturizer. In another compartment, I store toilet paper, tissues and feminine products. Odds and ends – like a bottle opener, safety pins, band-aids and extra hair ties – reside in my day pack as well.

Get our 14 Everyday Items for Traveling !

Depending on where I am – and where I am going – there is also room in my travel day pack for a foldable bag (if I’m going to a market), a guidebook (if I’m in a new destination), a scarf or light hoodie (if it might get chilly) and my laptop (if I need to go somewhere to work).

Basically, day bags for travel are a catch-all, carry-all for travelers – yet, they are small and compact. The best travel day bag will provide organization so that tourists can sightsee at ease knowing everything they need is within easy reach.

Features of The Best Travel Day Packs

While almost anything could work as a daypack travel bag, the best travel daypacks are designed with a few specific elements. These features hold true whether you are looking for the best daypack for travel in Europe or if you are seeking the best day trip backpack for hikes. 

Compartmentalized Travel Day Bags

A key feature for the best travel day pack is that it has internal compartments (and sometimes, external ones, too!). Yet, the best travel bag will have at least one large main compartment for stowing bigger items. 

Using a day pack for travel that only has one or two compartments is not sufficient. There should be several zippered or separated sections inside the bag. You don’t want to have to dig your dirty hands through your entire bag to locate your hand sanitizer. It should be kept in a compartment that is easy to get to.

Furthermore, segmented compartments help to keep items from spilling out of your bag. When you want to quickly grab your camera, you don’t want to inadvertently pull out other items like your wallet. Compartments keep everything in place and make it a cinch to find whatever you are looking for.

Having external water bottle pockets and an internal padded laptop sleeve are two common day bag travel pack features that you might want to consider. 

Protection from Pickpockets

Another trait of a good day pack travel bag is an anti-theft design. Unfortunately, some of the most popular cities in the world (like Barcelona , Rome and Ho Chi Minh City ) are crawling with pickpocketing thieves that target tourists. Therefore, the best travel daypack for Europe and Southeast Asia (or anywhere pickpockets are a problem ) is one that is specifically designed to deter thieves.

Top anti-theft elements include RFID blocking panels and slash-resistant straps. That said, zipped bags (or zippered compartments) should always be used to ensure pickpockets don’t get their sticky fingers on your belongings and valuables. 

Keep in mind that money, credit cards, wallets and cell phones should never be kept in an open area.

Durable and Water-Resistant 

The best daypacks for travel are made with quality materials and craftsmanship. Ideally, your day pack travel bag will be constructed with durable fabrics designed to withstand inclement weather conditions. Additionally, the material should be stain-resistant – and it also helps if it is washable.

Water – in the form of rain, sea or even splashing by the pool – is also something to be concerned with. It can ruin expensive electronic devices, like phones and cameras. That can put a big damper on your trip!. However, a water resistant or waterproof travel daypack can keep that from happening.

Beyond all of the technical aspects of a well-designed day pack, one thing to seriously consider before purchasing a travel bag is comfort. Not only does the bag itself need to be comfortable to wear physically (padded shoulder straps are a must!), but it should be a pack that you are also at ease with regarding accessibility and style.

For example, a travel day backpack (rather than a sling bag) may not be the best bag for sightseeing if you are someone who is constantly reaching for contents. While a fanny pack for travel is suitable for some tourists, if it is simply not your style then you should choose a different type.

The Best Travel Day Packs by JetSettingFools.com

Types of Day Bags

Before choosing the best day bag for travel, think about what type of day pack best fits your style, comfort and needs. There are 3 distinct styles of day packs to consider: Backpack, Cross Body Bag and Fanny Pack.

Backpack Daypack

A backpack is one of the most popular options for a small daypack. Top reasons to use a day backpack is that the weight is evenly distributed over both shoulders. Because of this, it is possible to carry more items with ease. This could include a pair of comfortable travel shoes to switch into after a long day walking or hiking. A backpack is not only balanced, but it stays out of the way when sightseeing and hiking. 

However, there are a few drawbacks to even the best day backpacks for travel. As already mentioned, accessing the contents of a backpack can be cumbersome to the wearer. Anytime you need something – your camera, Chapstick, a map, a sip of water – you have to take the backpack off to reach it.

In addition to that, carrying day backpacks on your back leaves you vulnerable to pickpockets, especially in crowded attractions or on public transportation.

Pro Tip : If you opt to carry a small day backpack, you can always wear it backwards – on your front – in overcrowded places where pickpockets might be lurking.

Cross Body Daypack for Travel

Cross body bags – or sling daypacks – are one-strap bags, like messenger bags and women’s travel day bag purses. These are worn across the body from one shoulder to the opposite hip. Travelers who use a cross body travel day pack do so for a couple of really good reasons.

First, there is less threat of pickpockets, because your hand naturally falls on the bag, making it easy to grasp onto. Second, items are literally at your fingertips; there is no need take it off to access the contents.

On the other hand, there are a few disadvantages regarding sling day bags that might not make them the best day bag for sightseeing. The weight of the bag lands squarely on one shoulder. While this might not be bothersome for some travel activities, it can cause neck and shoulder pain if you spend long days wearing it while sightseeing. This is especially true if you carry a lot of heavy items.

Pro Tip : A crossbody day pack is ideal for travelers who carry backpacks (rather than suitcases); the sling pack can be worn across the body, under the backpack on travel days. 

Fanny Pack Day Bag for Travel

A Fanny Pack is a waist pack for travel that is fastened around your hips outside of your clothing. A waist pack travel bag is a mini day pack, which can be absolutely freeing, but also limiting.

The pros of using a fanny pack travel bag is that it is attached to you – ideally to the front of you – which is well out of range of thieves. Because it is worn at the waist, it eliminates carrying weight on your shoulders. It is now fashionable to wear it across your shoulder as a chest bag. Although small, even the best fanny packs for travel have organized, zippered compartments.

That said, the downside of only carrying a fanny pack travel waist pouch is that space is limited. There should be plenty of room for essentials, but cameras and most ‘just in case’ items will likely not fit. However, some fanny packs do include a convenient water bottle compartment.

It should be noted that, if traveling to the UK, NZ or Australia, it is best to refer to your Fanny Pack as a Bum Bag…as the word fanny has a completely different meaning there!

Pro Tip : A daypack backpack and fanny pack can be worn at the same time. Items in the hip pack are within easy reach and larger items can be carried in a small backpack. 

Concealed Day Packs for Travel

A concealed sightseeing bag is meant to be used in conjunction with one of the best daypacks for traveling. 

A flat fanny pack for travel – also called a  Money Belt – is an item that is ideal for securing items beneath your clothing. Cash, credit cards and possibly even your passport are all items the can be carried in the multi-zippered bag.

In our opinion, money belts are the best travel bags to wear to ensure your money and important travel docs stay secure. Likewise, a bra stash is the best small bag for travel for women.

In addition to our day packs, we wear money belts (or a bra stash) in cities notoriously known for pickpockets.

Pro Tip: Keep in mind that money belts and bra stashes are only useful to deter pickpockets if you, in fact, keep them concealed under your clothing!

Day Bags Best Day Pack for Travel by JetSettingFools.com

The Best Day Pack for Travel

As full-time travelers, we actually travel with all three styles of day packs: Backpack, Messenger Bag and Fanny Pack. That said, most travelers will only need to choose one small day bag for a one- or two-week long trip. 

Choosing the best day pack for traveling is an important consideration for any trip. Because small travel daypacks come in so many different styles, we are featuring our personal favorites – as well as those highly rated by fellow travelers.

Backpack Style

When it comes to the best backpacks for day travel, they can be sporty, casual or ultra-lightweight. One thing these small daypacks for travel have in common, however, is that they are all functional.

Osprey Daylite Plus 

The reliable travel luggage brand, Osprey, makes an entire line of day backpack travel bags. The Osprey Daylite Plus, however, is a small lightweight backpack that ranks supreme. With a spacious 20L volume, multiple interior and exterior compartments (including a water bottle pocket), padded mesh shoulder straps and a ventilated back, it is clear why many travelers claim that it is the best backpack for day travel. Buy it!

BACKPACK WITH DAYPACK – Osprey also offers full-size travel backpacks with a detachable daypack. The Osprey detachable day pack that comes with the Farpoint Backpack is similar to the Daylite Plus. One of the many benefits of a removable daypack is that it can be secured on the back of the full-size pack or over the chest by attaching it to the shoulder straps. If you are looking for backpack luggage for your trip, we highly recommend the Farpoint Osprey backpack with daypack combination!

North Face Backpack 

There are two different styles of North Face day bags. The North Face Borealis Mini Backpack and the North Face Jester Backpack. The Borealis Mini is a small 10-liter bag that has Flex Vent technology and organizational pockets. However, it is on the small side. Especially if you intend to use it for day trips or need to carry larger items. See the Specs.

The North Face Jester Day Bag was designed with school in mind – but it works well as a travel day bag, too. Top features that rank it as the best travel day backpack are the segmented interior compartments and padded sleeve for laptops. Plus, with 27 liters of space, it is excellent to use as a carry on and a bigger travel day pack. Buy it!

Modoker Vintage Backpack

We like the look of vintage backpacks. But, what we love about the Modoker Vintage Backpack day pack is that it is loaded with key features for travelers. Multiple zippered pockets, convenient USB charging port and cushioned straps make this pack the best urban daypack (and one of the best travel daypacks for Europe). See More!

G4Free Foldable Daypack

Highly rated as one of the best packable daypacks, the G4 Free 20L only weighs 6 ounces and easily folds to the size of a sandwich. Made of scratch- and water-resistant material, the daypack is designed with 2 zippered compartments and 2 open pockets. Which is why we believe it is the best foldable daypack for travelers.

The bag can be packed in your luggage and used as a day trip backpack during your vacation. It can even be worn as a carry on for plane travel and then packed away on arrival to your destination. Buy it!

Pro Tip: Need more organization in your day pack? The Grid It Organizer is a fabulous way to keep all of your small items arranged!

Sling Style Bag

Just like backpacks, cross body day packs come in a variety of styles to suit every traveler!

Timbuk2 Classic Messenger Bag

Although the Timbuk2 Classic Messenger Bag is designed with bike messengers in mind, I think it is the best day pack for travelers. I started using a Timbuk2 Messenger Bag as a day pack in the early 2000s. And it has been my travel day pack since we became full-time travelers in 2014.

Featuring numerous interior zippered pockets and compartments, there is a place for everything. The quality is top-notch (the bag I currently use is nearly 20 years old) and the airmesh strap makes it comfortable to wear. See more!

Travelon Essential Anti-Theft Bag

When it comes to anti-theft bags, Travelon is the trusted brand. Keeping your contents safe is at top of mind for their line of stylish daypacks. The Travelon Essential Crossbody Messenger Bag has two large zippered compartments with locking zippers. Plus, internal compartments for storing smaller items. Buy it!

Gootium Canvas Cross Body Bag

The rugged Gootium Canvas Sling Bag is fantastic day bag for Europe and worldwide destinations. The casual travel bag has a large capacity main compartment that can fit a laptop or large camera. Plus, there are several smaller zippered compartments and pockets. Read Reviews!

If you are looking for a small and ultra-lightweight daypack for travel, then a fanny pack may be the perfect style for you. I personally think hip packs are one of the best day bags for travel for women.

ENGYEN Fanny Pack

Similar to the fanny pack that I own, the ENGYEN Hip Pack is convertible and has multiple zippered pockets. This fanny pack even has room for a water bottle, so it is excellent for all day sightseeing or taking on the trails. 

JanSport Fifth Ave Fanny Pack

Classic, simple and functional, the JanSport Fifth Ave Waist Pack gets rave reviews as the best fanny pack for travel. With an adjustable waist strap and two easy-to-access zippered pockets, it is all that minimalist travelers will need. 

SoJourner Stylish Fanny Pack

SoJourner fanny packs are not only fashionably fun, they are functional, too – which is why it ranks as the best waist pack for travel! Designed with the traveler in mind, the SoJourner Bum Bags have three high-quality zippered pockets and are made of water-resistant materials. 

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Tips for Finding the Best Bags for Travel

Finding the right bag for your trip is both important and personal. As full time nomads, we have spent ample time searching high and low for the best day travel bags. We feel we have succeeded in finding day packs that fill our needs. 

As we have shared our top picks for the best small day pack for travel. However, if our choices are not exactly they style or function you are looking for, there are many more to choose from.

If you are still on the search for the best day bag for travel in Europe or the best bags for sightseeing on USA Weekend Getaways , find more top choices online . We believe it is the best place to buy travel daypacks for the wide variety of options!

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  • There Is No Debate:  Packing Cubes are like little magical packing helpers that always contain everything on our packing list !
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What is the Best Day Pack for Travel by JetSettingFools.com

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10 Best Backpacks with Detachable Daypack for EDC, Travel & Backpacking

Wole Femi Asaolu

  • Updated: July 19, 2023
  • One Comment

Backpacks with detachable daypack: 10. Mountain Warehouse Traveler Backpack

I’ve carefully selected and put together a list of the 10 Best Backpacks with Detachable Daypacks. These ingenious 2-in-1 bag systems are designed to meet all your storage requirements and adapt effortlessly to any situation. So, if you’re an avid adventurer, traveler, or just someone who loves being prepared for any situation, you’ll want to keep on reading.

Table of Contents

10 best backpacks with detachable daypack of 2023.

In a hurry? Here is a preview of the best backpacks with detachable daypack

Backpacks with detachable daypack for everyday use and travel

Salkan the backpacker.

  • Osprey Farpoint 55
  • Osprey Fairview 55L Backpack
  • Caribee Sky Master II 70 Wheeled Travel Pack

Thule Landmark Travel Backpack

Backpacks with detachable daypack for extended trips and outdoor activities

Teton Sports Grand 5500 Backpack

  • Osprey Aether Plus 85 Backpack
  • Crazy Ants Tactical Backpack with detachable packs

Aviant Voyager 65 + 10

  • Mountain Warehouse Traveler Backpack

In this part of the review, I’ll be talking about backpacks that come with an extra smaller bag, which you can detach and use separately for day trips, sightseeing, or everyday commuting.

Don’t worry, you can still use these backpacks for hiking or other fun adventures, but they might not hold enough stuff for long trips.

Backpacks with detachable daypack: Salkan The Backpacker

The Backpacker by Salkan is a versatile two-bag system that combines a travel pack and a daypack into a single package . The Daypack easily attaches to the Mainpack, providing additional storage for long-term travel. However, it can also be detached to function as a smaller standalone bag for day trips. Essentially, it’s like having two excellent backpacks merged into a single unit.

My favorite thing is the flexibility the package offers. The daypack has a 20L capacity , which is spacious enough to hold everyday essentials. The main pack on the other hand has a capacity of 45 liters (expandable up to 55 liters ), allowing you to pack lotta supplies for longer trips.

Both packs feature a dedicated compartment for a 15-inch laptop. Additionally, there are numerous convenient pockets, such as two water bottle pockets, expandable side pockets, a quick-access pocket, and a hidden security pocket for storing valuables.

Nate Hake of Travel Lemming in his review acknowledges that the Salkan backpack might be excessive for those who primarily take shorter trips. However, he asserts that “ for hardcore backpackers like myself, the Salkan was obviously designed with us in mind .”

So, thanks to its combined capacity of 65 liters, I would recommend the Salkan pack to long-term travelers, digital nomads, chronic overpackers (because we all have our moments!), and backpackers seeking a practical bag for serious outdoor adventures.

What we also like

The Salkan backpack is durable and also offers a comfortable carrying experience. The padded back panel, shoulder straps, sternum strap, and hip belt are thoughtful additions that help distribute the weight more effectively. Plus, you can easily adjust it to fit your body type. It’s simply a backpack to adore!

What we don’t like

This bag has a lot of features that might take some time to figure out. It’s not the easiest bag to use right away due to all the features it has. Nate agrees , saying it’s “not the most intuitive bag out of the box (so many features means there is a learning curve)”.

I also want to mention that it’s a bit expensive, although I think it’s worth the price because of its great value. But if you’re on a budget, you might be better off considering cheaper options like Osprey bags . 

The Osprey Farpoint 55 Travel Backpack

Best Backpacks with Detachable Daypack: The Osprey Farpoint 55 Travel Backpack

The Farpoint is a popular choice for many people because it’s a well-made and durable pack. What makes it even better is that it is one of the best backpacks with detachable daypack.

To start, it features two sections; a front-loading main backpack and a removable daypack that zips onto the bigger bag . This means you can zip it onto the back of the main backpack or clip onto the harness straps in the front , like a kangaroo pouch! Options, huh?

Plus, the backpack set is really versatile. You can use it for carry-on travel (both bags are carry-on complaint ), backpacking or camping trips, and even for everyday use with the bonus daypack.

The 42-liter main pack holds your clothes and gear, while the 13-liter integrated daypack is great for day trips and has a designated 15″ laptop compartment and other useful pockets.

Many people, like Sky Ariella from Travel Lemming, have tested this backpack in real-life situations across 10 countries. They love how it can easily hold all their belongings and last for years. That’s why I think the Osprey Farpoint has a well-deserved reputation as one of the best travel backpacks for men.

Another great thing about this backpack is that it’s comfy. It has a suspension system with a hip belt, adjustable chest strap, and load-lifter straps, so it’s comfortable to carry.

There’s even a ventilated mesh back panel to keep you cool and dry in hot or humid weather. Plus, it has compression straps to keep your things secure.

Like many backpacks with detachable daypacks, you might struggle to put it on your back when it’s fully packed. The 2-in-1 design can get bulky when filled to the brim.

And, as noted by Red Fedora in their review, both packs lack sufficient pockets and organizational dividers. To keep everything organized, I think you might need to use packing cubes or compression cubes. 

Osprey Fairview 55L Travel Backpack

Backpacks with detachable daypack: Osprey Fairview 55L Backpack

I included the Fairview on my list of backpacks with detachable daypacks because of its smart design, comfort, and great features.

It’s specifically designed for women , taking into consideration the slightly shorter and narrower female torso. The bag also features wide shoulder straps, a hip belt, and a mesh harness that keeps your back from getting sweaty.

Thanks to its 2-in-1 design , the Fairview is versatile and suitable for various activities such as traveling between destinations, day hikes walks into town, or even shopping.

And it’s no surprise that you can trust an Osprey bag. The Fairview is incredibly durable and can handle rough treatment, even if you use it frequently or heavily.

For example, Pati from Pati’s Journey Within , who has used this bag for over a year to four different destinations, still finds it in good shape and working condition. As Pati put it, “ I can’t say the bag looks brand new after a year of traveling because it doesn’t. But nothing broke, nothing ripped, there are no holes, and the zippers are still perfect. This bag is a reliable powerhouse that will last forever. Now I understand why Osprey offers a lifetime warranty .”

The one thing I’m not really a fan of with the Osprey Fairview, and it’s the same for the Farpoint, is that there aren’t many pockets to keep things organized. It would have been better to have more pockets for better organization. Also, if you plan on using this bag as a carry-on or personal item that fits under the seat, be careful not to overstuff it so it doesn’t go over the size limit. 

Caribee Sky Master 70L II Wheeled Travel Pack

Backpacks with detachable daypack: Caribee Sky Master II 70 Wheeled Travel Pack

The Sky Master II is the go-to backpack if you want to carry heavy gear painlessly. Rather than deal with a heavy bag , you can effortlessly roll it behind you on wheels —your back will thank you.

But here’s the best part: it’s not just a regular backpack. It’s a wheeled backpack with a removable daypack, making it even more versatile. You get to wear the daypack with the main bag or rock it solo for shorter trips and day outings.

The main pack itself has a capacity of 70 liters , while the daypack holds 16 liters . And similar to the Osprey bags above, you can choose to attach the daypack at the back for balance or in front for easy access to your valuables.

Another cool feature of this backpack is its separate shoe compartment . Keep your footwear or dirty items separate from your clean clothes. And don’t worry about running out of space, because this backpack is loaded with internal pockets, slots, and compression straps to keep your gear organized and secure.

Roll it, wear it, detach the daypack—this bag is all about convenience and versatility. With terrain-friendly wheels and a telescopic handle that can be tucked away at the top, it’s a breeze to roll around. And if it’s not too heavy, you can simply wear it on your back when navigating through uneven terrains, busy public transportation, or cramped spaces.

While this backpack has its perks, there are a few complaints worth mentioning. Some users find the handlebar less durable and not adjustable enough for users of different heights. Broken zippers , damaged wheels , and disappointing customer support when it comes to honoring warranty claims have also been reported. All in all, I think it still deserves a spot on the list of best backpacks with detachable daypacks. 

Best Backpacks with Detachable Daypack: Thule Landmark Travel Backpack

The Thule Landmark backpack is a high-quality gem from Sweden. This backpack has been around for many years and travelers have praised its durability for both travel and backpacking adventures. It’s truly reliable and won’t disappoint you. 

Let me share a review from a happy traveler to support my claim: “ It’s the perfect size and incredibly accommodating for traveling abroad. With its numerous pockets, zipper tie downs, and strap stowaways, I felt comfortable and secure carrying my money, passports, and visas through Vietnam and South Korea .”

If you want more details, here they are:

As one of the best backpacks with detachable daypack, the Thule Landmark features a 40L main pack , along with a 20L removable daypack . You can attach the daypack to the back, or hang it on the shoulder harness, positioning it on your chest.

This makes it fantastic for shorter hikes or using it as carry-on luggage. During your longer trips abroad, you can even leave the larger backpack at the hostel and carry the smaller daypack for sightseeing.

What I love most about this bag is how organized it is. Inside, you’ll find numerous pockets to keep your gear and clothing neatly organized. There’s even a special SafeZone compartment for your valuable items, a sleeve to securely store a 15″ laptop, and deep side pockets for water bottles.

Padding is important since you’ll be hauling two bags around— a backpack with an attached daypack. This is why this one is designed to fit your body closely and comfortably. It features Deuter’s high-quality internal frame system, which effectively distributes the weight even when carrying heavy loads. Additionally, the backpack has a well-ventilated back panel to keep you cool and a sternum strap for added stability.

If you’re small in stature, the setup of carrying two bags can be quite bothersome. Having a backpack in the front and another in the back feels cumbersome and can make you tired. However, if you’re willing to handle this “inconvenience,” then the Thule backpack is worth considering.

Backpacks with detachable daypack for extended trips & outdoor activities

The bags in this section are larger and made for long trips or outdoor activities where you need to carry a bunch of stuff. 

Backpacks with detachable daypack: Teton Sports Grand 5500 Backpack

This is an affordable backpack designed for multi-day hiking expeditions, backpacking adventures, and even extended trips spanning weeks.

It boasts a whopping 90-liter capacity in the main pack, ensuring you’ve got room to spare for all your hiking gear. And as a bonus, it comes with a nifty 3-liter detachable front pouch for quick errands or short hikes away from your base camp.

For all you organized hikers out there, this bag is a dream come true. It features a dedicated sleeping bag compartment , 7 pockets, and a plethora of attachment points to secure your climbing gear, skis, snowboard, camping equipment, and more. Oh, and did I mention it’s hydration compatible ? You get to stay refreshed while conquering those trails like a boss.

When it comes to keeping your gear dry during adventures, this bag means business. Crafted from tough and water-resistant 420D Oxford material, it’s built to withstand the elements.

But wait, there’s more! It also comes with an integrated tarp-poncho that’s generously sized to shield both you and your pack from the rain. Talk about next-level protection!

But here’s the coolest part—you can use it as a makeshift shelter or poncho whenever the need arises. When you’re done, simply tuck it away until it’s needed again. 

What we don’t like

While this pack does come with some comfort features like a chest strap, padded back section, and straps , I have to note that as you load it up with more items, the comfort level may decrease.

Some users have reported issues such as shoulder straps tearing under the weight of the bag or finding them not durable enough. There have also been complaints about faulty zippers that simply don’t hold up over time.  

Osprey Aether Plus 85 pack

Backpacks with detachable daypack: Osprey Aether Plus 85 Backpack

Load it up, attach even more gear, and still have a smile on your face— that’s the power of the Osprey Aether Plus backpack. It’s definitely one of the best backpacks with a detachable daypack on the market.

Unlike the Teton Grand 5500, the Osprey Aether Plus 85 (for men) and Ariel Plus 85 (for women) are incredibly spacious packs that excel at carrying heavy loads . Also, the top lid actually detaches and transforms into a handy 16L daypack so you can leave your full pack behind to explore a side trail.

Organization is a breeze with the Aether and Ariel. They offer a plethora of pockets and compartments to keep everything neatly in place. Need quick access? No worries. There are dual-zippered hip belt pockets, water bottle pockets, and a convenient front “shove-it” pocket.

But that’s not all—these packs have even more impressive features. Think internal hydration bladder sleeve , ample compression straps, and attachment points for your ice axes, tent poles, and all your essentials. 

Let’s talk about how comfortable these backpacks are for carrying heavy loads. They have an AirScape back panel with breathable foam and mesh to keep you cool during warm adventures. The LightWire frame transfers the pack’s weight to the hip belt, providing better weight distribution and a comfy carry.

And let’s not forget its durable construction, sustainable materials, and weatherproof protection. Osprey is a brand you can trust to always deliver on quality, and this hiking backpack is no exception.

A couple of things. The Aether Plus 85 backpack is big, expensive, and has a bunch of straps and pockets that might seem overwhelming for some folks.

Stu, a reviewer from Peak Mountaineering , tested and really enjoyed this bag, but even he mentioned that the abundance of straps, pockets, and attachment points can make it look complicated, which might not be everyone’s cup of tea. 

Crazy Ants Tactical Backpack

Backpacks with detachable daypack:Crazy Ants Tactical Backpack

Because carrying multiple bags is no fun, the Crazy Ants backpack comes with a three-in-one solution. It has three (3) detachable pouches —one in the front and two on the sides.

These pouches include an EMT First Aid utility pouch, a tactical pouch, and a waist pouch. They help you organize your gear and avoid the frustration of searching through a messy bag.

Its spacious 55L capacity gives you plenty of room for a weekend expedition or a take-along to the shooting range. It even has tie straps at the bottom where you can attach a sleeping bag or tent. It’s truly versatile!

What’s more? This tactical backpack is surprisingly very comfortable for its size. This is because the shoulder strap and back panel are padded, and there’s ventilation to prevent excessive sweating. The sternum and hip straps provide additional support and stability, ensuring a comfortable fit no matter how far you roam.

The backpack is built to handle it all, whether you’re going to the shooting range, taking a trip, or even braving warzones. Crazy Ants has earned a well-deserved reputation as one of the best backpacks with a detachable daypack.

Be careful with the laptop compartment of this backpack with a detachable daypack because it doesn’t have any padding . If the bag falls to the ground, there’s a risk of damaging your device.

Also, some users have reported that the bag is not as spacious as the manufacturer claims. And there have been comments about the stitching not being very durable, so the sewn points could be improved for better quality. 

Backpacks with detachable daypack: 9. Aviant Voyager 65 + 10

The Aviant Voyager makes a solid case of a backpack with detachable daypack that’s suitable for both travel and backcountry tours.

It has a 65L capacity in the main pack that features a detachable daypack where you can safely store your 13-inch laptop and valuables. The “+10” feature allows you to expand the backpack’s volume by an additional 10 liters , giving you a total of 75 liters of space when needed.

This backpack is packed with useful features. It includes a built-in rain cover , compression straps to secure your belongings, and a separate bottom compartment that’s perfect for storing a sleeping bag or dirty clothes.

I am a huge fan of Deuter packs and cannot say enough about their durability. These backpacks are designed to withstand tough conditions and undergo rigorous field testing before they’re even released.

To give you an example, let me share a story about a traveler who took the Aviant Voyager backpack on a trip to Namibia , including a safari. They found the backpack to be extremely well-designed and easy to load. Even after three weeks of travel, including a sandstorm in the desert, the backpack still looked brand new. That’s how durable this pack is!

The Aviant hiking backpack is on the pricier side, and it can become quite heavy when worn for extended periods of time. So, keep that in mind when considering your options. 

Mountain Warehouse Traveller Backpack

Backpacks with detachable daypack: 10. Mountain Warehouse Traveler Backpack

Like other backpacks with detachable daypacks, the Mountain Warehouse pack daypack attaches to and becomes part of the larger pack. The main pack can hold up to 60 liters , while the daypack has a capacity of 20 liters . These two bags have the capacity to take on seriously long trips and are also great for day trips.

I also like that the backpack is equipped with various pockets and compression straps that let you tighten the bag and make it more compact so that the items inside don’t move around.

The great thing about this backpack with a detachable daypack is that it’s quite comfortable to wear. It has a breathable back panel that prevents you from getting too hot, along with two shoulder straps and hip and sternum straps that help distribute the weight during long walks.

And it also has an integrated rain cover to protect your valuable belongings from bad weather.

Some users have mentioned a few things they don’t like about this backpack. One common complaint is that the shoulder straps, which are advertised as “one size fits all,” are not well adjustable for tall people.

For example, a tall man who used the bag mentioned that the padded part of the strap ends at his shoulder joints, and the buckles and thin part of the shoulder strap dig into his pectoral muscles, which can be uncomfortable for long-distance wear.

Furthermore, there have been a few complaints about the zippers and seam stitching, with some users mentioning that they are not very durable or well-made.

What is the best backpack with detachable daypack?

In my opinion, Salkan, The Backpacker is the best backpack with a detachable daypack because it’s practical, comfortable, and built to last. That said, the best backpack with detachable day pack is one that fits your body and your backpacking objectives. It should be comfortable, spacious, and well-made.

What is a detachable day pack?

A detachable day pack is a small bag that can be easily removed from your main pack. It gives you more space when attached and you can also wear it alone as a separate backpack for day trips.

What is the difference between a rucksack and a daypack?

A rucksack is a bigger, sturdier backpack for carrying heavy loads on longer trips like hiking or camping. A daypack, on the other hand, is a smaller, lighter backpack meant for shorter outings and carrying the essentials for a day’s adventure.

What is the difference between a backpack and daypack?

A daypack is a smaller version of a backpack that is usually meant for day trips or simple overnight trips. It usually has a capacity ranging from 15L to 35L. A backpack on the other hand can be bigger or otherwise. There are many kinds of backpacks, from hiking to backpacking backpacks. You can find more information in my detailed review of the 31 different types of backpacks . 

How do you combine a backpack and a daypack?

To use both together, simply attach the day pack to the main backpack according to the instructions provided. You can watch the video above to see an example of how it’s done.

Bottom Line

Yaay , you made it to the end of my top 10 backpacks with a detachable daypack review!

Now it’s your turn! There may be other options that I may have missed out on. If you have any recommendations for backpacks with detachable bags that you think I should know about, please let’s know in the comment section!

Also, be sure to check out my detailed guide on the Different Types of Backpacks to Suit Any Occasion .

Why You Should Trust Travelccessories

If you’re looking for trustworthy guidance on travel accessories, you can count on Travelccessories! Hi, I’m Femi, and I’m proud to say that I’m an expert in travel gear. Together with my incredible team, we’ve put together a comprehensive review that draws on our hands-on testing, extensive research on reputable brands, careful examination of product manuals and customer feedback, and evaluation of numerous luggage models. We only review bags with robust construction, exceptional features, and high ratings from real users. But what truly sets us apart is our dedication to providing honest and thorough information. You see, my team and I do not accept payment for reviews. Our mission is to give you all the facts, so you can make informed decisions when choosing the right luggage for your travels. I also want to make it clear that this article is not sponsored in any way by any company. These products have been independently selected by myself and my team. And the only thing I receive is a small commission from our affiliate program if you buy any of them through the links and buttons on this page. It doesn’t cost you a penny. But it really helps me out as this money goes to paying for maintaining the website, editing software, my time, team and everything else that goes into preparing this post.

Wole Femi Asaolu

Wole Femi Asaolu

1 thought on “10 best backpacks with detachable daypack for edc, travel & back”.

I like the Osprey Farpoint backpack because you can clip the day pack to your front. This is a huge advantage when hiking for days on end. The fact that it is also carry-on ‘luggage friendly’ is awesome. If I can save having to wait for an hour for my bags, I’ll do it. The less time spent in airports, the better. My girlfriend had an Osprey pack years ago and the zip malfunctioned. And since the pack has a lifetime warranty, she sent it back, and instead of replacing the zip, they gave her a brand new latest model pack…. Talk about great customer care!

Thanks for doing the research and coming up with great options.

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Trains Moscow to Elektrostal: Times, Prices and Tickets

  • Train Times
  • Seasonality
  • Accommodations

Moscow to Elektrostal by train

The journey from Moscow to Elektrostal by train is 32.44 mi and takes 2 hr 7 min. There are 71 connections per day, with the first departure at 12:15 AM and the last at 11:46 PM. It is possible to travel from Moscow to Elektrostal by train for as little as or as much as . The best price for this journey is .

Get from Moscow to Elektrostal with Virail

Virail's search tool will provide you with the options you need when you want to go from Moscow to Elektrostal. All you need to do is enter the dates of your planned journey, and let us take care of everything else. Our engine does the hard work, searching through thousands of routes offered by our trusted travel partners to show you options for traveling by train, bus, plane, or carpool. You can filter the results to suit your needs. There are a number of filtering options, including price, one-way or round trip, departure or arrival time, duration of journey, or number of connections. Soon you'll find the best choice for your journey. When you're ready, Virail will transfer you to the provider's website to complete the booking. No matter where you're going, get there with Virail.

How can I find the cheapest train tickets to get from Moscow to Elektrostal?

Prices will vary when you travel from Moscow to Elektrostal. On average, though, you'll pay about for a train ticket. You can find train tickets for prices as low as , but it may require some flexibility with your travel plans. If you're looking for a low price, you may need to prepare to spend more time in transit. You can also often find cheaper train tickets at particular times of day, or on certain days of the week. Of course, ticket prices often change during the year, too; expect to pay more in peak season. For the lowest prices, it's usually best to make your reservation in advance. Be careful, though, as many providers do not offer refunds or exchanges on their cheapest train tickets. Unfortunately, no price was found for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal. Selecting a new departure or arrival city, without dramatically changing your itinerary could help you find price results. Prices will vary when you travel from Moscow to Elektrostal. On average, though, you'll pay about for a train ticket. If you're looking for a low price, you may need to prepare to spend more time in transit. You can also often find cheaper train tickets at particular times of day, or on certain days of the week. Of course, ticket prices often change during the year, too; expect to pay more in peak season. For the lowest prices, it's usually best to make your reservation in advance. Be careful, though, as many providers do not offer refunds or exchanges on their cheapest train tickets.

How long does it take to get from Moscow to Elektrostal by train?

The journey between Moscow and Elektrostal by train is approximately 32.44 mi. It will take you more or less 2 hr 7 min to complete this journey. This average figure does not take into account any delays that might arise on your route in exceptional circumstances. If you are planning to make a connection or operating on a tight schedule, give yourself plenty of time. The distance between Moscow and Elektrostal is around 32.44 mi. Depending on the exact route and provider you travel with, your journey time can vary. On average, this journey will take approximately 2 hr 7 min. However, the fastest routes between Moscow and Elektrostal take 1 hr 3 min. If a fast journey is a priority for you when traveling, look out for express services that may get you there faster. Some flexibility may be necessary when booking. Often, these services only leave at particular times of day - or even on certain days of the week. You may also find a faster journey by taking an indirect route and connecting in another station along the way.

How many journeys from Moscow to Elektrostal are there every day?

On average, there are 71 daily departures from Moscow to Elektrostal. However, there may be more or less on different days. Providers' timetables can change on certain days of the week or public holidays, and many also vary at particular times of year. Some providers change their schedules during the summer season, for example. At very busy times, there may be up to departures each day. The providers that travel along this route include , and each operates according to their own specific schedules. As a traveler, you may prefer a direct journey, or you may not mind making changes and connections. If you have heavy suitcases, a direct journey could be best; otherwise, you might be able to save money and enjoy more flexibility by making a change along the way. Every day, there are an average of 18 departures from Moscow which travel directly to Elektrostal. There are 53 journeys with one change or more. Unfortunately, no connection was found for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal. Selecting a new departure or arrival city, without dramatically changing your itinerary could help you find connections.

Book in advance and save

If you're looking for the best deal for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal, booking train tickets in advance is a great way to save money, but keep in mind that advance tickets are usually not available until 3 months before your travel date.

Stay flexible with your travel time and explore off-peak journeys

Planning your trips around off-peak travel times not only means that you'll be able to avoid the crowds, but can also end up saving you money. Being flexible with your schedule and considering alternative routes or times will significantly impact the amount of money you spend on getting from Moscow to Elektrostal.

Always check special offers

Checking on the latest deals can help save a lot of money, making it worth taking the time to browse and compare prices. So make sure you get the best deal on your ticket and take advantage of special fares for children, youth and seniors as well as discounts for groups.

Unlock the potential of slower trains or connecting trains

If you're planning a trip with some flexible time, why not opt for the scenic route? Taking slower trains or connecting trains that make more stops may save you money on your ticket – definitely worth considering if it fits in your schedule.

Best time to book cheap train tickets from Moscow to Elektrostal

The cheapest Moscow - Elektrostal train tickets can be found for as low as $35.01 if you’re lucky, or $54.00 on average. The most expensive ticket can cost as much as $77.49.

Find the best day to travel to Elektrostal by train

When travelling to Elektrostal by train, if you want to avoid crowds you can check how frequently our customers are travelling in the next 30-days using the graph below. On average, the peak hours to travel are between 6:30am and 9am in the morning, or between 4pm and 7pm in the evening. Please keep this in mind when travelling to your point of departure as you may need some extra time to arrive, particularly in big cities!

Moscow to Elektrostal CO2 Emissions by Train


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RUSSIA TRAVEL PACKAGES A selection of Russian tours to take as they are or adjust to your needs.

THE GOLDEN RING Visit the heart of ancient Russia. What is the Golden Ring?

MOSCOW TOURS What you can see in Moscow.

MOSCOW DAY TRIPS Get out of Moscow and take a relaxing trip to some of these places

ST. PETERSBURG Some of the sights to see in Petersburg

LAKE BAIKAL TOURS Hiking and trekking around the world's deepest lake in the heart of Siberia

RUSSIAN DIGS Come and work in the field on a Russian Archaeological dig. Full training given on site.

TRAVEL TIPS & SERVICES Getting around in Russia

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    Carhartt is known to be the stout, heavy-duty guy you can rely on for a long time coming. But with its cooler daypack, it's also a fun guy you can raise a can of beer or soda with, in case you ...

  12. The Best Packable Daypack for Travel

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    9.2. Aer Travel Pack 3. The Aer Travel Pack 3 is one of our favorite travel backpacks, and it also happens to work very well as a daypack. With a robust set of compression straps and a design that collapses well onto itself, it's one of the few travel packs you can rock as a daypack without looking totally ridiculous.

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  16. Day Bags: What Is The Best Day Pack For Travel?

    Timbuk2 Classic Messenger Bag. Although the Timbuk2 Classic Messenger Bag is designed with bike messengers in mind, I think it is the best day pack for travelers. I started using a Timbuk2 Messenger Bag as a day pack in the early 2000s. And it has been my travel day pack since we became full-time travelers in 2014.

  17. 10 Best Backpacks with Detachable Daypack

    Backpacks with detachable daypack for everyday use and travel. Salkan The Backpacker. The Osprey Farpoint 55 Travel Backpack. Osprey Fairview 55L Travel Backpack. Caribee Sky Master 70L II Wheeled Travel Pack. Thule Landmark Travel Backpack. Backpacks with detachable daypack for extended trips & outdoor activities.

  18. The Best Lightweight Packable Daypacks For Travel

    Though it only comes in black, this handy folding backpack for travel may still be the best packable daypack for your next adventure. It is made of durable 30D ripstop nylon, with air mesh in the back panel and the adjustable straps. This makes the pack strong as well as breathable on those hot days running errands or walking the trail.

  19. Trains Moscow to Elektrostal: Times, Prices and Tickets

    The journey from Moscow to Elektrostal by train is 32.44 mi and takes 2 hr 7 min. There are 71 connections per day, with the first departure at 12:15 AM and the last at 11:46 PM. It is possible to travel from Moscow to Elektrostal by train for as little as or as much as . The best price for this journey is . Journey Duration.

  20. <%if ($Tourid !="") {echo $TourName;}%>

    MOSCOW DAY TRIPS Get out of Moscow and take a relaxing trip to some of these places. ST. PETERSBURG Some of the sights to see in Petersburg. LAKE BAIKAL TOURS Hiking and trekking around the world's deepest lake in the heart of Siberia RUSSIAN DIGS Come and work in the field on a Russian Archaeological dig. Full training given on site.

  21. Elektrostal to Moscow

    Moscow, Russia. Moscow is the capital and largest city of the Russian Federation. The city stands on the Moskva River in Central Russia, with a population estimated at 13.0 million residents within the city limits, over 18.8 million residents in the urban area, and over 21.5 million residents in the metropolitan area.

  22. Moscow to Elektrostal

    Central PPK operates a train from Ploschad Tryokh Vokzalov to Fryazevo 4 times a day. Tickets cost RUB 120 - RUB 170 and the journey takes 44 min. Train operators. Central PPK. Other operators. BlaBlaCar. Taxi from Moscow Central Bus Station to Elektrostal.