trek trekan motor trail

Bisa-bisanya Motor Trail 'Trek-trekan' di Hutan Lindung Ranca Upas

Bunga edelweis rawa yang rusak digilas saat ajang motor trail di Ranca Upas, Kabupaten Bandung

Kawasan Ranca Upas di Kabupaten Bandung sedang menjadi sorotan. Penyebabnya, karena event trail yang berujung ricuh pada pekan lalu mengakibatkan rusaknya kawasan yang ditetapkan sebagai hutan lindung di Provinsi Jawa Barat tersebut.

Kerusakan di Ranca Upas paling mencolok terjadi di kebun bunga Edelweis. Kebun bunga yang terkenal dengan keindahannya itu pun dirusak manusia tak bertanggungjawab dan membuat kesal seorang petani yang menanamnya yaitu Supriatna (44) atau lebih dikenal Mang Uprit.

Mang Uprit berhak marah. Tak hanya kesal, bunga Edelweis itu juga sudah susah payah ia tanam sejak 2 tahun yang lalu. Namun kini, harapan Mang Uprit sirna karena ulah sekelompok manusia. Kemarahannya itu pun diunggah di media sosial hingga viral.



"Untuk kondisi sangat lumayan bagi perasaan saya itu mengerikan lah yang udah saya tanam ternyata pas udah saya lihat hancur," ujar Mang Uprit, saat ditemui di Ranca Upas, Rabu (8/3/2023).

Mang Uprit menyebut, saat kegiatan berlangsung, dirinya siaga hingga jam 12 siang. Kemudian dirinya kembali ke warungnya. Namun saat kembali lagi pada sore harinya, ia kaget karena menemukan kebun bunga Edelweis miliknya sudah hancur berantakan.

Uprit mengaku telah menanam Edelweis seluar 1 hektar lebih. Hal tersebut diawali saat dirinya membuka kios tanaman dua tahun lalu. Sementara, Bunga Rawa atau Edelweis rawa termasuk tanaman langka. Pasalnya di dunia tanaman tersebut hanya di Indonesia dan California, Amerika Serikat.

"Lahan yang saya tanam ada kurang lebih 1 hektar lebih mulai dari buka kios sekitar dua tahunan makanya di situ kepikiran gimana caranya di situ saya menjual tanaman tersebut tapi tidak merusak ekosistem tidak merusak kelestariannya jadi saya tanam dan perbanyak," ucapnya.

Kondisi rawa Edelweis saat ini

Sebagaimana pengamatan tim di lokasi pada Rabu (8/3/2023), kerusakan terjadi di bagian rawa atau Edelweiss rawa. Meski sudah hancur berantakan, namun saat ini sudah dilakukan penanaman kembali oleh pengelola dan masyarakat.

Selain itu, ditemukan juga area lainnya yang terdapat jalur bekas trail. Kondisinya banyak berlubang. Kontur tanah di kawasan itu juga menjadi lembek dan berlubang. Selain itu, akses jalan menuju ke hutan juga mengalami kerusakan. Terlihat kontur tanah yang berlubang dan hancur bekas ban.

"Yang rusak itu Camping Ground Savana saja, salah satunya yang ada posisi bunga rawa itu. Kita juga sedang benahi dan hari ini baru ditanami," ujar Manager Site Kampoeng Cai Ranca Upas, Argo Wibowo kepada awak media.

Dia menuturkan peristiwa tersebut terjadi karena ada kesalahpahaman antara panitia dan peserta. Saat penyelenggaraan tidak ada panitia yang berada di jalur tersebut. Pihaknya pun menyesalkan adanya peristiwa ini. Evaluasi imbas dari kejadian itu akan dilakukan oleh pengelola.

"Kami meminta permohonan maaf mewakili manajemen, dan mungkin ke depannya menjadi pelajaran bagi manajemen kami terkait aturan, SOP, dan event-event tertentu, jadi kami akan atasi," katanya.

Argo menambahkan usai kejadian yang bikin heboh tersebut, pihaknya sudah melakukan perbaikan. Penanaman kembali bibit bunga sudah dilakukan dibantu oleh masyarakat. "Kami melakukan penanaman kembali Bunga Rawa yang tadinya luasannya sekitar 1,5 hektar tapi kita tanami sampai ujung kisaran sekitar 3 hektar," bebernya.

Terkait adanya jalur yang rusak, dirinya tengah melakukan koordinasi dengan pihak lainnya supaya melakukan pembenahan. Sehingga lokasi jalur tersebut bisa kembali normal.

"Untuk jalan yang di dalam ada beberapa yang rusak. Tapi kita sudah dikoordinasikan dengan pihak lainnya, kita gerakan masyarakat juga untuk ikut serta dalam pembenahan jalur tersebut agar kembali seperti semula, tapi perlu waktu," pungkasnya.

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trek trekan motor trail

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trek trekan motor trail

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Ingin Coba Jadi Crosser, Ini Lokasi Ideal untuk Trek Motor Trail

trek trekan motor trail

Warga Ibukota Bisa Melipir Ke Depok atau Bogor Bila Ingin Mencari Trek Motor Trail yang Jaraknya Cukup Dekat

Jakarta – Penghobi motor penggaruk tanah atau motor trail khususnya di Jakarta memang tak mudah menemukan lokasi untuk menyalurkan hobinya. Seringkali, lahan bermain trail justru berada di pinggiran ibu kota, misalnya di kawasan BSD atau Bogor. Sebenarnya, lokasi ideal untuk trek bermain motor trail ini cuma butuh tanah lapang yang luas dan kontur naik-turun.

Tidak heran, bila pengelola wisata bertema alam terbuka lantas menyediakan arena trek motor trail. Main trail ini mampu menghipnotis berbagai kalangan, usia dan latar belakang menjadi ketagihan pada kegiatan olahraga ini.

Kegiatan yang satu ini adalah kegiatan yang sangat wajib untuk Anda coba. Karena bermain motor trail merupakan sesuatu yang mampu meningkatkan adrenalin anda dan tentunya menjadikan jiwa anda tetap pada usia muda.

Bermain motocross akan mampu membuang jauh-jauh rasa jenuh yang selama ini kita rasakan. Dorongan adrenalin saat menaklukkan medan berlumpur menyajikan sensasi dan tantangan yang berbeda. Di Indonesia masih banyak wilayah pelosok yang belum terjamah pembangunan infrastruktur jalan aspal.

Medan jalan tanah seperti ini sering digunakan untuk bermain motor trail. Tidak hanya itu, iklim tropis di Indonesia membuat tanah jadi lembab dan menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi para crosser saat menaklukkkan lumpur. Bermain trail jadi aktivitas menyenangkan warga kota besar karena bisa melatih kecekatan berkendara sekaligus sensasi bertualang.

Selain punya motor yang mumpuni, tentu seorang crosser dituntut harus siap dengan segala medan yang akan mereka lalui. Dengan berkendara di atas motor trail, kalian ditantang untuk dapat menaklukkan medan-medan yang berat dengan keahlian khusus. Berikut ini lokasi ideal bagi kalian yang ingin mencicipi ganasnya trek motor trail.

Trek Motor Trail di Bandung

Jelajah bogor, sirkuit bsd, trek motor trail di sirkuit limo cinere.

Sirkuit Gerbang Mas Depok

Sirkuit Gorila Pakansari

Persiapan Sebelum Bermain Motor Trail

Trek Motor Trail Lembang Bandung

Trek yang berlokasi Lembang menjadi satu kawasan wisata alam. Lokasinya berada di sebelah utara kota Bandung ini terdapat beberapa jalur yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kemampuan Anda.

Kita bisa memilih baik itu track soft untuk pemula, hard, advance, sesuai dengan kebutuhan maupun kemampuan anda dalam menunggangi motor trail. Di lokasi ini juga akan menyediakan leader, sweeper serta engineer untuk membantu mengatasi segala kesulitan yang mungkin akan kalian hadapi selama bermain motor trail.

trek trekan motor trail

Trek Motor Trail di Wilayah Bogor

Di wilayah Kabupaten Bogor terbentang trek adventure untuk kalian yang doyan main motor garuk tanah sambil menjelajah. Trek ini memiliki panjang kurang lebih 90 kilometer. Jalur ini dimulai dari wilayah Hambalang dan melewati kawasan Puncak Pas dan berujung di Kebo Modol.

Berikut ini trek motor trail di wilayah Bogor: Trek Hambalang, Warung Ponteng, tembus Gunung Batu, lanjut Ke Cipanas Taman Bunga, balik ke Puncak Pas langsung masuk Trek yang tembus Paralayang. Perjalanan terus berlanjut lewat trek Gunung Mas, kemudian trek Mang Riki Kebo Modol.

tidak gampang melewati jalur Hambalang ini. Jalur yang menanjak ditambah bongkahan batu besar disekitar jalur yang bakal membuat adrenalin kita kembang kempis. Meskipun punya skill mengendarai motor yang tinggi, tetap saja ada resiko besar yang dihadapi.

Medan lintas alam tetap membutuhkan ekstra kehati-hatian meskipun sudah sering dilalui. Kondisi jalur bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu oleh faktor alam,misalnya hujan,longsor atau pohon tumbang.

trek trekan motor trail

Sirkuit Pagedangan BSD

Lokasinya berada di kawasan BSD Tangerang Banten. Treknya sangat khas untuk bermain off-road yakni tanah merah sehingga akan sangat licin jika hujan. Lokasinya terkenal dan sering digunakan oleh kalangan agen pemegang merek untuk arena menguji kemampuan off road produk emreka.

Trek sirkuit Pagedangan BSD memang tidak terlalu ekstrim, tapi kalau kamu bermain motor cross di sini bakal memacu terpacu adrenalin. Konturnya selain ada jalur datar ada juga jalur semi bukit.

Trek sirkuit BSD didominasi jalur licin bertanah merah dengan area rerumputan di sekelilingnya, membuat para crosser tertantang agar lebih lincah saat menembus liku-liku pada jalur.

trek trekan motor trail

Trek Motor Trail di Cinere, Depok

Jika kamu tinggal dekat dengan kota Depok, kamu bisa bermain motor cross di sirkuit Limo Cinere yang berlokasi di JL Swadaya Depok Jawa Barat. Sirkuit ini sangat ramai saat akhir pekan, karena banyak pecinta motor cross dari ibukota yang bermain di sini.

Track ini lumayan deket untuk teman-teman crosser yang berasal dari Jakarta. Selain itu banyak komunitas lain yang ikut berlatih disini. Kita pun bisa bertanya dan berbagi informasi untuk motor dan informasi lainnya.

Track yang tersedia cukup luas membuat penghobi motorcross puas mencoba track. Di Sirkuit Limo Cinere memiliki berbagai kontur jalan, mulai track menanjak, track sempit, track turunan dan track berbatu.

Nah, track yang satu ini memiliki spot yang ekstrim, dan membuat para crosser harus ekstra hati-hati. Sebab, banyak cekungan trek sebelum belokan yang lebarnya sangat sempit.

Bila salah perhitungan, tidak jarang footstep bisa terserempet atau tersangkut. Ini yang membuat terkadang crosser yang udah profesional pun kesulitan.

trek trekan motor trail

Jika kamu tinggal di daerah Jakarta Selatan, kamu tidak perlu jauh-jauh ke BSD. Selain ke Cinere, kamu bisa bermain motor cross di sirkuit Gerbang Mas Depok. Lokasi trek motor trail ini berada di JL Raya KSU Kelurahan Tirtajaya Kecamatan Sukmajaya Depok Jawa Barat.

Sirkuit terbuka untuk umum, baik bagi pemotor profesional maupun amatir. Pihak pengelola mewajibkan pengunjung mematuhi regulasi keselamatan yang sudah ditetapkan. Aturan yang wajib dipatuhi antara lain menggunakan perlengkapan safety gear yang sesuai standar keamanan.

Srikut Gerbang Mas Depok terbuka untuk umum dengan dukungan fasilitasnya terbilang lengkap. Sirkuit ini ada tribun buat penonton dan juga area kuliner. Kan jadinya pas banget nih, setelah kita lelah dan lapar usai main motor cross langsung bisa jajan.

trek trekan motor trail

Lokasinya tidak jauh dari stadion Pakansari Cibinong Bogor, sirkuit yang satu ini bisa dijadikan referensi buat main motor cross bersama teman-teman kamu. Sirkuit Gorila Pakansari ini cocok untuk dijadikan lokasi motocross bagi pembalap pemula.

Sirkuit menyediakan tiga trek, yakni jalur khusus untuk enduro, grasstrack, dan motocross. Ketiganya bisa dijadikan arena penghobi motor garuk tanah, kalian pun bebas memilih kelas sesuai dengan kemampuan masing-masing.

Motor menjadi alat yang sangat vital dalam kegiatan ini. Kelayakan motor akan membuat kita dapat bersenang-senang menikmati alam terbuka. Sebaliknya, kita justru menjadi sengsara di rimba belantara bila kondisi motor muncul masalah. Pastikan motor anda memang layak untuk dipakai melakukan kegiatan motor trail ini.

Ini bukan hanya sekedar menyangkut soal kenyamanan tapi juga keselamatan Anda. Perhatian utama adalah pada sektor suspensi dan kemampuan mesin dalam kondisi siap tempur. Jangan lupa, kenakan selalu perlengkapan berkendara khusus cross terutama helm.

Helm tipe cross moncongnya akan melindungi mulut dan gigi anda dari resiko benturan jika terjatuh. Dengan helm tipe ini kita juga masih bisa bernafas dengan lega, karena ukuran moncong yang panjang.

Penulis: Yongki

Editor: Lesmana

trek trekan motor trail

Tutus Subronto

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trek trekan motor trail

  • Rider Notes

2024 Trek Rail 5 Gen 3

trek trekan motor trail

A 29″ aluminum frame full suspension enduro e-bike with upper mid-range components. Compare the full range

trek trekan motor trail

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Based on frame geometry and build specs.

A bike with lower gearing will be easier to ride up steep hills, while a higher top end means it will pedal faster down hills.

Rail 5 Gen 3

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A few years have gone by since the last Rail review. Lots has changed since then. Pete reviews the Trek Rail 9.9 X0 AXS T-Type Gen 4.

Read Review


Jun 2023 · Alex Evans

Trek’s Rail is claimed to be enduro-descent ready and uses Bosch’s powerful Performance Line CX motor

Great geometry provides stability

Cornering control excellent

Suspension is supple and forgiving with plenty of support

Bosch motor

Tyre compound struggles on anything other than perfectly dry terrain

Harsh feeling ride saps confidence


Jun 2023 · Danny Milner

The last time we rode the Trek Rail we awarded it our 2021 E-Bike of the Year crown in the shop bought category. Since then we haven’t had another chance to ride one, mainly because they’ve been flying off the shop floor. Meanwhile, Trek hasn’t rested on its laurels – the front triangle has been lengthened and the extra space used to stuff in Bosch’s biggest 750Wh battery on all but the smallest frame size. So how does it perform and is it one of the best electric mountain bikes on offer? Need to know: Mino link on the seatstay/rocker interface gives high and low geometry settings – useful if you want to run a 27.5in rear wheel Knock Block steering limiter uses interlocking stem and headset spacers, while steerer tube gets oversize 1.8in taper Top tube System controller and wireless remote are available to buy aftermarket, but they should come as standard M, L, and XL frames get 750Wh battery, while S gets a 625Wh This updated Rail is called the Gen 4, but you can still buy the old Gen 3 model. It gets the smaller 625Wh battery, non-Smart System-compatible electronics and a shorter reach. Although buying the Gen 4 seems like a no-brainer, the new large frame is a really big bike, with a 490mm reach and a yawning 35mm gap to the medium. So some riders may achieve a better fit on the old Gen 3. It’s disappointing that Trek hasn’t fitted the latest Bosch System Controller (as found on the Mondraker) to the top tube. Instead you get a measly blanking plate. To enjoy the improved integration and reduced clutter you’ll have to fork out an extra £1,600 for the next model up, which seems pretty stingy. Suspension Trek claims the Rail delivers 150mm travel, but we only measured 140mm (3mm less than the last Rail we tested). However, we didn’t notice this shortcoming on the trail, mostly because the long wheelbase of the Rail gives it excellent stability at high speeds on rough ground. Where we found it wanting was in terms of grip and sensitivity. It struggled to trace smaller bumps, so not only did it lack some comfort on long rides, but it needed more effort to hold a line on off-cambers, through slow turns, and in the wet. Having said that, there’s plenty of support, so as long as we had the energy, we could ride the Rail like a runaway train. Our bike came with a RockShox Zeb in place of the advertised Domain RC. With 38mm stanchions it perfectly matches the hench proportions of the Rail frame, but it wasn’t the smoothest or most supple fork on test. In that respect there was a symbiosis between the Trek’s front and rear suspension, even if it wasn’t quite the fairytale relationship we’d hoped for. Components Trek proffers two brake specs on the Rail 9.7 – Shimano Deore or SRAM Code R, both in four-piston guise. Given the choice, we’d take the Shimano …Continue reading »

Loves to go fast

Suspension lacks finesse


Bosch has spent years touting its motor/battery/display array. Now, Trek’s ultra-high-end Rail eMTB gets the signature tech.

Flow Mountain Bike

With its updated frame and bigger battery, is this the best electric mountain bike going? Read on for our Trek Rail review.

Incredible suspension performance

Hugely confidence-inspiring ride quality

Powerful & intuitive Bosch Smart System

Big battery offers big range potential

Powerful brakes

Solid wheels & tyres

Battery mount failure

Longer wheelbase has reduced agility

Seat angle could be steeper

Limited size range

Loam Wolf

Trek’s updated 2022 Rail 9.9 represents a significant departure from the outgoing model. Visit The Loam Wolf to read our review of the tech-focused updates.

Bosch Smart System power and control

Category blending capability

Technical climbing prowess

Lengthy reach numbers are polarizing, sizing jumps

Firm suspension feel at slower speeds

Limited playfulness in tighter trails

Vital MTB

Apr 2022 · BHowell

An excellent e-bike with a lot of electronics.

Well rounded ride

Suspension quality

Powerful Bosch motor

Vulnerable Bosch controller and Kiox

Mar 2022 · Guy Kesteven

Trek’s Rail 9.9 eMTB is loaded with carbon fiber and wireless tech. Guy Kesteven explores what the pricey Bosch powered flagship is like to ride on a wet and rocky Lake District demo loop

Lightweight yet super precise full carbon frame

Extended enduro geometry

Superbly controlled suspension performance

Latest big battery Bosch Smart System

Full SRAM AXS and Wiz comms componentry

AirWiz feels gimmicky

99 Spokes on YouTube

Last updated April 18

Trek Rail Review | A plush, powerful & frustratingly near-perfect electric mountain bike

The not-so-minor details.

Trek Rail 9.8 XT

From $7,499 AUD ($12,499 AUD as tested)

- Incredible suspension performance - Hugely confidence-inspiring ride quality - Powerful & intuitive Bosch Smart System - Big battery offers big range potential - Powerful brakes - Solid wheels & tyres

- Battery mount failure - Longer wheelbase has reduced agility - Seat angle could be steeper - Limited size range

Justin & Dan review the Trek Rail

Since it was introduced back in 2019, the Trek Rail has joined the likes of the Specialized Levo, Merida eOne-Sixty and Norco Sight VLT as one of the stalwarts of the Aussie e-MTB scene. Available in alloy and carbon across a wide range of price points, and powered by the excellent Bosch Performance Line CX motor, the Rail has grown to become a very popular electric mountain bike.

We last reviewed a carbon Trek Rail 9.8 in 2019 and an alloy Trek Rail 9 in 2021 . Though they weren’t perfect, we were mighty impressed by the quality of the suspension and the balanced handling. Trek has since updated the Rail lineup, incorporating a suite of improvements that are designed to take its technical prowess to a whole new level. To see how all the changes play out on the trail, we got our hands on this shiny Trail Rail 9.8 XT to put through the wringer.

Watch our Trek Rail video review here:

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

For a full-powered e-MTB with dual 29in wheels, the Rail is arguably one of the best-handling bikes in its category.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

An overview of the Trek Rail

Designed to cover everything from backcountry trail riding through to e-Enduro racing, the Trek Rail features a 160mm travel fork and 150mm of rear wheel travel. It comes fitted with 29in wheels, though by flipping the Mino Link into the High position, Trek says you can run the Rail as a mullet with a 27.5in rear wheel.

As with almost every Trek full suspension mountain bike, the Rail is built around the ABP four-bar suspension platform. The most rearward pivot is concentric to the thru-axle, which Trek says helps to decouple braking forces from the suspension.

The top models are equipped with a custom RockShox Super Deluxe Ultimate RT3 shock. Codeveloped between RockShox and Trek, this fancy shock features the unique Thru Shaft damper design, and as we’ll discuss shortly, is a big contributor to the Rail’s overall ride quality.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt electric e-mtb

Frame & geometry updates

While the alloy frame remains unchanged, the Trek Rail’s carbon frame has been beefed up significantly.

The seat tube has swollen to a 34.9mm diameter, increasing chassis strength and allowing you to fit a modern long-stroke dropper post. Trek has also adopted the new 1.8in head tube standard to bolster front-end stiffness, while improving the proportions with big travel forks like the RockShox Zeb and Fox 38.

Also new is the Knock Block 2.0 headset. The steering limiter still prevents the handlebar controls from smacking into the frame, but a larger turning radius means it’s entirely unnoticeable on the trail.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

Along with the beefier frame, Trek has also updated the Rail’s geometry. The most significant change is the seat tube angle, which steepens by almost two degrees to 76.7°. The reach has increased, growing by 12-22mm depending on the frame size, and the head angle is also a hair slacker at 64.2° in the Low geometry setting.

One number that hasn’t changed is the 448mm rear centre length, which is about as short as you’ll find for a 29er fitted with a Bosch motor. In comparison, the Scott Patron gets a 454mm rear centre, while the Avanti Hammer-E LT comes in at 462mm.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

Bosch smarts

The latest carbon Trek Rail also updates to the Bosch Smart System. The tidy Kiox 300 display is tucked out of the way behind the headset, while the LED controller sits next to the left-hand grip.

Powering the Rail is the Bosch Performance Line CX motor and a 750Wh PowerTube battery. You can charge the battery in situ, or it can be easily removed from the frame with a key for charging separately.

Compared to previous generation Bosch systems, the latest Smart System provides you with far greater functionality and the option to tune the motor. If you’re curious to learn more about its full potential, check out our Bosch Tuning Tips article for everything you need to know.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

Trek Rail price & specs

There are five models in the current Trek Rail lineup; two with alloy frames and three with carbon frames.

Prices kick off at $7,499 AUD for the Trek Rail 5, which is pretty good for a Bosch-equipped bike. However, it’s worth noting that the alloy models do carry over the previous generation frame, which uses a smaller 500Wh or 625Wh battery along with an older display and controller.

On the other side of the price spectrum is the Trek Rail 9.9 XTR, which sells for $15,999 AUD. This model is also available to customise through the Project One bike builder, for those who want something a little different to the norm.

As blingy as the 9.9 model is, we’re not particularly interested in the additional electronic gizmos it comes with. Instead we requested the Trek Rail 9.8 XT to review, as we think this is the bike that more people are likely to purchase. Despite selling for $3,500 less, it still features the same carbon frame, rear shock and Bosch Smart System as the 9.9 model, albeit with a more practical parts spec.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

What about the 2023 Trek Rail?

It’s worth acknowledging that since receiving our 2022 test bike, Trek has quietly introduced some updates for the 2023 iteration of the Rail.

These changes are predominantly based around the user interface, with the alloy Rails updating to the Bosch Smart System with the LED controller and Kiox 300 display. The carbon Rails will then come with the newer Mini Remote and System Controller. Otherwise the frames, motors, batteries, and the majority of the component spec will be identical between the 2022 and 2023 models.

For those eager to wait for a 2023 Trek Rail model, we’ve been informed that stock will begin arriving in Australia in April.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

2022 Trek Rail 9.8 XT

  • Frame | OCLV Mountain Carbon, ABP Suspension Design, 150mm Travel
  • Fork | RockShox Zeb Select+, Charger 2.1 RC Damper, 44mm Offset, 160mm Travel
  • Shock | RockShox Super Deluxe Ultimate RT3, 230×57.5mm
  • Drive Unit | Bosch Performance Line CX, 85Nm
  • Battery | Bosch PowerTube 750Wh
  • Wheels | Bontrager Line Comp, 30mm Inner Width
  • Tyres | Bontrager SE6 Team Issue 2.5in Front & SE5 Team Issue 2.5in Rear
  • Drivetrain | Shimano XT 1×12 w/e*13 Plus 34T Crankset & 10-51T Cassette
  • Brakes | Shimano XT 4-Piston w/203mm Rotors
  • Bar | Bontrager Line Pro OCLV Carbon, 27.5mm Rise, 780mm Width
  • Stem | Bontrager Line Pro, Knock Block, 45mm Length
  • Grips | Bontrager XR Trail Comp Lock-On
  • Seatpost | Bontrager Line Elite, Travel: 150mm (M), 170mm (L), 200mm (XL)
  • Saddle | Bontrager Arvada
  • Confirmed Weight | 23.94kg
  • RRP | $12,499 AUD

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

Testing the Trek Rail

In addition to testing the Trek Rail 9.8 XT on our home trails, this bike has accompanied us along some bigger alpine missions up at Mt Buller in Victoria’s High Country.

Buller has proven to be a terrific environment for a big and burly e-MTB like the Rail, with plenty of entertaining options for gaining elevation and some brilliant purpose-built descents to enjoy on the way back down. Tying it all together are epic views of the surrounding mountains, making this one of our favourite destinations to explore over the summer months.

To give it a proper workout, we took the Rail on a smorgasbord of backcountry singletrack around Buller including the recently refurbished Delatite River Trail, Clancy’s and the absolutely brilliant Stonefly. We also used the Rail to rack up plenty of self-shuttled laps of the gravity trails, including Outlaw and the classic ABOM.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

Trek Rail sizing & fit

While models like the Slash and Fuel EX are known for being offered in a huge range of sizes, the carbon Trek Rail models are currently only available in Medium, Large and X-Large sizes in Australia. We’re told that a Small will be arriving later this year, which will come fitted with a 625Wh battery to fit inside its shorter downtube. In the meantime, those after a Small will need to look towards the alloy Rail.

To suit the height of Dan (183cm) and Justin (180cm), we’ve been testing a Large. Compared to the previous model the reach has grown from 465mm to 487mm, which is a significant jump. The steeper seat angle does help to position the rider more centrally within the cockpit, though we reckon it could be a lick steeper since the effective top tube length on this bike is very long.

This presented more of an issue for Dan, who has shorter arms and prefers a more upright climbing position. To suit his proportions and riding style, Dan slid the saddle all the way forwards on the rails to steepen the effective seat angle and shorten the distance to the grips. Justin on the other hand had no such issues with the saddle in the middle of its adjustment range, and found the cockpit to be perfectly comfortable out of the box.

trek trekan motor trail

The takeaway from our experience? We’d recommend that anyone on the border between two sizes take a closer look at the geometry chart, as you may want to size down rather than up.

Even with the saddle shunted forwards, the Rail doesn’t suffer from a front-heavy riding position. That’s because the stack height is quite generous, coming in slightly taller than the old model. Combined with the well-proportioned bars, amenable grips and saddle, we’ve found it to be a comfortable bike during long exploratory missions out in the hills.

Suspension setup

Setting up the Rail’s suspension is made easy thanks to Trek’s online calculator , which is a fantastic tool for getting you started with air pressures and rebound settings.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

For Justin (85kg), the suggested settings proved to work well right off the bat. In comparison, Dan (83kg) made use of the recommended air pressures but trended towards a faster rebound setting to suit his more aggressive riding style.

There’s plenty of adjustment available with both the Zeb fork and Super Deluxe RT3 shock, which allows you to tweak the damping to suit different trail conditions. In particular, the 3-position compression dial on the rear shock makes a notable change to rear end grip and support, so we’d recommend experimenting with all three settings.

Once set up to preference, we didn’t need to touch the suspension at all throughout the test period. Bigger riders or those who are particularly heavy on their landings may want to fit an extra volume spacer in the rear shock to increase bottom-out support, but the stock setup will likely work well for most.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric super deluxe rt3 shock

Trek Rail weight

Without pedals and with the tyres setup tubeless, our Trek Rail 9.8 XT test bike came in at 23.94kg.

That’s a little heavier than claimed, though it’s a reasonable figure for a big travel e-MTB with a 750Wh battery. If you’re particularly concerned about weight, you might want to look towards the mid-powered Trek Fuel EXe , which is over 5kg lighter.

Although the Bontrager SE6 and SE5 tyres use reinforced Core Strength casings, at just over a kilo each they’re significantly lighter than a full-blown DH tyre. Factoring in the abuse we’d likely be dishing out on the Rail, we fitted a CushCore Pro insert into the rear wheel to help ward off potential punctures and rim damage. Tyre pressures were set between 21-24psi up front, and 24-26psi out back.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

What do we dig about the Trek Rail?

As with previous models, we’ve been consistently impressed by the outstanding suspension performance on the new Trek Rail. This bike is beautifully balanced, offering great small-bump sensitivity while still delivering heaps of support. Along with the powerful brakes, aggressive tyres and long wheelbase, you can ride this bike bloody hard on some very rowdy terrain.

It has to be said that the Zeb is a perfect match for a burly bike like the Rail. An e-MTB is inherently more difficult to correct if you push it slightly off-line, with the added weight compounding any mistakes. The Zeb’s stiff 38mm chassis helps to keep the front wheel tracking where you want it, while the sensitive action soaks up off-camber impacts, maximising ground contact for increased grip.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

It’s a similar story out back with the custom Super Deluxe shock. Trek says the IFP-less design of the Thru Shaft damper reduces the ‘stick-slip’ effect when the shock is rapidly changing direction between compression and rebound, resulting in smoother and more responsive operation. Given how supple it is back there, it’s hard to argue with that claim.

Combined with the trunnion bearing mount and ABP linkage, the Rail delivers incredible sensitivity across a wide range of impacts and riding speeds. Traction and compliance are superb, with the shock recovering well on rapid-fire impacts. We never fully bottomed out the rear suspension, while the mid-stroke support means the Rail has surprisingly good pep on flowier jump trails. The fact that it ‘only’ has 150mm of rear travel means it doesn’t totally numb the trails like a longer travel e-MTB would.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

Stout frame & responsive handling

Enhancing the Rail’s enthusiastic on-trail demeanour is its stiff carbon frame, which feels noticeably sturdier and more responsive than previous iterations. Paired to the Zeb up front, the handling is direct and surefooted.

Much like the Canyon Spectral:ON , that chassis stiffness never results in untoward harshness. Indeed the supple suspension, high volume tyres and alloy rims ensure the Rail contours the terrain rather than pin-balling you around.

The short rear end also contributes to the responsive handling, helping to make the Rail feel manageable despite its heft. While a longer rear centre can improve high-speed stability, it tends to make the bike more sluggish and harder to leave the ground. Trek has avoided that sensation with the Rail, with its short chainstays providing a welcome dose of agility. It rips corners confidently, and thanks to the supportive suspension, it’s also more than happy to take to the air.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

Bosch power & control

Along with its supple suspension and sturdy chassis, the Bosch Performance CX Line motor is another key component to the Trek Rail’s all-round performance. In our experience, this is the best full-powered motor out there.

Set to the adaptive eMTB mode, power delivery is responsive and intuitive. There’s plenty of low-range torque on tap, and the overrun feature means power continues to be applied even if you need to briefly coast over roots and rock ledges on a technical climb.

It’s particularly advantageous for larger-sized riders, with the Bosch motor providing masses of support and powerful acceleration. For lighter riders, bumping the assistance mode down to Tour+ will still provide that intuitively adaptive power output, albeit with a less abrasive punch and a milder overrun.

If you’re willing to make use of the lower powered settings, it’s possible to eke out some serious mileage. Indeed with the big 750Wh battery, you’re unlikely to experience any range anxiety with the Rail. This bike offers proper long-range potential, making it a fantastic option for huge e-MTB adventures out in the mountains.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

While it will happily cruise along, the Rail also enjoys climbing fast and aggressively. Despite not having enormous chainstays, it’s still very calm and composed on steeper gradients. There’s little wander from the front wheel, with the long wheelbase and active suspension keeping the whole bike glued to the ground.

We didn’t encounter an excessive number of pedal strikes, though switching the shock’s compression dial into the firmer position does lift the ride height noticeably. Furthermore, flipping the Mino Link into the High position will garner you an additional 5mm of pedal clearance, while sharpening the seat angle and shifting more weight onto the front wheel. This will be useful for more active riders, and those who are scaling chunky climbs and eroded gullies.

The only real limiting factor on the climbs is the rear tyre, which didn’t have as much bite as we wanted. The tread profile is a little too shallow, and it lacked grip when the conditions were wet. We’d consider fitting an SE6 on the rear, which would offer more predictable traction on loose and slippery terrain.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

What don’t we like?

As with the previous Trek Rail 9 we tested, we encountered a few annoying issues with our Rail 9.8 XT.

Most disconcerting was the battery rattling around in the frame. After a dozen or so rides we noticed a heavy clunking sensation on the descents that felt a bit like a poorly-adjusted headset. This turned out to be from the upper battery mount, which had come loose from where it bolts into the downtube. While the battery was still able to provide power to the motor, it meant the whole assembly was rattling around inside the frame. Not ideal.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric battery repair problem fix

This is of course a disappointing experience to have on a bike costing over $12K.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric battery repair problem fix

Our local Trek dealer put in a warranty claim, and within a couple of days we received a solution. This comprised of a small metal bracket that sits on the outside of the downtube, with two bolts passing through it to secure the internal battery mount to the frame. The bracket did the job, and has eliminated the clunking sensation on the descents.

This is of course a disappointing experience to have on a bike costing over $12K. Having to spoken to other Trek dealers, it appears that we’re not the only ones to have encountered this issue, which leaves us wondering why bikes are being sold without the bracket in the first place.

Even after the fix, the Rail hasn’t been totally quiet. The Bosch motor exhibits the usual clacking noise on the descents, though we found it pretty easy to ignore after the first few rides. One of the Mino Link bolts and the main pivot came loose partway through testing, which required some fresh Loctite and a torque wrench to keep them snug. The rear thru-axle has also come loose on two occasions, so we’d recommend checking it regularly to make sure it remains nice and tight.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

It can be a bit of a tank

While the Trek Rail is a mostly well-balanced bike, it has to be said that riding across flatter and more mellow terrain is not its raison d’etre. Its long wheelbase and overall heft can make it a handful on tight and flat turns, which require some muscling to negotiate.

The short chainstays mean it isn’t a total barge, but compared to the previous version it does require a more forward-biased riding position. This sees it rewarding a more active and assertive rider, especially when you’re threading the front wheel through twistier singletrack.

For smaller folks and those who are newer to the sport however, the Rail can feel like a bit of a tank. If you’re looking for a less brutish riding experience, you might want to consider the lighter and lower-powered Fuel EXe or perhaps even an alloy Rail that features less stretched-out geometry.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

Now while it is a lot of bike to manage, we should point out that for a full-powered e-MTB with dual 29in wheels, the Rail is arguably one of the best-handling bikes in its category. It’s certainly far more fun and involving to ride than the Scott Patron , despite being more capable overall.

It is less agile than the Specialized Levo however, which shares the same amount of travel but packages it into a dedicated mullet platform with a 27.5in rear wheel. Of course it is possible to fit a 27.5in wheel to the back of the Rail, which would be a great option for riders looking for a more playful character and a little extra tyre-to-arse clearance. If you do decide to go down that route, you can take your Rail into a Trek dealer to have the Bosch system reconfigured for the smaller wheel circumference, which will maintain the proper speed reading and motor output.

It’s worth noting that even with the Mino Link in the High position, a mullet setup would result in a lower BB. With that in mind, it may be worth considering fitting a 170mm airshaft to the Zeb, since the Rail’s frame is rated for it. This would lift the ride height and slacken out the head angle further, turning the Rail into a more gravity-focussed machine.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

Component highs & lows

When it comes to the price to performance ratio, there’s no doubt that the Trek Rail 9.8 XT hits the sweet spot in the range.

The suspension is top-notch and offers plenty of usable adjustability. The Zeb’s Charger 2.1 RC damper is excellent, and really doesn’t give up a whole lot compared to the pricier Ultimate version. The Thru Shaft shock is brilliant, and it’s a big reason why the Rail is so plush and controlled.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

The Shimano XT groupset is solid, and we’re glad to see a genuine Shimano 12-speed chain when other brands have been skimping and fitting a KMC chain instead. Unfortunately a freak encounter with a rock that got jammed in the chainring caused the chain to break while Justin was partway through a Stonefly mission. A spare link rescued the day, though once back in the workshop we had to replace both the chain and chainring. It was a timely reminder that stuff gets absolutely hammered on an e-MTB, and having a fancy XTR or AXS drivetrain might not be the most practical approach.

We did bleed the brakes partway through testing, as the rear was feeling slightly spongey. Thankfully it’s a quick and easy process to do with Shimano brakes, and we didn’t need to touch them for the remainder of the test period. While heavier riders will benefit from fitting a 220mm rotor up front, we found the stock setup to be plenty powerful.

Given the bush-bashing you can do aboard the Rail, we’ve been happy to have alloy crank arms and rims. Bontrager’s Line Comp wheels have been absolutely solid throughout testing, with no loose spokes, rim dings or freehub pops to speak of.

trek trekan motor trail

We’ve also managed to come out the other side with zero punctures or sidewall tears, which is quite frankly, amazing. The stock tyres will perform well in most Australian conditions, though if this were our bike, we’d put the SE6 on the rear to increase climbing grip and cornering traction on loose surfaces. We’d then fit a stickier compound tyre up front, like a Maxxis Assegai 3C MaxxGrip, a Specialized Butcher T9 or a Continental Argotal Super Soft DH tyre.

As far as touch points go, the LED controller is functional, but the way it sits up above the bar makes it somewhat vulnerable in the event of a crash. The Kiox 300 display is nicely tucked out of the way though, with a vibrant screen that provides you with access to loads of data without being too distracting for the rider. Still, we’re glad to see Trek update the Rail for 2023 with the newer System Controller and Mini Remote for a more discreet user interface.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

What about the alloy Rail?

If you didn’t quite have the budget to stretch to the Rail 9.8 XT, the alloy Rail 9 is definitely worth consideration. It features the same suspension package, wheels and tyres, and it still gets a Bosch Performance Line CX motor. It’s equipped with a smaller 625Wh battery though, and it uses the slightly older generation frame with a shorter reach and slacker seat angle. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, as we found it to be a slightly more agile bike due to the shorter wheelbase, which will potentially be preferable for less experienced riders.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

Trek Rail vs Norco Sight VLT

Speaking of comparisons, a bike that we’ve spent a load of time on is the Norco Sight VLT , which is another thoroughly popular e-MTB in Australia.

Like the Rail, the Sight VLT features 160/150mm of travel and is built around 29in wheels. It’s also available with an alloy or carbon frame, though Norco has equipped it with a Shimano EP8 motor and a custom battery that’s available in 500, 720 and 900Wh sizes.

2022 norco sight vlt emtb shimano ep8

The spec you get for the money is notably better with the Sight VLT. With a 720Wh battery, the top-end Norco Sight VLT C1 sells for $12,899 AUD. That’s a similar price to the Rail 9.8 XT, but the Norco’s spec is significantly more desirable with Fox Factory Series suspension, SRAM Code RSC brakes, a OneUp dropper, DT Swiss wheelset and Maxxis DoubleDown tyres as standard with a 3C MaxxGrip Assegai on the front.

Spec aside, these two bikes do produce quite a different ride experience on the trail.

The Sight VLT feels like a bigger, heavier and less refined e-MTB. This sensation was accentuated on the bike we tested, which came fitted with a 900Wh battery that weighs half a kilo more than the Rail’s 750Wh battery. However, it’s really the Sight VLT’s longer rear centre (462mm vs 448mm) that makes the biggest difference in terms of handling.

2022 norco sight vlt emtb shimano ep8

The longer wheelbase does make the Sight VLT incredibly stable, and we found it would happily plough its way downhill with a plush and bottomless feel to its rear suspension. However, it’s not as responsive as the Rail. It’s noticeably harder to change direction, with a cumbersome feel through the corners and across tighter trails. It’s also much more difficult to lift up the front wheel when launching off a drop or manualling down the trail.

The long chainstays and steep seat tube angle makes the Sight VLT a very planted bike on the climbs. Unfortunately the Shimano EP8 motor doesn’t produce the same power or overrun as the Rail’s excellent Bosch motor, resulting in slower climbing speeds and less assistance on technical stop-start features. The Rail pulls further ahead on tight switchback climbs, with its shorter chainstays allowing it to pivot around with more precision.

While both bikes are great examples of a modern full-powered e-MTB, the Rail edges out the Sight VLT when it comes to suspension performance and all-round handling. Whether it’s worth the price premium depends on how much value you place on its ride quality, Bosch system and Trek’s warranty support.

Trek Rail vs Trek Fuel EXe

Of course the competition for the Trek Rail isn’t just coming from other brands. With the recent introduction of the Fuel EXe , Trek now has an alternative choice in its e-MTB lineup.

2023 trek fuel exe 9.9 xx1 axs

Compared to the Rail with its 85Nm motor and 750Wh battery, the Fuel EXe takes a sleeker and lighter-weight approach. It’s built around a tiny TQ motor that puts out 50Nm of peak torque, and it uses a much smaller 360Wh battery. Along with its slimmer frame construction, it weighs in at just 18kg for the complete bike.

The Fuel EXe does have less travel with a 150mm fork and 140mm at the rear. However, the frame will accommodate a 160mm travel fork, which is exactly how we set it up for our long-term Fuel EXe review . Along with stickier tyres and a few other changes, the Fuel EXe is an incredibly capable and fun e-MTB to ride.

Comparing the two bikes, it’s obvious that the Fuel EXe’s suspension isn’t as plush as it is on the Rail. The extra 10mm of travel and the custom Thru Shaft shock gives the Rail hypersensitive performance that delivers more grip and more comfort when things get choppy. Along with the slacker geometry and added weight, it’s a more planted bike at speed, especially when full-gassing it on hectic DH trails.

When things get tight and twisty however, the lighter Fuel EXe offers greater agility. It’s easier to ride, with more intuitive and involving handling that doesn’t make you feel like you’re an unwilling passenger. The lower weight is instantly noticeable on the trail, allowing you to change direction with less effort. It’s just also easier to deal with on a practical day-to-day basis, like when you need to flip it over to repair a puncture or load it onto a bike rack on the car. Combined with its softer and whisper-quiet motor output, it’s a less intimidating bike for newer riders.

2023 trek fuel exe 9.9 xx1 axs

The Fuel EXe is no doubt the better option if you’re riding in a group with regular mountain bikes. It’s quiet and stealthy, so it’s less out of place. And with the motor set to the lower assist modes, you’ll be riding at similar speeds to everyone else.

If everyone in your riding group has a full-powered e-MTB however, you’ll be putting in considerably more effort with the Fuel EXe. You’ll need to make use of the highest assist setting, which tends to drain the 360Wh battery quite quickly.

Speaking of, we actually had both the Fuel EXe and the Rail during a big backcountry ride around Mt Buller. On the final climb back to the village, the Fuel EXe’s battery ran flat, while the Rail finished with 50% left in the tank. Put simply, the Rail offers you more capacity for long rides with plenty of elevation gain. That makes it the better option if epic rides in the mountains are on the agenda, particularly if you’re going to be riding with other e-MTBs.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

Flow’s Verdict

The latest generation Trek Rail continues to be one of the best handling full-powered e-MTBs we’ve tested.

The cornerstone is its terrific suspension performance, which offers excellent small-bump sensitivity and grip with a responsive feel all the way throughout the travel. Indeed the way it manages to balance big-hit compliance while still giving good pop is mighty impressive. Along with its stout chassis, long wheelbase and burly build kit, the Rail is capable of monster trucking its way down some pretty gnarly descents.

It isn’t a total barge on flowier singletrack however, which is largely down to its taut carbon frame, responsive suspension and short chainstays. Certainly for a 24kg e-MTB, it’s one of the more intuitive and fun bikes to ride.

It’s a mighty fine technical climber too. The powerful Bosch motor is responsive and intuitive, while the 750Wh battery offers loads of range for proper all-day rides in the mountains.

We reckon it would benefit a steeper seat angle, and given how many frame sizes Trek offers in its regular mountain bike range, it’d be great to see the Rail produced in a similar range of sizes. And while the majority of the build kit on the Rail 9.8 XT proven to be solid, we were disappointed to encounter a glaring problem with the battery on our test bike. This is an expensive bike after all, so we have high expectations.

Once that issue was sorted, the Rail has proven to be a solid performer that we’ve thoroughly enjoyed on some epic rides over the summer season.

We wouldn’t necessarily recommend it for smaller riders or those who are newer to mountain biking, as its overall heft and raked-out wheelbase can make it a handful on more mellow terrain. Those riders will likely be better served by the lighter Fuel EXe, or perhaps even an alloy Rail with its slightly more moderate geometry.

But if you’re after a powerful and highly capable e-MTB that thrives on enduro-type trails, the Rail delivers control and composure in spades, especially when things get steep, fast and chunky.

2023 trek rail 9.8 xt bosch electric

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2022 Trek Rail 9.8 Bosch motor cuts out

  • Thread starter evilmtb
  • Start date Sep 11, 2022
  • Sep 11, 2022
  • Called the LBS to explain the situation and was instructed to drop in for a quick diagnostics run.
  • Learned that there are no tools available for running your own diagnostics even though it's a simple USBc connection and some basic software.
  • Drove down to the LBS, let them run the first round of diagnostics that indicated frequent power shut offs due to voltage drop.
  • Per the Bosch Warranty process they sent a new power cable harness ($44 part).
  • Replaced the main power cable harness.
  • I also checked the continuity on all of the controller wires with a volt meter just to be sure everything was working.
  • I made sure the extra headlight wire was capped (it wasn't so I capped it)
  • Returned to the shop for another diagnostic (per the warranty process from Bosch).
  • They updated the firmware and still saw that there was some kind of warning but did not specify what it was.
  • Took if for a test ride
  • The problem persisted and was actually even worse
  • Researched battery alignment process and followed the instructions per the Trek alignment Bulletin
  • Followed the process to check the battery alignment
  • Scheduled time with the local bike shop to run another diagnostic report
  • Took the bike to the LBS for another Diagnostic check
  • Results came back with a new warning that may indicate a bad cell in the battery
  • Results sent to Bosch by the LBS
  • Now waiting with no ETA on a response... so just waiting.
  • Called Trek to ask about the warranty and to find out if there's anything they can to do help.
  • See the Trek Customer Care response below.
  • Local Bike shop called. Bosch responded and wants pictures of the bike that only the local bike shop is allowed or capable of taking. There will be labor costs that Bosch will NOT cover but the the LBS will try to get it covered by Trek.
  • Took bike to the local shop
  • Picked the bike back up.
  • Tech informed me that the connectors on the female end of the battery appeared to be bent.
  • All photos have been sent to Bosch for review
  • Now we wait.



Absent from your list of checked items is battery alignment. If you are unwilling or unable to check and adjust this yourself I recommend having your shop check this.  


Big thread in the Trek sub forum on this (1) Rail 9.7 shutting off...finally fixed?? - EMTB Forums  

Rob Rides EMTB

Rob Rides EMTB


evilmtb said: Anyone else with a Trek Rail or a Bosch Performance Line CX motor experienced frequent motor shut offs? I've had it to a local shop. They claim that there's no way the motor is bad or has a problem simply because they've never seen it happen. However... - Ran diagnostics - Replaced the power cables - I checked the continuity on all of the controller wires as well as the power wires - I made sure the extra headlight wire was capped - Updated the firmware - Re-Ran the diagnostics and showed no problems Went for the first ride after all that today and the moment you start peddling through any chunky stuff, the motor just shuts off. BTW... the most frustrating thing is that the Bosch warranty process requires a lot of back and forth with the bike shop and apparently Bosch doesn't cover the labor costs. At the same time, they say if you do the work and a shop doesn't then they will void the warranty. I love the bike, but this is just silly. Has anyone else experienced this and does anyone have any advice? Click to expand...
  • Thread starter
Rob Rides EMTB said: Does the LED remote flash orange and cycle down to power off? I also suspect battery may be faulty here if so… Click to expand...
BuzzinHornets said: Absent from your list of checked items is battery alignment. If you are unwilling or unable to check and adjust this yourself I recommend having your shop check this. Click to expand...

Active member

  • Sep 12, 2022

Battery breaking contact. Check plug, prongs in battery should be touching. Usually caused from battery jumping around  

I've spent hours trying to find an alignment procedure that may be specific for the 2022 Rail. I've found a bulletin for the 2019. That seems to be for a problem with the battery actually departing the bike. I used that to check the alignment and torque setting on the T-25 bolts. I'll get, yet another diagnostic report from the LBS, and then hit a test ride this week and see what happens. If anyone happens to have a battery alignment procedure for the 2022 model, please share it.  


E*POWAH Elite World Champion

Rail (625wh) - trek rib battery alignment procedure - updated.


My wife had problems with her Bosch motor shutting down. Turned out to be loose magnets in the mount for the controller. charlie  


I had the same thing. Apparently it was a faulty cell in the battery that made it think it was overheating so it shut the motor down.  


Mikerb said: Not familiar with Trek.....are these latest reports of powering off the Bosch Smart System or the previous gen? Click to expand...

Quick Update. Message from the Local Bike Shop is... "We've had to do battery alignments for more than a dozen trek rails. On the new bikes we have to remove the spacer bar in order to do the alignment as it's not possible with the spacer bar in the bike. It doesn't void the warranty." Also... they are giving me advice and allowing me to do the work to avoid high labor costs. But the back and forth requires a lot of trips to run diagnostics, since we can't have the software to do it ourselves, which is completely stupid.  

In which case the main battery alignment problems of previous years may be a red herring for you. When the bike cuts out are you able to restart it straight away? When on a ride does it cut out? On the Bosch Smart System the LED Remote has a 3.7v rechargeable battery and is charged by the main battery. If the LED Remote battery goes flat the bike will power off. The battery has both pos and neg wires and a signal wire which I assume enables it to switch the charging circuit on/off depending on its state of charge. If that aspect has become faulty it may be the cause of your problems.  



Take it back and claim it is not fit for purpose? It should also last a reasonable amount of time. Both of which the shop purchased from are legally required to resolve if the bike is less than six months old. They should also cover all labour and parts costs. This is of course only valid in UK consumer law. Edit: just noticed OP isn't in UK ...  

Mikerb said: In which case the main battery alignment problems of previous years may be a red herring for you. When the bike cuts out are you able to restart it straight away? When on a ride does it cut out? On the Bosch Smart System the LED Remote has a 3.7v rechargeable battery and is charged by the main battery. If the LED Remote battery goes flat the bike will power off. The battery has both pos and neg wires and a signal wire which I assume enables it to switch the charging circuit on/off depending on its state of charge. If that aspect has become faulty it may be the cause of your problems. Click to expand...
  • Sep 13, 2022
shockwave said: so trek made a bike with a batt alignment problem and the lbs is charging you to fix it under warranty ? Click to expand...
evilmtb said: This is the thing that bugs me the most... It's clearly a Warranty issue. However, Bosch and I guess Trek, requires you to go through a lengthy triage process to determine the problem. The warranty may cover the parts, but from what I can tell, it doesn't cover shop labor. If it turns out you have a faulty power wire harness, that's $44 dollars. But to get there, you have to spend $500. Frankly, I would rather spend that money on a brake upgrade because the brakes on this bike are not suitable for any real trail riding. I digress... Furthermore, Bosch requires that diagnostics run at a shop and unless you are a Bosch dealer, you can't access the software to run the diagnostics. In short, you are forced to work through a shop, they can charge you if they like, and Bosch / Trek may or may not cover it. Knowing this, my advice to anyone looking at EMTBs is to take a hard look at the warranty. So far, I love this bike but not a lot of great things to say about Bosch and Trek. Maybe I should have opted for the Yeti E165. Click to expand...
Isaacgrx said: That is absolute BS. If you bought a Trek from a shop and it has a fault the shop should cover any troubleshooting and then deal with trek/bosch themselves, that is literally their job and why you buy a bike from a store rather than online. Click to expand...

trek trekan motor trail

evilmtb said: To be fair... I bought the bike, then I moved a long ways away about a month later. There's no way I can get back to the shop. This is actually not an uncommon problem. Another situation is that many people have to find a bike elsewhere because the supply is so low that the local shop can't get what you need. For example, ask your local shop for a Trek Rail 9.8 or 9.8 with a GX AXS system. They likely won't have it. I know a lot of folks that have called shops all over the country looking for a specific bike, purchased it, and then used Bike Flights to get it. Click to expand...
Isaacgrx said: Ahh well them charging you labour makes a lot more sense now, I assumed it was the shop you bought the bike from. Any bike shop would do that with any item not from them. Click to expand...

Paul Mac

Paul Mac said: Unfortunately my 2022 9.8 has just started doing the power cut off thing. It's weird because I have just completed a 220 mile ride over a week and it was faultless, but yesterday it turned itself off numerous times. I took the battery out when I got home and all seems fine! I've cleaned the contacts and also removed the damper plate I had installed just in case it's that pushing the contacts apart Riding again today to see if it still does it Click to expand...


Suggestion: borrow another battery from your LBS and see if you get the same problem with it.  

irie said: Suggestion: borrow another battery from your LBS and see if you get the same problem with it. Click to expand...

Well did a 30 mile ride with plenty of jumps and rough terrain, worked faultlessly. So in my case I feel this is definitely a battery connection issue and that none of the hardware is faulty. Trek definitely need to get in top of their battery mounting method.  

evilmtb said: That's a pretty good idea. With the way I ride and where I ride, they may not want that Battery Back I tend to pick up a lot of nicks and scratches on the local trails. Click to expand...

Secret Agent

  • Sep 14, 2022
evilmtb said: Anyone else with a Trek Rail or a Bosch Performance Line CX motor experienced frequent motor shut off? I'll document and update my experience here for future readers. Hopefully this helps others save some time and headache. Note to any Trek or Bosch folks that happen across this thread. Pass this on to your product folks before any independent YouTubers with some real influence experience this issue. Process So Far Day 1 Called the LBS to explain the situation and was instructed to drop in for a quick diagnostics run. Learned that there are no tools available for running your own diagnostics even though it's a simple USBc connection and some basic software. Drove down to the LBS, let them run the first round of diagnostics that indicated frequent power shut offs due to voltage drop. Day 10 Per the Bosch Warranty process they sent a new power cable harness ($44 part). Replaced the main power cable harness. I also checked the continuity on all of the controller wires with a volt meter just to be sure everything was working. I made sure the extra headlight wire was capped (it wasn't so I capped it) Day 11 Returned to the shop for another diagnostic (per the warranty process from Bosch). They updated the firmware and still saw that there was some kind of warning but did not specify what it was. Day 13 Took if for a test ride The problem persisted and was actually even worse Day 14 Researched battery alignment process and followed the instructions per the Trek alignment Bulletin Followed the process to check the battery alignment Scheduled time with the local bike shop to run another diagnostic report Day 16 Took the bike to the LBS for another Diagnostic check Results came back with a new warning that may indicate a bad cell in the battery Results sent to Bosch by the LBS Now waiting with no ETA on a response... so just waiting. Day 17 Called Trek to ask about the warranty and to find out if there's anything they can to do help. See the Trek Customer Care response below. Current Status Riding and Waiting. At least the I can ride and restart the motor. Winter is coming. I'm hoping to get this fixed ASAP. Trek Customer Care Response I had a long conversation with Trek Warranty folks. Unfortunately, this is 100% Bosch and the Bosch process has to be followed by your Local Bike Shop (LBS) if there's an issue. As far as shop time costs are concerned, the LBS can submit a request to Trek to cover labor but it's no guarantee. Right to Repair Laws Doing a little research on Right to Repair federal and state laws. At the moment, Bosch is within their legal rights to withhold access to diagnostics and repair tools. However, there are currently state and federal laws moving through legislation that will change that. It's being driven, in large part, by the farming industry. However, it will most likely apply to other industries. The outcome would be that companies like Bosch would not be allowed to withhold the tools necessary for at home diagnostics and repair. Something the EMBT community would benefit from IMHO. Click to expand...


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Sirkuit Gerbang Mas Depok kerap dijadikan latihan karena menjadi salah satu trek dengan standar nasional yang dijadikan arena perlombaan. Oleh sebab itu, trek ini sangat cocok bagi yang benar-benar ingin menjadi crosser andal.

4. Sirkuit Gorila Pakansari

Lokasi trek satu ini tidak jauh dari Stadion Pakansari, yang berada di Cibinong, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Sirkuit satu ini bisa dijadikan referensi untuk bermain motocross demi melepas penat setelah disibukkan dengan pekerjaan.

trek trekan motor trail

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Bagi pencinta tantangan, lokasi trek motor trail di Bandung menjadi salah satu pilihan terbaik untuk menjajal keandalan dalam melintasi medan berat. Terdapat beberapa jalur yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kemampuan pengendara.

Peserta bisa memilih baik itu track soft untuk pemula, hard, advance, sesuai dengan kebutuhan maupun kemampuan dalam menunggangi motor trail. Ini akan membantu belajar hobi baru dengan lebih menyenangkan.

Apabila khawatir tersasar atau kesulitan saat melintasi trek, lokasi ini juga menyediakan leader, sweeper serta engineer untuk membantu mengatasi segala kesulitan yang mungkin dihadapi selama bermain motor trail.

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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Off the Beaten Trail: the Moscow Metro



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The Trek Central app Everything in the palm of your hand

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Connect to your e-bike like never before with the Trek Central app. Itching to customize your motor? Trek Central hands you the keys with features that allow you to tune your motor settings with the swipe of a finger. Want more accurate range estimation? Plug in your personal details and Trek Central will do the math for you. And when you’ve dialed everything just to your liking, Trek Central is there to give you routes, track your rides, and more.

Ready to ride

Get all the details you need from an easy-to-use dashboard, check your connection, get tire pressure recommendations, and more.

Tuned to you

Fine tune your motor on the fly and make sure your bike is dialed in for how and where you’re riding. *Tuning options vary by model

Plan your ride

Map out the perfect ride with easy-to-use maps. Trek Central will also show you how far you can make it with your current assist mode and battery level.

See your stats

Keep track of the hours you spend in the saddle, the distance you ride, battery usage, and calories burned.

Make history

Scroll through a complete history of your rides and work toward new goals with ride history that automatically logs every ride when your bike is paired with Trek Central.

Plays well with others

Pair your Trek Central app with Strava and Komoot to seamlessly communicate ride details and automatically log your rides across different apps.

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The Trek Central App makes it easy to use your phone as your bike computer – just mount it to your bars, plan your route, and get rolling.


Trek models

Fuel EXe offers just the right amount of quiet assist when you want it and disappears under you when you don't.

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Domane+ SLR

Domane+ SLR is our lightest and quietest e-road bike ever with our highest-level 800 Series OCLV Carbon.

Our highest-value e-road bike, Domane+ AL boasts a light and strong 100 Series Alpha Aluminum frame.

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Dual Sport+

Dual Sport+ is an adventure-loving electric bike for wherever you roam. This hybrid e-bike delivers a versatile, stable, comfort-first experience on both road and trail.

Verve+ 1 Lowstep LT

This lightweight electric city bike is built with comfort touchpoints to help you feel better on every ride.

Electra models

Super fun. Super versatile. This throttle e-bike will carry you, a friend, and your stuff — and help you find some good trouble along the way.

Easy to use and fun to ride, Electra Townie Go! models have surprising power that will make you want to go forever.

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    Trek trail bikes are versatile, light, and exceedingly capable. They climb just as well as they descend, making them ideal for everything from enduro racing to ripping laps after work. Slash. A long-travel all-mountain bike built for racing rugged enduro lines and having a rippin' good time in the rough.

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  20. BETA GIDA, OOO Company Profile

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    Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for STAL-TEKHNOLOGIYA, OOO of Elektrostal, Moscow region. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.