13 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in the Northwest Territories

Written by Chloë Ernst Updated Sep 13, 2021

Almost six times the size of the United Kingdom, the Northwest Territories cover an immense tract of Canada that lies north of the 60th parallel and almost reaches the North Pole. This is the land of towering mountains, mighty rivers, and treeless tundra. It's a harsh land, but one that will make an everlasting impression on you long after your visit. This vast region extends from the high Mackenzie Mountains in the west to the tundra regions of the east (and the border with Nunavut Territory, established in 1999).

During the short summer, which lasts only a few weeks, the region bursts into a frenetic growth spurt with plants and animals (and humans) making the most of every warm day. Fortunately, this undertaking of doing as much as you can in the shortest period of time is aided by the fact that the sun barely sets. These extra long days have given the region its nickname, the "land of the midnight sun." Conversely, in winter it remains dark virtually around the clock, the so-called "polar night." Winter temperatures of -30 degrees Celsius are recorded in virtually all parts of the territories for days and sometimes weeks on end.

To help you get the most out of your visit to this beautiful part of Canada, refer to our list of the top tourist attractions in the Northwest Territories.

1. Nahanni National Park Reserve

2. wood buffalo national park, 3. yellowknife, 4. great slave lake, 5. hay river, 7. the northwest passage, 8. great bear lake, 9. mackenzie river, 10. victoria island, 11. banks island, 12. church of our lady of good hope, fort good hope, 13. norman wells historical centre, norman wells, map of tourist attractions in the northwest territories.

Nahanni National Park Reserve

The remote Nahanni National Park Reserve is one of the treasures of northern Canada and one of the best places to visit in the Northwest Territories for outdoor adventurers. Here, the raging Nahanni River flows through the stunning canyon scenery of the Mackenzie Mountains, challenging experienced canoeists and rafters. The South Nahanni River also tumbles over the 90-meter precipice of spectacular Virginia Falls , creating one of the most impressive waterfalls in Canada.

The Rabbitkettle Hot Springs , which give life to a rich landscape of rare plants, are another sightseeing attraction in this immense national park. As tempting as it would be to take a dip in the hot springs, the fragile nature of this beautiful natural attraction means tourists can only visit as part of a guided tour.

  • Read More: Exploring Nahanni National Park Reserve: A Visitor's Guide

Wood buffalo

Wood Buffalo National Park is the biggest national park in Canada, and the second largest on the planet. This UNESCO World Heritage Site encompasses vast tracts of land in both Alberta and the Northwest Territories.

While the park was originally intended to protect the herds of wood buffalo that inhabit the area, it has also served as a safe haven for other important species, such as the extremely rare whooping cranes that nest in the delta region. Once a fur-trading post, Fort Smith is now the launching point for exploring the park, and bison are often spotted from the highway near town.

  • Read More: Exploring Wood Buffalo National Park and Fort Smith


Yellowknife, capital of the Northwest Territories, grew up around a 1930s gold rush. While all of the miners tents of Old Town have long since been replaced, there is now a mix of wooden heritage buildings, arts and cultural institutions like the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre , and a bustling community life fueled by the mining industry.

Popular things to do are the boat tours and houseboating on Great Slave Lake . Other activities and attractions are the impressive falls at Hidden Lake Territorial Park , visiting galleries featuring local artists, and seeing the Bush Pilots Monument.

If you find yourself here in the winter, the stunning Aurora Borealis viewing that can be enjoyed here is second to none. The Snow King Festival and its huge snow castle is also something not to be missed. Don't be afraid to join in the fun, as the town lets loose in March.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Yellowknife

Great Slave Lake

Great Slave Lake is North America's fifth largest lake and reaches depths of more than 600 meters in places. Though it's frozen for eight months of the year, it sees plenty of action. In summer, house boaters and sailors enjoy the freshwater. In fact, the lake is home to the Commissioner's Cup, the world's longest freshwater sailing race .

If you love to fish, don't miss the opportunity to head out onto the water and test your skills against one of the legendary giant trout, (some up to 40 pounds) lurking deep below. Bring your own boat and take your chances or take a charter and ensure success.

Come winter, dog sledders race on the frozen surface. Many of the major communities in the Northwest Territories front the lake, including Yellowknife , Fort Providence , and Hay River .

  • Read More: Great Slave Lake: Top Things to Do

Alexandra Falls in Twin Falls Gorge Territorial Park near Hay River

On the southern bank of Great Slave Lake, Hay River is the southernmost port on the Mackenzie River System. Here, freight (mainly building materials and fuel) destined for settlements along the Mackenzie River and in the Arctic is transferred to barges. During the four- to five-month summer season, the port is chock-a-block with barges, fishing boats, and coast guard launches.

Long a home to First Nations people, Hay River became the first Hudson's Bay Company trading post in the area in 1868. The little wooden houses of the old town lie at the mouth of the Hay River. This is also where the fishermen live, often returning home with rich catches from Great Slave Lake , or the Hay and Mackenzie rivers.

In the newer area of town, Diamond Jenness School is an outstanding example of northern architecture. Named after an anthropologist who, around 1910, was the first to study northern native culture, the school boasts a purple color that makes it the landmark of Hay River. Southwest of town, Twin Falls Gorge Territorial Park features Hay River canyon and the Alexandra and Louise Falls, with trails and a viewing area.

Famous igloo-shaped church

"Place of Man" is the Inuit meaning of Inuvik, a modern settlement in the Arctic Circle and on the Mackenzie River. Built between 1955 and 1961 during the exploration for oil and gas, it replaced Aklavik, which was prone to flooding.

Today, Inuvik is the trading, administrative, and supply center for the western Arctic. It has an airfield, several schools, and a hospital. From here, the many supply planes set off for the exploration bases in the far north to destinations such as the Mackenzie delta and Beaufort Sea. Sightseeing flights over the Arctic also take off from here.

Our Lady of Victory Roman Catholic Church, with its distinctive igloo shape, has become a landmark building of Inuvik. It contains a tabernacle (also igloo-shaped) and a remarkable "Way of the Cross" by Inuit artist Mona Thrasher. Aklavik , Inuit for "home of the polar bears" is west of Inuvik. The Hudson's Bay Company founded it in 1912 in the middle of the Mackenzie delta, an area prone to flooding. It is only accessible by a winter ice road.

Tuktut Nogait National Park, to the east of Inuvik was established in 1996, boasting some truly overwhelming arctic rock scenery with spectacular canyons and cliffs. Finds made at literally dozens of archaeological sites within the conservation area show that this now-inhospitable region was inhabited thousands of years ago. Access to the park is by air only, but well worth it if you can make it happen.

Icebreakers in the Franklin Straight, Northwest Passage

The Northwest Passage provides waterway access from the Atlantic Ocean through the Arctic to the Pacific Ocean. The search for the Northwest Passage began in the 16th century by Dutch and English navigators who hoped to find a favorable sea route for trade with the Far East and thus circumvent the Portuguese monopoly on trade round the Horn of Africa.

Martin Frobisher made the first attempt in 1576. He assumed that since saltwater never froze, this could not be the legendary sea of ice but just a frozen lake. In 1585-87 John Davis penetrated through the strait (later to bear his name) as far as Baffin Bay. Henry Hudson was looking for the Northwest Passage when he discovered Hudson Bay in 1609/1610. In 1616, William Baffin got as far as Lancaster Sound, but since he concluded that the Northwest Passage simply did not exist, there was no more exploration for another 200 years.

It was 1818 before John Ross resumed the search at the head of an English expedition, although the motive this time was scientific rather than commercial. In 1829, he discovered the magnetic north pole on the Boothia-Felix Peninsula.

The doomed expedition of John Franklin followed in 1845. After last being seen in July of that year in the Lancaster Sound, the members of the expedition were finally found dead on King Williams Island. They had succeeded in exploring much of the Arctic coast of North America.

McClure was the first, in 1850 to 1853, to be able to trace the passage on foot, coming over the iced up straits from the west. But the first person to finally manage to navigate the Northwest Passage from east to west was actually Roald Amundsen, the Norwegian polar explorer in 1900-03.

A large Arctic char

The eighth largest lake in the world, Great Bear Lake is 240 kilometers long and 400 kilometers across. It is covered with ice for eight months of the year, often as late as July. Its Great Bear River flows into the Mackenzie River. The shores of Great Bear Lake are rich in wildlife, with martens being particularly numerous. Grizzly bears roam the shores in summer, and the pinewoods are the haunt of elk in winter.

Great Bear Lake has achieved more angling records than any other lake in North America. It is especially famous for its trout, and some of the world's biggest (weighing up to 65 pounds) have been caught here, as well as top-weight grayling and whitefish. Arctic char can be found in the nearby Tree River. For a fishing tour of Great Bear Lake, hire a guide in Fort Franklin, now known as Deline.

The Mackenzie River in the Northwest Territories

With a length of 4,250 kilometers, the Mackenzie River is the second longest river in North America, and its catchment area covers a fifth of Canada. The river was already an important artery for the canoes of the fur trade in the 18th century, and is navigable today in summer by steamers as far upriver as Fort Smith .

The Mackenzie Highway was built shortly after the Second World War and is an all-weather road covering the 600 kilometers from Peace River in Alberta to Great Slave Lake and the territorial capital Yellowknife .

Fort Simpson is situated where the Liard runs into the Mackenzie River, west of Great Slave Lake. It is the oldest settlement on the Mackenzie River, founded by the North West Company in 1804 for the trans-shipment of skins and furs at this strategic junction. In the 19th century, trade came from the few trappers and fishermen who lived here from time to time, but in the first half of the 20th century the forests in the Mackenzie Valley attracted the attention of the paper industry.

This was followed by the discovery of oil at Norman Wells in the 1920s, pitchblende at Port Radium, and gold at Yellowknife in the 1930s, with mining becoming a thriving industry after the Second World War. It is possible to catch planes from Fort Simpson to Nahanni National Park Reserve .

The vegetation of this delta landscape is mostly low bushes and shrubs, juniper, lichens, and mosses, with magnificent displays of color from flowers and mosses during the brief but intensive summer (from June to late July this is the land of the midnight sun). To complete the picture, this very special environment also has a great variety of wildlife on water as well as on land.

The west side of Victoria Island on the Amundsen Gulf

Situated directly off the northern coast of mainland Canada, Victoria Island is the third largest island in the Canadian Archipelago. It lies well north of the Arctic Circle, where Ice-Age glaciers flattened everything into a rather monotonous terrain of moraines, drumlins, and glacial lakes. The creation of the new Territory of Nunavut in 1999 divided the island administratively into two.

Canada's central Arctic region is administered and supplied from Iqaluktuutiak (Cambridge Bay) on the island's southeast coast. Sir John Franklin (1786-1847) "discovered" Victoria Island in 1826, and European seafarers searching for the Northwest Passage, missionaries, and fur traders were among the earliest to call in at this remote spot. Until the 1950s, the Copper Inuit used the area mainly as a summer camp; "Iqaluktuutiak," as it was called in Inuktitut, meaning "good place to fish."

Victoria Island

Iqaluktuutiak's main modern features are its stone-built Catholic church and modern wind-generation plant. The second place of any significance on Victoria Island is Ulukhaktok (formerly Holman) on the west coast. Located at the tip of the Diamond Jenness Peninsula , this small community is already quite well prepared for the burgeoning numbers of tourists attracted to the North. There is even a golf course with views of the Beaufort Sea.

Banks Island

Banks Island possesses rich tundra vegetation and is home to many animals, especially the more than 65,000 musk-oxen (Ovibus moschatus), the largest population anywhere in the world. The southwestern part of Banks Island, equal to about one-third of the whole land mass, is a bird sanctuary.

Although it had been used for hunting for perhaps 3,500 years, it was not until 1929 that Banks Island had a permanent settlement, when three Inuit families put down roots in Ikaahuk (Sachs Harbor) on the northwestern tip of the island. Its "European" name derives from the Canadian Arctic expedition of 1913-15 led by Vilhjalmur Stefansson, whose ship was called Mary Sachs .

Situated in the north of Banks Island, Aulavik National Park is home to numerous musk-oxen. During the summer months, it is also home to a large proportion of Canada's snow geese. A completely intact tundra flora is still to be found here. This extremely remote park attracts adventurers looking to hike, backpack, or paddle the Thomsen River.

There are no services in Aulavik National Park, so visitors are expected to be experienced in the outdoors and self-sufficient. Visitors get to the park by chartering aircraft, usually from Inuvik.

Church of Our Lady of Good Hope, Fort Good Hope

The Church of Our Lady of Good Hope in Fort Hope is a national historic site that was built in the mid 1880s. It is one of the oldest surviving buildings of this type with much of the spectacular interior decoration designed and carried out by Father Émile Petitot. The mission church was built in the Gothic Revival Style.

Around the left side of the church is a historical graveyard with interesting headstones, some dating from the turn of the century.

The Norman Wells Historical Centre is within twenty minutes drive of McKinnon Territorial Park. The center offers detailed information about the history of the area and the current condition of the CANOL Trail , including shipping and transportation on the Mackenzie River. Artifacts and photographs depict Dene history. Two highlights include a replica log cabin decorated in traditional Dene style and a salvaged WWII Quonset hut, which is now used for movie screenings.

The historical center also has extensive displays related to the industries of the region, including mining, oilfields, and aviation among others.

Official site:

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Exploring Canada's North : Canada's north is a vast region and encompasses many excellent things to do. Topping our list is visiting Nunavut , a vast region encompassing 1.9 million square kilometers (a fifth of the country) and home to vast stretches of treeless tundra and dramatic fiords. Begin your adventures in the gold rush city of Whitehorse , a great base from which to experience attractions such as the sternwheeler, the SS Klondike , and magnificent Miles Canyon. Farther to the east is Hudson Bay , an area famed for its stunning scenery and wildlife, including polar bears.

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The Richardson Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada

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Northwest Territories

On a planet containing seven billion people, it's difficult to imagine that there are still places as sparsely populated as the Northwest Territories (NWT). A vast swath of boreal forest and Arctic tundra five times the size of the UK, it has a population of a small provincial town. In the 19th century, gold prospectors passed it over as too remote; modern Canadians, if they head north at all, prefer to romanticize about iconic Nunavut or the grandiose Yukon. More people orbit the earth each year than visit lonely Aulavik, one of the territory's four national parks.


Must-see attractions.

Nahanni National Park Reserve

Nahanni National Park Reserve

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Virginia Falls

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Wood Buffalo National Park

Wood Buffalo National Park

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Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre

Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre


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Aulavik National Park

Aulavik National Park

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Great Slave Lake

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Pelican Rapids

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The Best Things To Do In Northwest Territories

October 20, 2020 By Matthew G. Bailey 13 Comments

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Traditional Inuit clothing in Tuktoyaktuk, NWT

Updated: January 18, 2021

With more than one million square kilometres of land area and a population of less than 50,000, the Northwest Territories are about as wild as it gets. It’s certainly not an easy area to visit (many places are fly-in, many roads are gravel, and distances are vast) but for those who make the effort, there are some incredible places to see and things to do in Northwest Territories.

Whether you’re looking to drive Canada’s only highway to the arctic ocean, fly over the world’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site, sleep at a secluded fishing lodge, admire the Northern Lights, or visit some charming northern towns like Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk , the Northwest Territories is an adventurer’s paradise.

We also learned many new things, including:

  • Nahanni National Park (and L’Anse aux Meadows) was the world’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • The new highway to Tuktoyaktuk is the first Canadian highway to reach the Arctic Ocean.
  • Virginia Falls in Nahanni National Park is almost twice the height of Niagara Falls .
  • NWT is home to two of the largest freshwater lakes (Great Slave Lake and Great Bear) and river systems (Mackenzie River) in North America.
  • North of the Arctic Circle, the “Midnight Sun” arrives in May and doesn’t depart until the end of July. Cool, eh!?

Table of Contents

Getting to the Northwest Territories

Although the Northwest Territories is part of Canada’s far north, there are a number of highways linking it up with the Yukon , British Columbia , and Alberta . The main options for getting there would be to drive or to fly.

However, due to the immense wilderness and isolation of the territory, some parts are divided. For example, if you’d like to drive from Yellowknife to Tuktoyaktuk, you’d have to drive through Northern BC and the Yukon, taking approximately 48 hours of drive time to get there!

Getting to the Northwest Territories by Car

If you’d like to take a road trip or get into some real adventure in the NWT, you’ll need your own car. In fact, you’d be better off with an SUV or a truck. The highway you take to the Northwest Territories will depend on where you’re coming from or where you want to go. For example, the distance between Edmonton and Yellowknife is 1,452 kilometres.

It’s a pretty straightforward drive, as you’d take highway 88 and 35 north for about 16 hours. You’ll pass numerous towns on the way, but when it comes to the NWT, you’ll want to be a little more cautious about drive times, as gas stations are more spread out than they are in Canada’s south.

If you’d like to drive to Canada’s arctic ocean, you’ll have to go through the Yukon, taking the Dempster Highway from Dawson City up to Inuvik. From there, you’d then drive another two hours north to Tukotyaktuk. If you’re hoping to explore both regions, expect to be in the vehicle for long periods of time.

Getting to the Northwest Territories by Plane

For maximum efficiency, you’ll want to take flights to the Northwest Territories. Car rentals are possible, so you could always rent a car and explore it from your home base. Most people visit Yellowknife, the territory’s capital city, or Inuvik, which is much farther north and only hours from Tuktoyaktuk and the arctic ocean.

However, since the area is home to many isolated communities and mines, there are a vast number of tiny airports in the Northwest Territories. Flights are limited, so you really want to know where you’re going. For example, if your objective is to simply explore Nahanni National Park Reserve, you’d want to fly into Fort Simpson and take a sightseeing tour from there.

Popular airports include:

  • Yellowknife Airport (YZF)
  • Inuvik Mike Zubko (YEV)
  • Hay River Merlyn Carter Airport (YHY)
  • Fort Simpson Airport (YFS)

best things to do in canada

Best Time to Visit the Northwest Territories

Unless you’re planning to do something specific in the wintertime like drive the ice road or admire the Aurora Borealis, the best time to visit the Northwest Territories would be in the summer, late spring, or early fall.

Considering its location in Canada, the Northwest Territories is home to some extreme weather and very cold winters. For road trips, you would really want to travel in the summer months when highways are in their best condition. Also, popular activities like watersports, fishing, hunting, and camping, are all done in the warmer months.

However, like most of Canada, the NWT is home to some awesome winter activities as well, such as dog sledding, snowmobiling, ice fishing, northern lights viewing, and more. Therefore, your time of visit should depend on what you’re hoping to accomplish.

If you do visit during the winter months, make sure you check out our article about what to wear during the winter in Canada .

Road to 150 – Northwest Territories Episode

Back in 2017, we produced a travel series called the Road to 150 . Celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday, we drove across the country for 150 days, visiting each and every province and territory to experience the best things to do.

The Northwest Territories was our 9th stop during the trip, arriving via Alberta and spending approximately two weeks exploring places like Yellowknife, Nahanni National Park, Inuvik, and Tuktoyaktuk. It’s the only territory that had its time divided because we had to drive through the Yukon to get to the upper half of it.

During our time there, we visited many beautiful waterfalls, took a floatplane to a secluded lodge nestled between two lakes, learned about the First Nations Peoples at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, took a spectacular trip over Nahanni National Park Reserve, and drove all the way up to  Tuktoyaktuk where we jumped into the Arctic Ocean.

We also toured Inuvik, took a boat tour through the narrow channels of the Mackenzie Delta, and saw heaps of wildlife, including beavers, bears and bison. We packed a lot of adventures into our short visit and can’t wait to return one day and explore the territory further.

Best Places to Visit in Northwest Territories

The Northwest Territories are far more spread out than other provinces in Canada and so unless you’re planning on doing an extensive road trip, you’ll need to better plan what you want to do and where you’re going. To help you decide, we’ll list out some of the best things to do in the Northwest Territories below, divided into the most popular regions.

best things to do in the northwest territories

Yellowknife Attractions

Perhaps the most popular destination is the capital city of Yellowknife. Here you’ll find a variety of accommodation, shops, and amenities, as well as floatplanes ready to take you where you need to go. There’s a lot of cool modern architecture to check out and amazing views from Bush Pilot’s Monument. Yellowknife is also the perfect base for a night tour to experience the Aurora Borealis .

Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre

Thanks to its exhibits and artifacts dedicated to the cultures and history of the NWT, the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre has become the top attraction in Yellowknife. The museum displays and preserves important documents, photos, sound recordings, artifacts, and other materials related to the history of this vast northern region.

You’ll learn about the minerals that are mined all around the territory as well as explore the culture of the Dene First Nations people and the pervasive influence of the fur trade. If you’re interested in learning about the place you’re exploring, make this a priority when visiting Yellowknife.

Cameron Falls Trail

Yellowknife 4914710 1280 1

Flightseeing Tours

Yellowknife and the surrounding area are one of those places that are best seen from above. Luckily, there are a number of operators offering flightseeing tours in floatplanes, and this makes for an excellent way to see the beauty of the area and get some incredible photos.

However, there’s another reason floatplanes are so popular in this area. Aside from flightseeing tours, they also take people to remote lodges for isolated fishing and hunting opportunities.

Old Town Yellowknife

Yellowknife is somewhat divided into a new town and an old town. As you may have guessed, the old town is where all the history is. With the discovery of gold in 1934 and Yellowknife’s first gold rush the following year, eager miners built their camps on the shores of Great Slave Lake.

These days, you’ll find some of those old heritage buildings in Old Town Yellowknife, as well as the popular Ragged Ass Road where you’ll find a good view of the city from “the Rock”, which is also known as Bush Pilot’s Monument.

Fishing in the Northwest Territories, Canada.

Yellow Dog Lodge

Words can barely describe how awesome our stay was at Yellow Dog Lodge . It’s a beautiful Northwest Territories hotel, nestled between two secluded lakes, just a 15-minute flight from Yellowknife. When we were there, it was just us and the incredible staff.

They brought us around both lakes by boat, helped us catch lake trout and northern pike, made campfires for us on secluded islands, prepared a hot tub heated by wood fire, and cooked us delicious meals three times per day. As if that’s not perfect enough, there’s also a floating raft that you can spend a night on.

They parked it in a secluded bay and we were surrounded by complete silence. The only thing we could hear was our echo bouncing off the thick forest all around us. We made a wood fire on the barge and woke up to an eagle flying overhead. Simply incredible.

Alternatively, you could take a special week-long kayak trip , to see the sites and experience the Yellowstone area to the fullest.

Where to Eat?

Bullocks’ Bistro: If a restaurant can also be an attraction, this is it. We came in expecting fish n’ chips and left with a full tummy of grilled Arctic Char, fried halibut, curry seafood chowder, and caribou! It was incredibly delicious and the place has so much character. This is the most famous restaurant in Yellowknife and a must-visit when you’re here. Look for our Must Do Canada business card on the wall.

Things To Do In Hay River

Hay River, NWT is not a typical town for most tourists visiting the NWT but it’s just a 30-minute drive from Twin Falls Gorge Territorial Park, which is home to two of the best waterfalls in the Northwest Territories. It’s also a great place to rest if you’re on the way to Yellowknife or Fort Simpson and is the first town you’ll see if you’re entering from Alberta.

Standing next to Alexandra Falls, Northwest Territories, Canada.

Twin Falls Gorge Territorial Park

Twin Falls Gorge Territorial Park is home to both Alexandra Falls and Louise Falls, two of the most popular and spectacular waterfalls in the Northwest Territories. Both are incredible to see and you can get super close to Alexandra Falls if you’re looking for that classic adventure photograph.

Camping is also permitted in the park and you’ll also find the 8-kilometre Twin Falls Gorge Trail that follows the canyon rim through the forest for more stunning views. You can hike the trail yourself, or sign up for an interpretive walk with a local Dene storyteller and tour guide.

Fisherman’s Wharf

Did you know that Hay River is home to the largest shipping centre in the north? That’s right. The town resembles a seaport in many ways as it’s home to tugs, barges and commercial fishing operations. However, if you’re in Hay River on a Saturday, another popular thing to do is visit Fisherman’s Wharf for their outdoor market. This is a great chance to buy some fresh-caught fish, produce, baked goods, and local arts and crafts.

Visit the Beach

Spending time on a beach is probably the last thing you imagined while visiting Canada’s Northwest Territories but Hay River actually has the best beach in the north with miles of sand dunes stretching out along massive Great Slave Lake. On a hot summer day, it’s a great place to spend the day and is also a good spot for camping.

Where to Stay?

Ptarmigan Inn: This is the best place to stay in the town. It’s clean, comfortable, and has a variety of amenities, including a restaurant, pub, bank, a real full-size fitness centre, and a place to get a haircut. They also have a really massive and delicious breakfast that we truly looked forward to each and every morning. Highly recommended!

Flight-seeing tour over Nahanni National Park, Canada.

Things To Do Around Fort Simpson

Known as the base for exploring Nahanni National Park, that’s what most tourists come here for. However, there’s more than just the park, so we’ll give you some ideas of what to do below.

Nahanni National Park

This renowned park absolutely blew us away. In fact, the beauty and vastness of the park is hard to describe in words. Some describe Nahanni National Park as a combination of Jasper National Park , Banff National Park, the Columbia Icefields, Yellowstone National Park, Yosemite National Park, the Grand Canyon, and Niagara Falls all in one.

Sounds pretty incredible, eh? It’s not quite as large as the huge Wood Buffalo National Park, but it remains absolutely mind-blowing. If you’d like to visit, the best way to do so is with Simpson Air, which we’ll talk about below.

Simpson Air

There are basically two ways to see the park and Nahanni River. You can take a multi-week, very expensive canoe trip or you can take a 5-hour+ scenic flight tour with Simpson Air . We were so blown away by the beauty we witnessed from the air, and the owner, Ted, was a great person to guide us around.

After all, he’s been doing this for over 30 years! He’s full of stories and he’s incredibly passionate about what he does. This is an outstanding park and quite possibly the most diverse park in Canada. Add this to your Canadian bucket list for sure!

Fort Simpson Territorial Park

Located in the community of Fort Simpson at the confluence of the Mackenzie river and Liard river, this park is within walking distance to town and its amenities. It’s a popular spot for bird-watching and listening to the sounds of northern frogs.

Many different species of birds have been found here and it’s also popular with migratory waterfowl such as tundra swans and snow geese. It also links up with some of the historical sites in the area, is home to a golf course and is a good spot for camping.

MacPherson House

Built back in 1936, this one-and-a-half storey squared-log dwelling is an excellent example of Metis architecture and is located at the southern edge of the original Hudson’s Bay Company compound and is an icon of the fur-trade heritage of the community.

Ehdaa Historical Site

This National Historic Site of Canada, which is located at the southwestern end of Fort Simpson Island, is a traditional Dene meeting place. Here they would allocate land use, arrange marriages, resolve disputes, hold puberty rites, undertake ceremonies of healing and thanksgiving, and trade goods and knowledge. The site remains important to the local Liidlii Kue Dene and contains facilities built for the 1987 visit of Pope John Paul II.

Janor Guest House: This lovely guesthouse might be one of the best we’ve stayed in. The rooms were very comfortable, the place was super clean, and everything was so well organized.

Basically, you make your own breakfast but everything is provided. They provided eggs, bread, cereal, yogurt, coffee, and more. The owners are friendly and the WiFi is good.

Alternatively, the Bannockland Inn is another great option.

things to do in inuvik

Inuvik Northwest Territories Tourist Attractions

Located at the end of the Dempster Highway, Inuvik is a regional hub for the Arctic region of NWT. Here you’ll find a vibrant mix of Inuvialuit, Gwich’in and non-Native residents, all gathered in a town near the beautiful Mackenzie mountains.

Western Arctic Visitor Centre

Our short tour here provided us with so much history and knowledge about the area. The staff were so friendly and proud to share their culture with us. There’s a variety of exhibits about art, flora and fauna, neighbouring communities and wildlife. You can also pick up your official Arctic Circle Adventurer Certificate here, making it a great place to stop before exploring further.

Igloo Church

Quite possibly one of the North’s most photographed structures, the Our Lady of Victory Church is a bleach-white cylinder capped by a silvery dome, imitating the Inuvialuit snow-houses of old. It’s quite small but when inside, you’ll find paintings by local artist Mona Thrasher. This is one of the most popular attractions in Inuvik. I mean, where else can you find an igloo church!

Western Arctic Visitor Centre, Inuvik, Canada.

Community Greenhouse

One thing we didn’t expect to see in Inuvik was a greenhouse, especially the largest of its kind in the world with over 16,000 square feet of space in an old hockey arena. Scheduled tours are available from June-September and we loved learning about how and why it got started and how it’s helping the community. It made us want to start our own greenhouse one day.

Midnight Sun Mosque

Alan Emery VBzR91wRcP0 Unsplash 1

Explore the Mackenzie Delta

Considering Inuvik’s location alongside the magnificent Mackenzie Delta, there’s no better way to experience the natural beauty of the area than a boat tour (or flight-seeing tour) around these narrow waterways.

We took a tour with Tundra North Tours, taking us out on his boat for some fishing. Along the way, we saw beavers making a dam and a flock of arctic swans frolicking in a nearby lake. It’s one of the most beautiful drone shots we got for our Road to 150 videos (see near the top of this article). During our boat ride back to town, we had a big bald eagle show up and lead the way. Beautiful.

Want more? Check out our full guide to things to do in Inuvik !

Alistine’s Restaurant: If you only visit one restaurant in Inuvik, make it this one. It’s such a fun-looking restaurant with the kitchen inside an old school bus. There’s also a rooftop patio for sunny days. We actually came here twice as we couldn’t get enough of the delicious fish tacos!

MacKenzie Delta Hotel: This was one of the best hotels we stayed at during our trip and a breath of fresh air after a long drive on the Dempster Highway. We had huge spacious rooms, great WiFi, and even a sink, fridge, and microwave. The hotel is beautiful and there’s also a popular restaurant and pub on-site. It’s also located in the heart of town, right across from the Igloo Church.

best things to do in tuktoyaktuk

Tuktoyaktuk Northwest Territories Activities

Located right on the edge of the Arctic Ocean, Tuktoyaktuk is almost as far North as it gets. Once accessible only by plane, boat, and ice road, the new Mackenzie Valley Highway now offers Canada’s only road to the Arctic!

We were granted special permission to drive the new highway before it was open but due to weather, we had to drive up and down on the same day, giving us only 3-4 hours in the small hamlet. Luckily, we took a tour with a local elder, which gave us some good insight into the culture and of course, we jumped in the Arctic Ocean! As of late 2017, the road is now open to the public, making it one of Canada’s great adventures and a fantastic Northwest Territories road trip.

Admire the Pingo Canadian Landmark

In terms of natural attractions, our favourite thing about Tuktoyaktuk was the Pingos! Approximately 1350 pingos (ice-cored hills) dot the coastline around Tuktoyaktuk, with the largest one standing a whopping 16-stories high!

The Pingo Canadian Landmark is a natural area protecting eight of these pingos, all of which are remarkable to see. For many centuries, pingos were used as navigation points for the Inuvialuit people. What’s a pingo you ask? Good question. Pingos originate in drained lakes where the groundwater seeps below the frozen surface, forcing it upwards. Some are growing at a rate of two centimetres per year!

There’s one pingo in town you can hike up for views of Tuk, but there are also tours available from the community, including the chance to see the interior of a pingo, which has been hollowed out into storage lockers for frozen game through the summer.

pingos in tuktoyaktuk northwest territories

Jump in the Arctic Ocean!

You can’t come all the way to Tuktoyaktuk and not take an arctic dip! Before you do, however, please note that this area is home to polar bears and it might be wise to ask some locals first, just to make sure there are none in the area.

We did the dip twice. First, we found a place where the water is about 4 feet deep just offshore, allowing us to do a quick dip right away. Another time, we found a beach that starts at just a couple of inches of depth. This is more for people looking to dip their toes, although you could continue walking out until it gets deeper.

The Tuktoyaktuk Sign

It’s not often we recommend getting a photo with the town’s welcome sign, but Tuktoyaktuk is just too unique of a place not to do so. It makes for a great photo opportunity to share with your friends.

Joanne’s Taxi and Tours

Not only does Joanne run a taxi business but they also offer local tours around the hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk. It’s a great way to learn about the area, try some local food, climb a pingo, and step into the Arctic Ocean. They were so friendly and we can’t wait to return and learn more from them.

Want more? Check out our full guide to things to do in Tuktoyaktuk !

Driving the Dempster Highway Highway

Exploring the Fun Things to do in Northwest Territories

We were so excited to explore this off-the-beaten-path territory and it did not disappoint! We got to fly to a beautiful lodge on a secluded lake, stand next to amazing waterfalls, drive to the Western Canadian Arctic, and fly over one of the most beautiful national parks in the world. There’s just so much WILDerness to see in the NWT and we can’t wait to return one day and explore further.

For more things to do in the area, check out the following articles…

  • Things to Do in the Yukon
  • Sailing with Adventure Canada to Nunavut
  • Things to Do in British Columbia
  • Things to Do in Alberta


Best Things to Do in the Northwest Territories

About Matthew G. Bailey

Matthew G. Bailey is the founder and editor-in-chief of Must Do Canada. Growing up in Alberta to a mother from Quebec and a father from Newfoundland, Matt spent his childhood playing hockey under the Northern Lights and hanging out in the forest before moving to Calgary and travelling to more than 250 cities spanning 42 countries and 6 continents. He loves travel, learning new things, playing sports, writing, making videos, photography, and scuba diving. You can also find him at .

Reader Interactions

' src=

May 11, 2021 at 7:13 am

My wife and I would love to visit these places in the future. Reading your article makes us want to go sooner.😀

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May 12, 2021 at 8:05 am

My cousin lives in Yellowknife so have been able to visit her a couple of times. Experienced daylight at 3am (June) and the beautiful amazing northern lights (September).

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May 12, 2021 at 9:48 am

haha isn’t it crazy

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May 12, 2021 at 2:16 pm

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May 12, 2021 at 8:23 pm

My daughter lives there so each time I go we find a new adventure.

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June 10, 2021 at 7:29 am

On my bucket list and thank you for the ideas.

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December 8, 2021 at 10:20 pm

Visit Inuvik in January and take in the Return of the Sun festivities.

Best northern lights views too on the Inuvik to Tuk Highway and on the ice road to Aklavik.

December 9, 2021 at 7:57 am

wow, that sounds amazing!

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March 12, 2022 at 5:18 am

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May 27, 2022 at 8:11 pm

Watch out for bison on the highway if you’re driving from Alberta to Yellowknife. Especially at night.

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May 28, 2022 at 1:27 pm

Will be using this info (and other articles) next summer when we do a Yellowknife, Whitehorse, Anchorage driving trip from Edmonton and back.

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June 8, 2022 at 10:00 am

Was born and raised in the NWT but still so much of the Territory I haven’t seen yet. Thanks for sharing

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September 3, 2022 at 10:10 pm

NWT is on my bucketlist

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10 Incredible Outdoor Experiences in the Northwest Territories

David Webb

April 23, 2021

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Sponsored by Spectacular NWT

Adventure lives in Canada’s Northwest Territories. With more than 1.14 million square-kilometres to explore—and only about 45,000 residents—the NWT is home to breathtaking wildlife experiences, impressive natural wonders, rich Indigenous cultures, heart-thumping action sports and serene natural excursions.

When it’s safe to travel again—follow your adventurous heart north. Your dream trip awaits. In the meantime, get inspired by these top 10 experiences in the NWT:

Aurora Borealis

nwt tourist attractions

Did you know the Auroral Oval—the halo of Northern Lights encircling Earth’s geomagnetic poles—passes right overtop of Yellowknife, the capital city of and main entry point to the Northwest Territories? Averaging more than 200 days of clear aurora viewing per year, the NWT boasts the best Aurora viewing in the country. Visitors can view the dancing lights in autumn, amid cool nights and gently lapping lakes; or in the sub-zero temperatures of winter, when the landscape is layered in snow and ice.

The Dempster Highway

Welcome to the continent’s most incredible road-trip. Beginning near Dawson City, Yukon, and winding 740 kilometres north to Inuvik, Northwest Territories, the all-season Dempster Highway is an adventure showcase. Snap a selfie at the Arctic Circle signpost (yes, you will cross 66 degrees north!); stand agog amidst the alpine tundra and remote peaks of the Richardson Range; camp at one of six campsites on the NWT side; and enjoy hospitality—and guided adventures—in the friendly full-service town of Inuvik, the economic centre of the Western Arctic. Looking for more adventure? Keep driving north to Tuktoyaktuk and dip your toes in the Arctic Ocean.

The Midnight Sun

You may have heard of the midnight sun —now experience its magic for yourself. During summer, certain areas of the Northwest Territories receive 24 hours of beaming sunlight—but it’s more than simply bright. Birds sing at 2:00 a.m. Folks on camping trips sleep during the day and hike throughout the evening during an elongated and ethereal Golden Hour. Kids ride bikes at midnight; families host barbecues well past bedtime; sport anglers cast a line as the sun grazes the hilltops, and fight fish deep into the night. It’s a fascinating experience for curious travellers.

Nahanni National Park Reserve

nwt tourist attractions

This is an icon of Canada’s north. Traditional lands of the Dehcho First Nation, Nahanni National Park Reserve —or Nahʔą Dehé—occupies more than 30,000 square-kilometres of the NWT’s southwest region. This UNESCO world heritage site may be best known as a paddling destination, with the famed Nahanni River snaking through tall canyons within—but more attractions, like the thunderous cascade of Virginia Falls, the picturesque Cirque of the Unclimbables, pastoral Fairy Meadows, au naturel hot springs, fascinating geological features (like tufa mounds!) and near-endless hikes create an all-encompassing bucket-list adventure destination.

Great Slave Lake

nwt tourist attractions

It’s almost hard to fathom the depth and breadth of Great Slave Lake . The second-largest lake entirely within Canada (next to NWT’s own Great Bear Lake), this leviathan freshwater body is roughly the same size as Belgium. Plus, at more than 615 metres deep, it’s the deepest lake in North America. And it’s right next door to Yellowknife, making lakebound adventures some of the most accessible experiences in the territory. From serene shoreline paddles to sport-fishing for hard-fighting lake trout and pike, to boat tours and more, Great Slave offers lake-lovers a lifetime of experiences.

Come winter, the Northwest Territories is ultimate place to find ice roads . A massive web of frozen freeways extends throughout the territory, spanning nearly 2,000 kilometres and suitable for a variety of vehicles. From Yellowknife, you can start with a cruise over the four-foot-thick ice of Great Slave Lake to the Dene village of Dettah. Looking for something a little further afield? Try driving the ice road to Aklavik, which begins in Inuvik, and continues through the Arctic landscape for 117 kilometres. On every route, you’ll find unique scenery, friendly communities and serenity galore.

Your first question might be—what’s a pingo ? It’s a unique ice-cored hill; a periglacial landform only found in areas of permafrost, formed by freezing and thawing underground lakes. Tuktoyaktuk, in the Northwest Territories, has the largest concentration of pingos on Earth—some 1,350 of these wonders surround the area. Eight of these pingos are stewarded in Parks Canada’s Pingo National Landmark; throughout the region they range from budding newborns to elderly pingos slumping back into the earth, some a mere five metres tall up to towering 70-metre cones.

nwt tourist attractions

If your idea of fun involves a boat and a PFD, you’re in luck. The Northwest Territories has paddling excursions for everybody. Novice canoeists can enjoy the protected waters of Houseboat or Back bays, on Great Slave Lake, accessed from Yellowknife. Experienced paddlers can tackle iconic waterways like the Thelon, Coppermine, Nahanni and Hornaday rivers. What about multi-day guided rafting trips? You bet! In fact, the lakes and rivers of the Northwest Territories are even home to stand-up paddleboard adventures and whitewater kayaking trips. Endless possibilities!

nwt tourist attractions

Within the borders of the Northwest Territories, you’ll discover some of the largest tracts of pristine wilderness on Earth. Of course, these areas are rich with wildlife—and one of the signature wildlife-viewing opportunities is of the wood bison. These lumbering beasts can weigh a metric tonne and stand two metres tall at the shoulder. They roam the landscape, pushing onto roads and highways in herds and offering accessible and responsible viewing opportunities. Bigger and darker than their southern cousins—the plains bison—these brutes are the largest land animals in the Western Hemisphere, and a must-see for any wildlife enthusiast.

Wood Buffalo National Park

It’s fitting that this park, home to North America’s largest land mammal, is also Canada’s largest national park. At 44,807 square-kilometres, Wood Buffalo National Park is larger than Switzerland. Imagine the adventures that await within this stewarded landscape of serene boreal forest, otherworldly salt plains, the Peace-Athabasca River Delta and more… Look for the world’s last surviving whooping cranes. Listen to wolves howl. Spot black bear tracks. And of course, snap a photo—from a safe distance—of the lumbering wood bison. Access this year-round park from Fort Smith. Accommodations range from comfy cabins to remote backcountry camping. And adventure is guaranteed.

Learn more about exciting adventures in the Northwest Territories at .


Explore the 50 Best Hikes in Canada

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Canadian Coast Guard begins 2024 Arctic summer season

From: Canadian Coast Guard

News release

The Canadian Coast Guard’s (CCG) annual Arctic summer operational season is underway. In total, seven CCG icebreakers are scheduled to deploy from June into November to support northern communities, operational and program commitments, and sovereignty in the Arctic.

July 8, 2024

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories - The Canadian Coast Guard’s (CCG) annual Arctic summer operational season is underway. In total, seven CCG icebreakers are scheduled to deploy from June into November to support northern communities, operational and program commitments, and sovereignty in the Arctic.

  • June 16 – CCGS Amundsen departed Quebec City, QC, for icebreaking in Frobisher Bay and Hudson Strait, and science led by Amundsen Science.
  • June 20 - CCGS Des Groseilliers departed Quebec City, QC, for icebreaking, refueling the Killiniq communication station and the remote Eureka weather station, commissioning aids to navigation in the Hudson Strait, and Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) surveys.
  • July 1 – CCGS Pierre Radisson departed Quebec City, QC, for icebreaking, science missions and Operation Pacer Goose , the annual resupply of U.S. Pituffik Space Base in Greenland.
  • July 10  – CCGS Henry Larsen departs St John’s, N.L., for icebreaking in the western Arctic and CHS surveys in Hudson Bay.
  • July 10 – CCGS Vincent Massey departs Quebec City, QC, for icebreaking in the eastern and central Arctic.
  • July 13 – CCGS Jean Goodwill departs Dartmouth, N.S., for icebreaking in the Low and High Arctic.
  • August 14 – CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent departs St. John’s, N.L., for icebreaking and the Joint Ocean Ice Study scientific mission in the Beaufort Sea.

CCG ships and their dedicated crews are ready to assist the shipping industry during the annual Arctic resupply. Safe and efficient navigation in Arctic waters is maintained throughout the shipping season by providing daily updates on ice conditions and operations, as well as ice escorts, when needed, to industry and partners.

CCG’s seasonal Marine Communication and Traffic Services (MCTS) centre in Iqaluit, NU, opened on May 17, 2024. In the Arctic, MCTS officers play a crucial role in ensuring safe navigation in the region; they respond to maritime distress calls, manage the Northern Canada Vessel Traffic Services Zone Regulations (NORDREG), broadcast weather and ice information, and provide navigational warnings. MCTS Iqaluit will remain open until mid-December 2024, at which time NORDREG services will be provided by the MCTS centre in Les Escoumins, QC, until the Iqaluit centre reopens in 2025.

Throughout the summer season, federal government and academic researchers, scientists, and hydrographers will join CCG ships to carry out new and ongoing scientific projects and hydrographic surveys. CCG will also carry out joint training operations with national and international Arctic partners.

As schedules and opportunities permit, crews will engage in training and equipment familiarization with Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliaries, such as search and rescue, and marine environmental and hazards response activities. Such opportunities allow crews and communities to build relationships and exchange maritime knowledge.

The Government of Canada is committed to maritime safety, providing essential services to mariners, and ensuring the health and safety of all Canadians. The CCG’s annual Arctic icebreaking season allows the safe and efficient movement of vessels and goods in northern waters, which is key to community resupply. CCG’s presence in Canada’s North also provides key services, such as search and rescue, support for scientific research, marine communications and traffic services, aids to navigation, and marine environmental and hazards response. The Compliance and Enforcement program will continue to monitor vessels that may pose hazards and will continue to work with owners to ensure risks are mitigated.

Quick facts

The CCG’s Arctic Marine Response Station in Rankin Inlet, NU, reopened on June 21, 2024, to provide local maritime search and rescue services during the summer season. The Arctic Marine Response Station first opened in 2018 under the Oceans Protection Plan, establishing it as the first Canadian Coast Guard search and rescue facility in the Arctic.

The CCG Marine Environmental and Hazards Response and Compliance and Enforcement teams maintain a permanent, full-time presence in the Arctic, with bases in Iqaluit, Nunavut, and Yellowknife and Hay River, Northwest Territories.

The CCG works closely and trains with communities and the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary across the Arctic in search and rescue efforts. The Auxiliary are an essential part of the search and rescue system in the Arctic, with trained personnel who have extensive knowledge of specific risks in local waterways and areas across the region. Auxiliary units enhance capacity and capability for search and rescue in the Arctic.

Navigational products released by the CHS provide essential maritime information to support safe and efficient navigation in the Arctic. This year, CHS hydrographers will sail aboard four CCG icebreakers to conduct survey work and increase the amount of sea floor surveyed in the Arctic.

Related products

  • News Release (Inuktitut)

Associated links

  • Transport Canada’s Safe Boating Guide
  • Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary
  • Start Your Career With the Canadian Coast Guard
  • Protecting our coasts through the Oceans Protection Plan
  • Stronger partnerships with Indigenous and coastal communities

Media Relations Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard Arctic Region 204-984-4715 [email protected]

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The top 10 attractions in the Northwest Territories

Nahanni National Park Reserve

Things to do

The best that the Northwest Territories has to offer takes you into the wild, out of your comfort zone, and around the local community.

The Northern Lights

Northern lights

We don't need to introduce you to the  northern lights External Link Title . Most people have heard of this natural phenomenon, which sees the bright reds, blues, greens, and yellows dance and shift across the night sky. This is a top 10 bucket list item we're talking about. What you might not know is that the Northwest Territories provides some of the best (if not THE best) aurora borealis viewing in the world. In both autumn and winter, when the sky is clear, you can wrap up, sit back, look up, and enjoy one of the greatest shows on earth. Rent out a lodge, cabin or teepee in the wilderness so you can enjoy the lights in style. Ski, dog sled or snowmobile to a particularly clear spot and make an activity out of it. Or look through your hotel window and marvel at Mother Nature. This isn't an attraction in the traditional sense, but you can't really talk about the Northwest Territories without talking about the Northern Lights.

nwt tourist attractions

Great Slave Lake

Great Slave Lake, which borders the provincial capital Yellowknife, is the deepest lake in North America (613m) and the tenth biggest lake in the world. So how do you experience something so huge? How about by plane? Floatplanes fly in and out of the lake, and offer breathtaking views of the region. Or maybe by boat? Rent a kayak and paddle the shoreline, or opt for a larger boat and go fishing for lake trout and pike. Maybe you’d prefer to snowmobile? There’s ice on Great Slave Lake for eight months of the year, and during much of that time you can cross the water via snowmobile. Pick a spot, park out, and look up for a chance at seeing the Northern Lights.

Nahanni National Park Reserve

Nahanni National Park Reserve

If you want to really experience the northern wilderness, the  Nahanni National Park Reserve External Link Title  is a welcoming sight--especially for paddlers. The rushing whitewater Nahanni River flows through the reserve, passing through four large canyons which can reach close to 1220 metres in depth. At one point, the river plunges 90 metres off a cliff forming the Virginia Falls, which are twice the height of their Niagara counterpart. Sulphur hot springs, mountain ranges, tundra, and forests can all be found within the boundaries of Nahanni. The reserve is remote, but visitors can camp throughout the summer months. Join a guide and ride the rapids for incomparable views and a serious adrenaline rush. Hiking and mountain climbing provides another perspective on the park, and may bring you in sight of Dall's sheep, woodland caribou, wolves and black bears. It's no wonder National Geographic named the park one of the best trips of 2014.

nwt tourist attractions

You might have seen the History Channel show “Ice Road Truckers.” The show was originally filmed on the ice roads of the Northwest Territories, home to the world’s longest ice road. But why watch when you can do it yourself? You can drive and experience these roads during the winter months, with the help of local tours. The ice roads, built on top of packed snow and a metre of ice, add 870 miles to the territory’s highways in the winter, connecting them to mines and more remote communities. The conditions can be dangerous, but a number of experienced tour operators will take visitors out onto the ice roads for a drive they’ll remember. Heck, you can even ride the ice in a limousine! That’s a story you can tell everyone back at home.

Wood Buffalo National Park Salt Plains - Credit: Parks Canada/C. Macdonald

Wood Buffalo National Park

Have you ever visited a national park that's bigger than Switzerland?  Wood Buffalo National Park External Link Title  is actually Canada's largest national park, at over 44,807 square kilometres. It's also home to the world's largest beaver dam, one of the world's largest herds of free roaming bison, and is the last remaining natural nesting area for the endangered whooping crane. Beyond the incomparable wildlife watching, the massive park is great for exploring on foot or via canoe. You can spend a few weeks camping in the park and not even scratch its surface. Make sure you stop by the curious Salt Plains, the dried remains of a 380 million-year-old seabed where salt-like minerals are pushed to the surface from below--almost like stalagmites above ground.

nwt tourist attractions

Canol Trail

Do you like to push yourself to the limit? Test your gumption out in the wild? The Canol Trail is probably your kind of attraction. A remnant of the Second World War, the trail was initially created as a road and pipeline route between Norman Wells in the Northwest Territories and the Yukon. After being used for a year, it became too difficult to maintain, and rusting trucks, overground stations and other ‘signs of man’ still dot the route. The Canol Trail is no joke. It’s 449 kilometres of unkempt paths, river beds, mountain tracks, glacier-carved canyons, and other surprises, and is known as one of the most difficult trails in Canada. It will take the average hiker over three weeks, in remote wilderness void of civilization, to do the entire Canol Trail, though most only do part of it. Some have tackled the trail a little faster on mountain bikes, ATVs, snowmobiles, and dogsleds. For the rest of us, many tour companies offer aerial tours of this fascinating historical route.

nwt tourist attractions

Dempster Highway

The 737-kilometre  Dempster Highway External Link Title  was built for people who really love to drive. Hop in your ride and roll from Dawson City, through the rugged mountain peaks of the Tombstone Range, across the Arctic Circle and into the Mackenzie River Delta, before parking in Inuvik. Along the way you can camp, fish, canoe, and generally enjoy the scenery of remote wilderness. The road, named for an RCMP inspector who would cross the route in a dogsled, is now most often driven in summer, where nearly 24 hours of sun can make for long, enjoyable driving days. Take on the top of the world from behind your steering wheel.

nwt tourist attractions

Great Northern Arts Festival

During 56 summer days, the Northwest Territories experience 24 hours of daylight. Rather than worry about how it might affect their sleep, locals jump at the opportunity to celebrate this unique setting. For more than a quarter of a century,  the Great Northern Arts Festival External Link Title  has showcased the works of 120 Northern painters, sculptors, musicians and First Nations artists from across the country, all under the Midnight Sun. Watch a Gwich'in woman create handmade Aboriginal dolls and see a polar bear gradually emerge from a soapstone in the hands of a native carver. Dance to Inuit hip-hop. Then dine surf-and-turf Arctic-style on char and caribou before kicking up your heels to Northern rock, throat singing and traditional drumming in your brand new mukluk shoes.

The Keele River

Keele River

Paddlers from across the world regularly turn to the Keele River for their next adventure. The 410-kilometre long river passes through alpine tundra, alpine plateaus and the Mackenzie Mountains, offering incredible surroundings for the canoers and rafters who move along the waterway. Of course, they also have to keep their eyes on the water, as swift currents, swirling eddies, and fast-moving rapids make for challenging but exciting travel. Grab a floatplane, fly into the headwaters, stretch your shoulders, and grab a seat in the boat. For those who like a calmer experience, the Keele also provides great fishing and wildlife viewing opportunities. The moose and beavers you might encounter have been hunted by the Dene Peoples along the Keele for 12,000 years.

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Acho Dene Native crafts

The Deh Gah Gotie Dene (people who live by the river) have always inhabited the Northwest Territories. The history and culture of these First Peoples are carried on with the help of crafts, and it is from this tradition that  Acho Dene Native Crafts External Link Title  was born. More than 40 cottage producers living in the community use ancestral techniques to make fur clothing, birch bark baskets, jewellery, moccasins, mukluks, and more. The store is a must-stop for those looking for a souvenir that tells a real story about the Northwest Territories.

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  • Pitch Type: Four-Seam Fastball
  • Pitch Speed: 94.0 mph
  • Spin Rate: 2247 rpm

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  • Exit Velocity: -
  • Launch Angle: -
  • Hit Distance: 0 ft


  1. 13 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in the Northwest Territories

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  3. The Top 10 Attractions in the Northwest Territories

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  4. 13 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in the Northwest Territories

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  1. 13 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in the Northwest Territories

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  2. Home

    Northwest Territories Tourism acknowledges that we are located in Chief Drygeese territory. From time immemorial, it has been the traditional land of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation, and more recently, the homeland of the North Slave Métis Alliance. We respect the histories, languages, and cultures of Inuit, First Nations, Metis, and all ...

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  4. What to Do

    Northwest Territories Tourism acknowledges that we are located in Chief Drygeese territory. From time immemorial, it has been the traditional land of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation, and more recently, the homeland of the North Slave Métis Alliance. We respect the histories, languages, and cultures of Inuit, First Nations, Metis, and all ...

  5. The top 10 attractions in the Northwest Territories

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    Northwest Territories Tourism acknowledges that we are located in Chief Drygeese territory. From time immemorial, it has been the traditional land of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation, and more recently, the homeland of the North Slave Métis Alliance. We respect the histories, languages, and cultures of Inuit, First Nations, Metis, and all ...

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    2. 4D3N Aurora Package Including 3-Nights stay Chateau or Explorer. 5. Bus Tours. 3+ days. Stay at the top-rated Chateau Nova or Explorer hotel Our Aurora lodge provides a spacious and cozy indoor space where you…. Free cancellation. from. C$889.

  18. Travel Info

    Northwest Territories Tourism acknowledges that we are located in Chief Drygeese territory. From time immemorial, it has been the traditional land of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation, and more recently, the homeland of the North Slave Métis Alliance. We respect the histories, languages, and cultures of Inuit, First Nations, Metis, and all ...

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  20. Home

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  22. The top 10 attractions in the Northwest Territories

    The Canol Trail is no joke. It's 449 kilometres of unkempt paths, river beds, mountain tracks, glacier-carved canyons, and other surprises, and is known as one of the most difficult trails in Canada. It will take the average hiker over three weeks, in remote wilderness void of civilization, to do the entire Canol Trail, though most only do ...

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    Andrew Abbott strikes out Ryan McMahon looking to end the top of the 1st inning

  24. Attractions

    Northwest Territories Tourism acknowledges that we are located in Chief Drygeese territory. From time immemorial, it has been the traditional land of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation, and more recently, the homeland of the North Slave Métis Alliance. We respect the histories, languages, and cultures of Inuit, First Nations, Metis, and all ...

  25. 'Canada could be a world leader': Indigenous people say their rapidly

    Before the pandemic, Indigenous tourism was the fastest growing part of the sector across Canada. 'Canada could be a world leader': Indigenous people say their rapidly growing tourism sector ...