travel new york to washington dc train

Find train tickets from New York to Washington, D.C.

Good to know, top tips for finding new york to washington, d.c. train tickets.

  • You’ll generally have a faster voyage if you board a high-speed train rather than the regional train. For instance, Acela is an express train that can get you from New York to Washington, D.C. in just under 3h. On the other hand, you can choose to board a regional train that’s less expensive but has a longer travel time—for example, Amtrak’s Northeast Regional train from New York to Washington can last closer to 4h.
  • Depending on your budget and desired comfort level, you should think about the class of service you want onboard your train from New York to Washington. For example, Acela from New York to Washington offers accommodations in business and first-class seats. Both classes feature seat reservations, large tray tables, adjustable lights, ample legroom, and fewer stops, hence faster journeys. However, first-class service offers extra comfort and convenience, with services including priority boarding, access to train station lounges, and courtesy meal service in your seat.
  • Business travelers have the freedom to select a train with business-friendly amenities. For example, trains with conference tables make it easy to hold meetings, while electrical outlets at every seat enable travelers to charge their devices and connect with co-workers and clients. In addition, amenities like Quiet Cars will give you a secluded area where you can work, as guidelines limit conversations in such areas. Both Acela and Northeast Regional Amtrak trains offer Quiet Cars, with the former allowing reservations and the latter being on a first-come basis.
  • When traveling as a group, consider booking your tickets together rather than separately. Whenever available, train providers allocate seats closer to each other for people who travel in groups. Therefore, you can enjoy the trip together with your loved ones, friends, or colleagues. Booking as a group also lets you leverage group tickets, which are usually lower than the standard price.
  • 25% of our users found round-trip train tickets from New York to Washington, D.C. for $39 or less.
  • You will generally catch the best train deals if you travel in the morning.
  • The cheapest train from New York to Washington, D.C. was found 88 days before departure, on average.

FAQs when traveling from New York to Washington, D.C. by train

What are the possible departure and arrival train stations for trains from new york to washington.

The Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station is a common starting point for your train journey from New York to Washington. It has an elevator on-site and provides wheelchairs to make navigation through the station seamless. Travelers can also access waiting room lounges, payphones, restrooms, and vending machines. Overnight and same-day parking facilities are also available, albeit for a small fee. When you get to Washington, D.C., you’re likely to arrive at Union Station, which also has a waiting lounge, elevator, restrooms, and vending machines.

Is there free Wi-Fi onboard trains from New York to Washington?

Yes, various trains of Amtrak from New York to Washington offer free Wi-Fi, including Acela, Northeast Regional, Carolinian, Silver Star, Cardinal, and Palmetto. The internet service supports low-functionality activities such as general web browsing, but it will be difficult to download large files or stream videos. You can also access complimentary Wi-Fi at both the departure and arrival train stations, Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station, and Union Station.

Are there restaurants onboard trains from New York to Washington?

Yes, if you travel business or first class, you can access train menus for most journeys on the New York to Washington route. Dining options include breakfast, afternoon, and evening selections and a wide selection of beverages like liquor, wine, tea, and water. You can also make special diet requests on some trains.

What are the luggage limitations on trains from New York to Washington?

Amtrak trains generally allow you to travel for free with two personal items, each weighing 25 pounds or less, and two carry-ons with weights of no more than 50 pounds each. Anything above the quantity and size limitation will incur a fee of roughly $20. Some trains also offer checked baggage services, allowing two free bags weighing up to 50 pounds and two extra bags at a fee of approximately $20 each.

How long is a train journey to Washington, D.C. from New York?

The train journey from New York to Washington, D.C. takes 3h 22m on average and covers a distance of 205 miles.

What train companies travel from New York to Washington, D.C.?

Amtrak is the only train operator serving this route.

Book Amtrak tickets from New York to Washington, D.C. (round-trip)

Search by stops, search by train company, book amtrak tickets from new york to washington, d.c. (one-way), popular train routes to washington, d.c..

  • Trains from Boston to Washington, D.C. from $74
  • Trains from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C. from $20

Popular train routes from New York

  • Trains from New York to Boston from $40
  • Trains from New York to Richmond from $66
  • Trains from New York to Buffalo from $120
  • Trains from New York to Philadelphia from $20
  • Trains from New York to Montreal from $122
  • Trains from New York to Rochester from $107

Find trains from New York to Washington, D.C.

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New York to Washington, D.C. Buses

New York to Washington, D.C. Trains

New York to Washington, D.C. Flights

FAQs for booking trains from New York to Washington, D.C.

Do amtrak trains from new york city to washington dc have wi-fi.

Amtrak is the national railway company operating the trains from New York City to Washington DC. There are various Amtrak train lines that run a segment between New York City and Washington DC. These train routes are the high-speed Acela train and the mid and long-distance Northeast Regional, Silver Services, Palmetto, Cardinal, Carolinian, Vermonter and Crescent lines. All of these Amtrak journeys offer complimentary Wi-Fi service on board. This is a simple low bandwidth connection that allows passengers to stay connected, check their emails and messages and browse the web. This free Wi-Fi does not support any larger bandwidth uses, such as downloading large files or streaming videos. Along with Wi-Fi, these trains to Washington DC from New York City also have a café onboard that serves drinks and snacks, as well as silent cars on some routes. You have the choice of traveling in Coach, Business, First Class, or in a Room Car.

Are pets allowed on the train from New York City to Washington DC?

Traveling on New York City to Washington DC trains with your four-legged friends is possible. All of the Amtrak train routes and lines allow pets onboard except certain Northeast Regional routes. The pet policy for the trains that allow them are that they must be small cats or dogs. One pet is allowed per passenger and this pet must travel in a pet carrier at all times. The dimension and weight restrictions of the carrier are that it must weigh under 20 lbs with the animal inside, and not be over 19x14x10.5 inches. The pet carrier will count as one of the passenger’s carry-on items. It’s also recommended that travelers reserve their pet’s spot on the train since it is generally subject to availability and the number of pets per train is limited. Pets are only allowed in Coach Class except on Acela trains where they must travel in Business Class.

What train stations are used when traveling from New York City to Washington DC?

When catching your trains to Washington DC from New York City, the main departure station is the Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station in Manhattan. However, the city also has the Newark Penn Station nearby, which is a stop on all of the Amtrak routes going from New York City to Washington DC. Therefore, getting between stations would just imply one more stop on whichever Amtrak route you travel on. With your train tickets to Washington DC, passengers will be arriving at Washington Union Station. This train terminal connects with the city transportation lines and is just a few blocks from the iconic Capitol Building. A close train station to Washington Union Station is Alexandria Station. However, this stop is not connected to the Acela high-speed line or the Vermonter line. In this case, the best way to get between stations is by taking the subway or another Amtrak route.

What luggage is allowed on New York City to Washington DC trains?

All Amtrak trains allow a certain amount of luggage on board per passenger. Those traveling on New York City to Washington DC trains are allowed to bring up to two personal items, weighing 25 lbs total, and two carry-on items that must not exceed 50 lbs. All luggage onboard the New York City to Washington DC trains must be stowed either in the designated baggage area, under the seat or in the overhead racks. As for checked luggage, the policy depends on the type of Amtrak route, as well as the departure and arrival stations. Of the trains from New York City to Washington DC, all routes allow checked bags except the high-speed Acela trains, the Vermonter, and almost all the Northeast Regional routes. For those that allow checked items, passengers are limited to two checked bags up to 50 lbs each.

How long is the train ride from New York to Washington, D.C.?

Arrive at your destination quickly by taking a 2h 32m train from New York to Washington, D.C.. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 50m, depending on whether your train has stops or different departure times. Look into Acela, they have one of the quickest options available.

Which train companies operate between New York to Washington, D.C.?

Ride to your destination comfortably on Amtrak and Acela. Consider Amtrak as it’s been found as the cheapest option to get from New York to Washington, D.C. starting at $30.

How far is New York to Washington, D.C. by train?

There are 206.0 mi between New York and Washington, D.C.. By train, the distance is greater, and the train route may stop elsewhere along the way. The train takes 2h 32m, typically.

Is a train the fastest way to get from New York to Washington, D.C.?

The quickest way to travel this route is to take a flight from New York to Washington, D.C., doing so can potentially save up to 2h 47m of travel time. While these options may take longer, booking a train from New York to Washington, D.C. or a bus from New York to Washington, D.C. may suit your needs if travel time is less of a factor in your decision making.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from New York to Washington, D.C.?

A bus from New York to Washington, D.C. is currently going to be the least expensive option currently available. You can also find deals for a flight from New York to Washington, D.C. starting at $94, or consider a train from New York to Washington, D.C. starting at $30. Both of these alternative options are worth considering when looking to reach your destination.

Amtrak trains from New York to Washington, D.C.

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How to Travel From New York City to Washington, DC by Train, Bus, Car, and Plane

travel new york to washington dc train

New York City was the original capital of the burgeoning United States of America before it was moved 225 miles south to Washington, D.C. For a comprehensive tour of U.S. history, seeing both of these major cities is practically obligatory. While they are close enough that you could technically make a quick day trip just to say you've been there, Washington has so much to see that it's worth a few days on its own.

Even though the cities are geographically not that far, you can take a quick flight from NYC to D.C., although you'll likely end up spending more time getting to and from the airport than on the plane. For a truly quick ride, taking the train is the fastest option for getting from city center to city center. It can get expensive, however, and buses tend to be the cheapest way to travel. If you have a car, the drive is direct but often backed up with traffic, and parking in either city is usually more trouble than it's worth.

What Is the Cheapest Way to Get From New York to Washington, DC?

Although it might take a little bit longer, bus service from New York City to the nation's capital is the reliably cheap option. The journey takes around four and a half hours so it's quite a bit slower than other methods of travel, but with seats starting for as low as $1 on Megabus , the prices are unbeatable. You'll need to book at least a few weeks in advance to get deals like $1 tickets, but the bus is also the cheapest option for saving money on last-minute plans. Train tickets and flights can both get prohibitively expensive if you don't reserve them early, but even same-day bus tickets should only cost about $30—assuming they're still available.

Greyhound and Bolt Bus are two other popular options for bus transport around the Northeast. Only Greyhound departs from within Port Authority Bus Terminal  while other bus services depart curbside at different venues across the city.

What Is the Fastest Way to Get From New York to Washington, DC?

Traveling to Washington, D.C., from New York City by train is a quick, low-stress option that often offers comfortable seating with in-seat power outlets. Additionally, trains travel directly from Penn Station in central Manhattan to Union Station in Washington, D.C., allowing visitors quick access to both city's central areas of tourism.

Times vary by the number of stops by each service, with Acela service taking less than three hours and other trains taking about three-and-a-half hours. You can purchase tickets in advance on Amtrak's website or in person at Penn Station. If you plan to travel by train, booking your seats as early as possible is the best way to get the cheapest seats. This popular route sells out quickly and prices rapidly go up.

How Long Does It Take to Drive?

You can certainly rent a car to drive from New York City to Washington, D.C., as the route is fairly direct along I-95 and takes just under four hours if you don't hit traffic. You'll want to avoid rush hour times on this busy commuter route or you could easily add an extra hour or two to the total journey, which is generally from about 8–10 a.m. and 4–7 p.m. on weekdays.

Unless you're traveling with a group and want to make stops along the way, going by car doesn't make sense for most visitors. Having a car in either city isn't necessary and is usually more trouble since parking is complicated and expensive. In addition to paying for parking, gas, and a rental car, there are also several tolls to be paid on the journey from New York to D.C.—adding up to $37 for a one-way trip depending on which route you take.

You can rent cars in Manhattan, though the rates at the airports outside of the city tend to be cheaper. Newark Airport is a great place to rent a car so that you can avoid the expensive tolls getting out of New York City and start the journey away from Manhattan traffic.

How Long Is the Flight?

Flying to Washington, D.C., is the fastest way to travel when only taking into consideration time actually spent in the air, which is about an hour and 15 minutes. But once you factor in all of the time checking in at the airport, clearing security, waiting at your boarding gate, and actually getting to and from the airport, it actually takes much longer, and a train from Penn Station to Union Station will get you from one city center to the other much faster.

If you choose to fly to cut down on time, make sure to choose the airports that are most convenient for you. Each city has three major airports, so choosing one that is farther away could drastically cut out any time you save by flying. Ronald Regan National Airport is the closest one to the D.C. city center, but many flights land at either Dulles Airport or Baltimore Airport, which are significantly farther.

The two cities are close enough that flying usually doesn't make much sense, although this commuter route is so popular that you may find flights that are cheaper than train tickets (although never as cheap as bus tickets).

When Is the Best Time to Travel to Washington, DC?

The best time to visit Washington, D.C. , depends on what you're looking for. Patriotic holiday weekends like Memorial Day or Fourth of July are especially festive times to visit the nation's capital, although be prepared for extra big crowds. The Cherry Blossom Festival in March and April adds some vibrant pops of color to the city and it's one of the best springtime celebrations in the country, but this is also peak tourism season.

If you're looking for a balance of good weather with minimum crowds, then head to D.C. in the fall. By September, the oppressive mugginess of summer has finally died down and so have the summer crowds, allowing visitors to enjoy the best of Washington's monuments and the gorgeous fall foliage .

Can I Use Public Transportation to Travel From the Airport?

Of the three Washington, D.C-area airports , Ronald Regan National Airport is by far the most convenient and best connected to the city center. The Washington metro system connects directly to the airport, costing just a couple of dollars and bringing passengers to the National Mall in just 15 minutes. If you want to take a taxi, the airport is just across the river and a short ride away.

Dulles Airport is the main international airport but also the worst connected to Washington, D.C. Travelers have to take an airport bus to a suburban metro station and then travel into the city from there, for a total journey of about 75 minutes. Baltimore Airport in Maryland is the farthest away, but it's actually better connected than Dulles. The MARC regional train stops at the airport and connects directly to Union Station, taking about 35 minutes.

What Is There to Do in Washington, DC?

The U.S. capital is home to some of the country's most iconic landmarks, museums, and monuments, and the vast majority of them are completely free to enjoy . Start at the National Mall , an expansive lawn that stretches from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol Building and is known as "America's Backyard." Apart from landmarks like the Washington Monument, White House, and Vietnam Veterans Memorial, many of the Smithsonian Museum buildings are located on the Mall and all of them are free to enter. But there's a lot more to Washington, D.C., than just history. The Georgetown neighborhood is known for its rich foodie and bar scene, with top restaurants and lively spots for going out.

How to Travel from Washington, DC to New York City by Train, Bus, Car, and Plane

How to Travel from New York to Boston by Train, Bus, Car, and Plane

How to Travel From Dulles Airport to Washington, DC, by Train, Bus, and Car

How to Travel From Newark Airport to Manhattan by Train, Bus, Car, and Shuttle

How to Travel From the National Airport to Washington, DC, by Train and Car

Washington, D.C. Guide: Planning Your Trip

How to Travel From Toronto to New York City by Train, Bus, Car, and Plane

A Guide to Airports Near Washington, D.C.

How to Travel From BWI Airport to Baltimore by Rail, Bus, and Taxi

Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Guide

Guide to Public Transportation in Washington, D.C.

Union Station, Washington DC: The Complete Guide

Dulles International Airport Guide

How to Travel from Sacramento to San Francisco by Train, Bus, Car, and Plane

How to Travel From New York City to Woodbury Commons by Train, Bus, and Car

How to Travel From Cape Town to Johannesburg by Plane, Train, Bus and Car

travel new york to washington dc train

8 Amtrak Cross-Country Trips To Travel Coast To Coast By Train

  • Amtrak offers scenic train routes that allow travelers to explore the natural landscape without having to drive.
  • Each Amtrak route offers a unique cross-country experience, with stops in iconic cities and national parks.
  • Prices listed are for the train ticket only, additional fees and accommodations are required for stops at national parks and city destinations.

The US is one of the largest countries in the world by square acres, and every single inch is worth exploring. As a result, trying to see all the wonders of America can quickly get overwhelming, particularly if one is also trying to keep their eyes on the road.

Amtrak is one of the most popular ways for travelers to experience a US road trip vacation without having to take control of the wheel themselves. There are a number of scenic Amtrak train routes , perfect for those just looking to take in the natural landscape without having to drive or navigate. For those looking for a more extensive outing, booking one of Amtrak’s cross-country trains can be a great alternative to taking any of the incredible cross-country road trip routes in a personal vehicle.

Whether looking for a big-city adventure or hoping to jump between the best national parks in the US, these cross-country Amtrak train routes promise plenty of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and unexpected surprises for their passengers.

The prices listed with each entry are only for the train tickets themselves. Stops like national parks will include additional entrance fees. Additionally, overnights at city destinations will require travelers to book a hotel for their time there.

Related: Everything Confirmed So Far About Amtrak's New High-Speed Scenic Airo Routes

Great American Majestic Landscapes

6 stops: new york to san francisco.

Starting and ending at some of the most famous cities in the United States, the Great American Majestic Landscapes cross-country Amtrak trip is a trek through some of the most iconic regions of the country.

Starting in “The Big Apple” for two days before enjoying a day in the Amtrak, the first official stop on this cross-country rail trail is the Windy City of Chicago. The trip gives guests two days to hop on/hop off, enjoying a day’s walk in Chicago’s Botanic Garden , The Art Institute of Chicago , or any of the myriad of free things to do in Chicago .

Of course, Chicago is only the first of the adventures on this cross-country Amtrak route. Moving west, the train stops in Denver, Colorado. Amtrak allots a day for both the Mile-High city itself and nearby Rocky Mountain National Park.

Heading to the West Coast, Amtrak stops in San Francisco for a day before adding a scenic day in Sonoma and Napa Valley’s wine countries. After touring the vineyards and sampling the whites and reds, the Great American Majestic Landscapes cross-country Amtrak trail ends in beautiful coastal San Francisco.

About The Great American Majestic Landscapes Trip

  • Cost: from $2,999/person
  • Trip Time: 12 days
  • Trip Outline: New York City, NY → Chicago, IL → Denver, CO → Denver, CO → Rocky Mountain National Park, CO → San Francisco, CA → Napa Valley, CA → San Francisco, CA

Grand Rail Experience

5 stops: los angeles to washington dc to los angeles.

With a country as scenic as the US, sometimes doing the cross-country trek once just isn’t enough. Fortunately, cross-country Amtrak routes like the Grand Rail Experience go from coast to coast not just once, but twice.

Starting in Southern California, the eastward part of this cross-country rail trail stays along the southern portion of the country, stopping in New Orleans, Louisiana for two days. This leaves ample time to enjoy the best restaurants in New Orleans , as well as the variety of museums and historical landmarks that can be found throughout this cultural hub.

Hopping back on the train for another overnight stay, the Grand Rail Experience moves north to the East Coast hub and US capital, Washington DC. There are a number of budget-friendly ways to enjoy Washington DC while stopping in this city, including going to the Smithsonian National Zoo and various national monuments, which is fortunate, as this is only the halfway point of this double cross-country adventure.

Heading back towards the West Coast, this cross-country Amtrak train ride takes two days in Chicago, Illinois before reaching the coast, this time in Seattle, Washington. Unique among even Amtrak trails, this route ends back where it began, with the final night being an overnight trek back to Los Angeles in California.

About The Grand Rail Experience

  • Cost: from $3,049/person
  • Trip Time: 14 days
  • Trip Outline: Los Angeles, CA → New Orleans, LA → Washington DC → Chicago, IL → Seattle, WA → Los Angeles, CA

Related: 10 Scenic Train Trips To Take From Los Angeles

Grand National Parks Loop

9 stops: washington dc to san francisco to washington dc.

National parks are some of the most popular outdoor destinations in the US. When taking one of the many amazing US national park road trips isn’t an option, hopping on the cross-country Grand National Parks Loop may be the perfect solution.

There are several variations of the National Park loops, offering longer and shorter versions of the same basic route. Regardless of time, however, there is no doubt that this cross-country train ride is the trip of a lifetime.

Starting in Washington DC, travelers will visit Yellowstone National Park on their way to the West Coast, and Yosemite National Park and Grand Canyon National Park on their return to DC.

If time in three of the most scenic national parks in the country wasn’t enough, additional stops in Chicago, Illinois, Salt Lake City, Utah, San Francisco and Los Angeles, California, and Williams, Arizona, ensure that there will be plenty of time to enjoy both natural wonders and thriving big cities on this two-week trip.

About The Grand National Parks Loop

  • Cost: from $5,199/person
  • Trip Time: 15 days
  • Trip Outline: Washington DC → Chicago, IL → Salt Lake City, UT → Yellowstone National Park → San Francisco, CA → Yosemite National Park → Los Angeles, CA → Grand Canyon National Park → Williams, AZ → Washington DC

Want a different take on this cross-country train ride? Amtrak offers a similar national park loop that starts in New York City and goes north instead of south, swapping Grand Canyon National Park for Glacier National Park. The Grand National Parks with Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Glacier National Park Roundtrip from New York City lasts 17 days and starts at $6,949 a person.

Scenic America By Rail

5 stops: new york to los angeles.

One of the reasons travelers are so drawn to Amtrak train excursions is the opportunity to let someone else take the wheel and simply enjoy the scenery. Cutting a diagonal path through the US, the cross-country Scenic America by Rail Amtrak trip takes full advantage of the natural beauty of the areas right along the tracks.

As beautiful as the sights are from the window, there are still enough stops on this cross-country Amtrak ride to enjoy some time on foot. Perhaps the biggest scenic standout of this train ride is Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona.

With two days to explore this internationally famous natural wonder, passengers can take advantage of various vista points, hop on one of the many beginner-friendly hiking trails in the Grand Canyon , or try their hand at one of the more intensive canyon hikes.

About The Scenic America By Rail Route

  • Cost: from $3,549/person
  • Trip Time: 13 days
  • Trip Outline: New York City, NY → Chicago, IL → Williams, AZ → Grand Canyon National Park, AZ → Los Angeles, CA

West Coast To East Coast Rail Experience

4 stops: san francisco to washington dc.

Just because these scenic American trains are cross-country Amtrak train routes doesn’t mean there isn’t still time to explore the coastline itself. In fact, the simple West Coast to East Coast Rail experience is a cross-country train ride that recognizes the beauty of its starting point.

Starting in San Francisco, the first two days of this train ride don’t involve any overnight travel. Instead, hop-on/hop-off tours of San Francisco, Muir Woods, and Sausalito fill the agenda, giving plenty of time to stretch those legs before the longer train journeys begin.

Before heading for the East Coast, this train ride takes a sharp northward turn, heading for Seattle, a popular long-distance Amtrak hub. Here, travelers can walk the streets, visit museums, and take advantage of the many free things to do in Seattle before strapping in for a two-day Amtrak ride toward Chicago.

As a true cross-country train ride, this Amtrak route has one more overnight as it takes passengers from Chicago to Washington DC, where they can explore monuments, visit museums, and enjoy a night in one of the many unique boutique Washington DC hotels before making their way back home.

About The West Coast to East Coast Rail Experience

  • Cost: from $1,799/person
  • Trip Time: 10 days
  • Trip Outline: San Francisco, CA → Seattle, WA → Chicago, IL → Washington DC

Coast To Coast: Southern Rails

4 stops: washington dc to los angeles.

When planning a driving route across the US, most travelers find themselves looking for the most direct way to get from point to point. One of the main advantages of opting for an Amtrak cross-country train ride instead is that passengers can opt for a more winding, scenic route to their destination, without having to worry about the map.

In the spirit of scenic detours, the Southern Rails cross-country Amtrak train ride heads from Washington DC to Los Angeles by way of the southern border. Dropping all the way down to New Orleans, travelers will have three full days to explore this colorful corner of the Deep South.

Having wandered one of the best American cities for museums , this Amtrak route sticks tight to the southern line, stopping in San Antonio, Texas for an additional three days. That means exploring the best local barbeque joints, strolling down the historic main streets, and relaxing in one of the oldest public parks in the US before heading back on the train for a scenic journey through red rock country on the way to Los Angeles.

About The Coast To Coast: Southern Rails Route

  • Cost: from $2,949/person
  • Trip Outline: Washington DC → New Orleans, LA → San Antonio, TX → Los Angeles, CA

Related: Los Angeles To New York City: How Much This 17-Day Train Journey Through The South Will Cost

America Coast To Coast

5 stops: los angeles to boston.

The West Coast and East Coast of the United States are two completely different experiences, both culturally and visually. For those who truly want to experience these two unique destinations in one trip, the America Coast to Coast cross-country Amtrak train ride spends plenty of time at both.

Starting in Los Angeles, California, this cross-country train ride spends a total of three days along the West Coast, both in LA and in San Francisco, before heading eastward. Traveling through the scenic Rocky Mountain and Midwest regions, this train ride takes a one-day stop in Chicago, Illinois before continuing on its coast-to-coast adventure.

Unlike many cross-country train rides, this Amtrak route does not stop in New York City. Instead, the journey simply stops for a day before continuing on to a second East Coast destination, Boston, Massachusetts. Here, on the last stop of the vacation, guests can wander some of the many beautiful streets in Boston , take in one-of-a-kind museums, and revel in the historical landmarks of this unique city.

About The America Coast To Coast Route

  • Cost: from $2,799/person
  • Trip Outline: Los Angeles, CA → San Francisco, CA → Chicago, IL → New York City, New York → Boston, Massachusetts

The All-American

6 stops: chicago, illinois loop to new york city and los angeles.

It can be hard to narrow down the biggest “can’t-miss” stops in a country as large as the United States, but Amtrak has managed to create the All-American tour, which runs through a number of the top tourist destinations in the US in one two-week escapade. While the All-American Amtrak route is a cross-country adventure, this train ride neither starts nor ends at the coast. Instead, this train route forms a loop around Chicago, Illinois, before moving east to New York City.

New York is just the first of the big-city stops on this cross-country train ride. From here, things move south to New Orleans, before finally turning west for the other coastline. After a night on the train, visitors arrive in Los Angeles, California. While there is no time saved to explore LA itself, the scenic train ride through the Southwestern states, full of cacti, red rock formations, and unusual wildlife, is sure to mesmerize even the most restless of guests.

Despite having visited both coasts at this point, the cross-country adventure is still going strong. Additional stops in San Francisco, Denver, and Rocky Mountain National Park round out the A-list itinerary before dropping passengers off back at the starting point in Chicago.

About The All-American Route

  • Cost: from $4,299/person
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How to travel around the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore: A look at the traffic impact and alternate routes

By Rohan Mattu

Updated on: March 29, 2024 / 5:01 AM EDT / CBS Baltimore

BALTIMORE -- The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday  led to a major traffic impact for the region and cut off a major artery into and out of the port city. 

A bridge column was hit by a large container ship around 1:30 a.m., sending bridge workers and vehicles into the Patapsco River. A water search for six missing workers turned to a recovery effort Tuesday night.

Drivers are told to prepare for extra commuting time until further notice.

Locator map showing the typical traffic routes of cargo vessels passing beneath the bridge and the trajectory Dali followed before the collision.

Alternate routes after Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse

Maryland transit authorities quickly put detours in place for those traveling through Dundalk or the Curtis Bay/Hawkins Point side of the bridge. The estimated 31,000 who travel the bridge every day will need to find a new route for the foreseeable future. 

The outer loop I-695 closure shifted to exit 1/Quarantine Road (past the Curtis Creek Drawbridge) to allow for enhanced local traffic access. 

The inner loop of I-695 remains closed at MD 157 (Peninsula Expressway). Additionally, the ramp from MD 157 to the inner loop of I-695 will be closed. 

Alternate routes are I-95 (Fort McHenry Tunnel) or I-895 (Baltimore Harbor Tunnel) for north/south routes. 

Commercial vehicles carrying materials that are prohibited in the tunnel crossings, including recreation vehicles carrying propane, should plan on using I-695 (Baltimore Beltway) between Essex and Glen Burnie. This will add significant driving time.    


Where is the Francis Scott Key Bridge? 

The Key Bridge crosses the Patapsco River, a key waterway that along with the Port of Baltimore serves as a hub for East Coast shipping. 

The bridge is the outermost of three toll crossings of Baltimore's Harbor and the final link in Interstate 695, known in the region as the Baltimore Beltway, which links Baltimore and Washington, D.C. 

The bridge was built after the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel reached capacity and experienced heavy congestion almost daily, according to the MDTA. 

Tractor-trailer inspections

Tractor-trailers that now have clearance to use the tunnels will need to be checked for hazardous materials, which are not permitted in tunnels, and that could further hold up traffic. 

The MDTA says vehicles carrying bottled propane gas over 10 pounds per container (maximum of 10 containers), bulk gasoline, explosives, significant amounts of radioactive materials, and other hazardous materials are prohibited from using the Fort McHenry Tunnel (I-95) or the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel (I-895).  

Any vehicles transporting hazardous materials should use the western section of I-695 around the tunnels, officials said. 

  • Francis Scott Key Bridge
  • Bridge Collapse
  • Patapsco River

Rohan Mattu is a digital producer at CBS News Baltimore. Rohan graduated from Towson University in 2020 with a degree in journalism and previously wrote for WDVM-TV in Hagerstown. He maintains WJZ's website and social media, which includes breaking news in everything from politics to sports.

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One person was seriously injured in a terrifying blaze near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, Thursday morning, officials said.

Bright orange flames engulfed a concession kiosk northwest of the memorial sometime after sunrise,  images shared on X indicated .

One person was seriously injured in a terrifying blaze near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Thursday morning, officials said.

The one-alarm fire resulted in one adult male victim – who was airlifted with “serious non-life-threatening injuries,” DC Fire and EMS confirmed.

Video footage  showed first responders loading the individual onto a helicopter using a stretcher on the lawn in front of the memorial.

Video from the scene showed several D.C. Bravest at that scene while the charred kiosk was being hosed down.

Firefighters put out the fire and secured propane tanks from the concession hut, the officials added.

Video from the scene showed several DC firefighters at the scene while the charred kiosk was being hosed down.

⁦ @washingtonpost ⁩ ⁦ @fox5dc ⁩ fire at Lincoln Memorial on Thursday morning — Jeannie in D.C. (@RiverGirl707) March 28, 2024

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Two gas tanks could be seen set aside on the pavement.

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One person was seriously injured in a terrifying blaze near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Thursday morning, officials said.


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How the Key Bridge Collapsed in Baltimore: Maps and Photos

By Weiyi Cai ,  Agnes Chang ,  Lauren Leatherby ,  Lazaro Gamio ,  Leanne Abraham and Scott Reinhard

On Tuesday, a major bridge in Baltimore collapsed into the water seconds after it was struck by a cargo ship, sending vehicles on the bridge into the river below. The ship lost power and issued a mayday call shortly before it hit the bridge.

A video shows the cargo ship striking the bridge and the resulting collapse of the bridge.

The ship, a 948-foot-long cargo vessel called Dali, was about a half hour into its journey toward Colombo, Sri Lanka, when it hit a main pillar of the bridge. All crew members are safe, according to the ship’s owners.

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A mayday call from the ship gave officials enough time to stop traffic at both ends of the bridge. The waters where the bridge collapsed are about 50 feet deep. By Tuesday morning, six construction workers who had been fixing potholes on the bridge remained missing as divers and other emergency workers on boats and helicopters continued to search for them. Two others had been rescued, and one was in the hospital.

Francis Scott

Patapsco River

The ship left the Port

of Baltimore around

1 a.m. on Tuesday.

Where impact occurred

Direction of the ship

The ship hit the

bridge at 1:28 a.m.

The ship hit the bridge at 1:28 a.m.

Where impact

Source: Spire Global

The New York Times; satellite image by Google Earth

The lights of the ship flickered on and off as it lost power in the minutes before the ship changed bearing and hit the bridge.

Ship approached from

the Port of Baltimore

Road repair crews

Ship changed heading

as it neared pillar

Ship hit pillar

Southern and central spans

of bridge began to collapse within

seconds of impact

Northern span began to

collapse seconds later

Within 30 seconds of impact,

the central part of bridge had

entirely collapsed.

Source: StreamTime Live via YouTube

Timestamps are from StreamTime Live video.

The New York Times

The Francis Scott Key Bridge was opened in 1977 and carried more than 12.4 million vehicles last year. The bridge was one of the three major ways to cross the Patapsco River and formed part of Baltimore’s beltway.

The Port of Baltimore is a major trade hub that handled a record amount of foreign cargo last year. It is an especially important destination — the nation’s largest by volume last year — for deliveries of cars and light trucks.

Ship impact

To Chesapeake Bay

Sources: Maryland Port Administration, OpenStreetMap, MarineTraffic

Note: Ship positions are as of 2:46 p.m. Eastern time.

Overall, Baltimore was the 17th biggest port in the United States in 2021, ranked by total tons, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. The bridge collapse brought marine traffic there to a standstill, with seven cargo or tanker ships stranded in the harbor as of Tuesday afternoon.

Gov. Wes Moore declared a state of emergency for Maryland and said that his office was in close communication with Pete Buttigieg, the U.S. transportation secretary. The White House issued a statement saying that President Biden had been briefed on the collapse.

A photo shows the cargo ship with the collapsed bridge.

Erin Schaff/The New York Times

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Port of Baltimore suspends ship traffic after bridge collapse: What it means for travel

Travel is being impacted by Tuesday’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse along Interstate 695 in Baltimore, Maryland. 

Drivers were immediately directed to take alternate routes through the city, following the early morning incident. What’s less clear is what the bridge collapse may mean for upcoming cruises in and out of Baltimore.

“Vessel traffic into and out of the Port of Baltimore is suspended until further notice,” the Port of Baltimore posted on X, formerly Twitter.

Live Updates: Baltimore's Key Bridge collapses after ship hits it; construction crew missing

Rep. Kweisi Mfume, D-Md., whose district includes the bridge and the port, called the collapse an “unthinkable horror” and said he had spoken with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and the White House. 

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“They are responding with all of the assets at their disposal,” he said in a statement. “Our prayers right now are for the missing individuals and victims of this tragedy. We thank God for the effective service of our first responders.”

Here’s what we know.

Which cruises go to Baltimore?

Several major cruise lines serve Baltimore. According to the Cruise Lines International Association, the industry’s leading trade group, published itineraries in the 2024 calendar year include a dozen ships making 115 stops in Baltimore.

“We are deeply saddened by the tragedy and collapse of the Key Bridge that occurred last night and extend our support and heartfelt prayers to all those impacted,” CLIA spokesperson Anne Madison said in an emailed statement. “We join everyone in extending our thanks and appreciation to the first responders and emergency workers in Baltimore, the U.S. Coast Guard, and other professionals who are working with one goal in mind—to save lives. We are closely following this situation.”

Carnival’s website shows Carnival Pride and Carnival Legend also have sailings into or out of Baltimore set for April. 

Carnival Legend will temporarily move operations to Norfolk, Virginia.

The ship's current cruise, which left for a planned round-trip sailing from Baltimore on March 24, will end in Norfolk on Sunday. Passengers will then receive free bus rides to Baltimore. The vessel's next cruise will sail round-trip from Norfolk later that day.

“Our thoughts remain with the impacted families and first responders in Baltimore,” Carnival president Christine Duffy said in a statement. “We appreciate the pledge made by President Biden today to dedicate all available resources to reopen Baltimore Harbor to marine traffic as soon as possible. As those plans are finalized, we will update our future cruise guests on when we will return home to Baltimore, but in the meantime, we appreciate the quick response and support from officials in Norfolk.”

The cruise line has not yet shared plans for Carnival Pride. Carnival's parent company, Carnival Corp., said the temporary change in homeport is estimated to have an impact of up to $10 million on adjusted EBITDA and adjusted net income this year, according to a news release .

Royal Caribbean's Vision of the Seas, which left from Baltimore on March 23 , will return to Norfolk instead on April 4. "Our guests on board will be provided compensation and complimentary shuttle transportation as well as Wi-Fi and phone calls to adjust their travel arrangements," a spokesperson said in an email.

The ship's April 4 and 12 cruises will leave from Norfolk, too. "Our guests booked to sail with us will receive compensation due to the necessary adjustments made to their vacations," the spokesperson added. "After returning from the April 12 cruise, Vision will head to the Bahamas for its previously scheduled maintenance."

Was your cruise itinerary changed?: What to do next

American Cruise Lines has roundtrip sailings from Baltimore scheduled in May, according to its website.

“We will monitor the situation and make adjustments to future cruises if needed, but at the present time our schedules remain unaffected, and our thoughts remain with those affected by the immediate situation and rescue efforts underway,” an American Cruise Lines spokesperson told USA TODAY.

Norwegian Cruise Line doesn’t appear to have any Baltimore sailings until September on Norwegian Sky . The line will stay in contact with the port and share any changes with passengers and travel partners, according to a spokesperson.

"In the meantime, we wish the city of Baltimore strength during this very unfortunate event," they said in an email.

Alternate routes for the Baltimore bridge

Most drivers can take Interstate 95 (Fort McHenry Tunnel) or Interstate 895 (Baltimore Harbor Tunnel) to avoid the collapsed bridge. However Maryland Transportation Authority notes there are some exceptions .

Vehicles carrying hazardous materials, including more than 10 pounds of propane, are not allowed in the tunnels. Additionally, vehicles more than 13-feet and 6-inches high or 8-feet wide may not use the 1-895 Baltimore Harbor Tunnel. Vehicles more than 14-feet and 6-inches high or 11-feet wide may not use the I-95 Fort McHenry Tunnel. 

Those vehicles should use the western portion of I-695 instead.

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March 26, 2024 - Baltimore Key Bridge collapses after ship collision

By Helen Regan , Kathleen Magramo , Antoinette Radford, Alisha Ebrahimji , Maureen Chowdhury , Rachel Ramirez , Elise Hammond , Aditi Sangal , Tori B. Powell , Piper Hudspeth Blackburn and Kathleen Magramo , CNN

Our live coverage of the Baltimore bridge collapse has moved here .

Crew member on DALI said everyone on board was safe hours after bridge collapse, official says

From CNN’s Amy Simonson

A crew member on the DALI cargo ship sent a message hours after the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed Tuesday saying everybody on board was safe, according to Apostleship of the Sea director Andy Middleton.

Middleton, who spent time with the captain of the DALI Monday, told CNN’s Laura Coates he reached out to a crew member after hearing about the incident Tuesday morning. 

He said there were 22 members aboard the ship from India who were setting sail earlier Tuesday morning and were heading toward Sri Lanka.

“I was able to reach out to a crew member very early this morning around 5:30 (a.m. ET) or 6 (a.m. ET) and get a message to them asking if they were OK,” he said. “That crew member responded within just a few minutes advising that the crew was safe, and everybody that [was] on board was safe.”

Middleton was told by the ship's captain Monday that the vessel was going to take a longer route to avoid risks along the Yemen coast.

“When I was out with the captain yesterday, we were talking while we were driving, and he advised that they were sailing down and around the tip of South Africa in order to avoid the incidents that are going on off the Yemen coast, and it was a safer way to go,” he said.

Middleton said the  Apostleship of the Sea  is a ministry to seafarers with members that spend time in the port and on the vessels as a friendly face to the seafarers that visit the Port of Baltimore, “taking care of their needs to make sure that they're reminded of their God-given human dignity when they're here in Baltimore.”

Search operation ends in "heartbreaking conclusion," Maryland governor says. Here's the latest

From CNN staff

The Dali container vessel after striking the Francis Scott Key Bridge that collapsed into the Patapsco River in Baltimore, Maryland, on Tuesday, March 26.

Six people, who were believed to be part of a road construction crew, are presumed dead after Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed early Tuesday morning. The collapse came after a 984-foot cargo ship hit the bridge's pillar.

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore told reporters Tuesday evening it's a "really heartbreaking conclusion to a challenging day."

Late Tuesday, it was discovered that two of the construction workers who went missing after the bridge collapsed were from Guatemala , the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said late Tuesday.

Here's what you should know to get up to speed:

  • The victims: Eight people were on the bridge  when it fell, according to officials. At least two people were rescued — one was taken to the hospital and was later  discharged , fire official and the medical center said.
  • The incident: Video shows the moment the entire bridge structure falls into the water, as the ship hits one of the bridge's pillars. CNN analysis shows that the  ships lights flickered  and it veered off course before it hit the bridge. Maryland Gov. Wes Moore said the crew on the ship were able to issue a "mayday" before colliding into the bridge, which allowed the authorities to stop incoming traffic from going onto the bridge.
  • Response efforts: Earlier, dive teams from various state and local agencies were brought in to assist in search-and-rescue operations, according to Maryland State Police Secretary Col. Roland L. Butler Jr.. The mission started with 50 personnel and continued to grow before the Coast Guard announced Tuesday evening that it was suspending its active search-and-rescue operation and transitioning to a "different phase."
  • The investigation: Authorities are still working to establish exactly how the crash occurred. The National Transportation Safety Board will look into  how the bridge was built  and investigate the structure itself. It will "take time to dig through" whether the bridge had ever been  flagged for any safety deficiencies , NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said.
  • Rebuilding the bridge: US Sen. Chris Van Hollen said the path to rebuilding the bridge will be "long and expensive." Senior White House adviser Tom Perez told reporters Tuesday “it’s too early” to tell how long it will take to rebuild the bridge. President Joe Biden said Tuesday he wants the federal government to bear the full cost of rebuilding the collapsed bridge, noting that it will not wait for the company who owns the container ship DALI to shoulder the costs. Funding could come from the Federal Highway Administration as well as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, but it may require additional funding from Congress.

2 of the missing construction workers from bridge collapse were from Guatemala, foreign ministry says

From CNN’s Allison Gordon, Flora Charner and Amy Simonson

Two of the construction workers missing from the bridge collapse in Baltimore were from Guatemala, the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement late Tuesday.

Those missing included a 26-year-old originally from San Luis, Petén. The other is a 35-year-old from Camotán, Chiquimula, the statement said.

The ministry said both were part of a work team “repairing the asphalt on the bridge at the time of the accident.”

The statement did not name the two people missing, but it said the country’s consul general in Maryland “went to the area where the families of those affected are located,” where he hopes to be able to meet with the brothers of both missing people.

The consulate   also issued a statement Tuesday saying its consul general in Maryland "remains in contact with local authorities," and also confirmed that two of those missing "were of Guatemalan origin.”

Six people, who were believed to be part of a road construction crew, are presumed dead after Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed early Tuesday morning when a cargo ship hit the bridge's pillar.

State and federal officials have not released information about the identities of any of the six missing workers.

Underwater mapping of bridge collapse area to begin Wednesday, Baltimore fire chief says

From CNN's Jennifer Henderson

Search operations near the Key Bridge collapse have shut down for the night due to dangerous conditions, but the process of underwater mapping with many local, state and federal dive teams will begin Wednesday, Baltimore City Fire Chief James Wallace told CNN’s Anderson Cooper Tuesday night.

Wallace said the portion of the Patapsco River is “tidal influenced, so it goes through tide cycles just like the open waters of the Chesapeake Bay does.”

The water depths in the area under the bridge vary from 40 feet to more than 60 feet, Wallace said. The deeper the divers go, the colder the temperatures they encounter, and the visibility is zero, he added.

 Wallace said when crews arrived Tuesday morning, the surface water temperatures of the Patapsco River were about 47 degrees with an air temperature of 44-45 degrees.

Here's what you should know about the historic Francis Scott Key Bridge

The Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed early Tuesday after a massive container ship lost power and crashed into the iconic Baltimore bridge, sending people and vehicles into the frigid Patapsco River.

Six people, believed to be part of a road construction crew, are presumed dead and the Coast Guard has ended its active search and rescue mission.

Here's what you should know about the historic bridge:

  • How old?: The Francis Scott Key Bridge, also referred to as just the Key Bridge, opened to traffic in March 1977 and is the final link in the Baltimore Beltway, according to the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA.) It crosses over the 50-foot-deep Patapsco River, where former US attorney Francis Scott Key found inspiration to write the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner, the MDTA says.
  • How long?: The bridge was 1.6 miles long when standing, MDTA reports.
  • Traffic volume: More than 30,000 people commuted daily on the bridge, according to Maryland Gov. Wes Moore.
  • How much did it cost?: The bridge cost $60.3 million to build, MDTA says. Since its collapse, President Joe Biden said he’s committed to helping rebuild the bridge as soon as possible.
  • About the port: Baltimore ranks as the ninth biggest US port for international cargo. It handled a record 52.3 million tons, valued at $80.8 billion, in 2023. According to the Maryland state government, the port supports 15,330 direct jobs and 139,180 jobs in related services.
  • About the ship: The bridge collapsed after a container vessel called Dali collided with one of its supports. Dali is operated by Singapore-based Synergy Group but had been chartered to carry cargo by Danish shipping giant Maersk . The ship is about 984 feet long , according to MarineTraffic data. That’s the length of almost three football fields.

Baltimore woman says bridge collapse was "like a piece of family dissolved"

From CNN's Kit Maher

For longtime Baltimore resident, Ceely, who opted not to share her last name, seeing footage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse  Tuesday was deeply personal.

“I was very heavy-hearted,” Ceely told CNN. “Very tearful, thinking about the families whose loved ones may be in the water and just remembering when the bridge was constructed, and it was just like a piece of family dissolved.”

Ceely was at a prayer group Tuesday morning when she saw the news. She recalled being afraid when she first crossed the bridge while in Ford Maverick in 1975, but grew to like it because it saved time on the road.

“It was a main artery just like a blood line. It was a main artery to the other side of town. It was awesome. It beat going through the city all the time,” she said.

Elder Rashad A. Singletary , a senior pastor who led Tuesday night’s vigil at Mt. Olive Baptist Church told CNN that many church members watched the bridge's construction.

"It’s a part of the community. A lot of our individuals in our congregation drive that bridge to go to work, and so now it’s really a life changing moment,” he said.

"Heartbreaking conclusion to a challenging day," Maryland governor says as Coast Guard ended search operation

From CNN's Aditi Sangal

People look out toward the Francis Scott Key Bridge following its collapse in Baltimore, Maryland on March 26.

More than 18 hours after the collapse of the Baltimore bridge, Maryland Gov. Wes Moore said it was a heartbreaking conclusion after the Coast Guard ended the search-and-rescue operation for the six people who were on the bridge when it collapsed.

It's a "really heartbreaking conclusion to a challenging day," he said.

"We put every single asset possible — air, land and sea" to find the missing people, he told reporters on Tuesday evening. "While even though we're moving on now to a recovery mission, we're still fully committed to making sure that we're going to use every single asset to now bring a sense of closure to the families," the governor added.

6 people presumed dead after Baltimore bridge collapse, Coast Guard says. Here's what we know

As the sun sets in Baltimore, six people are presumed dead after a major bridge collapsed overnight Tuesday, according to the Coast Guard. The Francis Scott Key Bridge came down around 1:30 a.m. ET after a cargo ship collided with it.

The Coast Guard said it has ended its active search-and-rescue operation for the missing construction workers who were on the bridge when it collapsed.

  • What we know: Eight people were on the bridge when it fell, according to officials. At least two people were rescued — one was taken to the hospital and has been discharged . The Coast Guard has been searching for six other people. But, around 7:30 p.m. ET, the Coast Guard said it has transitioned to a “different phase” of operation, now it did “not believe we are going to find any of these individuals alive,” Rear Adm. Shannon Gilreath said.
  • About the ship: The bridge collapsed after a container vessel called Dali collided with one of its supports. The vessel is operated by Singapore-based Synergy Group but had been chartered to carry cargo by Danish shipping giant Maersk . The US Embassy in Singapore has been in contact with the country’s Maritime and Port Authority, a State Department spokesperson said.
  • The investigation: The National Transportation Safety Board is leading the investigation into the collapse. A team of 24 experts will dig into nautical operations, vessel operations, safety history records, owners, operators, company policy and any safety management systems or programs, said NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy. A voyage data recorder will be critical to the investigation, she added. 
  • Vehicles on the bridge: Officials are also working to verify the numbers of how many cars and people were on the bridge, Homendy said. Gov. Wes Moore said the quick work of authorities in closing the bridge had saved lives . Radio traffic captured how authorities stopped traffic and worked to clear the bridge seconds before the impact . Maryland State Police Secretary Col. Roland L. Butler Jr. said there is a “ distinct possibility ” more vehicles were on the bridge, but authorities have not found any evidence to support that.
  • Looking ahead: NTSB will look into how the bridge was built and investigate the structure itself, including if it was flagged for any safety deficiencies , Homendy said. The federal government has also directed its resources to help with search and rescue, to reopen the port and rebuild the bridge, Vice President Kamala Harris said . Earlier, President Joe Biden said t he federal government will pay to fix the bridge.
  • The economy: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg warned the collapse will have a serious impact on supply chains . Until the channel is reopened, ships will likely already be changing course for other East Coast ports. Ocean carriers are already being diverted from the Port of Baltimore, where the bridge collapsed, to the Port of Virginia to “keep trade moving."

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    Marvel at the magnificent architecture of the Library of Congress, the Supreme Court and of course, the U.S. Capitol. Boston New York Philadelphia Washington, DC. The Amtrak Acela train takes you to East Coast cities in superior comfort at speeds up to 150 mph. Book your trip with fewer stops now.

  13. New York to Washington DC Train

    The distance between New York and Washington DC is about 200 miles, as the crow flies. The driving distance is closer to 225 miles, and it takes between 4 and 5 hours to drive from NYC to DC with normal traffic. Meanwhile, the train ride from New York to DC takes only 3 hours and 29 minutes on average. Although there is not a bullet train from ...

  14. Riding the Acela Train for the First Time: A Beginner's Guide

    If you're looking to travel between Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC, and other cities on the Northeast Corridor, the Acela train is a comfortable and convenient option ...

  15. New York Penn Station to Washington, DC

    Amtrak Acela operates a train from New York Penn Station to Washington Union Station hourly. Tickets cost $50 - $490 and the journey takes 2h 54m. Two other operators also service this route. Alternatively, Flixbus USA operates a bus from New York Midtown to Washington Union Station hourly. Tickets cost $20 - $75 and the journey takes 4h 30m.

  16. 8 Amtrak Cross-Country Trips To Travel Coast To Coast By Train

    Scenic America By Rail 5 Stops: New York to Los Angeles. One of the reasons travelers are so drawn to Amtrak train excursions is the opportunity to let someone else take the wheel and simply enjoy ...

  17. PolitiFact

    District of Columbia 1800 I Street NW Washington, DC 20006 ...

  18. How to travel around the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore

    The bridge is the outermost of three toll crossings of Baltimore's Harbor and the final link in Interstate 695, known in the region as the Baltimore Beltway, which links Baltimore and Washington, D.C.

  19. New York, NY to Washington, DC from $20 (€17)

    Bus • $11 (€9) • 7 h 45 min. Fastest mode. Flight • $85 (€73) • 1 h 33 min. Popular travel companies. Greyhound or Republic Airlines. Take a bus or flight to travel 203 miles (328 km) to Washington from New York. If speed is a priority, then a flight is the best option with an average duration of 1 h 33 min; whereas, if saving money ...

  20. Biden claims he commuted over collapsed Baltimore Key ...

    either on a train or by car." ... he was at Ground Zero the day after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks — when he states in his own book that he was in Washington, DC, ... Front cover of the New ...

  21. Washington DC to New York Trains

    Among the top choices for traveling from Washington to New York is taking a fast and modern Acela train. All Amtrak high-speed trains running between the cities were designed to offer the passengers everything they might need for a pleasant journey, including several travel classes to choose from, fast travel times (the journey takes about 3 hours), and an extensive timetable with up to 33 ...

  22. Train rider dead after purportedly pushed onto New York subway tracks

    The MTA logo is seen on the side of a New York City subway car, April 23, 2020, in the Queens borough of New York. A subway rider was pushed onto the tracks and killed by a train.

  23. Train New York to Washington, DC from $9

    The average train between New York and Washington, DC takes 3h 16m and the fastest train takes 2h 46m. The train runs at least 2 times per hour from New York to Washington, DC. The journey time may be longer on weekends and holidays; use the search form on this page to search for a specific travel date.

  24. One person seriously injured in terrifying fire near Lincoln Memorial

    One person was seriously injured in a terrifying blaze near the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, Thursday morning, officials said. Bright orange flames engulfed a concession kiosk northwest of ...

  25. How the Key Bridge Collapsed in Baltimore: Maps and Photos

    The New York Times The Francis Scott Key Bridge was opened in 1977 and carried more than 12.4 million vehicles last year. The bridge was one of the three major ways to cross the Patapsco River and ...

  26. Baltimore bridge collapse is already impacting travel: What to know

    Travel is being impacted by Tuesday's Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse along Interstate 695 in Baltimore, Maryland. Drivers were immediately directed to take alternate routes through the city ...

  27. Trains to Philadelphia

    Find trains to Philadelphia from New York City, Washington, DC and 500 other cities. Plan your trip to Philadelphia and find the nearest train station today. ... William H. Gray III 30th Street Station connects passengers not only to major cities in the surrounding states of New York, New Jersey, Deleware, Maryland, West Virginia and Ohio, but ...

  28. March 26, 2024

    11:37 p.m. ET, March 26, 2024 Crew member on DALI said everyone on board was safe hours after bridge collapse, official says. From CNN's Amy Simonson