‘Star Trek’: All 39 Classic TV Main Characters Ranked, From Spock to Wesley (Photos)

A look back at the TV franchise’s many memorable classic characters before the explosion of streaming shows like “Discovery”…and its handful of duds

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In its half-century history, “Star Trek” has challenged us to boldly go where no one has gone before. The best characters have often encouraged vigorous debate among Trekkies, as they are compared by their rank and species and evaluated for differences in their flaws and virtues. The worst — we’re looking at you, “Voyager” and “Enterprise” — leave fans wondering if there’s a point to their existence. 

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A quick note, to keep the list manageable, we’re restricting the list to the main cast of the five “Trek” TV shows before the recent explosion of streaming series like “Discovery” and “Lower Decks.” That means you won’t be seeing movie villains like Khan or recurring characters like Q. But let it be said that if we did include him, Q would top the list by several light years.

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39. Wesley Crusher (The Next Generation) By far the most hated character in “Trek” history. A super-genius kid who would on more than one occasion save the Enterprise while others with infinitely more experience struggled. Even the man who played him, Wil Wheaton , hated him.

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38. Travis Mayweather (Enterprise) No backstory, no fears, no desires. No “Trek” crew member was more pointless and two-dimensional than Mayweather, except perhaps for …

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37. Hoshi Sato (Enterprise)   … a poor man’s Uhura whose sole purpose was to serve as a translator for the crew since the technology for the Universal Translator hadn’t been invented yet. Like many of the characters at the bottom of this list, Rick Berman and Brannon Braga were unable to flesh Sato out beyond her basic premise.

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36. Neelix (Voyager) And now for the “Voyager” portion of our list, starting with the ship’s mohawked chef. He never fit into the show’s plots, leaving him to spout dumb food jokes and platitudes of optimism to the weary crew.

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35. B’Elanna Torres (Voyager) Next we have the Human/Klingon hybrid lieutenant, whose entire personality too often boiled down to her being a hothead. In truth, she seemed to be designed as a mix of Worf and Tasha, but failed to even come close to being as memorable as either of them.

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34. Chakotay (Voyager) Another character that the writers ran out of material for. At best, Captain Janeway’s right hand man was a dull character. At worst, the attempts to honor Gene Roddenberry ‘s dedication to diversity by delving into Chakotay’s Native American background came off as too stereotypical.

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33. Tom Paris (Voyager) A slightly better character who had more defined relationships with other crew members, but many of the episodes that focused on him were just variations on him being the stereotypical hotshot pilot looking for a thrill.

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32. Harry Kim (Voyager) His friendship with Paris and awkward conversations with Seven-of-Nine were enjoyable to watch, but other than that he tended to be just a stiff ensign who spouted technobabble.

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31. Malcolm Reed (Enterprise) The inventor of the “red alert” system. Unlike Sato and Mayweather, Reed had a bit of a character arc as he spent his time on the Enterprise coming out of his shell, but this didn’t result in Reed becoming much more than a generally affable but nondescript character.

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30. Deanna Troi (TNG) Take a shot every time this Betazoid started a sentence with the words “I sense …” Troi spent several seasons in low-neckline outfits, serving as a counselor on a ship that rarely had any real conflict. Eventually, she was given a uniform like the others and allowed to play a role in missions, but only at a very late point in the series.

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29. Jonathan Archer (Enterprise) When “Enterprise” started, Archer was an interesting captain. As Starfleet’s first man in charge, he was bound to make mistakes, and viewers enjoying seeing how he got out of them. Unfortunately, the struggle got stale quick, as he became the “prototype” captain instead of developing into a leader in his own right.

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28. T’Pol (Enterprise) Though Jolene Blalock’s acting could sometimes be as ridiculous as her fanservice outfits, the first Vulcan Starfleet officer’s slow embrace of her illogical humans was interesting to watch, as was her struggle to cope with a disease that dissolved control over her emotions. 

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27. Phlox (Enterprise) Armed with a massive grin and years of medical experience, NX-01’s Denobulan doctor is what Neelix could have been, providing both regular humor and the basis for episodes that explored his values and relationship with a human race still getting used to interacting with aliens. 

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26. Jadzia Dax (Deep Space Nine) An interesting blend of previous personalities. Over the course of six seasons, Dax showed Worf’s intensity, Kirk’s swagger, and Spock’s curiosity. Part of this is due to the fact that she’s bonded with a symbiont that has the memories of countless past lives. It’s also due to inconsistent writing, particularly after she hooked up with Worf in Season 4.

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25. Quark (DS9) The Ferengi started as the Alpha Quadrant’s amoral mafia, but DS9 began to show their capacity for courage and compassion, though they would be loath to admit it. In spite of his insistence that he’s nothing but a cowardly smuggler — and he can be that — Quark proves to be a valuable ally to Sisko when the chips are down.

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24. Tasha Yar (TNG) Oh, where to start with Tasha. She was a rather polarizing figure, with some people appreciating her status as a more involved woman on the bridge, while others thought she was rather obnoxious. She was killed off near the end of season 1, but was brought back in the episode “Yesterday’s Enterprise,” which was praised for showing Tasha’s true potential as a character while giving her a better send-off.

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23. Tuvok (Voyager) This is where the characters really get good, starting with the Voyager’s resident Vulcan. Tim Russ proved to be a worthy successor to Leonard Nimoy , portraying Tuvok as a loyal friend to Janeway and a Vulcan with a dark side beneath all the discipline and repressed emotions.

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22. Doctor (Voyager) Easily the most popular character in the “Voyager” cast, this sarcastic, overworked medical hologram won fans over with his exasperated jokes and quest for respect from the rest of the Voyager crew. His non-organic status also allowed him to bond with Seven-of-Nine

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21. Pavel Chekov (Star Trek) Several members of the original Enterprise crew were not fleshed out on paper, but became beloved thanks to brilliant acting and natural chemistry between the cast. Take Chekov, who became a fan favorite because of his loyalty to Mother Russia as well as the blood samples he was constantly asked to provide.

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20. Nyota Uhura (Trek) Though she was vastly underutilized, Uhura’s presence on the Enterprise was a big step forward for African-American women in television. After being skipped on the chain of command for years, Uhura finally got to take charge of the Enterprise during a rescue mission in the animated series.

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19. Hikaru Sulu (Trek) Like Chekhov’s Walt Koenig and Uhura’s Nichelle Nichols, the two-dimensional Sulu became legendary thanks to George Takei . For a long time, Sulu was known for being a cultured gentleman and a bare-chested fencer , but he got his big moment in the movie “Star Trek VI” as captain of the Excelsior.

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18. Seven of Nine (Voyager)   Like Uhura, Troi, and T’Pol, Seven of Nine was the fanservice character of her series, but her introduction to “Voyager” is an episode for the ages. As a former Borg unit brought to Janeway’s side, Seven continued the tradition of rounding out alien races that were once bitter Federation enemies by showing just why someone would want to be assimilated.

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17. Miles O’Brien (TNG/DS9) Midway through “TNG,” the writers realized there was value in fleshing out the Chekovs in their cast. Miles started as a seen-but-rarely-heard recurring character who eventually became a star on “DS9” thanks to episodes that transformed him into Starfleet’s quintessential everyman.

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16.  Charles “Trip” Tucker III (Enterprise) Perhaps Trip’s ranked too high, but let’s throw “Enterprise” a bone. He was the most interesting character on the show, serving as a right hand man to Archer, a lover to T’Pol, a fighter, a scholar, and ultimately, a martyr to the Federation.

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15. Julian Bashir (DS9) One of the more strongly-defined character arcs in the “Trek” canon. Bashir started the series as a cocky but inexperienced crew member who eventually developed into a mature member of the crew as the Dominion War raged on.

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14. Beverly Crusher (TNG) Unlike her son, Dr. Crusher was a popular “TNG” cast member. Not only was she a compassionate medic, she was a capable fighter and leader who even got to take command of the bridge on a couple of occasions.

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13. Kathryn Janeway (Voyager) The Voyager’s captain has become the basis for much debate among Trekkies. In addition to her character swinging from mother figure to ruthless general depending on the writer, Janeway threw away the Federation rulebook in ways that even Kirk would be shocked by as she tried to guide the Voyager back home. Say what you will, but Janeway is an interesting figure in the “Trek” canon, which is why she’s ranked so high. 

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12. Montgomery “Scotty” Scott (Trek) The miracle worker of the Enterprise treated his ship like a beloved daughter. Whether it was attacked by Romulans or Tribbles, Scotty would always make sure that his beloved ship would make it out in one piece. Unfortunately, as the new movie “Star Trek Beyond” shows, Scotty’s counterpart in the reboot universe can’t say the same about his Enterprise.

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11. Geordi La Forge (TNG) The Enterprise-D’s sweet engineer would often insist that some engineering marvel that would save the day is impossible, only to do it in minutes when pressed. His finest moments as a character came when he helped Data learn how to be more human, often to mixed results.

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10. Kira Nerys (DS9) While “Trek” tackled many philosophical topics, religion was not one of them for a long time. Kira changed that, along with many other things. A firm believer in the Prophets and in terror tactics, Kira’s tough past on Bajor caused her to lock horns with the lofty ideals of the Federation members she had to work with on DS9.

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9. Worf (TNG/DS9) The Klingon lieutenant started the trend of turning enemies from past series into complex characters who became vital Starfleet crew members despite cultural differences. Worf has had more appearances and story arcs than almost any other “Trek” character, including rising through Starfleet’s ranks, joining the DS9 crew, becoming a father, and preventing a civil war on his homeworld.

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8. Odo (DS9) One of the most powerful twists for any “Trek” character came in “DS9,” when Odo discovered that he was a member of the race that leads the Dominion. Sisko’s number one was forced to choose a side: his race or the people they wished to exterminate. In the end, there’s only one reason he stays with the Federation: his deep love for Kira.

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7. Benjamin Sisko (DS9) Commander of Deep Space Nine, Captain of the Defiant, and one of the most conflicted characters in “Trek” history. Sisko proved to be a truly fearsome captain, but gained that reputation through brutal actions that compromised his ideals. His internal conflict was a driving component behind DS9’s deconstruction of Gene Roddenberry ‘s utopia through war and racial conflict.

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6. Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Trek) While he wasn’t as fleshed out as Kirk or Spock, Bones didn’t need to be. DeForest Kelley’s sardonic delivery worked perfectly with both the Captain and the Vulcan, as he served as the voice of reason to keep them both level.

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5. William Riker (TNG) Number One started out as a rehash of Kirk, right down to the cocky smirk. Then came the beard, and with it a fierce sense of duty and undying loyalty to Picard. Both were put to the ultimate test in “Best of Both Worlds,” when he uttered the words that became one of the most famous cliffhangers in TV history: “Mr. Worf … FIRE.”

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4. Data (TNG) The funniest and most thought-provoking supporting crew member ever. Data’s overly analytical approach to human minutae made him a charming android, and his status as a sentient A.I. gave birth to “Measure of a Man,” one of the franchise’s most important contributions to sci-fi.

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3. James T. Kirk (Trek) The original captain, whose appeal hasn’t waned in the slightest over the past five decades. Kirk is the perfect mix of geek and space cowboy, serving as a sort of John Wayne figure for the sci-fi crowd. 

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2. Spock (Trek) “Trek” has built its legacy on alien outsiders making observations about the human race. That began with Spock, whose Vulcan blood put him outside of our species while his human blood kept him tethered to it. From his pointy ears came endless ruminations on the nature of humanity and whether we will overcome our differences and reach the stars together.

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1. Jean-Luc Picard (“TNG”) Yep, we’re planting our flag firmly in the Frenchman’s territory when it comes to the “Best Captain” debate. If Spock began the “Trek” philosophizing, Picard perfected it. He is a diplomat and a scholar, and remains so despite suffering torture and countless near-death situations. He is the embodiment of the intellect-over-brutality ideal that “Star Trek” built its legacy on.

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“Ensign Lachlan Blackford, reporting for duty ma’am!” “You don’t need to announce yourself every time you report for galley duty, Lachlan. We all know you here. Now grab a tray and start collecting those empties.”

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Star Trek is an expansive universe with a wide variety of sentient species inhabiting planets across and within multiple quadrants of space. These differences are physical, cultural, and technological as well!

When choosing names for Star Trek characters you should take into account the culture the individual was raised in, as well as their species and political affiliation.

Good Star Trek Names

Good Star Trek names reflect the culture and backstory of the individual possessing it.

  • Zared Nylund
  • Liam Haught
  • Xavier Thoran
  • Benedict Armiger
  • Walker Bucanan
  • Rory Lavigne
  • Zivven Vasser
  • Odessa Frakes
  • Skye Tronstad
Winona Bucanan Winona has recently graduated from Starfleet Academy and is working toward the position of ship’s counsellor. She excels in the academic setting, but will she manage to maintain the high standards she requires of herself when faced with the messy reality of fieldwork?
  • Karina Irani
  • Eloise Vanlith
  • Zorina Kader
  • Iria Basset
  • Yvone Castillon
  • Grisoan th’Main
  • Yevak th’Rressa
  • Thelev ch’Shishria
  • Kenga ch’Arhin
Thisoan ch’Vrothi Thisoan is fascinated with Federation technology. It was the reason he joined StarFleet. The first time he saw a starship? Revelatory. Though sometimes he feels a bit betrayed at how hard he has to work to understand it all.
  • Tura ch’Mais

Female Star Trek Names

Female naming conventions usually vary with culture, so be sure to do some research for ideas!

  • Elyssa Holtz
  • Bianca Graydon
  • Yvone Hames
  • Felicia Carthen
  • Karla Rhyne
  • Luna Bentzen
  • Regine Linkovich
  • Jala Faulknen
  • Heather Kingston
Shavand zh’Koria Shavand loves the hands on possibilities of being a science officer on an exploratory vessel. There always seems to be a good fight on away missions to new places, either against local flora and fauna or the elements. She enjoys it a bit too much, perhaps.
  • Krani sh’Egdas
  • Yevak sh’Resa
  • Kori sh’Vressa
  • Thoria zh’Fochi
  • Makbar Mosesk
  • Ular Ghemarr
  • Siana Telle
Kora Eltal Junior Communications Officer Kora Eltal talks too fast. She always has. But how else is she supposed to fit in learning all of the languages in the Federation? There’s so little time and so much to do! And say!
  • Nasian Zara

Male Star Trek Names

Male naming conventions usually vary with culture, so be sure to do some research for ideas!

  • Jet Forgrave
  • Valen Kader
  • Hawk Rackham
  • Newton Wyrick
  • Baen Galven
  • Ewan Haught
  • Vaughn Hewett
  • Flynn Avison
  • Anleth ch’Faire
Owen Bechtel Owen dreams of having his own command one day. He’s still an ensign, still working the lower decks, but he says yes to everything and takes every opportunity to stand out. It’s caused some interesting situations, to say the least, but he’s not discouraged yet!
  • Thani th’Vrosia
  • Shaalim ch’Regda
  • Mara ch’Irias
  • Shrallev th’Kerria
  • Kovat Tajak
  • Tekov Darhem
  • R’Kasa
R’Tara R’Tara was not prepared for the realities of life in cetacean ops, but working on navigation was what she loved and what she lives for, so she’s adapted. She still hopes one day to sit at the helm proper, so until that happens she’s happy to keep working in the depths of the ship.
  • Ka’Klaa
  • Ri’To
  • Ka’Ka

What is your favorite thing about Star Trek? Which series was the first one you ever watched? Who is your favorite character? What made you want to play in the universe? Let us know in the comments below!

Robert Berg

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Star Trek Names

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But what if you want to go deeper into space, or perhaps “go boldly where no man has gone before?” Step aboard the Starship Enterprise to choose a meaningful and pop-culturally relevant Star Trek-inspired baby name for the Next Generation.

Lest you fear we’re only going to suggest the obvious cast from season one like Spock (a twofer homage to Star Trek, The Original Series and the famed baby doctor) or Kirk (though we do like the name McCoy, after Dr. “Bones” McCoy in TOS, for boys and girls) – worry not. These Star Trek-inspired baby names are cultivated from the cast rosters of all its incarnations, from the original series that debuted in 1966 to the most recent version now available online, Picard.

Each of these names works on its own without even knowing any Star Trek references, but it’s a little sweeter for a nerd if you do. So, when someone admires your child, saying “Oh, Jet? Like the Lt. Commander on Star Trek: Discovery played by Tig Notaro?” – you’ll know by association that you’ve found your tribe.

Here are some of the most “down-to-earth” Star Trek-inspired baby names (or pet names):

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Ayala  — A provisional lieutenant aboard Voyager (seasons 1 – 7) and the surname of a California senator and his namesake school, it’s a fluid name that rolls easily.

Bryce  – Surname of the Discovery communications officer (season 1-3) and junior lieutenant. Also a given first name and name of several spots in the American west.

Dax  –  A xenomorphic character in the fictional Star Trek universe, the Dax life form is a Trill that lives inside humanoid hosts like Jadzia and Ezri in Deep Space Nine .

Grace  – Actor Grace Lee Whitney was known for her TOS role as Janet Rand and returned for subsequent Star Trek films. From the Latin, Gratia.

Ishka  – From Deep Space Nine season 3 and 5-7, Ishka is a philanthropic female Ferengi who is the mother of bar-owner Quark and his little brother Rom.

Kimara  – Portrayed by Adrienne Barbeau (Rizzo in Grease ) Kimara Cretak is the name of a Romulan representative on season 7 of Deep Space 9 .

Kira  – The surname comes first for Deep Space Nine character Kira Nerys and her kin, as is Bajoran custom. Possibly derived from Hindi/Sanskrit Kiran, ‘giver of light.’

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Kirk  – A Scottish and Northern English word meaning “church,” or more specifically the Church of Scotland. Surname of the original Enterprise captain, James T. Kirk.

Maxwell  – A vice admiral on Starfleet Command, the human character Maxwell Forrest appeared on Star Trek: Enterprise (seasons 1-4).

Leeta  – A Dabo girl for the betting game and Deep Space Nine resident who later married Rom, this Bajoran name sounds the same as that of female wrestler, Lita.

Leland  – Or “Lee.” Star Trek: Discovery (season 2) — a commanding officer in Section 31. Originally the name is Old English for “lives by unseeded land.”

Linus  – A science officer on Discovery and the son of Apollo in Greek mythology, it’s a respectable name that would do well to emerge from the shadow of Peanuts .

Mila  – A Cardassian housekeeper in seasons 3 and 7 of Deep Space 9 , Mila is also a female Slavic name from Eastern Europe meaning “gracious” or “dear.”

Miri  – Diminutive of the name Miriam, recorded in Biblical Hebrew, and the name of the eighth episode in TOS and its teenage title character played by Kim Darby.

Nilsson  – The name of a female officer in seasons 2 and 3 of Discovery , we also like the name for boys as an homage to American songwriting great Harry Nilsson.

O’Brien  – Miles and Molly O’Brien are a human couple on Deep Space Nine and aboard the Enterprise. He is the only major character who is Irish, from Ireland.

Owen  – Owen Paris is a cast member on the Pathfinder Project in Star Trek: Voyager . It’s Welsh, dating back to the reign of Henry VIII, meaning “noble-born.”

Jet  – Jet Reno is Lt. Commander on Discovery , played by stand-up comic and actor Tig Notaro. Can be masculine or feminine, it’s common in Dutch-speaking countries.

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Cristobal  – Cristobal ‘Chris’ Rios is a character on Star Trek: Picard who, at first, is reluctant to help the hero of this new series debuting this month on CBS All Access.

Sela  – A mixed-race Romulan commander in the Romulan Empire, Sela appears in seasons 4 and 5 of Star Trek: The Next Generation .

Seska  – A Cardassian who appears in Star Trek: Voyager , Seska was genetically altered to appear Bajoran in order to steal Maquis secrets. Pretty name, though.

Sisko  – The mostly-human extended family group built around Benjamin Sisko in Deep Space Nine . Also spelled “Sisco” as a distinguished Spanish surname.

Tiberius  – It’s what the “T” in James T. Kirk stands for. A Latin name used throughout Roman history. Feminine form is Tiberia, for both, shorten to Ti.

Tora  – Artist Tora Ziyal is a Bajoran/Carsassian resident of Deep Space Nine . The word means “tiger” in Japanese.

Una  – Also known as Number One on Star Trek: Discovery , Una was a first officer on the USS Enterprise . Of Latin origin, popular in Ireland, means “one” or “lamb.”

Winn  – A Bajoran religious leader on Deep Space Nine, it’s not just half the name of a grocery store chain (Winn Dixie). Nice, preppie sound to it and goes with anything.

When you’re trying on these tried-and-true handles, consider the trajectory of Star Trek: what began as a small weekly television show in 1966 has evolved into one of the greatest entertainment franchises of all time, weaving its way into the fabric of our existence with socially progressive and scientifically brilliant projections of life in the faraway future. That’s an inspirational legacy for anyone.

So, if you’ve been beamed up by these Star Trek-related names for your little Enterprise, but find yourself on the final frontier without a clear choice on the horizon – consider the name of the man who created it all: Eugene Wesley Rodenberry, who went simply by “Gene.” Here’s the full list of Star Trek characters to date on Wikipedia.

Kellie Flanagan is a writer and producer for print, broadcast and web, with credits in all media including short and long-form documentary. As a child actor Kellie played Candace on The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The Andy Griffith Show, and the original Star Trek in the episode Miri.

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My Mom's a Nerd

115 Star Trek Baby Names | Unique Creative Ideas

May you live long and prosper with this massive list of Star Trek baby names! From ordinary names like William or Ashley, to intergalactic ones like Dolim and Icheb, you’ll find something you like!

And these make interesting names for pets, fictional characters and more!

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Star Trek Baby Names for Girls

I love that these Stark Trek baby names for girls run the gamut from normal to totally sci-fi! Use caution when choosing something too out there for a child!

Alynna Nechayev is the admiral of Starfleet in Star Trek. Her name means noble.

Alyssa Ogawa is the nurse on the USS Enterprise. Her name might mean noble type. Or it could relate to the alyssum flower.

Amanda Grayson is a Vulcan in the Star Trek series. This name means loveable .

Ash Tyler is the Chief Security in Star Trek: Discovery. This unisex name refers to the ash tree. Or, for girls, it can be short for Ashley.

Ayala is the Security Officer in Voyager. In Hebrew, Ayala means doe or female deer .

Bareil Antos is a resident of Bajor in Star Deep Space 9. This unique name was invented for the series!

B’Elanna Torres is a half-human, half- Klingon in Voyager. This exotic-sounding name is actually a combination of Belle and Anna.

Beverly Crusher is a medical officer in the Star Trek series. Her name isn’t common in the US, and it means beaver stream .

Carol Marcus is a biologist in the Star Trek movies. Her name may mean song , or can be a short form of Caroline, which is a feminine form of Charles

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Chell is the Engineering Officer in Voyager. It can be a name on its own or be short for Michelle.

Christine Chapel is a Star Fleet Commander in Star Trek IV. This gorgeous name is actually uncommon in the US!

Deanna Troi is a half-human, half-betazoid in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Her name means heavenly. 

Degra is a Xindi scientist in Enterprise. This name is pretty wild, I’d be hesitant giving it to a baby!

Erika Hernandez is a commanding officer aboard the NX-02 in Enterprise. In Latin, Erica means heather .

Evek is a Cardassian in the Star Trek Series.

Ishka is a Ferengi in DS9. Her name means princess in Armenian. 

Jadzia is a Trill Science Officer in Deep Space 9. It’s actually a Polish name meaning battle.

Now here’s a name you don’t hear often! Janice Rand is a Starfleet officer in Star Trek. Her name is a form of Jane.

Jannar is a Xindi in Enterprise. It could mean beautiful world.

CafePress Starry Trek Night Large Mug 15 oz (444 ml) Ceramic Coffee Mug

A Starry Trek Night ! Love it! Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Jennifer Sisko is a Starfleet Officer aboard the USS Saratoga in DS9. Meaning: white phantom.

Joann Owosekun is the Operations officer on the USS Discovery in Star Trek. Her name means YAHWEH is gracious. 


Kasidy Yates is a freighter captain in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Cassidy means curly haired .

Kathryn Janeway is a human aboard the USS Voyager. This name dates all the way back to the 4th century and might mean pure.


Princess Paradise Rubie's Baby Classic Star Trek Swaddle, 0 to 3 Months

I love this s tarfleet new recruit blanket ! Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Katrina Cornwell is the Admiral of Starfleet in Discovery.  Meaning: pure

Keiko O’Brein is a botanist in Star Trek. Her name means wholesome child.

Kes is an Ocampa civilian aboard the USS Voyager. Her name could be short for Kestrel, or just a fun, short name on its own.

Keyla Detmer is the Helmsman in Discovery. Her name might mean crown of laurels .

Kimara Cretak is a Romulan representative in Deep Space 9. What an interesting name! It could be a combination of Kimberly and Tamara, which means date palm.

Kira Nerys is a Bajoran in Deep Space 9. Her name could be a form of Cyrus, which means young,  or lord .

Li Nalas is the Bajoran Liaison Officer in DS9. This unisex name can come from Hebrew or Japanese. 

Leeta is a Bajoran in Deep Space 9. She’s actually named after a pre-production coordinator from the Star Trek crew!

Popfunk Star Trek Recruit Stamped Baby Onesie Bodysuit, 6 Months

This onesie would make a great nerdy pregnancy announcement! Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Lore is an android in TNG. Although the character looks male, his name could work as a nickname for female names like Laura, Lauren, or Eleanor.

Mallora is the chairman of the Xindi Council in Star Trek: Enterprise. Although the character is male, it reminds me of the name Mallory and could work for a female!

Mila is a Cardassian in Deep Space 9. Her name means dear.

Mora Pol is a Majoran scientist in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Did you know Mora or Moira are variations of Mary, which means beloved ?

Naomi Wildman is the captain’s assistant in Voyager. In Hebrew, Naomi means pleasantness .


Kira Nerys is a Bajoran in DS9. Her last name is actually a Welsh name that means lady .

Opaka Sulan is a Bajoran leader in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Her name could come from the Hungarian name Opika.

Phillipa Georgiou  is a commanding officer aboard the USS Shenzhou in Discovery. Meaning: friend of horses

CBS Fox Star Trek OS Tricorder Cushion Pillow, Blue/Black

I never knew there was such a thing as a tricorder pillow but that’s hilarious! Click the image to see more details on Amazon.

Rebi is a passenger aboard the USS Voyager. In Japanese, her name means beautiful. 

Robin Lefler is the Engineering Officer on the USS Enterprise. Did you know Robin was a nickname for Robert in medieval times? Now it’s regarded as its own name! 

=Related Post: Medieval Baby Names =

Sarah Sisko is a holophotographer in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Meaning: lady, princess, noblewoman

Saru is first officer of the USS Discovery. In Japanese, her name means monkey .

Sela is a Romulan officer in Star Trek: The Next Generation. In Hebrew, her name means rock .

Seska is a Cardassian in Voyager. Her name could be a variation of Franchesca, or a completely unique name!

Sylvia Tilly is an engineering officer in Star Trek: Discovery. Meaning: forest.

Susan Nicoletti is the engineering officer in  Voyager. The name Susan means lily or rose .

Tal Celes is a Bajoran crewman on the USS Voyager. In Hebrew, Tal is a unisex name that means dew.

Tasha Yar is the chief of security in The Next Generation. Did you know Tasha is a nickname for Natasha, meaning Christmas day?

Sylvia Tilly is an engineering officer in Star Trek: Discovery. Tilly is a nickname for Matilda, meaning strength in battle . 

getDigital Tea Tin, Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. - Metal caddy with lid for loose leaf tea storage - Shows the replicator interface from a classic Sci-Fi TV Show - Capacity 17 fl oz

How about a tea replicator ? Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Tora is a Bajoran in DS9 Her name is a feminine version of Thor! 

Nyota Uhura is the Communications Officer in Star Trek. Gene Roddenberry adapted her name from the Swahili word for freedom . 

Winn Adami is a Bajoran in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. In Welsh, her name means blessed or fair.

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Star Trek Baby Names for Boys

I was surprised at just how many Star Trek names are normal, real-world names you might hear every day! Of course, there are a lot of alien and invented names too, so you have a huge variety to browse through!

Airam is the Science officer in Star Trek: Discovery. Meaning: unknown 


Alexander Rozhenko is Warf’s son in The Next Generation. His name means defender of men 

Bareil Antos is a resident of Bajor in Deep Space 9. His surname is actually a Hungarian version of Anthony! 

Azan is a civilian passenger aboard The Voyager. In Arabic, it means to listen . 

Fun with Kirk and Spock: Watch Kirk and Spock Go Boldly Where No Parody has Gone Before! (Star Trek Gifts, Book for Trekkies, Movie Books, Humor Gifts, Funny Books) (Star Trek: A Parody)

Even adults will enjoy this Star Trek picture book ! “See the Enterprise. See the Enterprise go boldly. Go Go Go, Enterprise! Go Boldly!” Click the image to see more details on Amazon.

Beckett Mariner is the ensign aboard the USS Cerritos in Star Trek: Lower Decks. His name might mean brook or stream. 


Benjamin Layfeyette Sisko is a Commanding Officer in DS9. Meaning: son of the south 

R.A. Bryce is the Communications Officer in Discovery. His name means speckled.


Christopher Pike is a Starfleet admiral in Star Trek. His name means bearing Christ. 

Damar is a Cardassian in Deep Space 9. In Indonesian, this name means light or lamp . 

Dolim is a Xindi Council member in Enterprise. Meaning: unknown 

Elim Garak is a Cardassian in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Despite his extraterrestrial origins, his name actually comes from ancient Irish! 

Enabrin Tain is the leader of the Cardassian Obsidian Order in Deep Space 9. Meaning: unknown 

Ezri Dax is a Trill Counselor in DS9. In Hebrew, it means my helper.

FAMETEK Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-D – Replica Bluetooth Speaker, Engine Noise Sleep Machine, Night Light, Sound Effects – Memorabilia, Gifts, Gadgets, Collectibles for Star Trek Fans

Who wouldn’t want an Enterprise night light ? Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Maxwell Forrest is a Vice Admiral in Starfleet Command in Enterprise. As you probably guessed, this name means forest .

Gabriel Lorca is a commanding officer aboard the USS Discovery. Meaning: God is my strong man

Geordie La Forge is Chief Engineer in the Star Trek series. His name means farmer.

Icheb is a Brunali aboard the Voyager in Star Trek. Meaning: unknown 

Jake Sisko is a Deep Space 9 resident. His name means healer.

Captain on the Bridge Vinyl Decal Sticker

Forget the baby on board sticker, I want one of these! Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

James Tiberius Kirk is the Captain of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek: The Original Series. Did you know the name James actually is a variation of Jason?

Captain Jean-Luc Picard is the Captain of the USS Enterprise. His name is the French form of John and means YAHWEH is gracious. 

Jet Reno is the chief engineer of the USS Hiawatha in Discovery. His name may refer to the black stone, or could be short for another name.


Jonathan Archer is the Commanding Officer in Enterprise. Meaning: YAHWEH has given. 

Joseph Sisko is a restaurant owner on Earth in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. The name Joseph means he will add .

Julian Bashir is the Chief Medical Officer aboard Deep Space 9 in Star Trek. This name could refer to the Roman god Jupiter.

Would you rather use the famous Captain’s last name? Kirk means church. 

K’Ehleyer is an ambassador in TNG. I don’t recommend spelling anyone’s name with so many extra letters! Kyle or Kyler are much easier to write and pronounce. These names mean channel or strait. 


Benjamin Layfeyette Sisko is a Commanding Officer in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Lafayette means plantation of beech trees .

CelebriDucks Mister Squawk Floating Rubber Ducks - Collectible Bath Toy Gift for Kids & Adults of All Ages

Leonard McCoy (Bones) is the Chief Medical Officer in Enterprise. And of course, Leonard Nimoy played Spock. Meaning: brave lion

Lon Studer is the Engineering Officer in Voyager. His name is short for Alonzo.

Luther Sloan is an intelligence operative in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. His name means army of people .

Malcolm Reed is a tactical officer in Enterprise. This name means disciple of Saint Columba. And Columba means dove .

Carol Marcus is a biologist in the Star Trek movies. The name Marcus refers to Mars, the Roman god of war.

Maxwell Forrest is a Vice Admiral in Starfleet Command in Star Trek: Enterprise. Meaning: Max’s stream  

There are several Michaels in Star Trek. First, Michael Burnham is the Science Officer aboard the USS Discovery. And Michael Eddington is a civilian in Deep Space 9. Michael means who is like God?

Miles O’Brein is a crewmember in the Star Trek series. The name Miles means gracious .

INTIMO Star Trek Beam Me Up Scotty Transporter Room Silk Touch Fleece Plush Throw Blanket

I wish my blanket was actually a teleporter! Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Montgomery “Scotty” Scott is the Chief Engineer in the Star Trek series. Meaning: the ruler’s mountain 


Neelix is a Talaxian ambassador in Voyager. Meaning: unknown 

Odo is the Chief of Security in DS9. Sometimes this name is spelled Otto. Either way, it means wealth or fortune. 

Owen Paris is a Starfleet commander in Star Trek: Voyager. Meaning: youth

Paul Stamets is the Chief Engineer in Discovery. His name means humble

Pavel Chekov is a character in the Star Trek series. His name is a form of Paul, often used in Russia.

Phillip Boyce is the Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Enterprise. Meaning: friend of horses

Phlox is a Denobulan medical officer in Enterprise. His name is an obvious reference to the phlox flower, and it means flame in Greek.

Quark is a Ferengi bar owner in Star Trek. This super nerdy name refers to theoretical subatomic particles. 


Reginald Barclay is Starfleet Commander in Star Trek. His name is a combination of Old German words meaning advice and ruler. 

Star Trek Wireless Charger with Built-in Backup Battery Pack for Wired and Wireless Charging. Portable Wireless Phone Charger with Starfleet Illuminated Logo. StarTrek Gifts, Collectibles, Gadgets

Can’t go wrong with a Federation of Planets induction charger ! Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Rhys is a tactical officer on the USS Discovery. In Welsh, his name means enthusiasm. 

William Riker is the first officer of the USS Enterprise. Riker is actually a form of Richard, and means brave ruler .

Ro Lauren is the Bajoran comms officer in The Next Generation. This name could be a short version of many other names!

Rom, the Ferengi, is Quark’s younger brother in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. His name means height in Hebrew.

Sarek is Spock’s father in Star Trek. Meaning: unknown 

Montgomery “Scotty” Scott is the Chief Engineer in the Star Trek series. The name Scott initially referred to someone from Scotland. 

Silik is a Suliban in Enterprise. Meaning: unknown 

Soval is the Vulcan ambassador to Earth in Star Trek: Enterprise. Meaning: unknown 

Spock is the Chief Science Officer of the USS Enterprise. Gene Roddenberry invented his name!

Hikaru Sulu is a commanding officer and helmsmen in the Star Trek series. Meaning: unknown 

Star Trek Starfleet Academy Alumni T-Shirt

Any one would look awesome in a Starfleet Academy Alumni Shirt ! Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Tom Paris is the helmsman of the USS Voyager. His name means twin .

Tomalak is a Romulan in TNG. This name was invented for the show!

Travis Mayweather is the helmsman of the Enterprise. Historically, this name was given to someone who lived near a bridge or river crossing. 

Vash is an archaeologist in Star Trek.

Wesley Crusher, played by Wil Wheaton, is a character in the Star Trek Series. His name means west meadow.

Weyoun is a Vorta in Star Trek

William Riker is the first officer of the USS Enterprise. Meaning: will helmet

Related post: need more names that are out of this world? Check out this post with Star Wars inspired names!

Zek is a Ferengi in Deep Space 9.

Wrap up- Star Trek Baby Names

top star trek baby names for girls and boys

I hope this massive list of Star Trek baby names inspired you! While Spock might not be great for a child, there are plenty of normal and unique names to choose from!

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The Best Original Star Trek Characters, Ranked

The characters of Star Trek: The Original Series are some of the most recognizable in pop culture, and here are the best of the best.

In 1966, Star Trek aired its first episode on NBC. Created by Gene Roddenberry and set in the year 2266, Star Trek followed the crew of Starship Enterprise, who were on a five-year mission to explore strange new worlds, seek out new civilizations, and go where nobody had gone before. While the series only lasted three seasons with 79 episodes airing, Star Trek endured as a piece of pop culture and generated a massive, passionate fanbase in syndication that kept the show going in the public consciousness long after it aired. The show's popularity eventually led to a series of high-profile films that reunited the cast of the original series, which started in 1979 with Star Trek: The Motion Picture and ran for six films until the release of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country in 1991.

One of the major appeals of Star Trek was its characters. While it was a science fiction series and promised audiences wild adventures, the budget and technological limitations made the Star Trek rely heavily on its characters to carry the series. From an adventurous captain, a half-alien science officer, and a crew who represented the diverse culture and ethnicity Earth had to offer, Star Trek: The Original Series had something for everyone; the characters became pop culture icons, with the actors reprising their roles in feature films even when movie stars were getting younger. The characters were so popular that telling the team's origin story and recasting them was a major selling point of restarting the franchise in 2009's Star Trek . These are the best characters from Star Trek: The Original Series .

9 Christine Chapel

Christine Chapel was the ship's nurse and was an important part of the crew for the series' three seasons often used to contrast Spock's Vulcan nature. Played by Majel Barrett (who was originally cast as the role of Number One in the first Star Trek pilot), she went on to marry Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry and was the voice of the Enterprise computer. Sadly the character was reduced to small minimal roles in Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home , and was completely absent from the Kelvin reboot films (with only two off-screen mentions); however, the character is set to return to Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, and will be played by Jess Bush.

8 Pavel Chekov

Introduced in season two as a way to appeal to a younger audience, Pavel Chekov is a Russian-born navigator of the ship and is 17. The series cast Walter Koening in the role and gave him a hairstyle reminiscent of The Beatles and The Monkees to show his youthful charm. Including a Russian character on television in the 1960s, during the height of the Cold War, was a big move and one that speaks to the overriding optimism of the Star Trek franchise that the future can and should be better than the present.

7 Hikaru Sulu

The ship's helmsman, Gene Roddenberry created Hikaru Sulu to represent all of Asia in an attempt to show the peace of the future that Star Trek takes place. Sulu was played by the larger-than-life actor George Takei , whose signature voice gives the character's dialogue a great deal of weight and helps sell the reality of the series. One of Sulu's most defining features is his large list of hobbies, establishing a well-rounded character with a life outside his job. Sulu has an interest in botany, gymnastics, and fencing.

Related: Star Trek 4: Will the New Kelvin Film Challenge the Imagination?

After the series, Sulu rises through the ranks over the course of the films as he is promoted to lieutenant commander in Star Trek: The Motion Picture and eventually Captain of the USS Excelsior in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country .

6 Montgomery "Scotty" Scott

Montgomery Scott aka Scotty is the ship's engineer, third in command, and has a close connection to the Enterprise, often taking care of it the way a parent would a child. Played by actor James Doohan , Scotty is often a source of comedic relief across the original series and films. Scotty often provides a sense of warmth and charm to the stories' events, and throughout the original series and original six films, he stays as the lead engineer for the ship, showing somebody who is truly doing what he loves.

5 Khan Noonien Singh

Though only appearing in one episode of the original series, Khan Noonien Singh (played by Richardo Montalbán), there is a reason this one-off character was brought back to be the main villain in a Star Trek film. A genetically-powered superhuman who controlled more than a quarter of planet Earth in the 1990s, Khan and his crew were frozen in suspended animation, only to be awakened by the crew of the Enterprise in the future.

After attempting to take control of the Enterprise from Kirk, Khan and his crew are marooned on Ceti Alpha V to start a new colony of their own. The character makes a return in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, looking for revenge against Kirk, and ends up sticking a critical blow to the crew by indirectly causing the death of Spock. Khan is the most dangerous foe the Enterprise Crew ever faced, and even after just one episode it was clear the character had more stories to tell, with Benedict Cumberbatch playing him prominently in the reboot films, and the character having a connection to Strange New World s .

4 Leonard "Bones" McCoy

The ship's leading medical officer, Bones is one of Kirk's best friends and often someone Kirk can talk to and seek advice from. His status as a doctor means Bones typically advocates for courses of action that could reduce harm. Played by DeForest Kelly, Bones created part of the series' central triangle of character dynamics between the central leads. Bones is defined by his emotions, sardonic wit, and his compassion, which often comes into conflict with Spock's cold logic. Bones and Spock may differ in approach, but the two have a strong mutual respect for one another, and it is because of Bones that Spock is able to return to life in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock .

Related: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Plot, Cast, and Everything Else We Know

Bones also may have the two most popular lines in Star Trek . "He's dead Jim" and "I'm a doctor, not..." are not just popular in terms of Star Trek, but in the wider popular culture lexicon as well. Bones is a character who heals but provides a great source of comedy and levity in some of the series' more intense moments.

3 Nhoyot Uhura

Uhura is the ship's translator and communications officer, and the character, played by Nichelle Nichols , was a major leap in terms of representation on television. Uhura was one of the first major starring roles for a Black woman on television, and the kiss between her and Kirk in the 1968 episode "Plato's Stepchildren" was one of the first major depictions of an interracial kiss on television. Uhura's importance extends outside the series but into the larger world, as seeing a Black woman in a major role on a television series being treated as an equal to her peers was the promise of the utopian future Star Trek promised its audience.

It was a major source of inspiration for stars like Whoopie Goldberg (who went on to play Guinan in Star Trek: The Next Generation ) and Dr. Mae Jemison, the first Black woman to fly aboard the Space Shuttle, and even President Barack Obama. When Nichols considered quitting Star Trek , one important fan convinced her not to: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Uhura made a statement that television could be a place for everyone.

2 James T. Kirk

The captain of the USS Enterprise, James T. Kirk is one of the most popular characters in all science fiction. He is a man of action who will solve a problem with his fist, but also is an academic who can negotiate peace. Kirk is a ladies' man, but also someone with a rich soul who deeply cares for others. Surprisingly, the character was not originally in the original series pilot. Yet the character, and the acting of William Shatner in the role, is what helped launch Star Trek into the franchise audiences know and love today, as Kirk and Shatner are the perfect blend of melodrama and camp that gave Star Trek the energy it needed.

Kirk became the model archetype of a science fiction hero for young audiences, very much in the vein of pulp heroes like Doc Savage of Flash Gordon. Kirk's characterization is so well-defined in popular culture, he has been parodied and referenced outside of Star Trek extensively over half a century, and Shatner's status as Kirk eventually led to him at the age of 90 being flown to space in the Blue Origin sub-orbital space shuttle , making him the oldest person to fly in space. Every subsequent captain in Star Trek media is defined by how similar or different they are to Kirk. With Captain Kirk at the helm, audiences were fully on board for the adventures of the USS Enterprise.

Kirk may be the captain, but ask any random person and the first thing they think of when they think of Star Trek is Spock . The half-human, half-Vulcan science officer of the Enterprise, Spock is the ship's second in command and Kirk's best friend, and while the character is often known for using logic to solve issues, Spock is defined by his humanity and grows over the course of the franchise the more he embraces it.

Perfectly played by Leonard Nimoy, the character was originally rejected by the network for appearing to be satanic . Yet Spock has become the face of the franchise, as the character appeared in all six original films with the crew and was featured in an important episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation ; the return of Leonard Nimoy in the role in the reboot films after years away was considered a passing of the baton to the cast of the 2009 Star Trek . Spock's numerous memorable quotes from "logical," "live long and prosper," and "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one," have helped define the franchise. Spock is the best that Star Trek has to offer.

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Anton Yelchin and Walter Koenig, who deserve all the love, both as Pavel Chekov

40 (Okay, 40+) Best ‘Star Trek’ Characters Ever

Image of Rebecca Oliver Kaplan

I love Star Trek and am not shy about shouting that fact at the top of my lungs. (Hopefully, Klingons would be proud.) So, believe me when I say how difficult it was to whittle my list of best franchise characters down to only 40 (well, 40-ish, as some entries include more than one).

Because of the difficulty of this task, I’m the first to admit that many notable fan favorites don’t appear on this 40 best Star Trek characters list, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love them.

42. T’Pol ( Star Trek: Enterprise )

T'Pol in Starfleet uniform

As the first Vulcan to serve in Starfleet , T’Pol (Jolene Blalock) paved the way for Sarek’s children, Spock and Michael Burnham, to serve on human vessels. One night, while dining with Jonathan Archer and Trip Tucker onboard the Enterprise NX-01, she tells the two Starfleet officers a story about Vulcans, including her second foremother, T’Mir, who crash-landed on Earth in 1957 and lived in Carbon Creek, PA. If true, the first contact between Vulcan and Earth actually happened much sooner than the date officially celebrated.

41. Neelix ( Star Trek: Voyager )

Neelix (Ethan Phillips) feeds Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew)

Neelix (Ethan Phillips) has the most important job to do onboard the U.S.S. Voyager , keeping everyone fed.

40. Grilka ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine )

Grilka (Mary Kay Adams)

Grilka (Mary Kay Adams) is one of a few Klingon women in charge of her house in a predominantly male-dominated society. Although the character only appeared in two episodes of Deep Space Nine , she inspired High Chancellor L’Rell, according to Mary Chieffo herself.

39. Elnor ( Star Trek: Picard )

Evan Evagora as Elnor

No Star Trek list would be complete without the addition of a sexy sword guy. In Picard , Elnor (Evan Evagora) joins Tasha Yar and Jadzia Dax in the done dirty on the Black Mountain shortlist.

38. Mirror Philippa Georgiou ( Star Trek: Discovery )

Pictured (l-r): Michelle Yeoh as Captain Philippa Georgiou; Chris Obi as T'Kuvma.

Mirror Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh) can kick so high that she could have been a can-can dancer, not a ruthless empress. And when she teams up with prime universe Burnham, her moves get even better.

37. Captain Angel ( Star Trek: Strange New Worlds )

Jesse James Keitel as Captain Angel in Star Trek: Discovery

The Serene Squall ‘s Captain Angel, played by trans actor Jesse James Keitel, not only brings Spock’s emotional brother Sybok back into the Star Trek Universe but also shows that being trans doesn’t mean you have to be good .

36. Seven of Nine ( VOY / PIC )

Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) and Rafi (Michelle Hurd) kiss in Star Trek: Picard

Always intended to be a queer character, per behind-the-scenes conversations , Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) finally came into her sexuality when she started a romance with Raffi in Picard . Originally, Seven’s return was going to be complicated by the return of her Voyager love interest, Chakotay (Robert Beltran), but luckily, that storyline fell through when Beltran declined to return to his role.

35. Rok-Tahk ( Star Trek: Prodigy )

Rok-Tahk, Zero, and Surf of Star Trek: Prodigy

Rok-Tahk (Rylee Alazraqui) is a Brikar, an alien species originating in the Beta canon (dope!). A whiz kid in science and mathematics, the young Brikarian is a great role model, showing young girls that STEM is cool and inspiring the next generation of Star Trek fans .

34. Mae Jemison ( Star Trek: The Next Generation )

Mae Jamison

Real-life hero, NASA astronaut, and engineer Dr. Mae C. Jemison was the first Black woman to travel to space when she served as a mission specialist aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor in 1992. On more than one occasion, Jemison has been open about being inspired to become an astronaut after seeing Nichelle Nichols as Nyota Uhura in Star Trek: The Original Series. A few years after her historic space flight, the astronaut appeared in the Star Trek: The Next Generation season 6 episode “Second Chances.”

Honorable Mentions: Captain James T. Kirk actor William Shatner has also gone to space, and the overlook effect changed his whole perspective on life , as well as astronaut Katya Echazarreta, another real-life hero citing Star Trek as part of what inspired her to start a flagship program for South American youth hoping to go to space, according to a Comics Beat interview .

33. Kathryn Janeway ( VOY / PRO )

Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway sips a hot beverage

Star Trek’ s first female captain. ‘Nuff said.

32. Hoshi Sato ( ENT )

Linda Park as Hoshi Sato

Hoshi Sato (Linda Park) is such a badass in linguistics and language that even communications genius Nyota Uhura cites her as a hero. Sato, who, in a fit of delirium, bypasses all of the Enterprise NX-01’s security codes, stating mathematics is just another language.

31. D’Vana Tendi ( Star Trek: Lower Decks )

Beckett Mariner, D'Vana Tendi, and T'lyn in a Orion bar

We don’t blame D’Beckett Mariner for having a crush on D’Vana Tendi (Noël Wells), ex-Mistress of the Winter Constellations. As the first Orion to join Starfleet, Tendi has overcome her fair share of obstacles to get placed in the Science Officer training program, including the prejudices of her fellow crew.

30.* Top Dog Noonien Singhs ( TOS / SNW )

Ricardo Montalbán as Khan and Christina Chong as La'An

All I’m going to say is I would bet a whole crate full of gold-pressed latinum Khan Noonien Singh (Ricardo Montalbán) would prevail against Darth Vader. Plus, Khan’s ancestors are way more compelling: give me La’An (Christina Chong) over Luke any day; after all, she can sing and kick ass.

29. Agnes Jurati ( PIC )

Agnes Jurati (Alison Pill) singing Pat Benatar in a red dress

Agnes Jurati (Alison Pill) has one of Star Trek ‘s most satisfying character arcs—from a Daystrom Institute lackey to an ascended leader of the Jurati collective. I’d karaoke Pat Benatar with Jurati any day of the week ( Star Trek Musical, Part 2?).

28. Christine Chapel ( TOS / SNW)

Nurse Chapel actors Jess Bush and Majel Barrett-Roddenberry

Always an understated badass in Star Trek: The Original Series , Christine Chapel (originated by Majel Barrett-Roddenberry, now played by Jess Bush) finally came into her own in SNW .

27. Worf ( TNG / DS9 / PIC )

Jonathan Drakes as William Rider and Michael Dorn as Worf, son Mogh

Worf (Michael Dorn) might be the worst father in Starfleet, but he’s a damn fine Klingon warrior, security officer, captain, ambassador, and husband to Jadzia Dax.

26. Charles Tucker III ( ENT )

Trip Tucker (Connor Trinneer) gets pregnant

Trip Tucker (Connor Trinneer), whom I fondly call “Florida Man” because of where he is from, serves as Chief Engineer aboard the Enterprise NX-01, fielding all the poop questions sent in by Earth’s children.

25. Pavel Chekov ( TOS )

Anton Yelchin and Walter Koenig, who deserve all the love, both as Pavel Chekov

It might not seem like it now, but it was a big deal when TOS introduced Russian navigator Pavel Chekov, originally played by Walter Koenig, who also wrote one of the best Star Trek: The Animated Series episodes, “The Infinite Vulcan.” In Picard , we learn that Chekov’s son “Anton,” named after the late actor Anton Yelchin, who played the character in the Kelvin universe, also serves in Starfleet.

24. Michael Burnham ( Star Trek: Discovery )

Mia Kirshner as Amanda Grayson, Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael Burnham, and James Frain as Sarek in Star Trek: Discovery.

The first leading Black woman captain says on the Star Trek: Discovery season 2 commentary that her appearance in the role has actually changed the minds of racists. ‘Nuff said.

23. Katrina Cornwell ( DISCO )

Jayne Brook as Admiral Cornwell in season 2, episode 14, "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2"

Sometimes it seems like Starfleet is full of badmirals, not Admiral Cornwell (Jayne Brook), who has the difficult task of leading the Federation through a war with the Klingons.

22. Harry Kim ( VOY )

Garrett Wang as Harry Kim; Kim is playing an instrument

Ensign Harry Kim (Garrett Wang) deserves all the promotions he was never given. GIVE US MORE KIM! Live logs and proper, Captain Kim.

21. Nyota Uhura ( TOS / SNW )

Three Uhuras

Nyota Uhura’s (Nichelle Nichols) role in TOS significantly impacted the number of Black women entering STEM. In fact, it had such an impact that when the actress considered leaving the series, Martin Luther King begged her to reconsider. Today, Nichols’ legacy is being honored by a trailblazing Black queer actress, Celia Rose Gooding, in SNW .

For fans of J.J. Abrams’ movies, a third triple threat joins the two triple threats: Zoe Saldana, who does a superb job playing Uhura in the Kelvin Universe.

20. Borg Queens ( VOY / PIC / LDS )

Borg Queen actors (L-R): Susanna Thompson, Alice Krige, Annie Wersching, and Jane Seymour

What’s better than one Borg Queen? All Borg Queens, whether it’s Jane Seymour, Alice Krige, Susanna Thompson, or Annie Wersching.

19. Lwaxana Troi ( TNG / DS9 )

Captain Picard (Sir Patrick Stewart) and Lwaxana Troi (Majel Barrett-Roddenberry)

Deanna Troi’s mother, Lwaxana (Majel Barrett-Roddenberry), loves hard-to-get men like most Betazoids. But she doesn’t need a man to feel sexy; sometimes, a puddle is enough.

18. Raffi Musiker ( PIC )

Michelle Hurd as Raffi

To celebrate Raffi’s sobriety NA-style: Happy Birthday, Raffi (Michelle Hurd)! As the second sober woman of Star Trek after T’Pol’s brush with addiction in ENT, she’s the living embodiment of why not to judge a book by its cover.

17. Dr. T’Ana ( LDS )

Doctor T'Ana saws off a foot in Lower Decks

The furry fandom finally got a well-developed character to love when Star Trek: Lower Decks ‘ introduced the Caitian Chief Medical Officer, Dr. T’Ana (Gillian Vigman), to the franchise. Meow!

16. Geordi La Forge ( TNG / PIC )

LeVar Burton as Commodore Geordi La Forge in Star Trek: Picard episode 306, "The Bounty"

There are a lot of bad dads on this list. Not Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton); he’s a good dad to Sidney and Alandra. In Picard , we learn Geordi has been promoted to commodore, a rank fitting the engineering genius who inspired Captain Shaw.

15. Dr. Julian Bashir ( DS9 )

Bashir and Garak toast

“It ain’t easy being an augment” should be Julian Bashir’s (Alexander Siddig, who was originally considered to play Captain Ben Sisko) catchphrase. Fortunately, he has BFF Chief Miles O’Brien and his bisexual lover Garak.

14.* Star Trek: Discovery ‘s Queer Fam

Ian Alexander as Gray, Blu del Barrio as Adira, Anthony Rapp as Stamets, David Cronenberg as Kovich, Doug Jones as Saru and Wilson Cruz as Culber of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY.

Gay icons Wilson Cruz and Anthony Rapp made history as Star Trek ‘s first major queer couple, Doctor Hugh Culber and Paul Stamets, respectively. After the couple’s GLAAD Award-winning debut, the couple adopt two more members into Star Trek: Discovery ’s queer family: Adira and Gray Tal.

13.* All Known Jeffrey Combs Characters

Jeffrey Combs in Star Trek as Weyoun, Brunt, Sharon, and AGIMUS

Andorian Imperial Guard Commander Thy’lek Shran, played by Star Trek all-star Jeffrey Combs, is significant in strengthening ties between Andoria and Earth. No list would be complete without Shran, IMO, but the list of important characters played by Combs is out of this world. It includes Brunt, a liquidator for the Ferengi Commerce Authority; the Weyoun clones, all instrumental in the Dominion-Federation war; and AGIMUS, a sentient supercomputer who tricked a planet into fighting a century-long civil war and dated Peanut Hamper.

12. Katrina Cornwell ( DISCO )

11.* tribbles ( tos / ds9 / disco ).

Tribbles in Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Short Treks, and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

One of the most reproductive species in the galaxy was presented in an all-new light in the first season of Star Trek: Discovery. What the heck is Captain Gabriel Lorca doing with a Tribble on his desk? How does one use a Tribble recreationally?

Honorable Mention: Moopsy !

10. Guinan ( TNG / PIC )

Ito Aghayere and Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan

“My name is Guinan. I tend bar, and I listen.” Yup, hailing from a species of listeners, the El-Aurian confidant of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the rest of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D crew is the bartender we all wish we had—even Mark Twain valued her advice.

9. Harcourt Fenton Mudd ( TOS / DISCO )

Harry Mudd in TOS and DISCO

Rainn Wilson’s agent, thank you for persistently getting your client cast as Harry Mudd. Star Trek was funny long before LDS . Watch Mudd kill Lorca while eating a cheeseburger in DISCO season 1, episode 7, “Magic to Make the Sanest Mad,” if you don’t believe me.

8. Mr. Saru ( DISCO )

Doug Jones as Saru and Tara Rosling as T’Rina of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY.

Saru (Doug Jones) is the first Kelpian to receive Starfleet’s Medal of Honor. He also speaks 94 languages!

7. Queen Grudge

Queen Grudge the cat of Star Trek: Discovery

Partnered with courier Cleveland “Book” Booker, Queen Grudge is a Maine Coon, the largest domestic cat breed and one of the oldest bred cats in North America.

Honorable Mention: Spot, the OG Star Trek cat.

6. Erica Ortegas

Christina Chong as La’an, Melissa Navia as Ortegas and Babs Olusanmokun as Dr. M’Benga appearing in episode 204 “Among The Lotus Eaters” of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

M’Ortegas! The badass captain of Pike’s Enterprise deserves more away missions, and NOW!

5. Ensign Walking Bear

Ensign Walking Bear

Ensign Walking Bear (James Doohan) is a descendant of the Comanche. Russell Bates, a member of the Kiowa tribe, wrote the character.

4. T’Lyn ( LDS )

Gabrielle Ruiz as T'Lyn in episode 5, season 4 of Lower Decks

T’Lyn (Gabrielle Ruiz) continues the tradition of sarcastically humorous Vulcans.

3. Christopher Pike ( TOS / SNW )

Anson Mount as Pike in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

“You have really beautiful nail beds,” Sylvia Tilly tells Captain Pike the first time she meets him, which, to me, sums up how we all want to greet the man.

2. Jett Reno ( DISCO )

Tig Notaro as Chief Engineer Reno of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY.

Engineer Jett Reno, played by long-time Alex Kurtzman friend Tig Notaro, is the Han Solo of the Star Trek franchise. ‘Nuff said.

1. Dal R’El ( PRO )

Dal R'El and Hologram Janeway hug in Star Trek: Prodigy

Dal (Brett Gray) is the most snubbed captain in Star Trek, especially now that Paramount Pictures has eradicated Star Trek: Prodigy . As an augment accepted into the ranks of Starfleet, it’s especially sad that we may never see this storyline continue. 

Check out Gray’s music if you can’t get enough of this captain. Oh, and be sure to write to Paramount to complain. Go Trekkies, thanks for making Bjo Trimble proud.

(featured image: Paramount Pictures/CBS)

Gambit standing with tongs and in a crop top

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The 25+ Greatest Klingon Characters


Vote up your favorite Klingon characters from the Star Trek franchise.

For this poll we've created a list of the greatest klingons of all time, featuring klingons you know from movies, television, video games and more. Of course your favorite cartoon klingons are included, but this list doesn't only feature animated characters that can talk. If your favorite fictional klingon is missing, don't be salty- just add it to the list so that other people can vote for for it too!


What makes this character great:

  • Rank of Lieutenant Commander
  • Serious personality


  • Chancellor of the Klingon Empire
  • Close friends with Worf


  • Skilled warrior
  • Respected leader


  • Chancellor of the Klingon High Council
  • Defeated by Worf
  • Reinstated the House of Mogh


  • Friends with Kor, Koloth, and Curzon Dax
  • Pledged a blood oath


  • Member of Klingon High Council
  • Became Rodek
  • Fought in the Klingon Civil War


  • Human and Klingon ancestry
  • Mother of Alexander Rozhenko


  • Commander of a Klingon Bird-of-Prey
  • Tried to ambush the The Enterprise
  • Battled Kirk


  • Leader of the House of Grilka
  • Visited Deep Space 9
  • Married Quark

Duras sisters

Duras sisters

  • Captured Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge
  • Fought against the Empire
  • Members of the The House of Duras


  • Loves Shakespeare
  • Tried to frame Captain James T. Kirk for the assassination of Chancellor Gorkon


  • The first Warrior King and Emperor of the Klingon Empire
  • United all tribes
  • His legacy is passed down from generation to generation


  • Powerful warrior
  • Dahar master
  • Honored with a statue in the Hall of Heroes

B'Elanna Torres

B'Elanna Torres

  • Klingon-Human hybrid
  • Served on the Federation starship USS Voyager
  • Friends with Chakotay


  • Inspired the naming of the USS Gorkon
  • Promoted peace


  • Longest-serving Klingon Chancellor of the Klingon High Council
  • Named Jean-Luc Picard as the Arbiter of Succession
  • Great warrior in his younger days

Colonel Worf

Colonel Worf

  • Skilled attorney
  • Represented Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard McCoy
  • Unmasked a disguised Klingon sniper


  • Helped to start the Klingon Civil War
  • Sold bilitrium to Bajoran Kohn-Ma terrorists
  • Loyal to her sister


  • Officer in the Klingon Defense Force
  • Became friendly with Riker
  • Served on the IKS Pagh


  • Father of Worf and Kurn
  • Ally of Huraga's House
  • Followed Ja'rod to Khitomer

Alexander Rozhenko

Alexander Rozhenko

  • A weapons officer
  • Member of the House of Mogh and the House of Martok
  • Enjoys jazz


  • A mercenary
  • Hired by Verad
  • Distrusted the Federation

Duras, son of Ja'rod

Duras, son of Ja'rod

  • Leader of the House of Duras
  • Was a member of the Klingon High Council
  • Desired the chancellorship

Arne Darvin

Arne Darvin

  • An intelligence officer
  • Poisoned a shipment of quadrotriticale grain
  • Used the Orb of Time


  • Captain of I.K.C. Amar


  • A Klingon warrior
  • Member of the House of Duras
  • Attempted to take over the Klingon Empire
  • Star Trek Universe
  • Fictional Characters

Live long, and prosper.

Original Series Trivia


Star Trek Name Generator

Behold the final frontier of name inspiration! Our Star Trek Name Generator is the warp speed solution to give life to your newest Klingon warlord, whip-smart Vulcan scientist, or charismatic Starfleet officer. With a galaxy’s worth of options, this tool will generate unique, captivating names worthy of any interstellar persona you’re dreaming up. Get ready to take your stories, games, or films on an epic journey across the cosmos – all you need is the perfect name! Let the Star Trek Name Generator be your trusted copilot in this creative quest. Go forth and engage!

Generate Names

Popular male star trek names, popular female star trek names, what makes a good star trek name.

Creating a memorable Star Trek name is all about blending the exotic with the familiar. A good Star Trek name must vocalize an aura of otherworldliness, yet should be pronounceable by human actors and relatable to the audience. Think about well-known names, like Spock, Uhura, or Picard, they’re unique yet not so obscure that they would baffle viewers. In addition, try to draw inspiration from the character’s personality, appearance, or role – is your character logical, fierce, wise, or mysterious?

Another key factor in creating a Star Trek name is identifying the character’s species. Each alien race in Star Trek has its own naming conventions, much like how different cultures on Earth do. For instance, Vulcan names often include great vowel sounds, while Klingon names are harsher, comprising of hard consonants. Consider these conventions when creating a name. Done right, a good Star Trek name can give your audience an immediate sense of your character’s identity and cultural background in this vast and diverse galaxy. So, grab your Holodeck keyboard, a cup of earl grey tea, hot of course, and dive into the galaxy where no man has gone before – the art of Star Trek naming!

70+ Romulan Names From The Extended Star Trek Universe And Ideas For New Names

Recreation of a scene from Star Trek

Awesome Male Romulan Names From Star Trek

Female romulan names from the romulan empire, cool romulan ship names, unique non-canon romulan characters, great new male name ideas for your inner romulan, innovative romulan female name ideas.

The Romulans are a group of humanoids in Star Trek, living on the planet Romulus.

Even though they are closely related to the Vulcans, Vulcans and Romulans have some differences in them. Romulans are more xenophobic while Vulcans have been known to accept and maintain peace with other groups in the universe.

Now, coming to names, Romulans have a pretty easy naming system with the given name followed by their locative and family's clan name. Sometimes, the surnames change into maternal house names and the house names of their wives for the males as only males in the family change their surnames after marriage.

Interestingly, the Romulan ale, an alcoholic drink is banned within the Federation due to perhaps the turbulent relationship between Romulans and the rest of the Federation.

Anyway, without much ado, let's take a look at some of the best names from the Romulan culture! If you enjoyed this article, why not read about 70+ Star Trek baby names that Trekkies will love or the top 25 strongest female Jedi names ?

Take a look at these awesome Romulan male names from the Star Trek franchise:

1. Adrev This unique name served as the last name for the Romulan senator, Tenqem.

2. Alidar A part of the famed Romulan military, Alidar was an admiral. This is one of the more common Romulan names used as personal names.

3. Ayel meaning 'graceful'. This was one of the names of the supporting Romulans in the 2009 movie, 'Star Trek'.

4. Bidran Part of the Romulan Rebirth Movement, Bidran was a friend of senator Tenqem Adrev.

5. Bochra meaning 'good news'. Bochra was the name of a Romulan officer who served their empire in the 24th century.

6. Colius meaning 'sheath'. Colius was the name of one of the earlier administrative heads of the Romulan kingdom.

7. Decius meaning 'ten'. In the Star Trek universe, Decius is the first Romulan ever to make an appearance.

8. D'Tan This was the name of one of the Romulans who were for an unification with the Vulcans.

9. Elnor meaning 'noble or daring'. Elnor was a Romulan warrior whose name can be used for a lot of members of your family.

10. Hiren meaning 'the lord or ruler of diamonds'. Praetor Hiren was a major political figure in the 24th century of the franchise's timeline.

11. Jarok meaning 'ditch'. This was the surname of the Romulan admiral, Alidar. Admiral Jarok is one of the more famous Romulans in the Star Trek franchise.

12. Letant meaning 'from the meadow'. The name Letant was given to a Romulan politician in the 24th century.

13. Mendak Mendak was a Romulan military commander.

14. Mirok meaning 'someone who attains glory by bringing peace'. This was the name of scientist from Romulus.

15. M'ret was known to be a high-ranking official in the Romulan's administration in the 2360s.

16. N'Raj In the 32nd century, N'Raj was an elder from Romulus.

17. Neral While he served as a politician, Neral was one of the many Romulans whose families were killed in Klingon raids.

18. Nero meaning 'powerful'. Appearing as the main antagonist in the 2009 Star Trek movie, Nero was a Romulan commander who was out for personal vengeance against the Federation.

19. N'Vek was an officer who served in the Romulan Star Empire.

20. Pardek Serving the senate of Romulus for over 9 decades, Pardek was quite a powerful citizen of the planet.

21. Rekar Probably a play on the word 'wrecker'. Commander Rekar was a member of the Tal Shiar, which was a Romulan spy agency.

22. Setal meaning 'bristle'. Setal was one of the Romulans who served under Admiral Jarok.

23. Tomalak is one of the most influential military Romulans in the Star Trek franchise.

24. Tenqem This was the name of one of the many Romulans who were part of the Romulan Star Empire.

25. Valdore This name could be a play on the Canadian city Val-d'Or which translates into 'valley of gold' and the name was one of the military officers in the 22nd century.

These are some of the more popular Romulan female names:

26. Ba'el meaning 'lord'. This is the name of a female Romulan born out of the union of a Romulan male and Klingon female.

27. Caithlin meaning 'pure'. The name Caithlin was given to a Romulan ambassador to the planet, Nimbus III.

28. Donatra was the name of one of the female Romulans who turned commander.

29. Frenchotte Frenchotte was the name of an exiled music composer of Romulan origin.

30. Karina meaning 'pure'; from a daring female Romulan.

31. Kimara meaning 'twin of something/myself'. Kimara Cretak was a Romulan politician and her name could be used as a personal name.

32. Laris meaning 'oak'; the name of the Romulan housekeeper working under Jean-Luc Picard.

33. Narissa meaning 'daughter of Nereus/sea nymph'; a colonel for the Tal Shiar.

34. Oh used as an interjection; a female general in the Tal Shiar.

35. Rakal from the name of a murdered Romulan agent.

36. Ramdha There was a Romulan scientist by the name of Ramdha.

37 . Sela meaning 'rock'. Commander Sela was one of the most important Romulans in the Star Trek franchise, who tried to destabilize the Klingon Empire and the Federation.

38. Shira meaning 'poetry'; from the 32nd century Romulo-Vulcan character.

39. Tal'aura A very treacherous politician in the Romulan Empire's senate.

40. Zani meaning 'gift from God'. As part of the Romulan warrior nun order Qowat Milat, Zani gave her entire life to this order.

Different Romulan ships were known by different names like warbirds, mining vessels, scout ships, etc. Here are some cool Romulan starship names, warbird names, and names of other vessels.

41. Belak meaning 'fair-haired/pale-skinned'; a Romulan D'deridex-class warbird in the 24th century.

42. Dividices meaning 'to force apart or seperate'. This is one of the more common Romulan warbird names.

43. Devoras a warbird ship captained by Admiral Mendak.

44. Gasko meaning 'strength of God'; a Romulan starship.

45. Genorax a name assigned to a Romulan warbird ship.

46. Khazara The Imperial Romulan Warbird (IRW) Khazara was a D'deridex-class warbird.

47. Koderex a D'deridex-class warbird.

48. Makar meaning 'blessed'; from the Romulan warship.

49. Narada referring to a sage god in Indian mythology; from the Romulan mining vessel that was captained by Nero.

50. Pi meaning 'circumference'; from the Romulan scout ship with a similar name.

51. Preceptor meaning 'teacher'; from the 24th-century Romulan warship.

52. Scimitar meaning 'lion's claws'; Jean-Luc Picard describes the heavily-armed Scimitar warship as a predator.

53. Shaenor derived from a Romulan scouting ship operating in the 24th century.

54. Talvath moving away from warships, the Talvath was a Romulan science vessel.

55. Terix The term Terix was the name of a D'deridex-class warbird in the Romulan fleet.

There has been plenty of non-canonical work on Star Trek. Check out some non-canon names:

56. Ael meaning 'angel'; a Romulan female character in the novel 'My Enemy, My Ally'.

57. Chirok from the novel 'Balance Of Power'.

58. Korak from the non-canon novel 'The Romulan Prize'.

59. Selek from the novel 'Crossover'.

60. Zorak from the novel 'The Romulan Prize'.

These generated male names can be a great fit for your personal Romulan character:

66. Latai meaning 'gift from God'.

67. Soru meaning 'narrow/thin'.

If you are looking for new female names from Romulus, these could easily be your pick:

69. Caruna meaning 'sympathy'.

70. Ditam meaning 'to impose'.

71. Kavela meaning 'lotus'.

73. Pomo meaning 'those who live at red earth hole'.

75. Sirona meaning 'astral/stellar'.

Main image credit: Willrow Hood / Shutterstock.com

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More for you, 49 uniquely amazing names for boys, girls and pets, 91 super funky names that you haven't heard before.




Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia Stone Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia is an experienced Content Manager with a degree in French and Film Studies from King's College London and Bachelors degree from Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her passion for exploring the world and experiencing different cultures was sparked during her childhood in Switzerland and her year abroad in Paris. In her spare time, Georgia enjoys using London's excellent travel connections to explore further afield.

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I Am Black Sci-Fi

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star trek character names male

Written by William Satterwhite

July 22, 2016, featured | news.

From the very beginning, creator Gene Roddenberry’s vision for the world of Star Trek was an optimistic view of an Earth where humans had reached the pinnacle of understanding, a societal maturity where differences are not simply tolerated but embraced. A major part of this, from the very beginning, has been a diversity not only in major players but also supplementary characters. What follows here is a rundown of 10 non-starring black characters from the broad scope of the Star Trek universe who, each in their own way, represent the Star Trek vision.

Note- Only characters who are human or humanoid aliens virtually indistinguishable from humans were considered for this list.

Richard Daystrom

star trek character names male

Imagine for a second a television show establishing that one of, if not the, most brilliant scientist in the world was a black man responsible for not just one, but two, of the greatest technological creations known to man. In 2016 with someone like Neil deGrasse Tyson well known as a foremost scientific mind this might not seem like a big deal but this isn’t 2016- this is March 1968; no one has ever seen Planet of the Apes , Lyndon Johnson is running for President, Robert Kennedy isn’t and both Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and Bobby Hutton are still alive (in less than a one full month all of these statements would be flipped).

Dr. Richard Daystrom, played by the legendary William Marshall, is introduced in season two of the original Star Trek series as creator of the computer system that helps run ships like the Enterprise and whose new system is capable of running a ship by itself, sans crew. While the latter creation doesn’t quite work out in the end, showing a black man as one of, if not the, greatest scientific mind in the world in the turbulent 60s was an obvious way to show Roddenberry’s dream for the future realized.

star trek character names male

One of the few alien characters on this list, Guinan, portrayed by Whoopi Goldberg on Star Trek: The Next Generation , was an El-Aurian, a race of “listeners” scattered by The Borg. Serving as a bartender on the Enterprise, Guinan developed friendly relationships with many members of its senior staff, particularly Captain Picard. She also had great sense of style when it came to fabulous hats.

Captain Clark Terrell

star trek character names male

In command of the starship Reliant in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , Captain Terrell has the unfortunate luck of running into the vengeful Khan Noonien Singh. Simply described by his First Officer Chekov as a strong man, Terrell, played by the great Paul Winfield takes his own life instead of acting as as a pawn to take another’s.

Lily Sloane

star trek character names male

Considered a legend in space exploration within the Star Trek mythos, Doctor Lily Sloane is another example of the Star Trek universe taking great care to show black scientific leaders playing a crucial role in the humanity’s reach for the stars. Played by Alfre Woodard in the Star Trek: The Next Generation film First Contact, Sloane is an aeronautical engineer who works on the development of the first warp drive on Earth.

Commodore Stone

star trek character names male

Even before the original Star Trek series gave us a pioneering black scientist in it’s second season with with richard Daystrom, the first season episode “Court Martial” gave us another pioneering black Star Fleet official. In early 1967, the same year the United States Navy would see its first black Captain (Samuel L. Gravely, Jr., also to be the Navy’s first black admiral a few years later), classic actor Percy Rodriquez portrayed Commodore Stone, a top ranking Star Fleet officer who oversees the court martial of Captain Kirk.

Emory Erickson

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Played by actor Bill Cobbs, Emory Erickson is another one of the Star Trek universe’s examples of great black scientists. Developer of the molecular transporter, Erickson appeared on Star Trek: Enterprise where he was shown to be something of a surrogate father to Captain Jonathan Archer, both having lost the corresponding figure in their lives.

Kasidy Yates-Sisko

star trek character names male

As the name implies, Kasidy Yates-Sisko becomes the wife of Captain Benjamin Sisko on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . Introduced by Sisko’s son Jake and portrayed by actress Penny Johnson, the multi-faceted relationship between Yates and Sisko is another example of Star Trek guiding the way in a world of sci-fi where fully developed relationships between a black and a black woman are few and far between.

Calvin Hudson

star trek character names male

An old friend and Starfleet Academy classmate of Benjamin Sisko, Calvin Hudson was an experienced officer and leader who could inspire trust in his cohorts. Unfortunately that trust was misguided as Hudson, portrayed by Bernie Casey on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , was a double agent working with the rebellious Maquis.

Captain Silva La Forge

star trek character names male

While perhaps slightly more prevalent than black romantic relationships in the world of sci-fi, fully developed black familial relationships in sci-fi are unfortunately also a rare sight. With Geordi La Forge a key featured member of the Star Trek: The Next Generation crew, we are allowed to see the exploration of his family relationships and the stresses of being in a military/service type family as both his mother and father are members of Starfleet.

The mother Silva stands out as Captain of her own ship, though it is in this capacity that she becomes lost in action. Notably, this role was the fourth time that the late actress Madge Sinclair played the on-screen mother of LeVar Burton.

star trek character names male

Another standout from the initial Star Trek run, Don Marshall’s Lt. Boma represented another example of Star Trek being bold in its portrayal of black characters in the 60s by being just that- bold- as he engages in an episode long back and forth with Spock as the latter suffers through a trial of leadership while rescuing Boma and his shipwrecked crew.

Shown to be a highly competent and forceful officer, Boma was actually intended to be a recurring character but scheduling conflicts served to rob this character of an even greater role in the annals of Star Trek lore.

William Satterwhite is the creator of the superhero webcomic Stealth and a freelance designer, internet consultant and illustrator living in Douglasville, Ga. His professional website can be found at www.williamsatterwhite.info .

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Darkest Star Trek Characters

  • Characters like Lon Suder in Star Trek can have dark pasts and violent tendencies, adding complexity to the show's stories.
  • Thy'lek Shran is a formidable and unpredictable character in Star Trek, blurring the line between friend and foe.
  • Q, a powerful being in Star Trek , challenges the crew's morality and explores the darker aspects of human nature.

A character someone might describe as "dark" could be mysterious, frightening, or even dangerously clever. They might have evil or malevolent intentions, although that doesn't have to be the case. A lot of these nuanced characters can be found in the complex world of Star Trek , sometimes as a part of the long-term story or as a memorable one-off character.

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The whole Star Trek franchise has always had its darker moments, even in the earliest days of its shiny idealism, so this wasn't something that started with relatively new concepts like Section 31, which is the subject of an upcoming movie. The writers have been experimenting with the concept of the galaxy's inner darkness since the days of D.C. Fontana, and these are some of the most memorable characters who exhibit it.

A Rebel With Murder On His Mind

  • First Appearance: Star Trek: Voyager , S2E16, "Meld."
  • Played By: Brad Dourif

Lon Suder was a minor character who took on a pivotal role for a few episodes of Star Trek: Voyager . The episode "Meld" introduced him and his long personal history of violent tendencies that predated his career in space, and whatever was in his head was so disturbing it almost broke the highly disciplined Tuvok when he saw it for himself.

Part of the reason Suder joined the Maquis was that he thought that some real fighting with a rebel group would stem some of his more depraved tendencies, and for a while that seemed to work. However, he had only been working as an engineer on of the Voyager crew for ten months when he compulsively killed another crew member and hid the body.

The storyline of how Tuvok tried to help Suder lasted for a few episodes, and things might have turned out better for him had the ship not been attacked by a double agent with a biological weapon. Suder survived the attack and helped the holographic Doctor regain control of the ship, using some of the violent tendencies that he thought were suppressed, but he was ultimately killed by a Kazon soldier in the final battle.

Thy'lek Shran

Archer's "frenemy" from andoria.

  • First Appearance: Star Trek: Enterprise , S1E7, "The Andorian Incident."
  • Played By: Jeffrey Combs

A proud General of the Andorian Imperial Guard and the captain of one of its most powerful warships, the Kumari , Thy'lek Shran seemed an unlikely ally. However, a few mutually beneficial chance meetings and common grievances made him one of Captain Jonathan Archer's most reliable friends-in-need.

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Shran was a recurring character who seemed to have a similar mission to Enterprise, but of a more aggressive and offensive nature. He is outspoken and aggressive for the most part, which seems to be the custom of his people, but he has a talent for planning several steps ahead and maintaining an effective deadpan even when he has murder on his mind. Any time Shran appears, there's no telling which side he'll be on.

Gabriel Lorca

But was it even really him.

  • First Appearance: Star Trek: Discovery , S1E5, "Choose Your Pain."
  • Played By: Jason Isaacs

Gabriel Lorca was always a hard man, but one of his best and oldest friends, Katrina Cornwall, said the man she knew was "measured" and "reasoned" and that this person seemed to have a cold, vicious streak in addition to those qualities. Lorca's appointment as captain of Discovery , a ship with an off-the-book crew and experimental equipment on a shady secret mission, wasn't a coincidence. He was the ideal choice for the job.

Gabriel Lorca was calculating and ruthless, masterful at hiding his true identity as a mistaken refugee from the Mirror Universe , as Cornwall suspected and eventually confirmed. He pushed for the continuing development of the Spore Drive even though it was killing the tardigrade, for example, and most of his actions were part of a larger plan to get back home to the Mirror Universe.

A Double Agent With A Dark Past

  • First Appearance: Star Trek: Voyager , S1E11, "State of Flux."
  • Played By: Martha Hackett

Originally, she was Bajoran, and one of the more outspoken and reticent members of the Maquis rebellion, which was integrated into the Voyager crew. Despite some of the close relationships that she formed with her new shipmates, Seska wasn't discreet about her distaste for the Federation or Starfleet.

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After she needed medical attention, the Doctor discovered that she was actually a Cardassian who had been surgically altered to look Bajoran. Her excuse that the DNA was from a bone marrow transplant fell apart when she was confronted by Chakotay.

She then explained all of her dark plans, starting with pretending to be Bajoran while spying on Starfleet and the Federation for the Cardassian empire, right before her new Kazon allies transported her to their ship. Seska would be a recurring antagonist throughout the series, and she always had another dark and manipulative scheme to seduce new allies and destroy old ones.

Phenomenal Cosmic Powers And Cruel Pranks

  • First Appearance: Star Trek: The Next Generation , S1E1, "Encounter at Farpoint."
  • Played By: John de Lancie

Although the Q Continuum wasn't officially named in the annals of Starfleet until the time of TNG , it's likely they had already made a few appearances, such as in the TOS episode, "The Squire of Gothos." As an all-powerful being with powers similar to a god, Q made it clear from the beginning that he wasn't on anyone's side.

He insisted that his meddlesome visits to Captain Picard's ship were in the name of science or morbid curiosity. As the series progressed, and we learned more about his nature, it became more obvious that something darker was going on. The character of Q was a handy tool that the writers of Star Trek used to explore the sinister side of human nature if the species were to evolve to the same level of power.

Kodos The Executioner

A dark and tragic figure.

  • First Appearance: Star Trek: The Original Series , S1E13, "The Conscience of the King."
  • Played By: Arnold Moss

Outer space can be filled with grief and horror as much as joy and wonder, and this episode describes some of both. This is one of the darkest stories in the whole franchise, never mind TOS , and it deals with the generational problems of evil as much as its nuances.

He gained the nickname Kodos the Executioner after executing half the residents of a human colony to alleviate the threat of starvation. His efforts were seen as too much too soon, but before he could face justice, he was assumed dead, although his body was destroyed beyond recognition.

Years later, Kodos was rediscovered by two survivors of his purge, Captain James Kirk and one of his crew, Lieutenant Kevin Riley. He had taken on a new identity as Anton Karidian, the leader of a traveling group of Shakespearean actors, but his past followed him in the form of his daughter Lenore. She was secretly hunting down the last eyewitnesses from Talos IV and ending their lives before they could identify her father.

Created by Gene Roddenberry

Creation Year 1966

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Published Apr 10, 2024

A Brief History of the Progenitors in Star Trek

They designed life itself!

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains story details and plot points for Star Trek: Discovery 's "Red Directive ."

Filtered and stylized of a Progenitor from 'The Chase'


Captain Burnham's top-secret mission in the final season of Star Trek: Discovery has finally been revealed. But this time, the Discovery crew isn’t stopping a future-destroying A.I., or a lethal, extra-galactic force. Instead, they’re investigating the basic mysteries of why most species in the Star Trek universe look vaguely human.

As revealed in " Red Directive ," the search for technology used by ancient "Progenitors" sets-up a massive treasure hunt for the season. But, who are the Progenitors? What did Jean-Luc Picard know about the secrets of inter-species alien DNA? And how does all of this fit in with Gene Roddenberry’s earliest ideas for Star Trek ?

Here’s a brief history of the Progenitors, from the early 1960s, to the 24th Century, all the way to 2024, and the 31st Century.

The Real World-Origins of the Progenitors

Pike points his phaser towards at the Talosian magistrate while yeoman J.M. Colt, Vina, and Number One stand by his side on Talos IV's surface in 'The Cage'

"The Cage"

When the U.S.S. Enterprise first set out to seek out "new life and new civilizations," a huge swath of those alien lifeforms turned out to look a lot like human beings. And the primary reason for that, at least behind-the-scenes, was two-fold.

First, human actors are more affordable, and second, Gene Roddenberry wanted the classic Star Trek to avoid the sci-fi trope of "Bug-Eyed Monsters." And so, in one of the original 1964 pitch documents for Star Trek , Roddenberry floated the idea of "The Parallel Worlds" concept . The idea was that the format of Star Trek — from a writing and production standpoint — would generally deal with "...plant and animal life, plus people, quite similar to Earth. Social evolution will also have interesting points of similarity with ours."

Unlike a huge swath of science fiction on TV at the time, the promise of strange, new worlds, that were, in fact, populated by people , is something that set Star Trek apart, and was the cornerstone of what gave the series its humanist angle. But, the side effect of course, was an in-universe question — why were so many aliens humanoid?

The Old Ones, Sargon, and The Preservers

Spock and McCoy investigate Preserver technology on the surface of Amerind in 'The Paradise Syndrome"

"The Paradise Syndrome"

The first two seasons of The Original Series are sprinkled with hints that, in the distant past, the galaxy was visited by super-powered aliens with technology far more advanced than anything in the Federation.

In " What Are Little Girls Made Of? ," we meet Ruk, an android built by "The Old Ones," an alien race capable of creating humanoid androids that were basically immortal. In " Return to Tomorrow ," the disembodied soul of Sargon, refers to humanity as "my children." While Dr. Muhuall says this idea flies in the face of evolutionary theory, Spock mentions the idea that aliens seeded life would "explain certain elements of Vulcan pre-history."

Then in Season 3, in " The Paradise Syndrome ," Bones and Spock tackle the question head-on. When they realize an ancient race of "Preservers" helped various humanoid species throughout the galaxy, the idea of an ancient alien race guiding and "seeding" a ton of humanoid species became less of a myth and more of a working theory. "I’ve always wondered why there were so many humanoids scattered through the galaxy," Bones says. To which Spock replies, "So have I. Apparently, the Preservers account for a number of them."

And then, the questions about an ancient humanoid species went answered. At least, until The Next Generation . 

On the surface of Vilmor II, a Progenitor disrupts an argument between the Enterprise away team, the Cardassians, Klingon, and Romulans in 'The Chase'

"The Chase"

Directed by Jonathan Frakes and written by Ronald D. Moore and Joe Menosky, " The Chase " was a sixth-season episode of The Next Generation , which, according to The Next Generation Companion , was considered in the writers' room the most "Roddenberryesque" episode of TNG at that time. The story itself took cues from Carl Sagan's novel Contact , and posited that yes, ancient aliens not only seeded most of the humanoid species, but also hid a message in the DNA of all those species.

Captain Picard's interest in archeology comes in handy during the quest to locate all the DNA strands and reveal the message, which was also represented metaphorically by the ancient artifact known as the Kurlan naiskos .

Captain Jean-Luc Picard moved by the gift of an intact Kurlan naiskos artifact by his former mentor in 'The Chase'

At the end of the episode, representatives from the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Empire, the Cardassian Union, and the Federation, all witness the truth — an ancient Progenitor (played by Salome Jens) makes it clear that all the humanoid species in the galaxy don’t exist out of pure hubris, but instead, out of a kind of desire for legacy. "You are a monument, not to our greatness, but to our existence…. Remember us."

Ronald D. Moore pointed out that there's no reason to believe that the Progenitors from "The Chase" and the Preservers from TOS aren't one in the same. Though not explicitly stated in the script, he said, "But this could be them, and be internally consistent."

Discovery Brings It All Home

'Red Directive'

"Red Directive"

While The Next Generation established a canonical fact that TOS only danced around, that only answered the question of why . With Discovery Season 5, a stranger, and more complex question is getting broached — how ?

"The Chase" told us why there are so many humanoid species in the galaxy, but we had no idea how the Progenitors specifically pushed life to evolve on various planets toward the exact form of life we’re all so familiar with. As the crew of Discovery — and other forces — are in pursuit of this ancient tech, Star Trek is boldly speculating on one of the biggest questions of all time.

If there was a supreme intelligence behind the creation of life, what was their method? While these kinds of questions are somewhat mind-boggling in real life, what Discovery is doing now is what Star Trek has done all along: Ask provocative questions that are beyond what we know now, so that maybe, in the future, we’ll be better prepared.

We don’t know that the Progenitors exist in real science, but the "panspermia hypothesis," is a very real scientific concept. A friendly alien may not have consciously sparked life on Earth eons ago, but, in reality, it is possible that some building blocks for life itself may have come from the stars.

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Ryan Britt is the author of the nonfiction books Phasers on Stun! How the Making and Remaking of Star Trek Changed the World (2022), The Spice Must Flow: The Journey of Dune from Cult Novels to Visionary Sci-Fi Movies (2023), and the essay collection Luke Skywalker Can’t Read (2015). He is a longtime contributor to Star Trek.com and his writing regularly appears with Inverse, Den of Geek!, Esquire and elsewhere. He lives in Portland, Maine with his family.

Star Trek: Discovery Seasons 1-4 are streaming exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., the UK, Canada, Switzerland, South Korea, Latin America, Germany, France, Italy, Australia and Austria. Seasons 2 and 3 also are available on the Pluto TV “Star Trek” channel in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The series streams on Super Drama in Japan, TVNZ in New Zealand, and SkyShowtime in Spain, Portugal, Poland, The Nordics, The Netherlands, and Central and Eastern Europe and also airs on Cosmote TV in Greece. The series is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

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Parasyte: the grey cast & character guide.

Netflix's anime adaptation Parasyte: The Grey takes a different perspective than its source, introducing new characters with an excellent cast.

  • Parasyte: The Grey on Netflix explores coexistence between humans and parasites in a gripping, unsettling way.
  • Lead actors Jeon So-nee, Koo Kyo-hwan, and Lee Jung-hyun bring the disturbing manga adaptation to life.
  • The series delves into themes of survival, identity, and morality, blurring the lines between humanity and alien.

The sci-fi horror anime adaptation Parasyte: The Grey brings its disturbing story to life through the work of its excellent cast of actors. The Netflix show follows a woman who is suddenly taken over by a parasite. Set in South Korea, the story sees a task force called The Grey formed to eliminate humans whose bodies are no longer their own. This results in an all-out war between the mysterious parasites and humankind. However, one woman has the ability to coexist with her symbiote, which makes everything all the more complicated.

Parasyte: The Grey, directed by Yeon Sang-ho, is based on the popular Japanese manga Parasyte by author Hitoshi Iwaaki. Released on Netflix on April 5, 2024, the series is led by star Jeon So-nee, with costars Koo Kyo-hwan and Lee Jung-hyun . Each of these actors is responsible for bringing the Netflix series's unsettling premise to the screen, allowing Parasyte: The Grey to explore the original manga's themes of coexistence and harmony—with a twist, of course.

Parasyte Theory Explains How Netflix’s Live-Action Show Connects To The Anime

Jeon so-nee as jeong su-in, jeon so-nee is 33 years old.

The lead actor of Parasyte: The Grey is South Korean-born actor Jeon So-nee, who made her debut in the 2014 film Photo . She is the daughter of 1970s K-pop star Ko Jae-sook, who was part of the musical group Bunny Girls but i s best known herself for playing Jo Hye-in in the 2018 TV series Encounter . Jeon's other notable roles include Kyung-min in After My Death (2018), Yoo Hyo-yeon in Ghost Walk (2019), Ha-eun in Soulmate (2023), and Min Jae-yi in the 2023 TV series Our Blooming Youth .

Jeon plays Jeong Su-in in Parasyte: The Grey , a girl who survives a car crash but becomes infected with a parasite in the process—and she's not the only one. People all over the world have been taken over by these unknown parasites. However, Su-in is unique in that she hasn't yet lost control of her own body. To continue to survive, she must coexist with her symbiote.

Koo Kyo-hwan as Seol Kang-woo

Koo kyo-hwan is 41 years old.

South Korean actor and director Koo Kyo-hwan got his first major role in the 2014 movie Romance in Seoul , in which he played Gi-cheol. He is best known for playing the titular role in Jane (2016), Captain Seo in Peninsula (2020), and Tae Joon-giin in the 2021 movie Escape from Mogadishu . Koo has gained further notoriety for playing Han Ho-yul in the Netflix series D.P. , for which he won the Baeksand Arts Award for Best New Actor in a Television Series.

In Netflix's Parasyte: The Grey , Koo plays Seol Kang-woo, a member of the Mangnani Gang. Koo's primary goal is to find his sister, who mysteriously disappeared. To do so, he tracks down those who are known to have been taken over by parasites.

The first season of Parasyte : The Grey has six episodes, each of which became available to stream on Netflix on April 5, 2024.

Lee Jung-hyun as Choi Jun-kyung

Lee jung-hyn is 44 years old.

Lee Jung-hyun, sometimes known by her stage name, Ava, is a South Korean singer and actor who made her acting debut in the 1996 movie A Petal when she was 16 . This first role earned Lee several awards, including the Grand Bell and Blue Dragon Awards, and solidified her as a national star. Since then, she has starred in movies like Alice in Earnestland (2015), Split (2016), The Battleship Island (2017), and, more recently, the 2020 mystery film Decision to Leave .

Lee plays Choi Jun-kyung in Parasyte: The Grey, the determined and capable leader of the Team Grey task force.

Lee plays Choi Jun-kyung in Parasyte: The Grey , the determined and capable leader of the Team Grey task force. Jun-kyung's goal is to end the parasites' plague on the Earth by annihilating each and every one—host and all. Though well intended, this makes Jun-kyung a natural enemy to Su-in in the Netflix live-action anime adaptation .

Parasyte: The Grey Supporting Cast & Characters

Kwon Hae-hyo as Kim Chul-min - 58-year-old South Korean actor Kwon Hae-hyo plays Kim Chul-min in Parasyte: The Grey , a detective attempting to get to the bottom of Earth's catastrophe. Kwon is best known for his roles in The Day After (2017), Peninsula (2020), and Hommage (2021).

8 Live-Action Anime Adaptations That Actually Respected The Source Material

Kim In-kwon as Kang Won-seock - Kim In-kwon (48) plays Kang Won-seock in the Netflix sci-fi, who is a colleague of detective Chul-min. Kim is best known for his supporting roles in He's on Duty (2010) and Born to Sing (2013).

Lee Hyun-kyun as Kwan Hyuk-ju - South Korean actor Lee Hyun-kyun plays Kwan Hyuk-ju in Parasyte: The Grey , a pastor who becomes acquainted with the main characters. Lee is best known for his roles in Cold Eyes (2013), Emergency Declaration (2021), and Dark Hole (2021).

Parasyte: The Grey

"Parasyte: The Grey" imagines a world where alien parasites begin taking over human hosts, blending horror with psychological drama. The story follows a young man who forms a symbiotic relationship with his alien parasite, leading to a morally complex journey as they confront other parasites threatening humanity. This adaptation adds a unique twist, focusing on the grey areas of survival, identity, and the essence of being human.


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    Characters like Lon Suder in Star Trek can have dark pasts and violent tendencies, adding complexity to the show's stories.; Thy'lek Shran is a formidable and unpredictable character in Star Trek ...

  24. A Brief History of the Progenitors in Star Trek

    Captain Burnham's top-secret mission in the final season of Star Trek: Discovery has finally been revealed. But this time, the Discovery crew isn't stopping a future-destroying A.I., or a lethal, extra-galactic force. Instead, they're investigating the basic mysteries of why most species in the Star Trek universe look vaguely human.. As revealed in "Red Directive," the search for ...

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  26. Parasyte: The Grey Cast & Character Guide

    The lead actor of Parasyte: The Grey is South Korean-born actor Jeon So-nee, who made her debut in the 2014 film Photo.She is the daughter of 1970s K-pop star Ko Jae-sook, who was part of the musical group Bunny Girls but is best known herself for playing Jo Hye-in in the 2018 TV series Encounter.Jeon's other notable roles include Kyung-min in After My Death (2018), Yoo Hyo-yeon in Ghost Walk ...