Opening Strange Portals in Physics

Physicist Lisa Randall explores the mind-stretching realms that new experiments soon may expose

Robert Irion

Lisa Randall

In her new book, Knocking on Heaven's Door , Harvard University theorist Lisa Randall explores how physics may transform our understanding of the fundamental nature of the world. She thinks an extra dimension may exist close to our familiar reality, hidden except for a bizarre sapping of the strength of gravity as we see it. She also ponders the makeup of dark matter, unseen particles that have shaped the growth of the entire cosmos. These ideas, once the sole province of fiction writers, face real tests in a new generation of experiments. Sensitive detectors now sniff for dark matter, while the most complex scientific machine ever created, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), beneath the border of Switzerland and France, smashes subatomic particles into one another at almost the speed of light.

What were your main goals for your new book? One goal was to describe the science I'm interested in today: the physics happening at the LHC and searches for dark matter. But I also wanted to clarify the nature of science: what it means to be right and wrong, what it means to make measurements, and the roles of uncertainty, risk and creativity.

Do you feel the physics community is on the verge of finding something remarkable? I certainly hope so. We have a good chance [with the LHC] to see the Higgs particle, which tells us how elementary particles acquire mass. Other deep issues include space-time symmetry and whether there are extra dimensions. We really do have a chance of making inroads on those subjects.

There are a lot of bizarre ideas here, from string theory to a "brane" of extra dimensions right next to our own. Why should we regard these ideas as more than fanciful constructs? I'm certainly not asking anyone to take on faith any of the ideas that I present. That's part of the point of the book: science proceeds, and we systematically end up with new ideas and explanations, going from the human scales we're very familiar with to scales that are so remote it's hard to have intuition about them. Science is a self-correcting process, too, something that I expect will happen with the recent announcement of neutrinos that may move faster than the speed of light .

Can you describe the essence of your idea about extra dimensions? There could be more to the universe than the three dimensions we are familiar with. They are hidden from us in some way, perhaps because they're tiny or warped. But even if they're invisible, they could affect what we actually observe in the universe. There are lots of things we cannot see with the naked eye that turn out to be based in reality.

Extra dimensions could be relevant to one of the questions we're trying to answer at the LHC: how particles get their mass, and why they have the masses that they do, which are far smaller than physicists would expect them to be. So our idea is there's an extra dimension that's so warped, the masses would be big in one place and small in another. In other words, gravity could be weaker in one place and stronger in another. If so, it could be a natural explanation both for why particles masses are what they are, and why gravity is so much weaker than the other elementary forces we observe.

This extra dimension could be separated from ours by a million trillion trillionth of a centimeter. Is this a parallel yet inaccessible universe? It interacts with our dimensions only via gravity. And gravity is extremely weak. An elementary particle at ordinary energies exerts negligible gravitational force. But at the LHC, if this idea is right, we would see evidence of this extra dimension. Particles could carry momentum into the extra dimension, and that could actually be observable.

But it's not something you think of as a "parallel universe?" Technically, yes, it could exist parallel to our universe. But it's not just a carbon copy of our universe, which a lot of people think of when they hear that phrase.

If physicists do find solid evidence of extra dimensions, how would that affect our view of the universe and our place in it? You can have very exotic underlying phenomena, but they still would be consistent with the ordinary rules we're familiar with. At some level, it doesn't change anything. However, it means that at some deep underlying level, there's a much richer universe out there. It's just a wonderful thing to know what our universe is made of.

You describe the LHC as a "stupendous achievement." Technologically, it's a tour de force. The fact that this thing works is amazing. We're looking for very rare events, so you need a very precise, very well understood machine to make them and detectors to understand what you see. You need an extreme amount of energy focused in a very tiny region to make these collisions happen, allowing the subcomponents of protons—quarks and gluons—to collide directly. And when they do, they can make new forms of heavier matter.

Many people feared the LHC would produce a planet-devouring black hole. Scientists took it very seriously, and they ruled out this possibility not only theoretically, but also by looking at collisions of cosmic rays that create this same type of energy. We live in a world where there are many risks, and it's high time we start taking seriously which ones we should be worried about. Physicists showed this particular one is not a risk.

You offer a forthright discussion about religion and its compatibility with science. Why did you decide to broach that subject? I almost had to in a book titled Knocking on Heaven's Door . But there is real confusion about what it means to be right and wrong—the difference between what spiritual beliefs are and what science is. I felt that if I was going to explain science, it was important to explain those distinctions. I wanted to take seriously the different views of the universe that people have, but to say there really are differences.

You wrote: "The religious part of your brain cannot act at the same time as the scientific one. They are simply incompatible." When I say they are incompatible, I mean something very specific: A spiritual belief based on something that isn't based on actual material or cause and effect—the ways we understand scientifically—is just different than science. It's a very specific statement.

When you speak to public audiences, which popular misconception about physics strikes you the most? You're trying to get me in trouble! It's probably the over-application of quantum mechanics. People think it explains things that it can't. There are a lot of mysteries about quantum mechanics, but they mostly arise in very detailed measurements in controlled settings.

You describe the LHC's giant detectors as works of art. Is probing the nature of the universe just as much an aesthetic endeavor as a scientific one? Art and science do appeal to some of the same creative instincts. There's an appreciation of something larger than ourselves, which I think both art and science address. However, you can have a beautiful idea in science, and it can be just wrong—not because it's mathematically inconsistent, but because it's not realized in the world.

You wrote the text for an opera, "Hypermusic Prologue: A Projective Opera in Seven Planes," which premiered in 2009 at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. How did that arise? The composer [Hector Parra] wrote to me to ask if I wanted to get involved. It was an interesting opportunity to explore an art-science intersection in a new way. Art often reflects on the ideas of the times. So I really liked working with artists who appreciate that and who incorporate science into a new thing—but not just in a way that copies it. There were major creative challenges, such as how you represent higher dimensions on a stage.

The opera had a two-person cast, a minimalist stage design with abstract projections, and a score that was digitally altered in places. Sitting in the audience must have been quite an experience for you. I work on pencil and paper or on a computer, so actually having fantastic singers singing my words, accompanied by musicians and a gorgeous set, was just something to see. The parts that went back and forth between the extra-dimensional world and our world were really great. Hector thought [my research] would give him insights into ways to make different types of music, and indeed it did. I think I was asked to put in more physics than I would have ideally, and ultimately the music was very abstract. However, it was great music, and there were moments that were truly beautiful.

You make playful musical references in your book's title and text, from the Police and Suzanne Vega to the Beatles and Bob Dylan. Are you a big popular music fan? I have this uncanny ability where words stick in my head, so I hear a song and a lot of times it just happens automatically that I use the lyrics later. It may not be the original intention of the words, but they sometimes fit nicely what I'm trying to say.

What's next for you in science? I've been exploring ideas that relate dark matter to ordinary matter. There is this amazing fact that the energy carried by dark matter in the universe is about six times the energy carried by ordinary matter. The question is, why is that? [The ratio] could have been completely different. So I'm looking at ways the two types of matter might be related, which would explain the coincidence.

interdimensional travel

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Experiments in Interdimensional Travel

interdimensional travel

Interdimensional travel , a concept that has fascinated scientists, philosophers, and enthusiasts alike, revolves around the idea of moving between different dimensions or universes beyond our own observable reality . This concept, often rooted in theoretical physics and quantum mechanics, presents a blend of profound scientific inquiry and imaginative exploration.

At its core, interdimensional travel involves traversing beyond the three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension that we experience daily. Theoretical physicists, such as Stephen Hawking and Michio Kaku , have played pivotal roles in bringing this concept to the forefront of scientific discussion. Their work, often focusing on string theory and the nature of black holes, suggests the theoretical possibility of multiple dimensions existing beyond our perceptual limits.

The development of this idea can be traced back to the advent of quantum mechanics and Albert Einstein ’s theory of relativity. Over the decades, the concept has evolved within the halls of academia and research institutions, where theoretical models and mathematical equations have offered glimpses into the possibilities of higher dimensions and alternate universes.

The primary motivation behind exploring interdimensional travel is the human quest for knowledge and the desire to understand the fundamental nature of our universe. It addresses fundamental questions about the origins of the universe, the nature of reality, and the limits of human exploration.

Theoretical Frameworks

  • String Theory : String theory is a major theoretical framework that supports the concept of interdimensional travel. It proposes that fundamental particles are not point-like dots but rather one-dimensional strings. These strings vibrate at different frequencies, creating the particles we observe in our universe. String theory requires more than the traditional four dimensions we are familiar with, proposing up to 11 dimensions. This opens up the possibility of other dimensions that could be accessible through specific conditions or energies.
  • Quantum Mechanics and Entanglement : Quantum mechanics introduces the concept of entanglement, where particles can be connected in such a way that the state of one instantly influences the state of another, regardless of the distance between them. This phenomenon suggests a deeper, underlying layer of reality that could potentially be harnessed for interdimensional travel.
  • Wormholes and Einstein-Rosen Bridges : The theory of general relativity allows for the existence of wormholes, known as Einstein-Rosen bridges. These are theoretical passages through space-time that could create shortcuts for long journeys across the universe. In theory, wormholes could also connect different universes or dimensions.

Pioneering concepts like Hawking Radiation and the mysteries of black holes, the groundbreaking experiments conducted at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and the revolutionary detection of gravitational waves , all contribute to our understanding of the universe and the tantalizing possibility of dimensions beyond our own. Each of these scientific milestones offers unique insights and challenges our conventional understanding of the cosmos, hinting at the profound complexities and unexplored realities that may exist beyond the boundaries of our current scientific knowledge.

  • Hawking Radiation and Black Holes : Stephen Hawking proposed the concept of Hawking radiation, which suggests that black holes emit radiation due to quantum effects near the event horizon. This theory, pivotal in black hole thermodynamics, indirectly supports the idea of other dimensions through its implications on the nature of space-time.
  • The Large Hadron Collider Experiments : The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN has conducted experiments that search for evidence of extra dimensions.
  • Gravitational Waves and Multi-Dimensionality : The detection of gravitational waves by LIGO has opened new avenues for understanding the universe. Some theorists propose that these waves could provide clues about the existence of extra dimensions, as they may interact with or propagate through these additional dimensions.

Interdimensional travel represents a frontier at the intersection of theoretical physics and imaginative exploration. It extends beyond our familiar three spatial and one temporal dimensions, looking into realms suggested by string theory, quantum mechanics, and the theory of relativity. Pioneers like Stephen Hawking and Michio Kaku have laid the groundwork, exploring concepts such as multiple dimensions, black holes, and Hawking radiation. Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider and the detection of gravitational waves further fuel this pursuit, offering glimpses into possible extra dimensions. This exploration is not just a scientific endeavor but a quest to understand the universe’s fundamental nature, challenging our perceptions and expanding the boundaries of human knowledge.

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Title: interdimensionality.

Abstract: In this speculative analysis, interdimensionality is introduced as the (co)existence of universes embedded into larger ones. These interdimensional universes may be isolated or intertwined, suggesting a variety of interdimensional intrinsic phenomena that can only be understood in terms of the outer, extrinsic reality.

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Big Picture Questions

How Does Interdimensional Travel Work?

  • Post author: Ulla Sarmiento
  • Post published: September 2, 2017

Here is a great set of questions asked in the August 26, 2017 World Satsanga with Guy Needler. The questions focus on interfrequential and interdimensional travel, the devices, materials and entities that use them. How does interdimensional travel work?

How does interdimensional travel work?

We live in a multiverse , which has 12 full dimensions that span 408 frequency levels. The physical universe is the first full dimension made of the bottom 12 frequencies (FB 1-12), and that’s where our souls incarnate in human, alien and energetic forms.

  • When people talk about dimensions, such as the “fifth dimension,” they are usually referring to the fifth frequency band (FB 5) within the physical universe, NOT the fifth full dimension in our multiverse, which is much higher up frequentially (FB 121-156).
  • Therefore, interfrequential travel usually refers to transportation within the first 12 frequencies within the physical universe, whereas true interdimensional travel takes place between full dimensions in the rest of the multiverse.

Here are the questions asked by a World Satsanga participant and the answers by Guy Needler (summarized by me).

From which dimension to which dimension? Which beings?

In terms of which beings, it’s generally energetic beings who are doing it, although there are incarnate beings, who can create mechanical ways that allow them to go from the first full dimension to the second full dimension for transportation purposes.

  • Basically, the beings are able to create energies around themselves and move from one frequential state to another. The moving through the frequencies allows by default the bits to move from one dimension to another.
  • This is a function of increasing the frequencies of a device, a craft for instance, that allows the craft to be moved out of one frequency to another. Then you increase the frequency again and move out of that frequency to the next frequency in a stepwise manner.

interdimensional travel

To go from the physical universe (which is the first dimension) into the second dimension, we need to go through the twelve frequencies associated with the physical universe and then pop ourselves into the 13th frequency, so it’s 13 steps. That’s the mechanical way of doing it (see What Type Of Aliens Exist In the Physical Universe? – Big Picture ).

How are the devices built? Of what materials?

The ways in which they propel themselves is to use various different functions of energy. There are various different sacred geometries that have functions of energies, but you can only use sacred geometry in one particular dimension to work within that dimension.

  • You need to use a group of materials and formulate a geometry associated with those materials and their functions to go from one dimension to another dimension — it “translates” you from one dimension to another.
  • Then you can use another set of sacred geometry in that dimension to go to another dimension. But you can only move around a “tritave” of three dimensions while doing this as an energetic being. 
  • If we are energetic beings moving from the second full dimension to visit the first full dimension, we have to use some form of shielding to maintain our frequency.

Otherwise, we become affected by the low frequencies associated with the physical universe, and therefore, lose our connectivity and lose our functionality. So even if we’re going from a higher dimension to a lower dimension, we need to protect ourselves if we’re moving around.

How do they function?

It’s a function of geometry and the materials used in the geometry, and the attractivity of that geometry with the next series of frequencies associated with another dimension.

  • Constructing the geometry with the correct materials creates the frequential state that projects us into the next level, and then deconstructing it brings us back, so to speak.
  • As incarnate beings, we are limited to going from the first full dimension (e.g. FB 12) to the second full dimension (e.g. FB 13). This is achieved mechanically  by using the sacred geometry associated with the next dimension.
  • As energetic beings, we can move from frequency to frequency or jump frequencies by using our sentience to do it. But we are limited to a “tritave” of three dimensions to move around in. Our True Energetic Self (Higher Self/Oversoul) or the aspects ( souls ) projected from it can do this.

interdimensional travel

Do they ever malfunction?

If it’s a mechanical device, there is a possibility of a malfunction through maluse or poor use.

  • It’s the construction of the geometry with the correct materials that allows it to go from one frequential state to another frequential state, which can be one frequency in one dimension to another frequency in another dimension.
  • For example, construction in the wrong sequence would cause a malfunction, so that it wouldn’t work properly or it wouldn’t work at all. Inappropriate deconstruction in the wrong sequence would create a malfunction as well.
  • Construction of the geometry with the correct materials makes it work, rather than something which is a bit like a generator.

Are these devices currently used by beings to come to Earth?

Some of these beings do come to Earth. They’re either energetic beings or higher frequency incarnates. They can use these devices to move vast distances within the physical universe, and it allows them to come to Earth.

Do humans ever do this?

Humans can’t do it themselves, because we are a physical form that is specifically designed to work on Earth and other Earth-like environments.

  • There are some human-type (humanoid) incarnate vehicles, that have the capability to go from the first full dimension to the second full dimension, but not Earth-based humans.
  • It tends to be done by the sort of incarnate aspects or souls in other human-type bodies, and by that I mean a body, a head, two arms and two legs, as against the Earth-based humans. The humanoids have through their own technologies the capacity to do so.

Are there portals where visitors transport to?

The use of this geometry does create portals , so to speak, because it allows the translation of an area or a vehicle using this geometry and the materials and the energy associated with the geometry to get from one place to another place.

interdimensional travel

  • But the portals open and close, they don’t stay open. It’s like you create a portal, you go through it, and the portal closes.
  • It will only stay open whilst the geometry is still in construction or is still in assembly, for instance. If it’s disassembled, that portal will close and you’ll come back to the originating frequency within that dimension.

So Needler is not really giving much detail here, but it’s all to do with the construction of the geometry with using the materials, but in a certain process. It’s a bit like when we assemble a car together or a computer together, it has to go together in a certain way. And it’s the same thing with these geometries.

But the function of the geometries is that the portal stays open, so you’ll be able to move from one dimension to another dimension, or the frequency within one dimension to a frequency within another dimension. It remains in operation whilst that geometry is assembled in the right way. When you deconstruct it, that closes the portal.

interdimensional travel

Disclaimer: These have not been tested by me for interdimensional travel. 😉

Note : Needler explained that the frequency bands (FB) are linked together in sets of 3 (“tritaves”), which have different rules that restrict the movement of entities between them:

  • FB 1-2-3 (one set of frequencies with their own rules; where we are right now).
  • FB 4-5-6 (another set of frequencies with their own rules).
  • FB 7-8-9 (another set of frequencies with their own rules).
  • FB 10-11-12 (another set of frequencies with their own rules).

In general, it is easier for entities to travel down to a lower frequency than to move up to a higher frequency band, which may be too high a frequency for their physical form to withstand and occurs as a function of evolution (see What Type Of Aliens Exist In the Physical Universe? – Big Picture ).

By the way, the full dimensions in the multiverse are arranged in sets of 3 (“tritopes”) in a similar fashion. The True Energetic Self can move within three dimensions only, the one they’re in and the two below (see  Guy Needler 12-16-16…The World Satsanga Recording and Transcript – Big Picture ).

For more information please see:

Guy Needler:  Home – Guy Steven Needler | The Dawn of a New Age of Science  (new website) & books:  The History of God ,  Beyond the Source – Book 1 ,  Beyond the Source – Book 2 ,  Avoiding Karma,  The Origin Speaks, 2015, The Anne Dialogues, 2016 & Personal communication

Guy Needler 8-26-17…The World Satsanga Recording and Transcript – Big Picture

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This post has 6 comments.

The physical universe has 12 frequency bands (FB). We are at the bottom where FB 1-3 make up the gross physical earth, where we live. It’s the first earth of 10 earths total. There is another earth at FB 4, another at FB 5, and one at each level from FB 6 to FB 12.

In terms of the multiverse frequencies, we are the bottom of the multiverse, which has 408 FB in total. We are at FB 1-3 of 408. In terms of the universes, we are in the bottom universe, which is the physical universe, which is the first universe out of 397 universes total in the multiverse. There are 396 universes above our universe. I hope that makes sense.

what earth are we based off multiverse frequencies? earth number

Start meditating daily (without mind-altering drugs) to go deeper and to get to higher frequencies more consistently or at will. Remember that our five physical senses are designed to translate low frequency information to us at the human level. When we go beyond our gross physical vehicle, we start to sense things with higher intuitive functions. You could start your practice with the chakra opening exercise (below). I hope that helps.

What Are Higher Intuitive Functions? – Big Picture

Guy Needler 2-27-18…”Chakra Opening Exercise” – Big Picture

i have been transported to a dimension (without sound?) physically temporarily for a short period of time! i am trying to figure out how(!) so i may repeat this occurance! ([email protected])

Let’s see if this helps: Frequencies are the building blocks of the multiverse. The physical universe is the bottom or first Full Dimension (FD 1). It is different, because it takes 12 frequency bands (FB) to make ONE universe at the bottom of our multiverse, because of the lower frequencies. So FB 1-12 make up the physical universe or FD 1.

All the other Full Dimensions above our physical universe are made of 36 frequency bands (e.g. FD 2-12). But each of those frequency bands is a whole UNIVERSE by itself. So FB 13 (or the first frequency band in the second full dimension) is a universe in its own right, as is FB 14 and so on, all the way up to the top, or FB 408 (which is the 397th universe). The interesting thing is that FB 13 has a higher frequency that holds more energy to create a copy of the physical universe for us to explore, but it’s all created from one frequency band, not 12 FB’s.

Twelve is the magic number. Twelve is divided into four triads (sets of 3). In the physical universe, that means FB 1-2-3 is the lowest triad, where we exist right now in our gross physical form. FB 4-5-6 is the next triad, FB 7-8-9 is the next higher triad, and FB 10-11-12 is the highest triad. That’s all still within the physical universe, where we incarnate as solid forms (e.g. humans at FB 1-3) or semi-physical (e.g. FB 4-7) or energetic forms (from FB 9-12).

Everything (e.g. atoms, our bodies, planets, galaxies, etc.) is made of Anu particles occupying dense or less dense physical forms. Even the energetic bodies at FB 12 are made of Anu particles but in a less dense configuration, because they’re still in “physicality” or in the resistive environment called the physical universe. When we move to FB 13 or FB 14, we have more refined energetic bodies. But it’s only at FB 15 that we lose the “form” completely and are purely energetic entities from that level on.

So entities at different frequency levels within the physical universe are restricted to their level, but could go two levels lower, if they’re protected by a craft or some kind of energetic shield or bubble around them. For us to ascend to a higher frequency is a function of evolution. For more, please see these posts:

What Type Of Aliens Exist In the Physical Universe? – Big Picture

Are We Ascending To the Fifth Dimension? – Big Picture

Are We Ascending With Our Bodies? Or Becoming Immortal? Or Not? – Big Picture

How Do We Ascend Out Of the Physical Universe? – Big Picture

Where Do Human and Other Souls Come From? – Big Picture

I want to ask a question – I understood how the frequencies system works from 1-12, and how they are connected in triads (1-2-3) , so we can move between them. As it`s said earth forms -or humans on earth can move within three “full dimensions” only, the one there are in and 2 below. I didn`t grasp which are full dimensions below FD 1? are there such dimensions below and if so what frequency they have? I`m aware that there are many lower frequencies than the level of humans on earth plane, but about dimensions? Thank you for your great articles and information!

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Are Creatures Living Among Us in Parallel Dimensions?

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Key Takeaways

  • The search for intelligent life might be misdirected towards space, with theories suggesting that "ultraterrestrials" from other dimensions, rather than extraterrestrials, could exist alongside us.
  • Particle physics and string theory open the possibility of parallel dimensions where life forms vastly different from our understanding could exist.
  • John Keel's theory of ultraterrestrials proposes that beings from these other dimensions have influenced human culture throughout history, appearing in folklore and religious texts as demons, fairies or other supernatural entities, capable of shifting shapes and manipulating mankind.

People have been looking for signs of intelligent life in our universe for decades to no avail. Many believe the reason we haven't been successful is because our universe is just too vast for us to find extraterrestrials .

But others say we're just not looking in the right place. Meaning we shouldn't even be focusing on searching for life on other planets — but we should instead be searching for life in other dimensions . Stuff They Don't Want You To Know hosts Ben Bowlin, Noel Brown and Matt Frederick tackle particle physics, superstring theory and parallel dimensions in this podcast What are Ultraterrestrials?

Particle physics seeks to explain the origins of the universe and the fundamental building blocks of matter by studying the irreducibly small particles that make up atoms. It's often called the theory of everything, working toward one single elegant solution to explain how matter and energy work.

In the Standard Model of physics, particles are understood to be point-like, like impossibly tiny dots. The Standard Model is still theoretical because there's still a lot we don't understand about the force of gravity. String theory is another model of physics, where instead of dots, particles are actually tiny strings, all vibrating together to create size and mass.

But for string theory to be accurate, it means there could be more than 10 dimensions , instead of the four we're used to experiencing: length, width, depth and time. Some of these dimensions could theoretically be places where the Big Bang never happened and the universe had an entirely different starting point. What would a creature from a dimension like that look like to humans from the fourth dimension? Lovecraftian monsters? Demogorgons?

Or maybe demons, or fairies from folklore? The late ufologist John Keel was a believer in extraterrestrials, but moved away from that after a time. He began to think that all the stories from folklore and religious texts were actually proof that humanity has indeed made contact with another form of intelligent life, but that they weren't from outer space. Instead, they were beings from other dimensions : Ultraterrestrials. Keel theorized that these beings could shape shift to look like anything, and attributed them to stories of demons, monsters, angels, ogres and changelings. He thought these ultraterrestrials likely had a sense of right and wrong, and that they were capable of manipulating mankind.

But why? If there are ultraterrestrials, what would be the motivation of a fifth, sixth or seventh dimension creature coming to the fourth dimension to make mischief? And how do they move between dimensions? Keel thought there were magnetic anomalies that made it easier for ultraterrestrials to materialize, but wasn't sure how they got to the fourth dimension.

What do you think? Does it make sense — or sound like nonsense? To hear all about the complex science and infinite possibilities of utraterrestrials and fifth, sixth and seventh dimensions, listen to the entire podcast as Ben, Noel and Matt delve deep into the strange theory of ultraterrestrials.

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Exploring Interdimensional Travel: A Guide to Visiting Different Dimensions

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By Happy Sharer

interdimensional travel


Interdimensional travel is a fascinating concept that has captured the imagination of scientists, mystics, and adventurers alike. It involves traveling between different planes or realms of existence, each with its own unique set of laws and realities. In this article, we will explore the science, spirituality, and physics behind interdimensional travel, as well as the potential risks and benefits associated with such a journey. We will also discuss the necessary skills needed to safely navigate different dimensions.

Researching the Scientific Possibilities of Interdimensional Travel

The idea of interdimensional travel has been around for centuries, but it has only recently become a subject of serious scientific study. Scientists have begun to explore the nature of dimensions, examine potential technologies, and analyze theoretical models in order to better understand the possibilities of interdimensional travel.

Exploring the Nature of Dimensions

The first step in researching the scientific possibilities of interdimensional travel is to understand the nature of dimensions. Dimensions are often described as alternate universes or parallel realities that exist alongside our own. They can range from highly structured realities with their own set of physical laws to abstract, dreamlike worlds with no fixed form or structure. Some scientists believe that these alternate realities may be connected to our own, while others believe they are entirely separate.

Examining Potential Technologies

Another important aspect of researching interdimensional travel is to examine potential technologies that could enable such journeys. Scientists are currently exploring various methods of interdimensional transportation, including wormholes, stargates, and cosmic strings. Each of these technologies offers its own unique set of possibilities and challenges, and researchers are working hard to develop new ways of traversing the multiverse.

Analyzing Theoretical Models

In addition to examining potential technologies, researchers are also studying theoretical models in order to better understand the nature of interdimensional travel. These models include string theory, the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, and the brane cosmology. By analyzing these models, scientists can gain a clearer understanding of the physics behind interdimensional travel and the potential for future exploration.

Exploring the Mystical and Spiritual Dimensions of Travel

In addition to the scientific aspects of interdimensional travel, there are also mystical and spiritual dimensions to consider. Many cultures throughout history have believed in the existence of other realms, and have developed rituals and beliefs that relate to such concepts. By exploring these myths and legends, we can gain a greater understanding of the spiritual aspects of interdimensional travel.

Investigating Myths and Legends

Myths and legends provide an invaluable source of information when it comes to understanding the spiritual aspects of interdimensional travel. Many cultures have accounts of gods, goddesses, and other supernatural beings who traverse different planes of existence. By examining these stories, we can gain insight into the beliefs and practices associated with interdimensional travel.

Examining Different Belief Systems

In addition to investigating myths and legends, it is also important to examine the belief systems of different cultures. Many religions and philosophies have their own views on interdimensional travel, and by studying these beliefs we can gain a deeper understanding of the spiritual implications of such journeys.

Understanding the Role of Rituals

Rituals are an important part of many spiritual traditions, and they can provide valuable insights into the process of interdimensional travel. By examining the rituals associated with different cultures, we can gain an appreciation for the spiritual aspects of such journeys, as well as the potential risks involved.

Examining the Physics Behind Dimensions and Time Travel

Examining the Physics Behind Dimensions and Time Travel

The physics behind interdimensional travel can be complex and confusing, but it is essential to understand in order to make sense of the possibilities of such a journey. By examining the laws of physics, exploring the possibilities of time warps, and understanding the impact of entanglement, we can gain a better grasp of the science behind traveling to different dimensions.

Examining the Laws of Physics

The laws of physics govern the behavior of matter and energy, and they are vital to our understanding of interdimensional travel. By studying the laws of relativity, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics, we can gain a better understanding of the physical aspects of such journeys.

Exploring the Possibilities of Time Warps

Time warps are a fascinating phenomenon that could potentially enable interdimensional travel. By manipulating the fabric of space-time, it may be possible to create a bridge between two points in the multiverse. While this technology is still in its infancy, it holds great promise for the future of interdimensional exploration.

Understanding the Impact of Entanglement

Entanglement is another key concept to consider when discussing interdimensional travel. This phenomenon occurs when two particles become “entangled” in such a way that they can affect each other even if they are separated by vast distances. This effect could potentially be used to bridge the gap between different dimensions, allowing travelers to traverse the multiverse.

Investigating the Potential Benefits of Visiting Other Dimensions

Investigating the Potential Benefits of Visiting Other Dimensions

Traveling to other dimensions can offer numerous potential benefits, from gaining access to advanced technology to unlocking hidden secrets. Exploring new cultures, discovering new ideas, and unlocking the mysteries of the universe are just a few of the potential rewards associated with interdimensional travel.

Exploring New Cultures

Visiting other dimensions can open up the possibility of exploring new cultures and civilizations. By interacting with people from different planes of existence, we can gain a better understanding of their customs, beliefs, and ways of life. This knowledge can be invaluable in helping us to better appreciate our own culture and the diversity of the multiverse.

Gaining Access to Advanced Technology

Interdimensional travel can also provide access to advanced technology that might not be available in our own world. By studying the technology of other dimensions, we can gain insights into the possibilities of our own world and potentially unlock new sources of energy and knowledge.

Unlocking Hidden Secrets

Finally, interdimensional travel can give us access to secrets and knowledge that are otherwise inaccessible. By exploring the depths of the multiverse, we may be able to uncover ancient artifacts and lost technologies, as well as uncovering the mysteries of the universe.

Understanding the Risks Associated with Interdimensional Exploration

Understanding the Risks Associated with Interdimensional Exploration

While there are many potential benefits to interdimensional travel, there are also risks to consider. Unknown dangers and unfamiliar environments can be difficult to navigate, and travelers must be prepared to face unpredictable challenges. It is important to understand these risks before embarking on such a journey.

Examining the Unknown

The greatest risk associated with interdimensional travel is the unknown. Every dimension is different, and travelers must be prepared to encounter unfamiliar environments and unexpected surprises. It is important to remember that not all dimensions are safe, and it is wise to take precautions when exploring unknown realities.

Dealing with Unfamiliar Environments

When visiting other dimensions, travelers should be aware of the potential dangers posed by unfamiliar environments. Different dimensions may have different laws of physics, and it is important to be prepared for any situation. For example, some dimensions may have extreme temperatures or gravity fields that may pose a threat to travelers.

Facing Unpredictable Challenges

Finally, travelers must be prepared to face unpredictable challenges when visiting other dimensions. From hostile inhabitants to natural disasters, anything can happen in the multiverse. It is important to be prepared for any eventuality, and to have a plan of action should something unexpected occur.

Learning the Necessary Skills to Safely Navigate Different Dimensions

In order to safely navigate different dimensions, travelers must possess certain skills and knowledge. Developing problem-solving abilities, mastering the art of adaptation, and acquiring knowledge and experience are all essential components of interdimensional travel.

Acquiring Knowledge and Experience

The most important skill for interdimensional travelers is knowledge and experience. It is important to have a thorough understanding of the scientific, spiritual, and physical aspects of such journeys. It is also important to have experience in navigating unfamiliar environments and dealing with unexpected situations.

Developing Problem-Solving Abilities

Problem-solving is another essential skill for interdimensional travelers. When faced with unexpected obstacles or challenges, it is important to be able to think quickly and come up with creative solutions. It is also important to be able to assess a situation and determine the best course of action.

Mastering the Art of Adaptation

Finally, it is important to master the art of adaptation when traveling to different dimensions. Different realities may have different laws and customs, and it is essential to be able to adjust to new environments quickly and effectively. It is also important to be able to think on your feet and respond to changing circumstances.

Interdimensional travel is a fascinating concept that has captivated the imagination of scientists, mystics, and adventurers alike. It involves traveling between different planes or realms of existence, each with its own unique set of laws and realities. In this article, we explored the science, spirituality, and physics behind interdimensional travel, as well as the potential risks and benefits associated with such a journey. We also discussed the necessary skills needed to safely navigate different dimensions. With the right knowledge and preparation, interdimensional travelers can unlock the secrets of the multiverse and explore new cultures, technologies, and possibilities.

Summary of Key Points

In this article, we explored the science, spirituality, and physics behind interdimensional travel, as well as the potential risks and benefits associated with such a journey. We discussed the need to understand the nature of dimensions, examine potential technologies, analyze theoretical models, investigate myths and legends, and examine the laws of physics. We also looked at the potential benefits of visiting other dimensions, including exploring new cultures, gaining access to advanced technology, and unlocking hidden secrets. Finally, we discussed the risks associated with interdimensional exploration and the necessary skills needed to safely navigate different dimensions.

Final Thoughts

Interdimensional travel is a thrilling prospect that offers the potential for adventure, discovery, and exploration. By understanding the science, spirituality, and physics behind such journeys, as well as the potential risks and benefits associated with them, travelers can prepare themselves for the journey of a lifetime. With the right knowledge and preparation, anything is possible.

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Hi, I'm Happy Sharer and I love sharing interesting and useful knowledge with others. I have a passion for learning and enjoy explaining complex concepts in a simple way.

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Are the aliens us? UFOs may be piloted by time-traveling humans, book argues

The great distances covered by visiting "aliens" may be ones of time rather than space, a recent book argues.

Close encounters with our future selves?

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have captured the public's attention over the decades. As exoplanet detection is on the rise, why not consider that star-hopping visitors from afar might be buzzing through our friendly skies by taking an interstellar off-ramp to Earth?

On the other hand, could those piloting UFOs be us — our future progeny that have mastered the landscape of time and space? Perhaps those reports of people coming into contact with strange beings represent our distant human descendants, returning from the future to study us in their own evolutionary past. 

The idea of us being them has been advanced before. But a recent book, " Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon " (Masters Creative LLC, 2019), takes a fresh look at this prospect, offering some thought-provoking proposals.

Related: UFO Watch: 8 Times the Government Looked for Flying Saucers

interdimensional travel

Multidisciplinary approach

The book was written by Michael Masters, a professor of biological anthropology at Montana Technological University in Butte. Masters thinks that – given the accelerating pace of change in science, technology, and engineering –  it is likely that humans of the distant future could develop the knowledge and machinery necessary to return to the past. 

The objective of the book, Masters said, is to spur a new and more informed discussion among believers and skeptics alike. 

"I took a multidisciplinary approach in order to try and understand the oddities of this phenomenon," Masters told "Our job as scientists is to be asking big questions and try to find answers to unknown questions. There's something going on here, and we should be having a conversation about this. We should be at the forefront of trying to find out what it is."

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Human evolution

Dubbing these purported visitors "extratempestrials," Masters notes that close-encounter accounts typically describe UFO tenants as bipedal, hairless, human-like beings with large brains, large eyes, small noses and small mouths. Further, the creatures are often said to have the ability to communicate with us in our own languages and possess technology advanced beyond, but clearly built upon, today's technological prowess. 

Masters believes that through a comprehensive analysis of consistent patterns of long-term biocultural change throughout human evolution — as well as recent advances in our understanding of time and time travel — we may begin to consider this future possibility in the context of a currently unexplained phenomenon. 

"The book ties together those known aspects of our evolutionary history with what is still an unproven, unverified aspect of UFOs and aliens ," he said.

But why not argue that ET is actually a traveler from across the vastness of space, from a distant planet? Wouldn't that be a simpler answer?

"I would argue it's the opposite," Masters responded. "We know we're here. We know humans exist. We know that we've had a long evolutionary history on this planet. And we know our technology is going to be more advanced in the future. I think the simplest explanation, innately, is that it is us. I'm just trying to offer what is likely the most parsimonious explanation."

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Artist's view of an aerial encounter with an unidentified flying object.

Archaeological tourism

As an anthropologist who has worked on and directed numerous archaeological digs in Africa, France and throughout the United States, Masters observes that it is easy to conceptualize just how much more could be learned about our own evolutionary history if we currently possessed the technology to visit past periods of time. 

"The alleged abduction accounts are mostly scientific in nature. It's probably future anthropologists, historians, linguists that are coming back to get information in a way that we currently can't without access to that technology," Masters said. 

"That said, I do think that some component of it is also tourism," he added. "Undoubtedly in the future, there are those that will pay a lot of money to have the opportunity to go back and observe their favorite period in history. Some of the most popular tourist sites are the pyramids of Giza and Machu Picchu in Peru … old and prehistoric sites."

Masters calls his UFO research "an evolving project."

"There's certainly still missing pieces of the puzzle," he said. "There are aspects of time that we don't yet understand. Wanted is a theory of quantum gravity , and we can meld general relativity and quantum mechanics. I'm just trying to put forth the best model I can based on current scientific knowledge. Hopefully, over time, we can continue to build on this." 

Solve this mystery

"Masters postulates that using a multidisciplinary scientific approach to the UFO phenomenon will be what it takes to solve this mystery once and for all, and I couldn't agree more," said Jan Harzan, executive director of the nonprofit Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

"The premise that UFOs are us from the future is one of many possibilities that MUFON is exploring to explain the UFO phenomenon. All we know for sure is that we are not alone," Harzan added. "Now the question becomes, 'Who are they?' And Masters makes a great case for the time-traveler hypothesis." 

Tic-Tac-shaped objects were recently reported zipping through the sky by jet-fighter pilots and radar operators. The Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) was created to research and investigate Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), including numerous videos of reported encounters, three of which were released to the public in 2017.

'Highly dubious claim'

But not everybody is on board with the idea, as you might imagine.

"There is nothing in this book to take seriously, as it depends on the belief that 'time travel' is not only possible, but real," said Robert Sheaffer, a noted UFO skeptic.

Supposedly our distant descendants have mastered time travel , Sheaffer said, and have traveled back in time to visit us. "So, according to Masters, you just spin something fast enough and it will begin to warp space, and even send stuff backwards in time. This is a highly dubious claim," he said.

Moreover, Sheaffer said that Masters tries to deduce aliens' evolutionary history from witness descriptions, "suggesting that he takes such accounts far too literally."

Related: 7 Things Most Often Mistaken for UFOs

The problem of 'if'

David Darling is a British astronomer and science writer who has authored books on a sweeping array of topics – from gravity, Zen physics and astrobiology to teleportation and extraterrestrial life .

"I've often thought that if some UFOs are 'alien' craft, it's just as reasonable to suppose that they might be time machines from our own future than that they're spacecraft from other stars," Darling told "The problem is the 'if.'

Darling said that, while some aerial phenomena have eluded easy identification, one of the least likely explanations, it seems to him, is that they're artificial and not of this world.

"Outside of the popular mythos of flying saucers and archetypal, big-brained aliens, there's precious little credible evidence that they exist," Darling said. "So, my issue with the book is not the ingenuity of its thesis, but the fact that there's really no need for such a thesis in the first place."

Reported UFOs take on all shapes and sizes.

Exotic physics?

Larry Lemke, a retired NASA aerospace engineer with an interest in the UFO phenomenon , finds the prospect of time-travelling visitors from the future intriguing.

"The one thing that has become clear over the decades of sightings, if you believe the reports, is that these objects don't seem to be obeying the usual laws of aerodynamics and Newtonian mechanics," Lemke said, referring to the relationship, in the natural world, between force, mass and motion. 

Toss in for good measure Einstein's theory of general relativity and its consequences, like wormholes and black holes, along with other exotic physics ideas such as the Alcubierre warp-drive bubble . 

"There's a group of thinkers in the field of UFOs that point out that phenomena reported around some UFOs do, in fact, look exactly like general relativity effects," Lemke said. Missing time is a very common one."

Lemke said that the idea that somebody has figured out how to manipulate space-time, on a local scale with a low-energy approach, would explain a lot of things across the UFO phenomenon, including those baffling Tic-Tac-shaped objects recently reported by jet-fighter pilots and radar operators. 

"No matter how much knowledge we have, how much we think we know, there's always some frontier beyond," he said. "And to understand that frontier is getting more and more esoteric."

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Leonard David is the author of the recently released book, " Moon Rush: The New Space Race " published by National Geographic in May 2019. A longtime writer for, David has been reporting on the space industry for more than five decades. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom or Facebook .  

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Leonard David

Leonard David is an award-winning space journalist who has been reporting on space activities for more than 50 years. Currently writing as's Space Insider Columnist among his other projects, Leonard has authored numerous books on space exploration, Mars missions and more, with his latest being "Moon Rush: The New Space Race" published in 2019 by National Geographic. He also wrote "Mars: Our Future on the Red Planet" released in 2016 by National Geographic. Leonard  has served as a correspondent for SpaceNews, Scientific American and Aerospace America for the AIAA. He was received many awards, including the first Ordway Award for Sustained Excellence in Spaceflight History in 2015 at the AAS Wernher von Braun Memorial Symposium. You can find out Leonard's latest project at his website and on Twitter.

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Paranormal Authority

Interdimensional Travel: Is It Real?

Last Updated on May 31, 2021

If there’s one sci-fi concept that’s taken hold of audiences, it’s the concept of accidentally (or not-so-accidentally) entering a parallel universe or an alternate dimension. Scientists now believe that there are multiple dimensions parallel to our own, and that means that interdimensional travel might be possible.

An image of a galaxy

Though it may be hard to believe, there are tales of people who have peered into alternate dimensions that date back to days before the concept of an alternate universe even existed. This makes any paranormal fan wonder whether or not it could be possible–and if it is possible, why it ever happens.

Trying to figure out whether or not getting glimpses of alternate realities is possible is impossible, but we can still try to understand the reported phenomena. Each of the stories below adds a little bit of mystery and sheds a little bit of light onto the mystery of travelers who accidentally drop by from another universe.

The Man From Taured

Perhaps one of the most fascinating stories about an interdimensional interloper happened in Japan shortly after World War II. Tokyo Airport was recently constructed and foreigners were passing through, as they are wont to do.

Airport officials were checking passports when a well-dressed Western man handed them a highly unusual passport. For starters, the passport had official Tokyo Airport stamps dating back from years prior to the airport’s existence. More alarmingly, the man’s passport came from a country named Taured.

Taured doesn’t exist.

When officials pulled him aside and questioned him, the man seemed taken aback by their reactions. He claimed that Taured was existent for over 1,000 years and that it was a well-respected country in the international community.

He became distraught when they told them that Taured doesn’t exist. Officials inspected his passport heavily and found that the stamps for other countries remained the same. It was a genuine passport, but it was from a country that didn’t exist.

Officials were at a loss at what to do with the strange man. So, they put him in a hotel room and had police guard the exits so he wouldn’t leave. For a while, they heard crying and panicking from the room. The next morning, they decided to check on him. The man, his belongings, and his passport were all gone.

Judging from this story, different dimensions have different histories and different countries from us. Most people believe that he somehow returned to his home dimension, but no one really knows for sure.

The Green Children Of Woolpit

During the 11th century in the small European town of Woolpit, the world saw something very strange occur. Two children with bright green skin were found crying in a local field, unable to speak the local language. They were very young, green-skinned– a boy and a girl.

The townspeople, worried about the strange youngsters, immediately took them in. The children looked like they hadn’t eaten in years, so they immediately tried to feed them. Neither child accepted any of the food they were given, despite their hunger pangs.

Eventually, the boy died. The girl, on the other hand, started to eat beans. Her skin color changed from green to a normal hue after months. Eventually, the girl learned how to speak the local language, where she explained what happened to her before she was discovered.

According to her, she and her brother came from a “world where it was always twilight” and where no sun was ever seen. They were playing in a meadow and found a small cave. They entered the cave, heard a loud wind, and arrived in our word. They began to panic when they could no longer find the cave they entered, and that was when they were discovered.

The Markawasi Stone Forest

In Peru, few places are known for being as mysterious and strange as the Markawasi Stone Forest. This landmark is famous for its mysterious rock outcroppings that resemble human faces, the strange behavior of local wildlife, and the high levels of paranormal energy that surrounds the area.

For centuries, the Markawasi Stone Forest was rumored to be a hotspot for the paranormal. This area is known for having rocks thrown by unseen forces, for strange disappearances, and for having stone gateways that allegedly lead into other realities.

A doctor by the name of Dr. Raul Centeno treated a female patient who recently went to Markawasi. The woman arrived at his office after half her body became paralyzed. According to her, the paralysis started after she and her friends went to Markawasi Stone Forest on a hike.

The patient said she spotted a stone cabin in the woods, decorated in 17th-century European style. It was strikingly out of place in the middle of the forest, especially when you could see extremely elegant people dressed in period clothing inside.

The curious group of people heard sounds of merriment and partying inside. Curious about what was going on, the party approached the cabin. Soon, they started to get an unsettling feeling the closer they got to the cabin.

Being brave, the patient decided to walk through the doorway to find out what was going on. She only made it halfway through the doorway before her friends pulled her out of the cabin. Ever since then, she was paralyzed.

The doctor was stunned by her story and decided to look for the cabin in Marakwasi. When he went there, it became clear that no stone cabin was ever there. So, what happened to his patient? How did she get paralyzed? And where did that cabin come from?


With the first three stories on we’ve looked into, there’s a fairly cut-and-dry understanding that the strangeness behind the stories was based in an alternate reality. With Utsuro-Bune, it’s not so clear-cut. This is an ancient Japanese tale that describes what appears to be a mix between an Unidentified Submerged Object and a trip from a parallel universe.

“Utsuro-Bune” translates into “Hollow Ship,” and it refers to a very strange sighting that happened over 1,000 years ago in Japan. According to the legend, a small village got the shock of their lives when they saw a futuristic ship come out of the water near what would later be known as Hitachi.

The villagers approached the ship, which opened up to reveal a craft made of fine wood, glass, and iron. Inside was a woman with bright red and white hair. She looked terrified and was clutching a box tightly to her chest.

No matter how much they tried, they couldn’t figure out what language the woman was speaking. Inside her boat were some sheets, some meat pastries, and a scant amount of water. No one knew who she was, or how she got to Japan. Not knowing what to do with her, they restocked her boat and sent her away.

Normally, this would be cast aside as fiction, but multiple cities saw the same woman arrive at their shores. Who was she? Was she from another world, and if so, how did she find her way into feudal Japan?

The Nazi Coin From The Future

With most stories of visits from other dimensions and realities, the evidence of the visitors has a way of vanishing without a trace. However, this isn’t always the case. In 2018, a construction crew in Mexico were shocked to unearth a Nazi coin while digging a new building’s foundations.

The coin itself wasn’t only strange due to its Nazi roots; it was also strange because the coin itself was dated for the year 2039. The coin featured phrases in both German and Spanish, with the state being called “Nueva Alemania,” which translates into “New Germany.”

On the back of the coin was the phrase “Alle in einer nation,” which translates into “All in one nation.” The coin was worn, made of silver, and seemed to be well-crafted. The phrases on the coins aren’t a part of traditional Nazi propaganda. Puzzling, isn’t it?

The silver coin had a lot of strange quirks about it, but its workmanship was seriously impressive. If you didn’t look at the design, you’d think it was a standard Mexican coin. The only problem is that there is no “New Germany” in Mexico and that it’s not 2038.

Many experts believe that hoaxers would have put more effort into getting historically accurate tags for a hoax. They also probably wouldn’t have made a coin out of silver. If it was a hoax, it was a very pricey one.

It is worth pointing out that Mexico was vehemently against the Nazis in World War II. Many people believe this puzzling coin may have been evidence of a visitor from a darker future–one where Adolf Hitler took over the world. How the coin was dropped in 2018, though, remains to be seen.

interdimensional travel

About Brandon Hall

Hi! I am Brandon. Writer and content creator for PA, specializing in phenomena that is sometimes beyond normal scientific understanding. My mission is to help guide people seeking answers in a positive and enlightening way.

2 thoughts on “Interdimensional Travel: Is It Real?”

This subject fascinates me. Where can I learn more? Are there books on the subject that you could recommend? I used to live on a reservation in Arizona and had out of body experiences that I thought were dreams, but now I’m not so sure.

“the multidimensional traveler” by khartika goe copyright 2015

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Interdimensional Travel

It has been said, with much truth, “Where the law ends, tyranny begins.”

Interdimensional travel tips.

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Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and behold the mind-bending marvel that is interdimensional travel! Prepare to have your reality twisted and your imagination sent soaring on a wild rollercoaster ride through the infinite realms of possibility.

Imagine a world where pigs fly, fish sing opera, and gravity takes a vacation. That’s interdimensional travel for you! It’s like a cosmic game of hopscotch, where you jump from one reality to another, defying the laws of physics with a gleeful wink.

Picture this: a shiny portal opens up before you, swirling with colors you’ve never seen. As you step through, you’re greeted by talking trees with leafy mustaches and three-eyed squirrels riding bicycles. Each dimension is a bizarre kaleidoscope of madness, where logic takes a backseat and whimsy reigns supreme.

But wait, there’s more! In one dimension, you might find yourself strolling through a land made entirely of jelly, bouncing from one wobbly structure to another. In another, you could be sipping tea with a purple alien on a cloud-shaped spaceship. Oh, the possibilities are as limitless as the depths of your own imagination!

Now, I know what you’re thinking: is this all just a wacky dream? Well, my friends, it’s crazy, but it’s possible. Scientists, daydreamers, and mad inventors have been concocting theories about interdimensional travel for ages. Wormholes, extradimensional rifts, and quantum fluctuations are all part of the recipe for a mind-bending journey.

So, strap on your tinfoil hat and prepare for an adventure like no other. With interdimensional travel, you’ll explore worlds where anything is possible, where reality is stretched, twisted, and turned on its head. Just remember to pack your sense of humor and an open mind because in the realm of interdimensional travel, the only limit is your own imagination!

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It is not lawful to do evil that good may come of it.

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Black Sails Star Luke Arnold's ESSENTIALS Comic Defies All Rules of Art in New Preview (Exclusive)

  • The all-star talent behind ESSENTIALS is already shaking up the comic book world with brain-twisting storytelling and stunning art.
  • Co-writers Luke Arnold and Chris "Doc" Wyatt are teaming up with seven accomplished artists to explore fractured realities in a graphic novel.
  • The ambitious sci-fi project from The Lab Press has received overwhelming support on Kickstarter, promising exceptional storytelling and artistry.

The ESSENTIALS are coming, and the comic book world is already preparing to have its collective mind blown by the all-star talent assembled. The new graphic novel from The Lab Press has already shattered its goal on Kickstarter , and the first look inside the mind-bending tale promise an adventure that must be seen by many, many more.

The brainchild of co-writers Luke Arnold ( Black Sails ) and Chris "Doc" Wyatt ( Rocket and Groot ), the crowdfunded project will be calling on not one, not two, but seven accomplished artists together to depict a reality fractured beyond recognition. With parallel realities taking the book's hero from a zombie apocalypse to outer space and beyond, artist Glenn Fabry takes the book's characters into a world-class art collection... before it is consumed by the book's dark, disturbing, and unstoppable menace.

Screen Rant is pleased to offer readers their first look at Fabry's work, Harrision, Buttons, and 'Snuggles':

The preview gives a glimpse of Fabry's section of the story, taking protagonist (and mathematician) Harris Pax on a mission to save the other survivors of the end of the world. Unfortunately for him, they are scattered throughout worlds both real and imaginary, and the interdimensional entiry called 'Snuggles' is following him with a mission of its own.

Harris Pax will be joined on his mission to restore the world by his niece's favorite stuffed animal, 'Buttons,' who is possessed by another interdimensional beong.

ESSENTIALS: New Publisher LAB PRESS Gathers Hollywood Veterans for Ambitious New Graphic Novel (Exclusive)

Essentials' interdimensional art-trip is already a kickstarter success story.

Glenn Fabry is just one of the artists whose work will be breathing distinct, varied life into the world(s) of ESSENTIALS , to be joined by DaNi, Jason Howard, Vince Locke, Brendan McCarthy, Andrew Mutti, M.K. Perker, Bill Sienkiewicz, Jordie Bellaire, Brad Simpson, Wesley Wong, and DC Hopkins. Luke Arnold explains why his debut graphic novel will be enriched by multiple artists:

“Once we knew we were telling a story that would travel into different subjective realities, the idea of using a different artist each time was too good to resist. And it gave us the chance to work with artists who weren’t available to do a whole book but were happy to contribute a smaller sequence of exquisite pages like these. In a normal coming run, a change in artist can sometimes disconnect you from the story, but as we keep returning to our “objective reality” art, each new style just adds more depth and variety to the journey.”

Arnold's co-writer Doc Wyatt knows the challenge of an artistic endeavor such as ESSENTIALS , crediting the hard workers at publisher The Lab Press for making this level of 'team effort' possible:

“The amount of coordination that it took to herd all those different comic book artists onto the same page (sometime LITERALLY drawing on the same page) was massive. Thankfully, it wasn’t my job, because I would have messed it up and bunch, and then ultimately given up. But the folks at THE LAB PRESS are more tenacious than I am, and they made it happen.”

Those looking to support the book (and earn some unique bonus items at the same time) can do so through its official crowfunding website, having surpassed its goal of $1,000 in just a single day (currently tracking at $18,000 at time of writing).

Essentials is available to support now via Kickstarter .

A fuzzy, horned creature imprisoned in a glass sphere on the cover for Essentials from The Lab Press


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