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The meaning and origin of the expression: The road less travelled


The road less travelled

What's the meaning of the phrase 'the road less travelled'.

  • American origin

The road less travelled is the unconventional or uninvestigated option. More metaphorically, it is also used to refer to 'the life you never had' - what might have been had you made different choices. The notion is near to what is nowadays called 'alternative'.

What's the origin of the phrase 'The road less travelled'?

The road less travelled

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Note spellings - In the UK: travelled; in the USA: - traveled.

Gary Martin - the author of the phrases.org.uk website.

By Gary Martin

Gary Martin is a writer and researcher on the origins of phrases and the creator of the Phrase Finder website. Over the past 26 years more than 700 million of his pages have been downloaded by readers. He is one of the most popular and trusted sources of information on phrases and idioms.

Gary Martin, author of the www.phrases.org.uk website.


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Robert Frost is arguably one of the most well-known American poets of all time, so it’s not surprising that his work is taught in high schools and colleges across the nation. Because he’s so famous, chances are you’ve encountered “The Road Not Taken” before .

We’re here to help you build a deeper understanding of “The Road Not Taken.” To help you learn what Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” poem is all about, we’ll cover the following in this article:

  • A brief intro to the poet, Robert Frost
  • Information about the poem’s background
  • “The Road Not Taken” meaning
  • “The Road Not Taken” analysis, including the top two themes in the poem
  • The poetic devices in “The Road Not Taken” that you need to know

There’s a lot to talk about, so let’s get going!


Robert Frost is widely recognized as one of the most influential American poets of the 20th century. (Sneha Raushan/ Wikimedia )

Robert Frost Biography

Robert Frost was born in 1874 in San Francisco, California. His father was a newspaper editor (a profession Frost later practiced himself, among others), and his mother was a teacher and Scottish immigrant. When he was about ten years old, his family moved to Massachusetts to be near his grandfather, who owned a sawmill. Frost was named both the valedictorian and the “class poet” of his high school graduating class ...and two years later published his first poem, “My Butterfly: An Elegy,” in the New York Independent magazine. 

At this point, Frost knew he wanted to be a poet. But unfortunately, the next segment of Frost’s life would be marked by upheaval . He attended both Dartmouth and Harvard, but dropped out of both before graduating. His poetry wasn’t gaining traction in the United States, either. To complicate matters further, Frost and his wife, Elinor, suffered personal tragedy when two of their six children died in infancy. 

In 1900, feeling frustrated by his job prospects and a lack of traction in his poetry career, Frost moved his family to a farm left to him by his grandfather in Derry, New Hampshire. Frost would live there for nine years, and many of his most famous early poems were written before his morning chores while tending to the farm . But Frost’s poetry was still largely overlooked by American publishers. Consequently, Frost decided to sell the farm in 1911 and moved his family to London. It was there he published his first anthology of poetry, A Boy’s Will, in 1913 . 

Frost’s second anthology, North of Boston, was published in 1914 and found massive success in England. Finally, after years of struggle, Frost became a famous poet essentially overnight. In order to avoid WWI, Frost returned to the U.S. in 1915 and began teaching at Amherst College and the University of Michigan , all the while continuing to write poetry. He received numerous awards and recognitions, including the Pulitzer Prize for poetry, and became the public face of 20th century American poetry . Late in life, at 86 years old, Robert Frost also became the first inaugural poet at John F. Kennedy’s inauguration in 1960. 

Throughout his career, Frost never strayed far from old-fashioned, pastoral poetry, despite the fact that newer American poets moved in a more experimental direction. Frost’s poetry continued to focus on rural New England life up until his death in 1963. 

Robert Frost, “The Road Not Taken” Poem

“The Road Not Taken” is a narrative poem , meaning it is a poem that tells a story. It was written in 1915 as a joke for Frost’s friend, Edward Thomas. Frost and Thomas were fond of hiking together, and Thomas often had trouble making up his mind which trail they should follow. (Yes, that’s right: one of the most famous American poems was originally written as a goofy private joke between two friends!)

Frost first read it to some college students who, to his surprise, thought it a very serious poem. “The Road Not Taken” was first published in the August 1915 issue of The Atlantic Monthly , and then was re-published as the opening poem in his poetry collection Mountain Interval the next year.

The full text of the poem is below.

“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.


Frost's most famous poem got its start as part of a letter sent to his best friend on the eve of World War I.

The Background Behind “The Road Not Taken” Poem

“The Road Not Taken” has become well known for its perceived encouragement to take the “[road] less traveled by.” In other words, many people interpret this poem as a call to blaze new trails and break away from the status quo. This is partly why lots of people misremember the poem’s title as “The Road Less Travelled.” 

This interpretation of “The Road Not Taken” is debatable (more on that later), but it was enough to inspire Frost’s friend Edward Thomas to make a very grave decision to fight in World War I.

Frost and Thomas were great friends while Frost lived in England, both of them were well-read and very interested in nature. They frequently took long walks together , observing nature in the English countryside. However, Frost’s time in England ended in 1915 when World War I was on the verge of breaking out. He returned to the United States to avoid the war and fully expected Thomas to follow him. 

Thomas did not. Frost’s poem came in the mail as Thomas was deciding whether to leave Europe or to participate in the war effort. While “The Road Not Taken” wasn’t the only thing that made Thomas enlist and fight in World War I, it was a factor in his decision. Thomas, regretting his lack of achievement compared to his good friend Frost and feeling that the poem mocked his indecisiveness, decided to take initiative and fight for his country. Unfortunately, Thomas was killed at the Battle of Arras on April 9, 1917.

Thomas was inspired to take “the road not taken” because of Frost’s poem. The same is true for many people who’ve read the poem since it was first published in 1915. The concept of taking a “road less traveled'' seems to advocate for individuality and perseverance , both of which are considered central to American culture. The poem has been republished thousands upon thousands of times and has inspired everything from self-help books to car commercials .


Robert Frost “The Road Not Taken” Analysis: Meaning and Themes

To help you understand the significance of Robert Frost’s poetry, we’ll break down the overall meaning and major themes of the poem in our “The Road Not Taken” analysis below. 

But before we do, go back and reread the poem. Once you have that done, come back here...and we can get started! 

Robert Frost “The Road Not Taken” Meaning

“The Road Not Taken” is a poem that argues for the importance of our choices, both big and small, since they shape our journey through life . For Frost, the most important decisions we make aren’t the ones we spend tons of time thinking about, like who we have relationships with , where we go to college , or what our future career should be . Instead, Frost’s poem posits that the small choices we make each and every day also have big impacts on our lives. Each decision we make sets us upon a path that we may not understand the importance of until much, much later. 

This theme is reflected throughout the poem. For instance, the poem begins with a speaker placing us in a scene, specifically at the point where two roads break away from each other in the middle of a “yellow wood.”

The speaker is sorry they cannot go both directions and still “be one traveler,” which is to say that they cannot live two divergent lives and still be one single person . In other words, the speaker can’t “have their cake and eat it, too.” The speaker has to choose one direction to go down, because like in life, making a decision often means that other doors are subsequently shut for you. 

For example, if you choose to go to college at UCLA, that means you’re also choosing not to go to college elsewhere. You’ll never know what it would be like to go to the University of Michigan or as a freshman straight out of high school because you made a different choice. But this is true for smaller, day-to-day decisions as well. Choosing who you spend time with, how hard you study, and what hobbies your pursue are examples of smaller choices that also shape your future, too.

The speaker of the poem understands that . They stand at the crossroads of these two paths for a long time, contemplating their choice. First, they stare down one path as far as he or she can, to where it trails off into the undergrowth. The speaker then decides to take the other path, which they state is just as “fair,” meaning just as attractive as the first. The narrator states that the second path “wanted wear,” meaning that it was slightly more overgrown than the first path.

But more importantly, no matter which path the speaker takes, they know they’re committed to follow it wherever it may lead. We see that in this stanza:

While the speaker says they “saved the first” path for “another day” to make them feel better about their decision, the next two lines show that the speaker realizes they probably won’t be able to double back and take the first path, no matter where the second one leads. Just like in life, each path leads to another path, and then another. In other words, the decisions we make in the moment add up and influence where we end up in life--and we don’t really get a “redo” on. 

After choosing their path, the speaker says they look forward to a day far in the future when, “with a sigh,” they’ll tell people about taking the road “less traveled by,/And that has made all the difference.” 

Does this mean that taking the one less traveled has “made all the difference” in a good way?

Saying so “with a sigh” doesn’t necessarily sound like a good thing. The poem isn’t at all clear on whether or not taking the less traveled path was a good choice or a bad choice . So while the poem is clear that all of our choices shape the path we take in life, it’s more ambiguous about whether choosing “less traveled” paths is a good thing or not. That’s up to readers to decide! 

Robert Frost “The Road Not Taken” Theme 1: The Power of Hindsight 

This brings us to our first theme: how hindsight gives our choices power.  

The speaker begins at a point of bifurcation (which is a fancy way of saying “break into two branches”). As readers, we’re meant to take the poem both as a literal story about someone in the woods trying to decide which way to go, as well as a metaphor about how our life choices are like divergent paths in the woods. 

Like we mentioned earlier, the poem is clear that you can’t take two paths and still “be one traveler,” nor can you be certain that you’ll ever get a chance to test out your other options. That’s because every choice you make leads to more choices, all of which lead you further and further from our starting point. 

However, the poem also suggests that while the choices we make are important, how we interpret these choices is what really makes us who we are. We see this in the last lines of the poem, which read: 

I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Essentially, the speaker is saying that later in life he will look back in time and see that moment as one of great significance. But we can only know which choices matter the most through the power of retrospection. It’s like the old saying goes: hindsight is 20/20! 

Here’s what frost means: when we’re making choices in life, they might seem inconsequential or like they’re not that big of a deal. But once time passes and we’ve journeyed down our path a little farther, we can look back into the past and see which choices have shaped us the most. And oftentimes, those choices aren’t the ones we think are most important in the moment. The clarity and wisdom of hindsight allows us to realize that doing something like taking the path “less traveled by” has impacted our lives immensely. 


"The Road Not Taken" is also about our perspective...and how hindsight helps us reconsider our past decision.  

Robert Frost “The Road Not Taken” Theme 2: Perspective and Memory

The other major theme in “The Road Not Taken” is how our individual perspective. 

The speaker of the poem spends most of their time trying to decide which path to take. They describe each path in detail: the first one curves into the undergrowth, while the second was more tempting because it was “grassy” and a little less worn. 

But the truth is that these paths have more in common than not. They’re both in the woods, for one. But the speaker also says the first is “just as fair” as the other, meaning it’s just as pretty or attractive. They also mention that “And both that morning equally lay / In leaves no step had trodden black,” which is a poetic way of saying that neither path had been walked on in a while. And even the one the poet says is less traveled was actually “worn...about the same” as the first path! 

So it’s t he speaker’s perspective that makes these paths seem divergent rather than them actually being super different from one another! 

Because our perspectives shape the way we understand the world, it also affects our memories.  Our memories help us understand who we are, and they shape the person we become. But as we tell ourselves our own story, we overwrite our memories . It’s kind of like deleting a sentence and retyping it...only for it to change a little bit each time! 

What is your earliest memory? What is your favorite memory? Now think about this: are you remembering them, or are you remembering remembering them? Is there a difference? Yes, because science shows that every single time we recall a memory we change it . It’s very possible that your favorite early memory isn’t your memory at all--it is more likely a memory of being told something that happened to you. Perhaps you have a photograph of a moment that triggers your memory. The photograph may not change, but you do and your memory of the things that happened in that moment do.

So, if our experiences and our choices make us who we are, but we’re constantly misremembering and changing our memories, how do actual events even matter? 

“The Road Not Taken” says that they do. Our choices we make are impactful, but the way we remember them is what helps shape us as individuals. So “The Road Not Taken” isn’t necessarily an ode to bravely taking the less popular path when others wouldn’t. It’s more like an ode to being resigned to believing our choices made us who we are, even though if we hadn’t made them, hadn’t taken that path, we’d be someone else who made choices that were just as valid.


Poetic devices are the tools we can use to unpack the meaning of a poem. Here are two that are important to understanding "The Road Not Taken."

The Top 2 Poetic Devices in “The Road Not Taken”

Poetic devices are literary devices that poets use to enhance and create a poem’s structure, tone, rhythm, and meaning. In Robert Frost’s, “The Road Not Taken,” Frost uses iambic meter and voice to reinforce the poem’s meaning . 

Poetic Device 1: Iambic Meter

First thing’s first: the following is only a short overview of iambic meter. If you want an in-depth discussion of meter, check out our blog about it . 

So what is meter? The English language has about an equal number of stressed and unstressed syllables. Arranging these stressed syllables into consistent is one of the most common ways of giving a poem a structure... and this arrangement is called “meter.” 

A poem’s meter is made up of units. Each “unit” of stressed and unstressed syllables that repeats in a poem is called a foot. A foot can either be an iamb (one unstressed followed by one stressed syllable), a trochee (one stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable), a dactyl (one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables) or an anapest (two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable). 

The iamb is the foot that comes to us most naturally as native English speakers, and the most iambs we can speak easily without having to inhale for another breath is about five. So the most common structure for English language poetry is iambic pentameter , meaning the most common foot is an iamb, and there are five iambs per line. Historically, the vast majority of poetry written in English has been in iambic pentameter, and it was the default format for English poetry for centuries.

But pentameter isn’t the only iambic meter : two feet make dimeter, three feet make trimeter, four feet make tetrameter, and six feet make hexameter, and so forth.

The Modernist poets started moving away from these traditional repeating patterns of meter just after World War I, using invented patterns called “free verse.” Although Modernist free verse didn’t replace metrical verse overnight or completely, it slowly broke down the central importance of it in ways that are still felt today. Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” is from the very tail end of the iambic-meter-as-a-necessity era. Frost stubbornly and famously stuck to the traditional metrical forms , comparing free verse to playing tennis “with the net down.”

It is the iambic meter that gives the poem its “old-fashioned” rhythm and comfortable feeling. It’s also the thing that makes the poem sound so natural when you read it out loud. You may not even immediately recognize that the poem is in iambic meter, but it becomes clear when you start breaking down the lines. Take this one, for example:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

Looking at the stressed and unstressed syllables we get:


The capitalized syllables are stressed, and the lowercase ones aren’t. Each pair of these is an iamb! 

There are four stressed syllables on this line , as well as every other line in the poem. That means this poem is in iambic tetrameter. The most common foot is an iamb (although notice that the third foot is an anapest), and there are four of them.

So why is this important? First, iambic tetrameter is a metrical pattern favored by the 19th century Romantics , who very frequently wrote poems that involved lonely people having great epiphanies while out in nature by themselves. By mimicking that style, Frost pulls on a long poetic tradition helps readers hone in on some of the major themes of his poem--specifically, that the speaker’s decision in the woods will have long-term consequences for both their character and their life. 

The iambic form also rolls off of the tongue easily because it’s the most common meter in the English language. That also echoes the importance of nature in “The Road Not Taken”: both in terms of the natural imagery in the poem, but also in its discussion of the nature of perspective and memory. In that way, the form of the poem helps to reinforce its themes! 


Poetic Device 2: Voice

The second poetic device that Frost employs is voice. The voice of a poem is the product of all the stylistic and vocabulary choices that add up to create a character . In this case, the poem has one character: the speaker. The speaker is unnamed, and it’s through their perspective that we experience the poem. It’s easy to think of the speaker as being Frost himself, but try to resist that temptation. The voice of a poem is an artificial construct, a character created to give the poem a certain effect.\

So how does Frost create this voice? First, note that the poem is in first person . That means we’re getting the speaker’s perspective in their own words, signaled by their use of first person pronouns like “I.” Additionally, the audience isn’t being addressed directly (like in Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise). Instead, it’s as if we’ve intruded upon the speaker’s thoughts as they ruminate over the potential ramifications of choosing one path over another.

Writing the poem in first person means that we’re getting the story straight from the horse’s mouth. In some ways, this is a good thing: it helps us understand the speaker’s unique perspective and in their own unique voice. But in other ways, it makes the objective details of the moment less clear. That’s because t he speaker’s recounting of the moment in the woods is colored by his own memory. That means we have to rely on the speaker’s interpretation of events...and decide how that impacts our interpretation of the poem! The first person narration also gives the poem much of its reflective nature.


What’s Next?

Analyzing poetry can be tricky, so it’s helpful to read a few expert analyses. We have a bunch on our blog that you can read through, like this one about Dylan Thomas’ “Do not go gentle into that good night” or this article that explains 10 different sonnets!

It’s much easier to analyze poetry when you have the right tools to do it! Don’t miss our in-depth guides to poetic devices like assonance , iambic pentameter , and allusion .

If you’re more about writing poetry than analyzing it, we’ve got you covered! Here are five great tips for writing poetry (and a few scholarships for budding poets , too).

These recommendations are based solely on our knowledge and experience. If you purchase an item through one of our links, PrepScholar may receive a commission.

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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travel the road meaning

The Road Not Taken Summary & Analysis by Robert Frost

  • Line-by-Line Explanation & Analysis
  • Poetic Devices
  • Vocabulary & References
  • Form, Meter, & Rhyme Scheme
  • Line-by-Line Explanations

travel the road meaning

Written in 1915 in England, "The Road Not Taken" is one of Robert Frost's—and the world's—most well-known poems. Although commonly interpreted as a celebration of rugged individualism, the poem actually contains multiple different meanings. The speaker in the poem, faced with a choice between two roads, takes the road "less traveled," a decision which he or she supposes "made all the difference." However, Frost creates enough subtle ambiguity in the poem that it's unclear whether the speaker's judgment should be taken at face value, and therefore, whether the poem is about the speaker making a simple but impactful choice, or about how the speaker interprets a choice whose impact is unclear.

  • Read the full text of “The Road Not Taken”

travel the road meaning

The Full Text of “The Road Not Taken”

1 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

2 And sorry I could not travel both

3 And be one traveler, long I stood

4 And looked down one as far as I could

5 To where it bent in the undergrowth;

6 Then took the other, as just as fair,

7 And having perhaps the better claim,

8 Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

9 Though as for that the passing there

10 Had worn them really about the same,

11 And both that morning equally lay

12 In leaves no step had trodden black.

13 Oh, I kept the first for another day!

14 Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

15 I doubted if I should ever come back.

16 I shall be telling this with a sigh

17 Somewhere ages and ages hence:

18 Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

19 I took the one less traveled by,

20 And that has made all the difference.

“The Road Not Taken” Summary

“the road not taken” themes.

Theme Choices and Uncertainty

Choices and Uncertainty

  • See where this theme is active in the poem.

Theme Individualism and Nonconformity

Individualism and Nonconformity

Theme Making Meaning

Making Meaning

Line-by-line explanation & analysis of “the road not taken”.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler,

travel the road meaning

long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black.

Lines 13-15

Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.

Lines 16-17

I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Lines 18-20

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

“The Road Not Taken” Symbols

Symbol Diverging Roads

Diverging Roads

  • See where this symbol appears in the poem.

Symbol The Road Less Traveled

The Road Less Traveled

“the road not taken” poetic devices & figurative language, extended metaphor.

  • See where this poetic device appears in the poem.

“The Road Not Taken” Vocabulary

Select any word below to get its definition in the context of the poem. The words are listed in the order in which they appear in the poem.

  • Yellow wood
  • Undergrowth
  • See where this vocabulary word appears in the poem.

Form, Meter, & Rhyme Scheme of “The Road Not Taken”

Rhyme scheme, “the road not taken” speaker, “the road not taken” setting, literary and historical context of “the road not taken”, more “the road not taken” resources, external resources.

"The Most Misread Poem in America" — An insightful article in the Paris Review, which goes into depth about some of the different ways of reading (or misreading) "The Road Not Taken."

Robert Frost reads "The Road Not Taken" — Listen to Robert Frost read the poem.

Book Review: "The Road Not Taken," by David Orr — Those looking for an even more in-depth treatment of the poem might be interested in David Orr's book, "The Road Not Taken: Finding America in the Poem Everyone Loves and Almost Everyone Gets Wrong."

LitCharts on Other Poems by Robert Frost

Acquainted with the Night

After Apple-Picking

Desert Places

Dust of Snow

Fire and Ice

Home Burial

Mending Wall

My November Guest

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

The Death of the Hired Man

The Oven Bird

The Sound of the Trees

The Tuft of Flowers

The Wood-Pile

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The Road Not Taken

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Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

From The Poetry of Robert Frost by Robert Frost, edited by Edward Connery Lathem. Copyright 1916, 1923, 1928, 1930, 1934, 1939, 1947, 1949, © 1969 by Holt Rinehart and Winston, Inc. Copyright 1936, 1942, 1944, 1945, 1947, 1948, 1951, 1953, 1954, © 1956, 1958, 1959, 1961, 1962 by Robert Frost. Copyright © 1962, 1967, 1970 by Leslie Frost Ballantine.

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 The Road Less Traveled

Meanings of “the road less traveled”.

The phrase “the road less traveled” means the choices we make in life are unconventional and uncertain. It refers to a choice that leads a person to choose an indifferent approach or a path in life to start a new trend. More metaphorically, it speaks about the choices we have never experienced.

Origin of “The Road Less Traveled”

The phrase, “the road less traveled” is said to have its initial traces in Robert Frost ’s Poem , “ The Road Not Taken ” published in 1920. Although the phrase has not been used in an exact way, the metaphoric use of the phrase conveys the same sense.

Example from Literature

The Best Advice I Ever Got: Lessons from Extraordinary Lives by Katie Couric

“Be fearless. Have the courage to take risks . Go where there are no guarantees. Get out of your comfort zone even if it means being uncomfortable. The road less traveled is sometimes fraught with barricades bumps and uncharted terrain. But it is on that road where your character is truly tested And have the courage to accept that you’re not perfect nothing is and no one is — and that’s OK.”

The above lines explain the meanings of the phrase, “the road less traveled.” The book centers on the optimistic approach of life. The writer attempts to explain the value of being positive and hopeful in life. While talking about the challenging approach toward life, she touches the keynote, saying that one should come out of their comfort zone and try new paths. Undoubtedly, these paths look mysterious with unexpected situations but these unconventional choices eventually lead the person to achieve something extraordinary.

 The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass by Mandy Hale

 “You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in.”

This excerpt shows the literal meanings of the phrase, which means that it is a denotative use. The speaker accounts for the moral lessons of her life. To her, one should be bold enough to break the set rules; one should live his life by designing his own terms and should never feel sorry for that. Her encouraging words demand us to take new chances and experiences something that we have never experienced before. In other words, it means to take a new chance, which means the same thing as this phrase is.

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”

This famous poem explains the phrase, the road less traveled. The speaker is standing in a yellow wood with two distinct paths before him. He takes a look and thinks about both paths and finally chooses to take the one less traveled. Thus, he prefers experiencing something new without worrying about the consequences. Therefore, it shows the metaphorical use of this phrase.

The Road Less Traveled by the Oprah Guest by Professor Poetry Hound

“Two roads diverged in the woods of my life, I’d been down one of those roads before, And it takes all the inner strength I can muster To not repeat that debilitating, self-destructive behavior again. Two roads diverged in the woods of my life, And I took the more fulfilling one, and you can Read in my new book* how that has made all the difference.”

This poem explains the meanings of the phrase in a simple way. The speaker talks about his experiences in life. He categorizes his life as two different paths. He has already traveled the one that has brought biting experiences and self-destruction to him. To avoid that mistake, this time, he prefers choosing the road less traveled and that makes all the difference. His witty choice rejuvenates him with exciting new choices. Therefore, it seems that the meanings are metaphorical.

Example in Sentences

Example #1: “The guide said, “You can take the road less traveled and climb to the top of Nanga Parbat for an enchanting view.”

Example #2: “The Isle of Skye, an enchanting Scotland’s northwest coast reminds me of a choose-your-own- adventure book with roadways and paths opening up to various directions, sights and directions ever-changing depending on whatever I choose, the right way or the path less traveled.”

Example #3: “The lost traveler preferred taking the road less traveled to find his way out.”

Example #4: “Since everyone preferred following the directions in the desert , however, my friend and I chose to travel the road less travelled.”

Example #5: “When he entered the unknown area, the first thing he looked upon was the familiar paths. Afterward, he looked at every nook and corner. There was no one. Panicking, he decides to follow the road less travelled.”

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Interesting Literature

The True Meaning of ‘Two Roads Diverged in a Wood, and I Took the One Less Traveled by’

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

‘Two roads diverged in a wood’; ‘I took the one less traveled by’. These two lines have become famous since they were written, and they are widely quoted. But their meaning is also widely misunderstood. What did Robert Frost mean when he wrote, ‘Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, / I took the one less traveled by’?

‘The Road Not Taken’ is one of Robert Frost’s most famous poems. It appeared in his first collection, Mountain Interval , in 1916, as the opening poem. For this reason, given it’s the curtain-raiser for his career, it’s natural and understandable that many readers take the poem to be Frost’s statement of individualism as a poet: he will take ‘the road less travelled’.

The metaphor of the road is one that immediately evokes a journey, not just of the local or day-to-day kind, but of the life-defining sort: life as a journey, with many roads which we must travel along, and with many alternative paths which we must choose between.

But when we analyse Frost’s poem more closely, we realise how inaccurate an interpretation of ‘Two roads diverged in a wood’ this really is. Frost himself, two years before his death, lamented the way readers and critics had misinterpreted the poem, which he called ‘tricky’.

Those two roads diverged, forcing Frost to choose one, but this means that he also necessarily had to choose not to take the other. In opting for one road, he was consciously rejecting the other.

Frost’s poem describes how he came to a fork in the road and wished he could have taken both paths. But that isn’t possible, of course, so with a heavy heart he had to choose between these two roads which diverged in a ‘yellow wood’.

He took his time making his decision, because there seemed to be very little way of telling which road might be the better one to plump for. The only thing that seems to have made the chosen road preferable is the fact that it wasn’t as well-trodden as the other: its grass was less worn.

But even this, it turns out, isn’t true: it’s merely Frost (or Frost’s speaker, at least) retrospectively trying to fashion and furnish a reason for taking the road he did. In reality, he admits, there was no reason. The grass was equally worn on both roads.

It was, after all, a more or less arbitrary choice. Neither path appeared to have been walked down on that particular day, as the presence of the leaves upon both roads suggested. (It’s a ‘yellow wood’, remember, summoning the colours of autumn when the leaves fall from the trees.)

So, faced with these two roads – these two, to all intents and purposes, equal roads – Frost chose one on a whim. He told himself that, to even things out, he would come back another day and take the other one, but again, he immediately goes on to contradict and correct himself, stating that he knows he is just telling himself he will do this, but that in reality he almost certainly won’t. He’ll never come back to this spot.

So Frost’s lines about two roads that ‘diverged in a wood’ and his taking ‘the one less traveled by’ is, for all that, just a narrative shaped after the event: a story to tell people. The most famous lines in Frost’s poem are not some sincere declaration of the importance of choosing the more original and less popular course of action, of bucking the trend and standing apart from the crowd – although this is how Frost’s lines have been interpreted.

His ‘two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by’ is not some rousing paean to individualism but an entirely false and fabricated piece of performative narrative-weaving, as he tries to imbue his arbitrary decision with a semblance of meaning. In truth, there is no meaning to it. No rhyme, if you will, or reason.

If we go back to the title of Frost’s poem, we can see that that title gives us a hint that this is the intended meaning. The poem is titled ‘The Road Not Taken’, not ‘The Road Less Travelled’. Frost’s poem foregrounds that it is the road he didn’t take which is the real subject of the poem. When choosing one path over another, do we ever regret our choice? We often wonder about the choices we didn’t make, the chances we didn’t take. We regret not doing things all the time.

But many decisions only allow us an either/or option. They are binary. Should I marry this person or not marry them? Those are, baldly speaking, the only two choices, even if not marrying X leads to our marrying Y. Should I take this job or not take this job?

In titling his poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ and making the choice between two roads that diverged in a wood, Frost imparts a much greater meaning to his poem, since it represents all such ‘do X or don’t do X’ choices we face in our lives. Hamlet had his: ‘To be, or not to be’.

The poem’s famous final lines are less a proud assertion of individualism than a bittersweet example of the way we always rewrite our own histories to justify the decisions we make. ‘I kidded myself that one of the roads was less well-trodden and so, to be different from the mainstream, that’s the one I took, brave and independent risk-taker and road-taker that I am.’

This isn’t true, but it’s the sort of self-myth-making we often go in for. But Frost’s final lines are also about how taking one course means that we didn’t take another course, and that may make all the difference, and not always for the better.

What is also less well-known than it should be about ‘The Road Not Taken’ is the fact that the poem may have begun life as Frost’s gentle ribbing of his friend, the English poet Edward Thomas, with whom Frost had taken many walks during the pre-WWI years when Frost had been living in England.

Frost found Thomas to be an indecisive man, and after he’d written ‘The Road Not Taken’ but before it was published, he sent it to Thomas, whose indecisiveness even extended to uncertainty over whether to follow Frost to the United States or to enlist in the army and go and fight in France.

Frost intended the poem to be a semi-serious mockery of people like Thomas, but it was taken more seriously by Thomas, and by countless readers since.

Indeed, Frost’s poem may even have been what inspired Thomas to make up his mind and finally choose which ‘road’ to follow: he chose war over America, and ‘The Road Not Taken’ is, perhaps, what forced his hand. And for Thomas, the road he chose really did make a difference: tragically, he was killed during the Battle of Arras in 1917.

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1 thought on “The True Meaning of ‘Two Roads Diverged in a Wood, and I Took the One Less Traveled by’”

The back story of the poem certainly adds depth to the overall meaning.

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Travel idioms: Fun ways to talk about traveling and adventures

travel the road meaning

Are you in the mood for an adventure? Before you pack your bags and grab your passport, make sure you have the right vocabulary to talk about it.

These English travel idioms will not only inspire you to see the world but can also be used on your journey. We have included lots of fun and useful expressions about travel and transport, all with examples and definitions. Idioms can be hard to understand , after all.

travel the road meaning

Travel idioms

A country mile.

A country mile is not an exact measurement but refers to a deceptively long distance. Country roads usually meander, so a destination a mile away can take much more than a mile to reach.

“It was suposed to be a 5 mile run but it felt like 5 country miles!”

People who have itchy feet are bored of where they are and have a desire to travel, do something new, or explore.

“She only came back from her camping trip last week but she got itchy feet and is setting off on a road trip tomorrow.’

Feet and other body parts are featured in idioms a lot, so they are always useful to know.

The travel bug

Be careful: if you catch the travel bug, it may turn your plans upside down! The travel bug refers to a strong urge, passion or desire to travel the world.

“I caught the travel bug when I first explored Europe over 20 years ago.”

At a crossroads / a fork in the road

You will surely come across a crossroads or a fork in the road when you are traveling. These expressions relate to any place where the road splits or meets another road, and you must decide which way to go.

However, we have put these on our list of travel idioms because they can also be used figuratively as choice idioms . You can say someone is at a crossroads or at a fork in the road if they have an important decision to make in any area of their life.

“I’m at a bit of a crossroads and I’m not sure what I should do.” “We get along fine, until we hit a fork in the road.”

At the crack of dawn

At the crack of dawn is a simple but fun way of describing any time very early in the morning.

“We’re going to have to get up at the crack of dawn to make our flight.”

There are many other time idioms you may find useful for planning a travel itinerary.

Bad news travels fast

Bad news travels fast , or at least that is how it often seems. Most bad news is scandalous or a great topic for gossip, so people are more likely to talk about it with their friends or colleagues.

“I can’t believe I got fired and that my wife knew about it before I even got home. I guess bad news really does travel fast!”

Live out of a suitcase

People who live out of a suitcase travel a lot from place to place, not returning home often. Since they normally stay for a short period of time in each place, they keep all their clothes in their suitcase rather than bothering to unpack and settle in.

“Guys, we have a busy interary, so get ready to live out of your suitcases for the next week or so!”

On a shoestring

Although this is a good travel idiom, it can actually apply to all situations. Anything that happens on a shoestring is done with a very small budget, keeping costs as low as possible.

“I’m backpacking around Asia next year but I’m traveling on a shoestring.”

Find some more money-related idioms here .

Hit a roadblock

This is a saying with two meanings. An actual roadblock is something used by the police to stop the illegal activity of a driver. As a travel-related idiom, to hit a roadblock refers to something getting in the way and stopping you from making progress in a project.

“The new contract negotiations were going well but we’ve hit a bit of a roadblock now.”

This is not to be confused with the one below.

Hit the road

Here’s a very popular travel idiom; so popular, in fact, that you’ll hear it in many songs like “ Hit the Road Jack “. To hit the road simply means to depart on a journey.

“Well, it’s getting late, so I think it’s time we hit the road.” “The car is all packed; let’s hit the road!”

You normally say this phrase when referring to traveling by car or going home, but it could be used in other circumstances.

Catch the sun

A lot of these travel idioms focus on going on vacation. For most people, a vacation means time in the sun. To catch the sun is to spend enough time in the sun that your skin burns or develops a tan.

“Won’t be long until I’m catching the sun in Spain.” “Looks like you have caught the sun today.”

You may also hear catch some rays , which means to sunbathe.

If you’re heading off for a summer vacation, make sure you check out some idioms about summer before you go. There are expressions to suit every season, in fact: winter , fall (autumn) and spring .

Pack light / travel light

People who travel light or pack light are careful not to bring unnecessary items. They keep their luggage to a minimum, whether for convenience or to avoid paying extra airfares for it.

“I always travel light.” “Much as I try to travel light, I always seem to need a huge suitcase.”

Travel on a full / empty stomach

Part of the joy of traveling is deciding what to eat! To travel on a full stomach means you have just eaten a lot and have no room for any more food. On the other hand, an empty stomach means you are very hungry as there is no food in you!

“I can’t have you traveling on an empty stomach. Let me make you a snack.” “I mustn’t travel on a full stomach. I get car sick.”

A mile a minute

Travel idioms can be a fun way to exaggerate your point. When you need to highlight that someone was traveling very fast, you could say they were moving a mile a minute . This saying comes from when cars had a top speed of 60 miles per hour and it was considered very fast.

“You must have gone a mile a minute to get here so fast!”

This fast idiom can also be used more generally to refer to anything done very quickly.

“She had the whole family to cook for and was chopping and mixing a mile a minute to get it all done!” “I could tell he was excited because he was talking a mile a minute. I couldn’t keep up.”

Off the beaten track / path

A beaten path or track is one that is well-used by other people. So, to get off the beaten track is to go somewhere unknown or more isolated.

“When we visit Thailand we like to get off the beaten track so we’re not just following the other tourists!”

Although it may seem similar to the next expression, this saying is more about a physical place than a direction in life.

Take the road less traveled

Here’s a travel idiom that may just change your life!

When you have a choice to make, people may advise you to take the road (or path) less traveled . This is an encouragement to think independently or unconventionally, rather than conforming to the norm and picking the option that everyone else would pick.

“I’ve decided to take the path less travelled and decline the job offer.”

Just to be very clear: this doesn’t have to be a decision related to travel. It could be about the type of job you choose, family options, education path, etc.

If you enjoy an adventure like this, also check out some action and adventure idioms .

Travel broadens the mind

Here is a little proverb that’s sneaked onto our list of travel idioms. A great reason people may give for seeing the world is that travel broadens the mind . You learn about different cultures, beliefs, and customs. You learn first-hand about history and taste new foods. Travel gives you a greater understanding and a new perspective on life.

“I’m so glad you’re taking a year to backpack Africa. Travel really broadens the mind.”

Spread your wings and fly/soar

Here is another travel expression that describes the freedom and liberty that comes with being able to wherever you like. We can liken this feeling to a bird spreading its wings to fly or soar above the world.

“You’re still young! It’s the best time to spread your wings and fly.”

This expression about freedom can relate to things other than travel, such as moving to a new place or beginning a new season of life.

travel the road meaning

Travel idioms featuring different modes of transport

We’re not done yet! Here are some more travel idioms, this time featuring or about different modes of transport.

In the driver’s seat

The person in charge of a situation and making the choices is the person in the driver’s seat .

“Mary took the week off, so Sam is in the driver’s seat.”

If you specifically need driving-related idioms more than travel idioms, there are plenty to refer to.

Catch a red-eye

Due to the size of America, it’s common to have long domestic flights. This is why this phrase is more of an American English idiom than British. A red-eye is a flight that departs late at night and/or arrives early in the morning, disrupting your natural sleep pattern and perhaps giving you red or bloodshot eyes.

“To make it to the wedding on time, we’ll have to catch the red-eye tomorrow.”

In the same boat

Normally, you’d use this saying in the context of a negative situation. To be in the same boat means that you and the people around you are all in a similar situation or experiencing the same thing.

“I know you’re cold, but we’re all in the same boat.” “The recent tax increases have hit us hard, but everyone is in the same boat.”

Here are some more idioms to use in bad situations .

Fly under the radar

Radars are used to detect things like planes or submarines. Someone or something that flies under the radar goes unnoticed or undetected, usually by people in authority.

“Let’s keep our heads down and hope we fly under the radar.”

As the crow flies

The straight-line distance from one location to another is measured as the crow flies . This is different from the distance needed to actually travel from one place to the other, since you usually need to navigate around roads, buildings, rivers, and other geographical features.

“The beach is only 2 miles away as the crow flies, but it’s more like 4 on the winding country roads.”

Find some more interesting bird idioms here.

Don’t forget to write

If you’re going to be traveling for a while, you’ll probably want to write to your friends and family back home. Traditionally this was done via letters or postcards, but now you’re more likely to email or use social media.

You can say don’t forget to write as a farewell, reminding the person to keep in touch while they are away.

“Have a fantastic trip, and don’t forget to write!”

It’s surprising how many idioms about writing are becoming obsolete as we turn to electronic methods of communication.

Float your boat

If you find something appealing, you can say that it floats your boat . It’s often used in negative constructions about things you don’t like.

“I think I’ll pass on the spring rolls, thanks. They don’t really float my boat.”

You can also use the expression whatever floats your boat to mean ‘whatever you like’ or ‘whatever makes you happy’.

“Listen, whatever floats your boat is ok by me.” “Peanut butter and tomato sandwiches sound a bit weird to me, but… whatever floats your boat.”

Occasionally, you may hear people use this in relation to a person, meaning that they find that person attractive. This could be considered rather sleazy, and there are better idioms about love and attraction that you could use.

Just the ticket

Here’s a travel idiom that can actually be used as a sentence on its own. Just the ticket is a way of expressing that something is exactly what is needed or wanted; a perfect solution to a problem.

“Brilliant! That’s just the ticket. Thanks.”

Be aware that this expression might sound a little old-fashioned nowadays. Find some other ways to describe good things here.

There really are plenty of boat and ship-related travel idioms. When you jump ship you move from one group, cause, or situation to join another.

“We heard the company was struggling, so Martha jumped ship as soon as she could.”

That ship has sailed

Sadly, when you hear the saying that ship has sailed , it means you’ve missed an opportunity. Perhaps something or someone is no longer available, or the situation has changed.

“Sorry son, that ship has sailed.”

Here are some more idioms about change that you can use.

Train of thought

If you didn’t know the meaning of the phrase train of thought , you’d struggle to work it out or make a logical guess! It’s the process by which someone reaches their decision; their line of reasoning to make a choice.

“I really don’t understand her train of thought, but she’s the boss, so we’ll do as she says.”

Have these idioms about travel inspired you to start planning your next adventure? Can you think of any others that should be on this list? Leave a comment to let us know!

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on the road

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“On the road.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/on%20the%20road. Accessed 28 Apr. 2024.

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Travel idioms & expressions

Get off to a flying start with holiday vocabulary.

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Get holiday inspiration with travel idioms

Welcome to our blog exploring the fascinating world of travel idioms and expressions . 

As avid travellers ourselves, we understand the excitement of embarking on new adventures. English is often the universal language that unites travellers worldwide, and we focus on holiday and travel vocabulary that is commonly used by native speakers.

Start your next holiday plans with these unique idioms and expressions.

Travel idioms and expressions

Meaning a strong desire to travel and explore new places.

Example After their trip through Europe, Sarah and Tom caught the travel bug and began planning their next adventure.

hit the road

Meaning to begin a journey or trip.

Example We need to hit the road early tomorrow morning if we want to reach our destination by noon.

off the beaten path

Meaning going to a less travelled or unconventional destination.

Example Instead of visiting the main tourist spots, we decided to venture off the beaten path and explore smaller villages in the countryside.

take the scenic route

Meaning to choose a longer route for the enjoyment of the view or experience.

Example Rather than driving along the motorway, we decided to take the scenic route through the mountains. It added a few extra hours to our journey, but the views were amazing.

off the grid

Meaning to be disconnected from technology or society, often experienced during remote or adventurous travel.

Example During our camping trip in the wilderness, we were completely off the grid with no phone or internet access. It was a great experience, but next time, I’ll stay in a hotel!

living out of a suitcase

Meaning to be constantly travelling or moving from one place to another.

Example I went travelling with friends after graduating university. After living out of a suitcase for a few months, it was refreshing to be back at home.

Holiday and travel expressions

get off to a flying start

Meaning to begin something with great energy and enthusiasm, like a trip or adventure.

Example Our holiday got off to a flying start with perfect weather and exciting activities planned for the week.

travel light

Meaning to pack minimally and carry only essential items while travelling.

Example We’re only going for the weekend, so remember to travel light and bring just what you need.

a change of scenery

Meaning a different environment or setting.

Example After weeks of working indoors, Anne decided to take a few days off and enjoy a change of scenery  in the mountains.

at the crack of dawn

Meaning very early in the morning.

Example We had to get up at the crack of dawn to catch the first train to the airport.

get away from it all

Meaning to escape from the pressures and routine of daily life by going on a vacation or retreat.

Example We booked a secluded cabin in the mountains to get away from it all and relax for the weekend.

a home from home

Meaning a place where you feel comfortable and at ease, similar to your own home.

Example We love staying at my aunt’s house in the holidays. It feels like a home from home , with its cosy atmosphere and familiar surroundings.

soak up the sun

Meaning to enjoy the warmth and light of the sun while relaxing outdoors.

Example While on holiday in Spain, we spent our days lounging on the beach, soaking up the sun and swimming in the sea.

Travel idioms for holidays

in the middle of nowhere

Meaning in a remote or isolated location.

Example On the way to our hotel, we took a wrong turn and ended up in the middle of nowhere with no phone signal. Thankfully, a local farmer spoke a little English and gave us directions.

travel on a shoestring

Meaning to travel with a very limited budget.

Example As college students, we travelled on a shoestring in Asia, staying in hostels and cooking our own meals to save money.

travel far and wide

Meaning to travel to many different places, often covering long distances.

Example Over the years, Andrew has travelled far and wide , exploring every continent except Antarctica.

make a pit stop

Meaning to briefly stop during a journey for a break or to refuel.

Example On our road trip to California, we made a pit stop at a roadside diner to grab a quick bite to eat.

packed like sardines

Meaning to be in a crowded or cramped space, often used to describe public transportation.

Example We were packed like sardines on the train, with barely enough room to move.

have itchy feet

Meaning to have a strong desire to travel or move from place to place.

Example Ever since he returned from his backpacking trip, David has had itchy feet and is already planning his next adventure.

travel in style

Meaning to travel with comfort and luxury.

Example To celebrate their retirement, our grandparents decided to travel in style on a luxury cruise around the world.

Have a great travel experience!

We have flown through 20 travel idioms and expressions that are frequently used by native English speakers. Let these idioms and expressions inspire your next adventure and serve as a reminder of the wonderful memories created along the way.

Tip: We recommend learning new vocabulary by topic, and to create examples that help you to remember new words and expressions. For English idioms about other topics, please visit our free vocabulary lessons .

Enjoy your travels and journey learning English too!

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travel the road meaning

Cambridge Dictionary

  • Cambridge Dictionary +Plus

Meaning of by-road in English

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  • Most of these curious little by-roads and lanes developed in Saxon times .
  • The iron bridge was built in 1824 to carry a by-road across the river .
  • I pictured a 1950s-style diner , on a dusty byroad somewhere in West Texas.
  • Driving in England can be confusing because of all the little one-lane by-roads.
  • orbital road
  • relief road
  • service road
  • the highways and byways idiom
  • thoroughfare
  • through route
  • through traffic


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  1. The saying 'The road less travelled'

    American origin. The road less travelled is the unconventional or uninvestigated option. More metaphorically, it is also used to refer to 'the life you never had' - what might have been had you made different choices. The notion is near to what is nowadays called 'alternative'.

  2. Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken: Meaning and Analysis

    Robert Frost, "The Road Not Taken" Poem. "The Road Not Taken" is a narrative poem, meaning it is a poem that tells a story. It was written in 1915 as a joke for Frost's friend, Edward Thomas. Frost and Thomas were fond of hiking together, and Thomas often had trouble making up his mind which trail they should follow.

  3. Robert Frost: "The Road Not Taken"

    "The Road Not Taken" begins with a dilemma, as many fairytales do. Out walking, the speaker comes to a fork in the road and has to decide which path to follow: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth …

  4. The Road Not Taken Poem Summary and Analysis

    Powered by LitCharts content and AI. Written in 1915 in England, "The Road Not Taken" is one of Robert Frost's—and the world's—most well-known poems. Although commonly interpreted as a celebration of rugged individualism, the poem actually contains multiple different meanings. The speaker in the poem, faced with a choice between two roads ...

  5. The Road Less Traveled

    Literal Meaning vs. Figurative Meaning. The literal meaning of the road less traveled paints the picture of a fork in the road in a forest. One path is visibly worn and well-used; the other path is overgrown from years of neglect. Figuratively, it represents making unique life choices that differ from the crowd, often leading to personal growth ...

  6. The Road Not Taken

    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both. And be one traveler, long I stood. And looked down one as far as I could. To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there.

  7. The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both. And be one traveler, long I stood. And looked down one as far as I could. To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there.

  8. The Road Not Taken

    "The Road Not Taken" is a narrative poem by Robert Frost, first published in the August 1915 issue of the Atlantic Monthly, and later published as the first poem in the 1916 poetry collection, Mountain Interval. Its central theme is the divergence of paths, both literally and figuratively, although its interpretation is noted for being complex ...

  9. The Road Not Taken

    Meaning of Stanza -2. Then took the other, ... He thinks he may come back one day to travel on the other road. However, he also has a feeling that his choice will confront him with new adventures and challenges. Though there is some regret over his choice, he realizes that the things he has encountered and the places he has visited, because of ...

  10. The Road Less Traveled

    The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.". This famous poem explains the phrase, the road less traveled. The speaker is standing in a yellow wood with two distinct paths before him. He takes a look and thinks about both ...

  11. The True Meaning of 'Two Roads Diverged in a Wood, and I Took the One

    The metaphor of the road is one that immediately evokes a journey, not just of the local or day-to-day kind, but of the life-defining sort: life as a journey, with many roads which we must travel along, and with many alternative paths which we must choose between.. But when we analyse Frost's poem more closely, we realise how inaccurate an interpretation of 'Two roads diverged in a wood ...

  12. The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost (Poem + Analysis)

    Summary. 'The Road Not Taken' by Robert Frost ( Bio | Poems) describes how the speaker struggles to choose between two roads diverging in the yellowish woods on an autumn morning. In the poem, the individual arrives at a critical juncture in his life, arriving at crossroads at last near "a yellow wood.".

  13. Wikipedia:Taking the road less traveled

    Metaphorically speaking, someone who takes 'the road less traveled ' is acting independently, freeing themselves from the conformity of others (who choose to take 'the road more often traveled. ' ), generally making their own choices, and perhaps leaving a new trail that will become the road more often traveled (until, of course, someone takes ...

  14. What do the fork in the road and the two paths symbolize in the poem

    Cite. In the famous poem, "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, the symbolic meaning of the phrases the fork in the road and the two different paths in the woods is that they represent the choices ...

  15. Road Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of ROAD is roadstead —often used in plural. How to use road in a sentence. roadstead —often used in plural; an open way for vehicles, persons, and animals; especially : one lying outside of an urban district : highway…

  16. 30 Inspiring travel idioms you won't want to miss

    Hit the road. Here's a very popular travel idiom; so popular, in fact, that you'll hear it in many songs like "Hit the Road Jack". To hit the road simply means to depart on a journey. "Well, it's getting late, so I think it's time we hit the road." "The car is all packed; let's hit the road!"

  17. ROAD

    ROAD meaning: 1. a long, hard surface built for vehicles to travel along: 2. If a vehicle is on the road, it is…. Learn more.

  18. On the road Definition & Meaning

    on the road: [idiom] traveling especially in a car, truck, bus, etc.

  19. Travel idioms and expressions

    Meaning. to be disconnected from technology or society, often experienced during remote or adventurous travel. Example. During our camping trip in the wilderness, we were completely off the grid with no phone or internet access. It was a great experience, but next time, I'll stay in a hotel!

  20. meaning

    4. When discussing modes of transport - road, rail, air, land, sea, river, canal, etc, we use 'by'. In the UK, it is cheaper to travel by bus than by train. Travelling by air is usually more expensive, but quicker. If we are discussing the type of vehicle or craft, we can use 'on' or 'in' before the word for the conveyance: a car, boat, ship ...

  21. Why did God make salvation such a narrow path?

    Jesus made it clear: the path to eternal life is open to everyone who asks. However, the gate to heaven is "narrow" in the sense of having a particular requirement for entrance—faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation is found only in the Person of Jesus Christ; He is the only way ( John 14:6 ). The "wide" gate is non-exclusive; it allows for ...

  22. BY-ROAD

    BY-ROAD meaning: 1. a small road that not many cars or people travel on: 2. a small road that not many cars or…. Learn more.

  23. The Meaning Behind The Song: Road Less Traveled by Lauren Alaina

    Alaina is singing about taking the road less traveled, the one that isn't easy, but she knows it will be worth it in the end. The verses paint a picture of Alaina's journey, and the challenges she faced along the way. "The path of least resistance. Is the road that everybody goes.