Photo Tips, Creative Photography + Travel Guides - The Wandering Lens

  • Working as a Travel Photographer in 2021
  • Career Tips
  • By Lisa Michele Burns

travel company photography jobs

Travel Photography Jobs in 2021 – Let’s start the conversation…

Travel, ah that word conjures up so many butterflies, memories and immediately puts a smile on my face. Unfortunately, most of us didn’t use that word too much in 2020 because Covid-19 came along and made us refer to travel as that impossible adventure instead. Especially when it came to travel photography jobs and opportunities.

Of course, for the safety and health of our loved ones it has been a year in which it’s been best to stay home. While some people are starting to slowly travel again, others are waiting for the right moment especially since changes to restrictions are still ongoing. I’m in the latter camp and won’t be travelling abroad until it’s completely safe to do so.

So, where does that leave those with a job or hoping to have a job in the travel industry? In particular, those hoping to work as a travel photographer in 2021?

Travel Photography Jobs and Working as a Photographer in 2021

To be honest, in a little bit of limbo but the good kind of limbo. The kind where you bend your back almost too far and think you’re about to fall on your ass…but don’t. The need for constant content, imagery, inspiration and marketing materials is still there, perhaps more than ever since we’re such a visually focused bunch.

If you’ve got dreams of being a travel photographer or were already working in the industry I’m sure you’ve been forced to stop and reassess. Perhaps you’ve been considering other career options or maybe you’re still crossing your fingers and hoping the world will allow it to be a viable career option again very soon.

Whichever way you’re swaying, know that it’s still possible, even though I’m sure there are a few sniggers (I actually wrote snickers first, must be hungry) about my positivity. Sure the road might be a little bumpier than pre-Covid times but there are always pathways to make it happen. It’s all about redefining the term ‘travel photographer’, finding your niche or unique service within the industry and making it work for you.

Let’s explore a little further…

Travel Photography Jobs and Working as a Photographer in 2021

*A little note: I’ll be using the term ‘local’ often as I’m aware that travel may not be possible for all of us so feel free to relate that to your current circumstances and expand further abroad if that’s relevant to you. Hopefully, if we are all photographing locally a little more in 2021 we’ll then be so damn inspired once we can travel further afield that the industry as a collective will be brimming with talent and creative ideas in the near future.

Travel Photography and Covid-19

Now I don’t want to start out all negative but let’s take a quick look at the way Covid-19 has affected travel photographers, then we’ll get on to ways you can still find work.

Like most people working in the travel industry, 2020 wasn’t a great year when it came to campaigns and client work for myself and The Wandering Lens. In fact, it was basically non-existent regarding international travel after March 2020 however there were some local opportunities and the site luckily continued to thrive due to its focus on learning photography. Depending on where you live in the world you will have been impacted differently so please know this article isn’t written without consideration for those still in lockdown.

As we all know, the tourism industry suffered greatly because of the pandemic. For travel photographers this meant some clients no longer have the budgets they once had for imagery and are instead struggling to stay afloat and keep busy themselves. Many travel magazines have stopped publishing, some hotels have been turned into quarantine facilities and tour operators have ceased working due to a lack of tourists. Those with travel blogs or travel related websites will have seen a dramatic dip in traffic since people aren’t currently searching for travel ideas or inspiration.

Travel Photography Jobs and Working as a Photographer in 2021

Local tourism boards and operators have been a huge shining light throughout this period, inspiring us to travel closer to home and explore our surroundings. You may have noticed a lot of travel photographers now doing campaigns or working with clients in their home states or countries. It’s these transformations that have seen some of us redefining what it means to be a travel photographer. Does ‘travel’ have to include a trip overseas or even a flight? Heck no! It can be about inspiring others to travel in your home region or even regions you’ve previously visited because there will be people still exploring locally there too.

If you’re keen to share how your photography has been impacted this year you’re more than welcome to leave a comment at the end of this article.

Travel Photography Jobs and Working as a Photographer in 2021

Where will the travel photography jobs be in 2021?

As strange as this sounds, a lot of them will be online or in your local areas. As destinations focus on keeping those travel dreams alive, tourism operators will be turning to content and imagery to showcase their cultural and natural wonders via social media and online materials. If you’ve already got imagery from various destinations that’s of a professional standard and could add value to a potential clients marketing plans then this could be a great path to follow in 2021.

When the pandemic first hit it was news around the world and while it still very much is, have you noticed the shift in focus for travel related businesses and organisations? Back in March and April 2020 they had to manage cancellations then reassure and rest a little on their brand messaging. The later part of 2020 saw many travel companies back to showcasing their offerings and the opportunities and experiences that exist once we’re able to travel again.

Instead of seeking out the job title of ‘ Travel Photographer ’, delve deep into the forums or job websites looking for roles that require content creation or destination marketing for businesses or projects within the travel industry. If it were as easy as searching for ‘travel photographer’ then I’d hate to see how much competition there was for each advertised role.

Travel Photography Jobs and Working as a Photographer in 2021

Where to look for travel photography jobs and opportunities –

Networking or Direct Contact: Rather than waiting for the dream job or opportunity to appear, why not create it? You could approach a local tour operator about photographing some of their experiences and developing a media library for them or even pitch the concept of photographing their clients during tours or similar in return for a daily fee? Ideas like this need to benefit both parties but if you can prove that by adding your services as a photographer it will help to boost their business and/or add profit to it then it’ll be hard to turn down. Being proactive and creating your own career is one of the best ways to approach working as a travel or freelance photographer!

Government and Local Tourism Organisations: Even if roles aren’t advertised, there is usually information about their annual focus or reports available on their tourism sector. Take a peek at your local government tourism website and see what you can find then write down ways in which you believe your photography could play a part.

Social Media: Follow your local tourism board, tour operators that exist within your area and stay in the loop about their locations and products. You never know when your skills might align with their strategy! Engage and be genuine about your interest in their posts so if you do eventually reach out and enquire about photographing for them, they’ll know who you are. Read here about using relevant hashtags on Instagram to increase your chances of visibility.

Also on social media, particularly on Facebook are a number of creative groups that share opportunities to members. You can start by searching ‘Creatives in {insert your location}’ or browse the many travel photography and travel industry groups that exist and sometimes share opportunities.

Job Directories : Here in Australia we have that’s the go to place for finding work regardless of what industry you’re in. As I mentioned before, don’t just seek out ‘travel photographer’ or even solely ‘photographer’, also look for the positions that involve creative content, content creation or marketing within a travel focused business.

LinkedIn: This is a relatively new addition to my research roster but there is A LOT of information and opportunities to be discovered via LinkedIn . Not only can you find out the best person to speak to at companies you wish to approach or work for but you can browse job ads, follow people of influence within the photography community and start to piece together a little web of information. More often than not the opportunities you’re after won’t be advertised and instead are all about networking and pitching to the right people. Also within LinkedIn there are a number of interest groups like ‘International Freelance Photographers’, ‘Photography Industry Professionals’, ‘Media & Marketing Professionals’, ‘Travel & Tourism Industry Professionals’…there are so many, it’s worth having a browse and see which ones you’d be interested in joining in order to see if any opportunities arise!

Lastly, look no further than your own abilities: To be a successful travel photographer you don’t have to work for anyone, work for yourself! Create your own business whether it’s selling travel prints, publishing your own blog or magazine, starting up a media library or content creation business. It is TOTALLY POSSIBLE and the rewards you get from working for yourself far outweigh any of the doubt or difficulties that come with starting a new business.

Travel Photography Jobs and Working as a Photographer in 2021

Working as a Freelance Photographer in 2021

Those with portfolio of work should put together a presentation PDF (there’s an eBook on this coming soon) and ensure their online portfolio is up to date with your available imagery in order to start approaching potential clients and selling your images.

Always research what’s being shared, what’s on trend and what potential clients are looking to focus on in the coming months rather than looking back. Keep in mind seasonal trends too, if you’ve got a great collection of imagery from a particular season you think could work for the 2021 season, package it up so it creates the possibility of an easy yes!

While a lot of travel publications have ceased operation for the foreseeable future, there are still plenty of opportunities to contribute as a freelancer to both print and online publications. Spend some time venturing down the Google rabbit hole and explore just how many are out there, it’ll probably surprise you! Focus on magazines or websites that cover regions or topics that you’ve already got experience or images on so you can put together a pitch that’s interesting for the editor and almost ready to go. You want to do all the work on your end so when they read your pitch, it’s an easy yes or no as to whether it fits their upcoming editions…don’t be disheartened if you get a lot of no’s, it’s completely normal when working as a freelancer!

I’m always so impressed at how many beautiful travel photography magazines are out there; Take a peek at the inspiring travel focused editorials in SUITCASE (which makes such a beautiful coffee table read!), GetLost , Cereal , Lodestars Anthology , Sidetracked and one of my absolute favourites Tiny Atlas Quarterly …their website is an explorer and design lover’s dream.

Travel Photography Jobs and Working as a Photographer in 2021

When you think of travel photography, what part of it attracts you most as a future career? If it’s the jet setting and posing in different locations for Instagram you could be in for a bit of a wait before this can happen freely again. If however you’re intrigued by telling stories of cultures, places or projects, there are ways you can start to pave a career for yourself as a freelancer without applying for jobs or venturing too far in the near future.

Documenting conservation, environmental or humanitarian projects are great ways to carve a portfolio and highlight important issues facing the world while at the same time showcasing your creative abilities. It’s the National Geographic, reportage style of travel photography that requires research and a bit of hustle along with a real interest in your subject. Using 2021 to photograph NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) or local projects could be an incredibly rewarding and inspiring way to build a reputation in the freelance world. Not only to the organisations usually need imagery to share their message but you can also use the images to get published by helping to tell their story or document their work.

South Africa Rhino Notching-5

Exploring Stock Photography

As companies look to advertise and continue focusing on travel experiences, they may be looking to stock libraries for content to fulfil the constant need for something new.

I’ve always had a bit of a love/hate relationship with stock libraries, some pay next to nothing to photographers and help to reduce the overall worth of photography, whereas others are taking amazing leaps forward to ensure the growth of the industry.

Adobe Stock and Shutterstock are two I recommend looking into if you’ve got a library of travel photographs (or lifestyle imagery etc.) and want to see if they’ll generate income via stock sites. Shutterstock has a handy page called ‘ The Shot List ‘ that’s updated monthly and lets photographers and creators know what people are actively seeking. For example, in January 2021 the main content relates to Black History Month, Health-conscious imagery, hospital interiors and aerial drone footage.

It’s not a guaranteed huge income earner but you do hear of success stories via stock photography all the time and if you’ve got travel images you’re not using just sitting on a hard drive, why not give it a go? You may need to provide exclusive rights to selling your images via certain stock libraries so just be sure to read the fine print before signing up and make sure you’re comfortable with the agreement.

Travel Photography Jobs and Working as a Photographer in 2021

Committing to Improving your Photography

All this time at home has allowed many of us to take a closer look at our photography. If you’ve read other articles on The Wandering Lens or attended one of my courses you’ll know that I’m always rambling on about being open to always learning and improving your craft . I LOVE discovering a new technique, setting (not even professionals have it all worked out!), location or inspiration.

Take a peek at this guide to ‘ How to Learn Photography – 8 Learning Styles, find what suits you! ‘

Whether you’re just starting out as a photographer or have been working professionally for years, there is always something you can do to improve your photography and build upon your skills. Always! Those who settle in their current skill set will get left behind as other creatives build upon their talent and incorporate both modern technology and concepts.

One of the best things you can do to improve your chances of success within the industry is to spend time developing your own style. Creating a unique vision in which you capture scenes with a refreshing approach, allowing yourself to stand out from the crowd when approaching clients! What makes your work different from the next photographer? Learn more here.

Maybe you’re great at landscapes but have you ever tried incorporating a new element like water into your shots? Perhaps you enjoy photographing people but have you used foreground features to add colourful bokeh around your subject? These are two very simple examples but once you start exploring new ideas for your photography the sky (preferably a pastel sunset sky) really is the limit.

travel company photography jobs

For a lot of photographers, it can be hard to stay motivated, especially if you’ve been approaching potential clients or pitching ideas to editors/brands and are continually get told no thanks. We’ve all been there!

The, ‘thanks, but no thanks’ reply can hit you in the jugular but sometimes it’s just not meant to be. It may not be a reflection of your work, your professionalism or you as a person, it may just not be a good fit for that client at that time. On the flip side (not to be a downer) it could be that your work wasn’t presented in the best light, perhaps your website wasn’t user friendly or the images you shared weren’t relatable to that particular client.

Knowing how to approach clients to improve your chances of a positive reply requires even more effort than actually taking and editing your photos. Most successful photographers will agree that the photography part of a travel photography or freelance photography career only takes up about 10-20% sometimes even less, the rest of the time you’re putting on hats relating to marketing, business and self-promotion among others.

Travel Photography Jobs and Working as a Photographer in 2021

When it comes to improving your photography, it’s not solely about taking photos, it’s about creating a plan for showcasing your work, knowing how to promote it and developing a plan alongside some goals for your work.

If you’re still keen to work as a travel photographer in the future but are spending more time at home over the coming months, why not use this time to invest in your career? I’m teaching how to develop a creative vision, build a portfolio and work towards a career in the industry via The Creative Photography Course . It’s a six-month online program that’s completely self-paced so you can download the workbooks each month and work on them in your own time. The third round started on August 1st with the next course start date being March 1st, 2022. Ensure you’re on the newsletter list to be the first to know when registrations open!

travel company photography jobs

Things you can do to benefit your future photography career path:

  • Define your creative vision ( I’ve written an eBook on this here )
  • Decide on the areas you’re keen to work; is it travel portraits, hotel marketing, influencer work, selling landscape prints, conservation/environmental projects?
  • Create or redesign your online website/portfolio to ensure it’s showcasing your work in the best possible light that’s easy to browse and understand. ( Read about using Wix , just one of the many platforms you can use, I’ll share a Squarespace review soon also because I LOVE their page layouts and design features)
  • Spend time learning about SEO to help boost traffic to your online portfolio
  • Create a list and research potential clients and the best contacts to reach out to
  • Curate and do a self-assessment of your portfolio. Are there improvements you can make? Things you need to learn in terms of the technical side of photography?
  • Work on posting via social media regularly in a way that stays true to your future photography goals. Develop stories, behind the scenes videos and posts that relate to how you want to work as a photographer. For example, if you want to only focus on landscapes and outdoor experiences, only showcase these and the stories behind your work so people don’t get confused about who you are as a photographer.
  • Be open to exploring new opportunities, it may not always be your dream gig but can it lead to other openings or add to your CV or portfolio in a positive way?

I love seeing new photographers developing their career so feel free to leave a link to your portfolio or Instagram account in the comments below so myself and others can follow your adventures!

To read more about a career in travel photography you can read the following free articles on The Wandering Lens –

How to Become a Travel Photographer (written pre-Covid)

Curating Your Social Media for Photographers

How to Stand Out as a Photographer Today

Travel Photography tips and photography tips

Hello! I’m the founder and photographer behind The Wandering Lens. With 17+yrs experience as a professional travel and landscape photographer, all advice found on this site is from my personal experience on the road. I hope it’s useful for your own travels and would love to hear in the comments about your trips and experiences around the world.

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Blog comments.

January 3, 2021 at 8:50 pm

Great post Lisa!. Good and helpful tips to help travel photographers go through this crisis in travel photography. I’m following you creative photography course and I’m really enjoying it. Keep up the good work!

January 11, 2021 at 11:27 am

Wow Lisa, this was so helpful, thanks for writing it! I am so excited to be diving into a career in travel photography and writing and learning from the best, of course 🙂

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Travel Photography Jobs

Posted June 27th, 2021 by Great Escape Publishing & filed under Travel Photography .

How can you get a travel photography job and what exactly do you have to do? There are many travel photography jobs that you can find these days. If you’re good at photography, it will be your ticket to travel the world. That means that you no longer have to wait for years before you can go to another city or country.

Traveling the world is one of the most listed things to do for many people. Dreaming of waking up on a beach in Thailand or seeing the northern lights in Norway can already be overwhelming. You can’t help but get excited by just talking about these places that you can visit if only you can travel the world one day.

However, with the hustle and bustle of your everyday life, it makes traveling the last thing on your list. Before you can visit one destination, you need to make a living and work for at least a year to save up. But for some people, traveling remains only in their dreams. Many people travel from one country to another while you’re still in the same place.

You don’t have to lose hope because there’s always a way for anyone to make their dreams come true. It may have sounded impossible before but these days, anything is possible. All you have to do is to be more creative and do a little research. As a photographer, you already have the skills and talent to make your dreams come alive. You should take a look at travel photography jobs and take your pick.

Our List Travel Photography Jobs

1. become a freelance travel photographer.

If you choose to be a freelance travel photographer, it will pay you well enough as you go from one place to another. It’s more of a business than a job which means that you need to do everything. That includes finding your clients, marketing, producing, managing, researching, and handling invoices. It needs good organization skills, hard work, and more.

Make sure to set your goal and ask yourself why do you want to be a freelance travel photographer? By answering this question, you will know what goals you have to set. That way, you can work out how much money you need as well as what equipment you need to bring. Improve your photography skills as well before you start traveling.

Choose your niche so that your work will stand out from the rest. It will help you to create a portfolio that you can show potential clients. Create your website to show off your skills and talent. It’s also the best way to find future clients that will hire you to do travel photography. Your photography website will also act as your online portfolio.

Build your online and social media presence. It’s the best way to show the world what an excellent travel photographer you are. Social media is the best place to showcase your talent. It’s also a great way to find clients located in different parts of the world. Posting your work on social media will attract many businesses to hire your services as well.

2. Get a Job as a Photojournalist for Travel Publications

A photojournalist is a person who photographs, edits, and displays images. This job will allow you to work as a freelancer. It can also be regular employment with magazines, newspapers, and agencies. The job description includes television, print, and the internet. If you’re qualified to apply for this job, it’s a good start to become a travel photographer.

Travel publications are always looking for talented photographers. If you’re not into freelancing, then this is a good choice. You will still be a regular employee but you can travel to the locations they will assign for you. This travel photography job is more stable if you’re looking for stability for your career. Being a photojournalist will provide you more security.

While you can choose to just go around your town, many photojournalists choose to travel the world. It will allow you to document news and stories outside your country. Not to mention, you get to travel without spending on airfare and hotel. It’s usually covered by travel publications since it’s part of the job to travel for documentaries and other stories.

There’s no official way to become a photojournalist. Although some people take a relevant degree, some turn their hobby into a career. If you want to be a photojournalist, you need to take photography classes to improve your skills. Practice taking photos outdoors and create a portfolio. Once you’re ready, you can search for a photojournalist job.

3. Become an Influencer for Travel Destinations

Influencer marketing is the new way for companies and businesses to reach their target audience. This is where you can come in and get yourself a travel photography job. Business owners contact influencers with a huge social following to help them promote their products and services. They will pay you in cash, products, or a free stay in a hotel or resort.

If you have a massive social following, then being an influencer for travel destinations will suit you. All you have to do is to take photos of sponsored destinations and post them on social media. Influencers earn a lot from their accounts for just posting photos and videos on their profile. As an influencer, you can post photos of travel destinations.

The best thing about being an influencer for a travel destination is you can enjoy it while taking photos. Some clients will even pay you for staying at their resort provided that you post photos of your stay. You can also travel to different destinations locally and abroad. That will give you more experience in your career and personal life.

So, how to become an influencer for travel destinations? It’s not that complicated to get travel photography jobs in this direction. All you have to do is to create a blog and have a profile on Instagram and other social media platforms. Grow your followers and interact with them. Once you have enough following, you will be contacted and offered collaboration and opportunities.

4. Start a Travel Blog

Another simple way to have a travel photography job is by starting a blog. If you’re good at taking photos and like to travel, this will be easy for you. All you have to do is to travel to popular destinations to get the attention of the online community. It’s the best way to show your talent as a photographer.

What are the benefits of being a travel blogger ? It depends on the person but mostly it’s for satisfaction, meeting new people, getting a good source of income, and more. As a photographer, you can include a lot of photos from different destinations. Once your travel blog gets a lot of followers, you can make some serious money out of it.

Although at first, you have to pay for your travel expenses. Once your travel blog grows and gets the attention of sponsors, you will start making money from it. That’s aside from the ads that you can place in your blog. These sponsors will invite you to visit their resort, hotel, or restaurant for free. They will be the ones who will be paying for your visit.

To start a travel blog, you can use any blogging platform like WordPress. Make sure to have a web hosting service so your audience can reach your blog. Once your website has been completed, start posting travel photos with your articles. Just make sure to post regularly so that you can gain more site visitors who are interested in traveling.

5. Use Stock Photography Websites to Sell Travel Images

Many photographers are using stock photography websites these days. It’s a great opportunity to turn the travel images that you have taken into cash. These websites also offer a chance to make a passive income from your photos. Selling stock photography is close to having a travel photography job. When someone buys your photo, you will earn from it.

If you’re good with taking travel photographs, you will realize that selling them on stock photography websites is worth your efforts. It will provide good exposure to your work and make money in the process. Stock photos are used in different things such as advertising, book covers, websites, banners, and more.

Shutterstock, iStock, and Stocksy are a few examples of stock photography websites. You just need to create an account so that you can start uploading your photos. Once you set the metadata on the image you wish to upload, you’re good to go. Wait for your photos to be sold so that you can earn royalties from them.

6. Hotel & Resort Photography

The hotel and resort photographer’s role is to make the property look its best from the photos. It can be a challenging job for the photographer since you need to have a background in real estate photography. This travel photography job is a great opportunity to take your career to the professional level. You will also have a chance to visit luxury hotels and resorts.

The right tools will help you to be a successful hotel and resort photographer. So, if you want to take perfect images, make sure to have the right gear. You will need to have a wide-angle lens, a full-frame sensor camera, and a sturdy tripod to take a professional shot. These tools will make your travel photography job better and more efficient.

You will need to be ready to travel anytime to shoot properties in different locations. The property style will also vary from historic resorts to ultra-modern boutique hotels. It can be easy or challenging depending on the property that you have to capture. But it’s also rewarding since it pays well and you get to travel for work.

This type of travel photography job can be demanding since the clients will expect you to be creative and deliver to their expectations. You can keep on practicing so that you can improve your photography skills more. It’s also useful if you’re good with talking to the clients. That will help you to get the exact idea of how they want the property to be captured.

7. Cruise Line Photography

Professional cruise ship photographers can make a high income. The responsibility of cruise line photographers it to take photos of passengers with a great view of the ocean.

As a professional cruise ship photographer, your responsibility is not limited to just taking the photos, however. It’s also expected that you will be processing and printing the pictures that you have taken. You will also need to act as a photo retail consultant in the photo retail shop of the cruise ship. This includes selling the printed photos, albums, frames, and more.

The best part of this travel photography job is that you can earn commissions from your sales in the photo retail shop. It will earn you more money aside from your professional income. This job will also allow you to cruise to different parts of the world while making a living.

The first step to being a cruise ship photographer is to find and choose a cruise line you prefer. Once you have decided, you can fill out their application form and wait for the interview schedule. You need to learn about seafaring basics and also about working on a cruise line. That way, you will be ready once you’re already on board to take pictures

8. Tour Photography

Tour photography is another opportunity for those who want to have a travel photography job. Tour photographers work either on contract or freelance in the music or entertainment industry. Your role is to take photos of the touring musicians for their events and concerts. So it’s a good option if you like to travel with your favorite singer or band.

This job will allow you to attend the musician’s shows, concerts, gigs, and performances to take photos. As a tour photographer, you are responsible for different things as well. You have to analyze the best angle, use natural or artificial light, and maintain a digital portfolio. It also includes using software to improve the photos you have taken.

Another duty that you will have as a tour photographer is to maintain your camera. You also need to keep a log on a storage device for the photos. Most importantly, using the tools needed to achieve the commercial quality of the pictures. It’s your job to make all the photos are of high quality to promote the artists.

How to become a tour photographer? Some companies are looking for applicants with a degree related to digital art. But others don’t care about it and are more interested in your experience as a photographer. If you don’t have any, go for an internship to learn the essential photography skills. It’s also a requirement that you are available to travel when needed.

9. Destination Wedding Photographer

This is one of the travel photography jobs that will provide you great experiences and income at the same time. A destination wedding photographer makes a good amount of money per client. You need to have the same skills as wedding photographers. Although it’s a little different since you have to travel to different locations to have the wedding photoshoot.

As a destination wedding photographer, you also need to know about the travel requirements. This job can require a lot of patience and you need to be flexible but can be a rewarding experience. So before you jump into this career path, make sure to improve your travel skills. Practice taking pictures while traveling so you will be comfortable with any location and setting.

When you have already covered the basic skills that you need, develop your photography style. It will make your work stand out from other photographers around. Take as many wedding photographs as you can to improve your skills. Then create your destination wedding photography website. It will allow you to show people your photography style and get your clients from there.

Build your network in every place that you have the destination wedding photoshoot. Distribute your business cards in case they need a photographer in the future. Talk to the event coordinators or wedding planners to widen your network. It will help you to get a lot of potential clients and people who might need your services.

Travel photography jobs are not hard to find. If you’re a talented photographer who likes to travel, there’s no need to limit yourself. Travel photography is the best way to explore other places for photographers like you. All you have to do is to decide which travel photography jobs that will suit you best. Then start pursuing the career that you dream of.

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10 Ways to Get Paid to Travel and Take Photos

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Travel photography jobs are not easy to come by, but anyone can get paid to travel and take photos. There are many ways to get paid to take pictures. Social media and stock photography are two of the most popular means. Here are 10 tips from travel photographers about how to become a travel photographer .

10. Get Paid To Travel And Take Photos: 10 Reasons Why Better Gear Doesn’t Always Mean Better Pictures

Travel photo of a temple

9. Find Clients Who Will Pay You Regularly

Travel photography jobs that come and go will likely make up the bulk of a travel photographer ‘s income. Finding one or two (or more) clients who want your photography on a regular basis will give you a good grounding. Many times you’ll find you get paid to take pictures on a one-off basis. This type of income is helpful, but not as secure as having a few regular gigs to help pay the bills. Knowing each month that you have a certain amount of income from a few different clients will help you plan better and build your business.

8.  Diversify Your Travel Photography Income Sources

Photo of a backpacker standing next to a train

7.  Build Good Relationships With Travel Magazine Editors

Photo of a hotel room

6. Have a Strong Online Presence With Your Photography Business

Photo of golden bells

5. Sell Hard Copy Prints of Your Travel Photographs

Print on demand websites makes it very easy to sell your favourite travel photos. Find one that provides you with a service that will send your prints anywhere in the world.

4. Upload Your Best Travel Photos to Online Stock Agencies

Photo of a woman in a headpiece picking berries

3. Own the Best Laptop You Can for Editing Away From Home

You need more than a good camera if you are going to earn money from travel photography jobs . You also need to have the best laptop computer you can afford. As a travel photographer, you’ll need to edit on the go. Photo processing software uses a lot of computer power. The higher quality your laptop is, the faster you’ll be able to work. Managing your images well and post-processing them properly is important.

2. Enter Travel Photography Competitions

Photo of a colorful cityscape

1. Market Your Travel Photography

Often the most successful photographers are not the ones who take the best photos. They are the ones who have learned to market themselves the best . To be successful with travel photography jobs you need to promote what you do to the people who have the money to pay you.

Getting paid to travel and take pictures is a dream for many people. You will have to plan well and work hard to become a successful travel photographer. Now it is more possible than ever for this dream to become a reality.

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Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

You are here, about nizhny novgorod.

If you are still wondering, whether Nizhny Novgorod travel would be something you'd like to experience, let us help you - it would. This colorful Russian city full of cultural heritage might exceed your expectations since it has something to offer for everyone.

Reasons to Travel to Nizhny Novgorod

Art enthusiasts will surely enjoy the State Gorky Literature Museum which was named after the great Russian author Maxim Gorky. Bet you didn't know that Nizhny Novgorod was his birthplace? Do not worry, now you do.

There are also multiple art galleries and installations such as The Blogger's Bench which provides free Wi-Fi access if you are in the mood of blogging about your experience.

The musician community will not be disappointed as well, as the city has multiple live music bars and cafes open for the public and is often the place where great concerts are staged. If you are not that into art, there are plenty of other places worth putting on your Nizhny Novgorod itinerary, f.e., the grand red-brick Kremlin.

The Cathedral of Archangel Michael, which is actually the only church that has stood the test of time in Kremlin, along with multiple ancient towers is what makes this site a must-see. By the way, the magnificent church of St. Elijah is right around the corner, so make sure to make a little detour during your Nizhny Novgorod tour after seeing the Kremlin.

Another thing you should not miss during your Nizhny Novgorod sightseeing is the panorama of Strelka, overlooking the amazing view of the confluence of the rivers Oka and Volga and also the Fedorovsky Embankment, a perfect place for a stroll in the evening.

If you want to take a look at the scene from a different angle, hop on a boat trip along the two rivers! Nowadays Nizhny Novgorod is the fifth-largest city in the Russian Federation, somehow managing to maintain the unique heritage alongside its cultural versatility, thus looking at pictures is not enough, feel like exploring it yourself?

Best Things to Do in Nizhny Novgorod

  • Witness the ancient Novgorod Kremlin
  • Get inspired by the scenic panoramas of the Volga River
  • Explore diverse museums of Nizhny Novgorod

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Happened in Crawford County: Work, travel, family fill lives of Caroline and Jim Metcalf

Caroline Metcalf and her sisters, Linda, Jill and Sandy, are the daughters of Charles and Roberta Fitzpatrick. Caroline grew up in Marion County and went to school at Ridgedale. She loved school and couldn’t wait until summer break was over. Caroline was highly involved in everything − yearbook editor, school musicals, piano and flute in the school bands, a majorette and cheerleader.

Friday night football meant coming out in her majorette uniform, then changing into her cheerleading outfit, and at halftime changing again into her majorette uniform and then back into her cheerleading uniform. She also was on the homecoming court.

One "big thing" for Caroline was FHA, where she received her state degree. The purpose was leadership and serving the community. She ranked third in her graduating class from Ridgedale High School in 1982.

For some reason, she was known as Carrie from around fourth grade until she went to college and went back to her given name, Caroline. She enrolled at Marion Technical College, and worked at the Isaly Shoppe as a waitress to help pay college bills. She graduated cum laude in 1984 with an associate degree in accounting.

Caroline started work at Ohio Mutual in July 1984 as an accountant, and worked her way up to financial accounting manager, then decided, after some health issues arose, to retire in 2016 with 32 years of service. A year later, she received a call from a former pastor inviting her to be the bookkeeper for Good Hope Lutheran Church.

She had no intention of going back to work, but it offered flexible hours. Caroline and her husband travel a lot, so it wouldn’t interfere in those plans. Caroline loves her job, the people she works with and helping the members of the church and in the community. Pastor Tanyce Addison said Caroline is the glue that keeps the church together, and she’s not ever allowed to leave. Interesting, Tanyce began her teaching career at Ridgedale when Caroline was a senior in high school.

A volunteer at heart

Caroline doesn’t know how to say no to volunteering. She is on several committees at Good Hope. She is passionate about helping others, along with other caring people who want to help by serving on the Stewardship Committee. It gives you an amazing feeling, she said.

Caroline and her husband, Jim, took four teenaged boys to New Orleans in 2009 to the national youth gathering with 35,000 participants, an awesome experience.

Caroline met Jim when she was working at Isaly’s. He was a cook and enrolled at OSU Marion. He went to school at Elgin High School, received a bachelor’s degree from The Ohio State University and his master's degree from Ashland University. He has a Doctorate in Education from AU as well.

He credits Caroline for proofreading and typing his thesis for his master’s and dissertation for his doctorate, saying he wouldn’t have received his degrees without her help. While he was work on his doctorate it was difficult as they both were working full time and raising their sons. Jim also coached baseball, basketball and soccer for students in Crawford County. They traveled Ohio with their children, teaching the fundamentals of sports and the importance of teamwork.

Jim's career path in education

Jim’s first job was at Elgin, teaching students with developmental disabilities. He also coached cross country, basketball and track for six years. Eventually he was named principal and superintendent at Bettsville Local Schools. The couple also chaperoned senior trips to the Caribbean.

He was hired at Colonel Crawford as superintendent in 1997. At this point, Caroline had been driving either from Marion to work or from Tiffin, so they compromised and built a home in Bucyrus.

Jim has run the circuit, so to speak, from Colonel Crawford to Mid-Ohio in Mansfield as special education consultant, and then in 2001 to Plymouth serving as the interim superintendent for two months. That job ended up being a total of 18 years. He retired from there in 2019. The word retired wasn't permanent. He has been at Lucas as high school principal the past five years − a "recovering" superintendent, he said.

Traveling is an adventure for the Metcalfs. Caroline's favorite place is Switzerland, and for Jim it’s Italy. Every year they travel to Aruba and many other amazing European countries. They travel the US to visit national parks and Major League Baseball parks. Their hobbies are golfing, fishing and concerts/shows.

They enjoy parasailing, hot air balloons, a helicopter to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and OSU football. Caroline enjoys photography and watching her grandchildren, Grayson and Maeve. Jim and Caroline’s sons, Mike and Matt, each received bachelor’s degrees in biomedical engineering from the University of Akron and both work in medical sales.

Go online for more of Mary Fox’s stories and photos on . If you are interested in sharing a story, write Mary Fox, 931 Marion Road, Bucyrus, OH 44820 or email [email protected] .

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Top 10 Things To Do And See In Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

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Located about 400km east of Moscow , Nizhny Novgorod is one of the most important centers of cultural, economic, and political activity in European Russia . Widely considered, after St Petersburg and Moscow, to be Russia’s ‘third city’, Nizhny is fast becoming a hot-spot for Russian and global tourists alike, attracted by the city’s up-and-coming reputation and stunning landscape.

The view over Nizhny Novgorod from the city’s Kremlin walls

The Kremlin

Jutting out from the cliffs that overlook the meeting point of the great Volga and Oka rivers, Nizhny Novgorod ‘s ancient Kremlin boasts of some of the best views in the city. Designed by an Italian architect, the 13 magnificent towers and the 12 meter high walls of Nizhny’s Kremlin date back to 1500. On this very spot in 1612, heroes of Russian history Kuzma Minin and Count Dmitry Pozharsky defeated the invading Polish army in extraordinary circumstances. This moment has become legend in Russian history and a statue in honor of these two lies at the foot of St Basil’s in Moscow. The Kremlin is the historic center of the city where you will find an art museum and the lovely Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, as well as a striking monument to those that fought in the Second World War and its flame eternally flickering on in their memory.

The eternal flame in Nizhny Novgorod’s Kremlin

Completed in 2012, taking a ride on Nizhny Novgorod’s cablecar has fast become a favorite activity of tourists. The trip offers unparalleled opportunities to view the city’s gorgeous natural landscape from this bird’s eye position. The 3660m long gondola lift connects Nizhny to the town of Bor and stretches across the Volga River for 900 panoramic meters. The gondola acts as both a convenient means of transportation and a fantastic sight-seeing expedition – come at sunset for a golden-bathed view of the river and surrounding landscape.

Nizhny Novgorod’s cable car

The house-museum of Maxim Gorky

During the Soviet era, Nizhny Novgorod, birthplace of celebrated Russian writer Maxim Gorky , was renamed ‘Gorky’ in honor of this national hero. This home has been preserved in a state as accurate as possible to how it was left by Gorky and is so successful in this that it would seem as though the writer still lived there. The museum ‘s historic interiors and authentic furnishings will transport you back to the 1900s and the creative world of this icon of Russian literature. Come and make the most of this unique experience to delve into the childhood world of this Russian father of social realism. Museum booklets and guided tours are available in English.

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Nizhegorodskaya Yarmarka

A yarmarka is something akin to a fair, and this historic former market place was restored in 1991, the site now playing home to a superb modern exhibition center. The city’s yarmarka plays host to international events, fairs, and conventions. In 2011, for the 20 year anniversary of the fair’s refounding, a vast array of exhibitions were organized, attended by thousands including members of the British royal family, Vladimir Putin, Mikhail Gorbachev , and Margaret Thatcher . The fair is not only a buzzing center of business and culture, it is also one of the city’s most impressive sights.

One of Nizhny Novgorod’s stunning parks

The Nizhegorodsky State Art Museum

Located inside Nizhny Novgorod’s ancient Kremlin, the building that houses this art gallery was once the home of the governor of the city. The exhibits are wide-ranging and include everything from 14th century religious icons, to work by 20th century contemporary Russian masters. Particularly dazzling is the collection by Russian painter Nicholas Roerich. There is also a large arts and crafts collection which demonstrates the exquisite handiwork of Russian artisans throughout history.

1. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street

Bolshaya pokrovskaya street.

An excellent spot to soak up the best of the city’s atmosphere, this pedestrian street lies in the heart of Nizhny Novgorod. The beautiful Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street is constantly buzzing and provides new and exciting sights at every turn. Gorgeous buildings and fountains tower on all sides – showcasing the best of Nizhny’s architecture. Quirky shop fronts and lovely local souvenirs will have you pausing at every window while the charming cafés will draw you in with their tempting aromas. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street transforms by night into a vibrant hub of evening activity and is the place to come for a night-out in the city. The bars of this street are favorites with Nizhny Novgorod’s student population.

The Chkalov Staircase

An idyllic spot from which to watch the sun’s rays set over the city, this monumental creation was constructed by the Soviet government and is unique to the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The staircase derives its name from pilot Valery Chkalov who, in 1937, became the first man to fly from Moscow to Vancouver through the North Pole. A monument to Chkalov stands at the top of the stairs. The construction of the staircase cost almost 8 million rubles – an immense sum at the time. Over 1,500 stairs connect the city center with the river embankment – making Chkalov’s landmark the longest flight of stairs along the Volga. Nowadays the staircase is a favorite meeting place and relaxation spot for locals.

The Chkalov Staircase in Nizhny Novgorod

The Rukavishnikov Estate Museum

The Rukavishnikovs were a family of immensely wealthy merchants originating from the region around Nizhny Novgorod. This superbly restored palace , their former home, has been transformed into a museum of Russian history and gives a realistic snap-shot of life for the wealthy under tsarist rule. The ornate 19th century interiors and exquisite facade are sure to dazzle with their beauty while the lush green of the surrounding natural landscape provides a tranquil getaway from the city center. Lavish furnishings, priceless antiques, and glistening gold will transport you back in time to a world of balls, carriages, banquets, and tsars. Join the world of Russian noble ladies and gentlemen for a day in this stunning palace.

The memorial statue to Valery Chkalov by the Chkalov Staircase

The Sakharov Museum

Nizhny Novgorod’s Sakharov Museum is dedicated to dissident Russian scientist Andrei Sakharov . The nuclear physicist and human rights activist was exiled for six years to the very flat in which the museum is now housed. Sakharov’s support for civil reform and improved human rights in the Soviet Union earned him harsh persecution from the Russian government, but also, in 1975, a Nobel Peace Prize . Sakharov was incarcerated here until 1986 when a KGB officer arrived to install a phone in the flat. Just after the phone was installed it began to ring: the caller was Mikhail Gorbachev, ringing Sakharov to inform him of his release. This phone is now one of the museum’s most treasured artifacts.

The stunning architecture of Nizhny Novgorod

The National Centre of Contemporary Art

Inside the walls of Nizhny’s Kremlin can also be found one of the best modern art galleries in Russia. Linked to galleries in both St Petersburg and Moscow, this top-ranking exhibition center houses regularly changing displays of both Russian and international art as well as interactive exhibits and a media library. Progress is also on-going of adding a concert hall, extending the exhibition areas, and creating a restaurant. These additions aim to make art contemporary, not simply a detached, unrelatable concept, but bring it closer to the Russian people.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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  14. Visit Nizhny Novgorod in Russia

    The Cathedral of Archangel Michael, which is actually the only church that has stood the test of time in Kremlin, along with multiple ancient towers is what makes this site a must-see. By the way, the magnificent church of St. Elijah is right around the corner, so make sure to make a little detour during your Nizhny Novgorod tour after seeing ...

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  18. Top 10 Things To Do And See In Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

    A yarmarka is something akin to a fair, and this historic former market place was restored in 1991, the site now playing home to a superb modern exhibition center. The city's yarmarka plays host to international events, fairs, and conventions. In 2011, for the 20 year anniversary of the fair's refounding, a vast array of exhibitions were organized, attended by thousands including members ...