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Messages Bon Voyage: 100 souhaits d'adieu et citations

Je suis écrivain en ligne depuis plus de huit ans. J'aime écrire sur les relations, l'amour, la romance et le flirt.

Connaissez-vous quelqu'un qui se dirige vers des rivages étrangers? Voici des façons de dire « bon voyage ».

Ahmad Kanaan, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr

Je souhaite un bon voyage à ceux qui partent à l'étranger

Vous ne savez pas quoi écrire sur une carte en guise de message "bon voyage" pour un ami partant en vacances? Vous cherchez d'autres façons de dire « Bon voyage? » Envie d'envoyer un mail à un patron qui part en voyage d'affaires? Vous songez à laisser une mise à jour émouvante sur Facebook à votre petit ami qui prépare un voyage à l'étranger? Continuez à lire et apprenez à exprimer vos sentiments pour souhaiter à un ami, un membre de la famille ou un partenaire un voyage sûr et heureux.

Cet article couvre

  • De courts messages d'adieu parfaits pour les SMS
  • Messages pour les amis partant en vacances ("Bon voyage"), la famille et les partenaires partant en vacances
  • Messages amusants de "bon voyage"
  • Messages pour les amis qui déménagent définitivement à l'étranger ou souhaits pour les amis et la famille qui déménagent dans un autre pays
  • Messages pour déplacements professionnels ou d'affaires

Message « Bon voyage »: L'argent dépensé en voyage n'est jamais gaspillé.

Daniel Stockman, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr

Messages d'adieu courts parfaits pour les textes

  • L'argent dépensé en voyage n'est jamais gaspillé.
  • Amusez-vous bien, me manquez, et revenez bientôt.
  • Bon voyage; prenez votre temps.
  • Même si les kilomètres peuvent s'intercaler entre nous, tu ne seras jamais loin de mon cœur.
  • Emballez votre meilleur costume et votre attitude la plus nette. Bon voyage d'affaires.
  • Bon voyage et rapporte moi un cadeau !
  • Les vacances se terminent toujours trop tôt. Assez de temps perdu à lire ce message, allez à l'aéroport !
  • C'est parti pour de nouveaux commencements. Tu vas nous manquer!
  • Bon voyage; faire la fête dur.
  • J'espère que vous reviendrez avec plein de souvenirs et de souvenirs à partager! Au moins les souvenirs.

Message pour un ami partant à l'étranger: Amusez-vous bien, me manquez et revenez bientôt.

IQRemix, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr

Messages pour les personnes partant en vacances

  • Les vacances se terminent toujours rapidement. Alors arrêtez de passer du temps à lire ce message et rendez-vous à l'aéroport. Bon voyage, mon ami. Tu vas me manquer pendant ton absence.
  • Je ne peux pas croire que tu ne seras pas là le jour de ton anniversaire. Heureusement que vous fêtez vos 50 ans e sur les plages ensoleillées du Mexique. Joyeux anniversaire en avance. Profitez de vos voyages.
  • Ce SMS est pour vous souhaiter bon voyage et, surtout, pour vous rappeler de rapporter des cadeaux pour votre meilleur ami (moi).

Attends, je ne t'écris pas un poème de vacances. Je vous parle juste des choses que j'ai faites pendant mes vacances. Prenez quelques conseils et profitez au maximum de vos vacances. Bon voyage.

  • Comment un petit ami solitaire comme moi va-t-il survivre un mois entier sans une belle petite amie comme toi dans ses bras? Tu vas me manquer énormément pendant que tu es parti pour les vacances avec ta famille. Dois-tu partir? Je t'aime, bon voyage.
  • Vous n'avez peut-être pas d'argent pour aller dans de bons restaurants, acheter une nouvelle voiture, jouer au golf, visiter l'opéra ou acheter des diamants, mais vous semblez certainement avoir l'argent pour voyager. J'aime vos priorités dans la vie. Vous faites bon usage de votre argent. Bon voyage. Prenez beaucoup de photos.
  • La seule raison pour laquelle je vous souhaite particulièrement un bon voyage, c'est que je veux que vous me donniez plein de cadeaux à votre retour. Bon voyage.
  • Du vin, des chocolats, des souvenirs, des aliments exotiques et des vêtements, ce ne sont là que quelques idées pour vous aider à réfléchir à ce que vous pouvez m'apporter de vos voyages à l'étranger. Bon voyage.
  • J'espère voir une version plus gaie, amusante, heureuse, calme et joyeuse de vous lorsque vous reviendrez de votre voyage parce que, que diable, vous allez à Ibiza! Bon voyage, faites la fête.
  • Je suis jaloux de vous non seulement parce que vous êtes beau, charmant, confiant et adorable, mais aussi parce que vous partez pour des vacances chics. Bon voyage.
  • La destination de vos vacances n'a vraiment pas d'importance. Vous êtes une personne tellement amusante que vous pouvez rendre vos vacances mémorables. Bon voyage.

Chaque fois que vous lâchez vos cheveux pour le soleil,

Chaque fois que vous vous imprégnez de nouvelles vues,

Chaque fois que vous rencontrez de nouvelles personnes,

Souviens-toi juste qu'il y a quelqu'un à la maison

Qui veut partager vos voyages à travers vos yeux.

J'attends que tu reviennes mon cher. Bon voyage.

  • C'est injuste que tu ailles à l'autre bout du monde pendant que je suis coincé ici à faire des cours semestriels. Je suis tellement jaloux de toi. Savez-vous comment vous pouvez me faire sentir mieux? Rapportez-moi un beau cadeau, s'il vous plaît. Tu vas me manquer des tonnes, coloc.
  • Je vois tes yeux briller, tes lèvres se fendre d'un sourire et tes paumes se serrer l'une contre l'autre d'excitation. Je sais à quel point tu es super excité pour ton voyage. Passe un bon moment.
  • J'aime la façon dont vous dépensez tout ce que vous gagnez en voyage. C'est une façon vraiment cool de vivre la vie. Bon voyage.
  • Je n'envie que deux choses dans la vie. L'un est votre belle maison et l'autre est les vacances que vous prenez cette année. Vous vous envolez vers des îles exotiques, vous avez de la chance. Bon voyage.
  • Vous êtes la fille la plus chanceuse de pouvoir parcourir l'Europe en sac à dos. Prenez beaucoup de photos tout en admirant la vue sur les vignobles français, bronzez sur les plages ensoleillées de la Sicile, profitez des repas romantiques à Venise et augmentez votre vocabulaire en apprenant de nouveaux mots tout en discutant avec un espagnol costaud Hommes. Vous allez me manquer. bisous bisous
  • Nous apprenons à connaître les meilleurs cafés, pubs, discothèques et points chauds dans diverses villes du monde uniquement à cause de vos vacances. Voici donc un toast à de nombreuses autres vacances et découvertes. Bonne chance. Nous avons hâte d'entendre plus de vos récits de voyage.
  • Vous êtes le genre de personne qui rendrait le plus fatiguant des voyages amusant et excitant. Vous n'avez vraiment pas besoin de vœux de «bon voyage», mais les voici quand même: bon voyage en toute sécurité.
  • Je ne peux pas imaginer ne pas t'avoir dans les parages pendant un mois. Qui d'autre vais-je embrasser quand je me sens déprimé? Prenez soin de vous, amusez-vous, me manquez et revenez bientôt. Mouah.

Message amusant de « bon voyage »: Bon voyage; prenez votre temps.

MipsyRetro, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr

Messages amusants « Bon voyage »

  • Vous partez enfin pour des vacances bien méritées. Dieu merci, je ne vais pas être ennuyé par vous au bureau pendant encore 10 jours. Bon voyage, prenez votre temps.
  • Autant je ne peux pas te supporter dans ma vie, autant tu vas me manquer quand tu es en vacances. Bon voyage, ma chérie. Reviens bientôt.
  • Vous auriez dû voir le visage de notre patron quand il vous a accordé un congé pour vos vacances. Ses yeux criaient: « Je veux y aller aussi! Bon courage, mon pote. Vous méritez celui-ci.
  • Je n'aurais jamais pensé que vous pourriez vous permettre des vacances en Europe puisque vous ne m'avez même jamais offert une seule bière. Je plaisante, même si j'adorerais une bière. Bon voyage.
  • Vous avez dit que vous alliez vous rendre sur les plages ensoleillées d'Espagne pour vous détendre, faire du tourisme et passer du temps avec vos amis. Penses-tu vraiment que je te crois? Nous savons tous que vous allez vous allonger et regarder les belles femmes espagnoles défiler leurs corps chauds sur la plage. Amuse-toi bien, mon pote. Bon voyage et tiens-toi bien.
  • Ils disent que le voyage est plus important que la destination. Mais qu'est ce que cela vous intéresse? Vous espérez juste faire une tournée des pubs après l'autre, n'est-ce pas? Amusez-vous, restez en sécurité, faites la fête.
  • Ne faites pas de bêtises pendant votre voyage. N'oubliez pas que tout le monde a des iPhones de nos jours et que vos ébats pourraient être sur YouTube. À la réflexion, j'adorerais voir une vidéo embarrassante de la vôtre devenir virale. Voici en espérant que cela se produise.
  • Vous rendez-vous compte que vous êtes sur le point de perdre au moins quelques mois de votre salaire durement gagné pour seulement quelques semaines de voyage? Vous auriez pu verser un acompte sur une nouvelle voiture à la place. Ne voulez pas vous gâcher votre humeur, bon voyage et amusez-vous bien.
  • Bon voyage, mon pote. J'espère que vous n'aurez pas d'intoxication alimentaire ou de fièvre aléatoire. Fais attention.
  • Bon voyage. Faut-il vraiment revenir ?
  • Les meilleurs amis emmènent leurs amis fauchés en vacances. Les bons amis rapportent des cadeaux pour leurs copains. Les mauvais amis ne font rien de tout cela. Lequel vas-tu être, mon pote? Bon voyage.
  • Ne laissez pas votre aventure virer au cauchemar. Soyez prudent, emportez vos médicaments, dormez bien la veille du vol, transportez votre argent en toute sécurité, n'oubliez pas de prendre vos sac de couchage, veillez à ce que votre passeport ne soit pas volé, assurez-vous de charger votre appareil photo, ne quittez pas votre chambre d'hôtel déverrouillé. Gee, on dirait qu'il y a beaucoup de planification ennuyeuse devant vous. En tout cas, bon voyage. J'espère que vous parviendrez à vous amuser entre tous les morceaux ennuyeux.
  • Le grand Achille a mené des guerres à travers les océans, a voyagé avec de grandes armées, des royaumes protégés, et personne ne lui a souhaité bon voyage. Pourquoi devrais-je vous en souhaiter un? Vous conduisez seulement vers un autre état. Néanmoins, bon road trip.
  • Que votre voyage ne se termine jamais. Et que vous ne reveniez plus jamais manger notre glace. Bon voyage.
  • Je suis contente aujourd'hui parce que je ne supporterai pas tes constantes lamentations pendant les trois prochaines semaines. Bon voyage; n'hésitez pas à prolonger vos vacances de quelques semaines.
  • Les meilleurs cadeaux que vous pouvez récupérer pour vos proches d'un voyage sont des souvenirs et des souvenirs. Cela ne me dérange pas si vous oubliez de partager vos souvenirs, mais n'oubliez pas les souvenirs. Bon voyage, je vous souhaite un bon voyage.
  • Alors que vous faites vos valises, je vous souhaite un bon voyage et j'espère que vous ne serez pas agressé, malade, perdu ou pris du mauvais côté de la loi. Gee, je suppose que vous avez beaucoup de choses à surveiller. Passe de bonne vacances.
  • Où que vos voyages vous mènent, peu importe à quelle distance vous êtes de nous, n'oubliez pas de rapporter des cadeaux sympas. Nous attendons votre retour.
  • Enfin, je récupère la maison pour moi tout seul. Aucun de vos tatillons et pinailleries pendant quelques semaines. Bon voyage, coloc.
  • J'ai entendu dire que tu partais en vacances d'un mois. Vous ne nous manquerez pas à moins, bien sûr, que vous nous promettiez de nous offrir des cadeaux. S'amuser.

Message pour un proche qui déménage à l'étranger: Même si les kilomètres peuvent nous séparer, vous ne serez jamais loin de mon cœur.

Lasse Christensen, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr

Lire la suite de Pairedlife

3 conseils pour mieux bavarder, comment prétendre que votre mariage va bien, comment gagner votre bataille avec une belle-mère indiscrète, souhaits pour les amis, la famille et les collègues qui déménagent dans un autre pays.

  • Nous sommes heureux parce que vous partez à l'étranger pour poursuivre vos rêves, mais nous sommes tristes parce que vous êtes l'étoile brillante du bureau et que vous nous manquerez. Bon voyage; J'espère que ce message d'adieu vous apportera chance et succès partout et partout où vous allez.
  • Seule une personne comme vous peut avoir le courage de changer de pays pour de nouveaux emplois passionnants. Vous êtes, étiez et serez toujours un acteur. Bon voyage, cher ami.
  • Cette carte est tachée parce que je n'ai pas pu empêcher mes larmes de couler dessus pendant que j'écrivais ce message. Tu vas beaucoup me manquer chaque jour. bisous bisous
  • La seule chose qui me manquera vraiment chez toi, ce sont tes bavardages et tes plaisanteries inutiles qui m'ont occupé et amusé toute la journée au travail. Je vous souhaite un bon voyage en toute sécurité et j'espère que toutes les nouvelles personnes que vous rencontrez vous aiment autant que moi. Bon voyage.
  • Je déteste te voir partir, mais j'aime te voir progresser. L'amour triomphe de la haine, alors voici mes meilleurs vœux pour votre déménagement. Tu vas me manquer bien plus que tu ne peux l'imaginer. Rester en contact.
  • La meilleure chose à propos de déménager dans un autre pays est que vous devenez plus attaché aux endroits et aux personnes que vous laissez derrière vous. Bon voyage, cher frère. Je te souhaite bonne chance pour ta nouvelle vie.
  • Peu importe le nombre de kilomètres qui nous séparent, la distance ne s'insinuera jamais dans notre relation. Adieu et bon voyage, et surtout sachez que je vous aime.
  • Je n'arrive toujours pas à croire que tu pars. Comment diable suis-je censé survivre sans nos discussions de minuit et nos rendez-vous amusants? Muah, me manque.
  • Lorsque vous regardez la mer depuis votre avion, pensez à tous les souvenirs heureux et tristes que nous avons partagés ensemble en grandissant en tant que frères et sœurs. Je souhaite que vous passiez un bon moment à vous installer à l'étranger. Vive la nouvelle phase de ta vie.
  • Avez-vous la moindre idée à quel point je me sens handicapé quand vous n'êtes pas là? Je souhaite que vous n'ayez pas à y aller. Je ne peux qu'espérer que vous reviendrez bientôt. Soyez prudent et restez en contact.
  • C'est triste de voir un ami comme toi partir, Avec qui j'ai partagé tous mes hauts et mes bas. Mais voyager et bouger est le mode de vie Profiter du bonheur et surmonter les conflits. Au fur et à mesure que vous approchez de nouveaux territoires et de grandes opportunités, Je vous souhaite un bon voyage et bon voyage.
  • Voici un toast à un nouveau départ dans votre vie. Portez-vous bien, vivez libre et profitez pleinement de la vie. J'espère que vous obtiendrez tout ce que vous cherchez dans la vie. Bon voyage à un ami formidable, qui nous manquera beaucoup. Bonne chance mec.
  • Tout de toi va me manquer: ta maison confortable, la piscine dans ton jardin et la tarte aux pommes de ta mère. S'il vous plaît, ne bougez pas. Vous allez me manquer.
  • Il est difficile de quitter la maison, de voyager dans un nouvel endroit et d'en faire votre nouvelle maison. Mais chaque fois que vous revenez dans cette ville, vous savez que vous avez une autre maison où vous arrêter. Bon voyage, mon pote.
  • Je suis sans voix et en larmes. S'il te plaît, ne pars pas. bisous bisous
  • N'attendez pas que je vous dise au revoir. Sinon, vous verrez mon visage larmoyant et humide, et vous devrez annuler vos plans. Alors courez avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Avoir un bon vol. Je vous souhaite le meilleur dans votre déménagement.
  • Vous êtes sur le point de commencer un voyage vers une nouvelle destination et de vivre une nouvelle vie, de vous faire de nouveaux amis, de voir de nouveaux sites, de vivre de nouvelles expériences et d'atteindre de nouveaux sommets. Bonne chance copain.
  • Chaque jour, nous prierons pour votre bonne santé et votre bonheur. Nous t'aimons, mon fils.
  • Peu importe jusqu'où vous irez, vous aurez toujours New York dans vos veines. Tout le meilleur, mon frère; rendez-nous fiers.
  • Votre nouvelle maison, votre nouveau travail et vos nouveaux amis, tout vous attend. Allez-y et donnez-lui le meilleur de vous-même. Seuls quelques chanceux peuvent vivre leurs rêves. Bon voyage, cher ami.

Message pour un collègue partant en voyage d'affaires: Préparez votre plus beau costume et votre attitude la plus affûtée. Bon voyage d'affaires.

Andrei Dimofte, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr

Messages pour Déplacements Professionnels ou Affaires

  • Tu ferais mieux de sceller l'affaire cette fois-ci. Enlève leurs chaussettes, mon pote. Bon voyage et bonne chance.
  • Je suis tellement jaloux que votre rendez-vous d'affaires soit à Hawaï. Amuse-toi bien, chérie, mais sois un bon mari et concentre-toi sur ton travail. Ne regardez pas les belles femmes sur les plages ensoleillées. Bon voyage.
  • Tout le monde compte sur vous pour conclure l'accord à l'étranger. Vous devez le clouer cette fois. C'est faire ou mourir, mon pote. Bon vol, bonne présentation et bon voyage.
  • C'est dommage que vous alliez dans un si bel endroit uniquement pour assister à des réunions. Mais pendant que vous y êtes, assurez-vous de vous amuser aussi. Bon voyage.
  • Nous sommes tellement sûrs que vous allez décrocher le contrat lors de ce voyage. La victoire et le succès sont inscrits partout dans votre combinaison de puissance! Bon voyage.
  • Vous êtes parti pour une grande fête lorsque vous revenez de votre tournée. C'est parce que nous savons que vous allez rapporter des cadeaux pour tout le monde au bureau. Je vous souhaite une bonne tournée.
  • Nous savons que c'est fatiguant de prendre l'avion pour le travail, Mais c'est le genre de chose que nous esquivons toujours ; Tu es la star qui peut aller à l'étranger, Gagnez de grosses sommes d'argent et faites de grosses affaires, Alors revenez triomphant, réussi et chargé. Pour ce voyage gigantesque, nous vous souhaitons bon voyage.
  • Chaque fois que je vous souhaite un bon voyage pour un voyage d'affaires, je me dis: « J'ai hâte d'utiliser tous vos points de miles de vol pour mes propres vacances! » Bon vol, chérie.
  • Vous avez une promotion et un voyage d'affaires à l'étranger. De combien plus de chance pourriez-vous avoir besoin? Néanmoins, bonne chance pour votre voyage. Vous le méritez.
  • L'entreprise est fière d'avoir des employés comme vous qui représentent la marque à l'étranger. Tout le meilleur et profitez au maximum de ce voyage. Bon voyage.
  • Bon voyage pour cet important voyage d'affaires, mon pote. Pendant que vous préparez toutes les offres, n'oubliez pas de rapporter de bons vins et bières pour approvisionner le réfrigérateur du bureau.
  • Vous êtes l'un des rares collaborateurs à être envoyé pour tous les déplacements professionnels car vous êtes notre acteur vedette, un acteur fiable et le visage de notre entreprise. Bonne tournée professionnelle.
  • Être en décalage horaire, travailler avec des personnes de cultures différentes, vivre avec des valises, manger de la nourriture à l'hôtel tous les jours, vous serez bien récompensé pour avoir travaillé si dur et parcouru le monde. Continuez votre compagnon de jeu. Bon voyage.
  • Je n'arrive pas à croire que l'entreprise paie pour que vous alliez avoir une réunion ou deux sur les plages ensoleillées de Californie. Chien chanceux, profite-en au maximum.
  • Emballez votre meilleur costume, adoptez votre attitude la plus nette et montrez-leur de quoi nous sommes vraiment faits. Tout le meilleur pour votre présentation et votre voyage à l'étranger.

il h le 15 juin 2019 :

utilisé certains pour mes collègues

ils ont ri si fort lmao

Muhammad jamshaid du Pakistan le 20 janvier 2018 :

citations agréables et attrayantes.

Eiddwen du Pays de Galles le 27 septembre 2012 :

Un grand partage.


LA Elsen de Chicago, IL le 26 septembre 2012 :

Je n'ai jamais vraiment pensé à quoi dire dans la plupart de ces situations, alors j'ai l'habitude de m'envoler et de donner un générique " Bon voyage... " mais vous l'avez très bien dit. Maintenant, j'ai une liste de goto pour faire une déclaration d'adieu plus mémorable. Très utile et très humoristique. Merci pour l'écriture!

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farewell bon voyage message


Idées de textes pour dire "Bon voyage"

Trouvez un exemple de texte pour souhaiter « bon voyage » comme il se doit .

L'un de vos amis, l’un de vos collègues, ou un membre de votre famille, part en vacances, en long séjour à l'étranger, ou en voyage d'affaires, et vous souhaitez lui envoyer un message avant son départ ? Triste, envieux, heureux...dites-le de façon originale à votre ami ou collègue en lui écrivant une phrase courte, mais pleine de bonne humeur ! Que cela soit pour un départ de plusieurs semaines à l'étranger ou pour une simple escapade le temps d'un week-end, nous avons des idées pour tous les goûts et toutes les destinations. Préparez-vous à donner le smile à vos proches avant leur départ en vacances ! Trouvez l'inspiration en parcourant ces nombreux textes qui vous permettront de souhaiter « bon voyage » de façon originale ou amusante ! Des modèles parfaits pour vos messages Facebook et Twitter, vos sms ou encore vos mails. Pour plus de facilité, nous avons classé toutes les phrases par catégories ! N'hésitez pas à les parcourir. Les textes suivants sont gratuits. Si vos amis partent en lune de miel nous vous invitons à découvrir nos exemples de textes pour souhaiter un bon voyage de noces .

Idées classiques pour dire "Bon voyage"

  • Que votre voyage soit rempli d'aventures, de surprises et de découvertes. Puissiez-vous vivre le plus beau des voyages.
  • Puissiez-vous trouver les vraies joies de la vie dans ce voyage. Bonne route !
  • Que vos voyages forment les plus beaux chapitres de votre vie. Profitez bien !
  • Amusez-vous ! Vous nous manquerez ! Bon voyage !
  • Bon voyage ! Profitez bien de chaque instant et surtout revenez-nous en pleine forme. On compte sur vous !
  • En route vers de nouveaux horizons ! Ce sera l'occasion parfaite pour te ressourcer et revenir en pleine forme !

Messages pour souhaiter un "bon voyage" - Original

  • Découvrir. Trouver. Explorer. Visiter. Fouiller. Chercher. Rencontrer. Si tu aimes le son de ces mots alors tu profiteras pleinement de tes vacances. Bon voyage !
  • Il paraît que Mr Voyage est le meilleur professeur qu'on pourrait avoir. Il t'ouvre l'esprit, te fait découvrir de nouvelles personnes, de nouvelles cultures, de nouvelles histoires. En te souhaitant le meilleur des enseignements dans la meilleure des écoles : le monde ! Bon voyage !
  • Fais tes valises ! Boucle ta ceinture ! Oublie tes soucis ! En avant pour de nouvelles aventures ! Bon voyage !!
  • Les vacances se terminent toujours trop rapidement...alors arrête immédiatement de lire ce message et cours plus vite à l'aéroport ! Bon voyage ! Tu me manqueras pendant ton absence !
  • Voyager est à l'esprit ce que l'amour est au cœur et l'éducation à la vie...très enrichissant. Profite, et bon voyage.
  • Ne remplis pas trop ta valise. Il faudra que tu aies de la place pour les souvenirs, expériences et découvertes que tu ramèneras avec toi à ton retour. En attendant, bon voyage !
  • Bon il ne tient qu'à toi de nous prouver que les voyages forment la jeunesse !
  • Ah comme j'aimerais être ton appareil photo et voyager avec toi à la découverte de beaux paysages. En attendant, je ne suis que ces mots qui te souhaitent...Bon voyage
  • Pendant tes vacances, je t'interdis de faire du tourisme !!! Explore, fouille, découvre, cherche, discute...donne-toi du bonheur original et insoumi aux traditions touristiques ! Fais-moi rêver à ton retour ! Bon voyage !
  • La partie le plus passionnante d'un voyage est qu'il vous permet d'oublier tous vos soucis et de ne découvrir que des bonheurs. Bon voyage !

Textes pour souhaiter un "bon voyage" - Humour

  • Les vacances passent toujours si rapidement ! Alors arrête de perdre ton temps à lire ce message et profite de tes vacances ! Bon voyage ! Tu vas me manquer !
  • Un petit message pour te souhaiter bon un GROS message pour te rappeler de ramener des cadeaux à ton meilleur ami !
  • Un T-shirt, un mug, des spécialités locales, des magnets,...ce ne sont que quelques idées de ce que tu peux me ramener de ton périple ! Bon voyage !
  • Enfin des vacances bien méritées ! Je vais enfin être tranquille pendant 2 semaines au bureau ! Bon voyage et surtout prends tout ton temps pour revenir !
  • Pour ton voyage un seul conseil : oublie les selfies et mémorise les souvenirs ! Bon voyage !
  • Merci à toi d'avoir planifié ce voyage et de partir loin de nous...pendant toute une semaine ! Je me sens déjà tranquille. Allez, bon voyage !
  • Comment souhaiter un bon voyage à un geek comme toi ? En lui demandant de transformer ses yeux en appareil photo. En lui demandant de transformer son esprit en disque dur pour stocker ses souvenirs. Mais en ne lui demandant pas quel moyen de transport supersonique il va utiliser pour partir...
  • La seule raison pour laquelle je t'envoie un message de « bon voyage » est parce que j'espère que tu me ramèneras plein de souvenirs de ton périple ! Je te souhaite le plus gros « BON VOYAGE » que personne ne t'ait envoyé.
  • Ceci est un message de « Bon voyage » pour espérer recevoir en retour des cadeaux souvenirs (beaux et pas trop ringards) que le destinataire de message (que l'on peut appeler Mr Chanceux) voudra bien ramener à son meilleur ami (moi).

Croisière intimiste et exceptionnelle avec la compagnie Rivages du Monde

Pour la matérialisation de votre projet de croisière en famille ou en couple pendant la période des vacances, adressez-vous à une compagnie de croisière de renom à l’instar de Rivages du Monde. Ce professionnel propose ses services de navigation et de découvertes des merveilles touristiques dans le monde depuis l’an 2000.

Vous aspirez à une belle croisière avec rivages du monde ? – Rendez-vous sur le site web de ce professionnel en navigation maritime et fluviale pour trouver l’offre de croisière qui correspond à vos attentes et à votre budget .

La compagnie Rivages du Monde vous propose un large choix de destinations pour votre prochaine croisière. Vous pouvez opter pour une croisière en Méditerranée et dans des pays européens comme la Hongrie, l’Allemagne, la Croatie, l’Italie, la Roumanie, la République tchèque et même en Écosse.

Vous pouvez avoir toutes les informations sur la croisière de votre choix sur le site du professionnel de la navigation : le bateau de croisière, la destination, les escales, la durée de la croisière et aussi les tarifs.

Rivages du Monde propose des bateaux affrétés pour satisfaire ses clients. Les bateaux sont de taille moyenne pour répondre à cette volonté de la compagnie de proposer des croisières intimistes et conviviales.

Croisière avec Rivage du Monde : place à l’apprentissage et à l’amusement

Rivages du Monde inclut le repas et les boissons chaudes dans le tarif de croisière. C’est aussi une façon de proposer aux voyageurs des tarifs compétitifs et attractifs.

Vous pouvez séjourner dans une cabine-suite, une cabine extérieure ou une cabine avec balcon . Ces 3 types de cabines garantissent un confort sans compromis et une vue agréable sur les mers et les océans.

Par ailleurs, Rivage du Monde vous propose une croisière centrée sur l’apprentissage et les divertissements . Vous pouvez très bien vous amuser et vous adonner au lâcher-prise grâce à des infrastructures comme la piscine, les salles de fête, les discothèques... En même temps, le bateau de croisière propose des salles dédiées aux études des traits historiques et culturels marquants des destinations visitées. Les études continuent lors des visites culturelles et touristiques pendant les escales.

  • Textes d'amour
  • Textes de condoléances
  • Textes pour les fêtes
  • Textes d'invitation
  • Textes pour un anniversaire
  • Textes de remerciements
  • Textes de félicitations
  • Textes pour accompagner des fleurs
  • Textes professionnels
  • Textes pour les mariages
  • Textes souhaits
  • Textes pour encourager
  • Modèles de SMS
  • Textes d'amitié
  • Textes funéraires
  • Textes faire-part de naissance
  • Textes "Je suis désolé"
  • Textes faire-part de mariage
  • Textes pour cagnotte
  • Textes pour gravure

Livraison de fleurs à domicile ou au travail

  • SMS amusants d'amour
  • Joyeux anniversaire à un collègue
  • Textes à graver sur un cadeau
  • Textes d'invitation pour Noël
  • Textes d'invitation pour un pot de départ

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farewell bon voyage message

50 Heartfelt Bon Voyage Messages to Bid Farewell with Love and Good Wishes

Say goodbye in style with these heartfelt bon voyage messages. Show your love and send them off with good wishes. Click for inspiration!


Sending off friends and loved ones with bon voyage messages has long been a cherished tradition. These heartfelt messages serve as a way to express care, support, and excitement for someone's journey. Whether it's a friend embarking on a new adventure, a family member setting off on travels, or a colleague going on a business trip, bon voyage messages play a significant role in showing love and best wishes.

How to Easily Create Bon Voyage Messages with Anakin AI

Creating Bon Voyage Messages with Anakin AI is easy and fun. Here’s a simple guide:

Step 1 . Visit the AI Powered Content Generator provided by Anakin AI:

farewell bon voyage message

Step 2 . Choose a Content Topic , and Click on the Generate button. You get the content generated for you!

farewell bon voyage message

Remember, Anakin AI makes it simple to create thoughtful and personalized anniversary messages, adding a special touch to the celebration.

Best Examples for Bon Voyage Messages

1. bon voyage messages for friends.

Crafting the perfect send-off for a friend embarking on a new adventure is an opportunity to express your excitement and support. Examples include:

  • "Wishing you a journey filled with new experiences, unforgettable memories, and endless joy. Bon voyage, my dear friend!"
  • "May your travels be filled with unexpected adventures, delightful surprises, and beautiful encounters. Have an amazing time, and I can't wait to hear all about it!"
  • "As you embark on this new journey, may you discover hidden treasures, embrace different cultures, and find yourself in the process. Bon voyage, my adventurous friend!"
  • "Sending you off with a heart full of love and a suitcase full of dreams. Safe travels, dear friend, and may this be a journey of a lifetime!"
  • "Bon voyage to my favorite travel buddy! Here's to exploring new destinations, creating beautiful memories, and having the time of our lives. Let's make this trip unforgettable!"

2. Bon Voyage Messages for Family Members

When it comes to bidding farewell to family members as they set off on their travels, heartfelt wishes are essential. Consider these examples:

  • "Wishing you safe travels, dear [family member]. May this journey bring you closer to your dreams, and may you return with a heart full of joy and unforgettable memories."
  • "Bon voyage to our dear [family member]. May your travels be filled with love, happiness, and precious moments. We'll be eagerly waiting for your return!"
  • "Sending you off with all our love and warm wishes as you embark on this new adventure. May every step you take be blessed, and may you find beauty in every corner of the world. Bon voyage, dear [family member]!"
  • "As you set off on this incredible journey, know that you carry a piece of our hearts with you. Bon voyage, [family member], and may you find peace, joy, and fulfillment along the way."
  • "Wishing you blue skies, gentle winds, and a path paved with love and happiness. Bon voyage, dear [family member], and may your travels bring you closer to everything your heart desires."

3. Bon Voyage Messages for Colleagues

When colleagues embark on business trips or take sabbaticals, it's important to send them warm and professional wishes. Consider these examples:

  • "Wishing you a successful trip filled with fruitful meetings, exciting opportunities, and unforgettable experiences. Bon voyage, and may your journey be both productive and enjoyable!"
  • "As you venture into new territories on this business trip, may you find success, make valuable connections, and return with accomplishments to be proud of. Bon voyage, dear colleague!"
  • "Bon voyage to our incredible colleague! We'll miss your presence here, but we're excited for the experiences and growth that await you on this journey. Safe travels and see you soon!"
  • "May your sabbatical be a time of rest, rejuvenation, and self-discovery. Bon voyage, dear colleague, and may you return with renewed energy and inspiration to share with the team!"
  • "Wishing you a memorable and productive trip filled with new insights, exciting challenges, and great achievements. Bon voyage, and may your journey be as successful as you are!"

4. Bon Voyage Messages for Students

When students go abroad for studies or exchange programs, it's important to offer them encouragement and support. Consider these examples:

  • "Bon voyage, dear student! Your courage to embrace new experiences and pursue knowledge beyond borders is truly inspiring. Wishing you a transformative journey filled with growth and unforgettable memories."
  • "As you embark on this educational adventure, may you broaden your horizons, make lifelong friendships, and discover the incredible possibilities that await you. Bon voyage, and may your studies be a remarkable chapter in your life!"
  • "Wishing you a safe and enriching journey as you explore new cultures, expand your knowledge, and chase your dreams. Bon voyage, dear student, and may this experience shape you in ways you never imagined!"
  • "Bon voyage to the brave student venturing into the unknown. May you find inspiration, embrace challenges, and return with a wealth of knowledge and beautiful memories!"
  • "As you set off on this incredible educational journey, know that we're cheering you on from afar. Bon voyage, dear student, and may this experience be the stepping stone to a future filled with success and happiness!"

5. Bon Voyage Messages for Couples

When couples embark on a honeymoon or a shared journey, it's a special time that deserves romantic and thoughtful messages. Consider these examples:

  • "Bon voyage to the most beautiful couple! May your journey be filled with romance, laughter, and magical moments. Wishing you endless love and a honeymoon of a lifetime!"
  • "As you begin this new chapter together, may your journey be as breathtaking as your love for each other. Bon voyage, dear couple, and may your shared adventures create memories to last a lifetime!"
  • "Wishing you a honeymoon filled with stolen kisses, hand-in-hand walks, and heartwarming moments. Bon voyage, and may this be the start of a lifetime of beautiful travels together!"
  • "To the loving couple embarking on a journey of love and discovery, may your bond grow stronger with every step you take. Bon voyage, dear [name] and [name], and may this adventure be the foundation of a beautiful life together!"
  • "Bon voyage to the couple who exemplify love and adventure! May your honeymoon be filled with laughter, joy, and unforgettable experiences. Wishing you a journey as beautiful as your love for each other!"

6. Bon Voyage Messages for Solo Travelers

For friends or loved ones taking on the adventure of solo travel, empowering messages can inspire courage and excitement. Consider these examples:

  • "Bon voyage to the fearless solo traveler! May you find strength, independence, and boundless joy as you embark on this incredible journey. We'll be cheering for you every step of the way!"
  • "Sending you off with admiration and support as you explore the world on your own. May your solo adventure be filled with self-discovery, new friendships, and beautiful moments. Bon voyage!"
  • "As you embark on this extraordinary solo journey, may you find your inner compass, embrace spontaneity, and create memories that will light up your heart. Bon voyage, dear adventurer!"
  • "Wishing you safe travels and thrilling adventures as you venture into the unknown. Embrace the thrill of solo travel, dear friend, and may your journey be filled with incredible moments and unforgettable encounters. Bon voyage!"
  • "Bon voyage to the solo traveler fearlessly chasing their dreams! May you find inspiration, explore uncharted territories, and return with stories that inspire others to embrace their own adventures. Safe travels, and may this journey be the start of an incredible chapter in your life!"

7. Humorous Bon Voyage Messages

Adding humor to bon voyage messages can bring a smile to the traveler's face. Consider these lighthearted examples:

  • "Bon voyage! Remember to pack your sense of humor, your passport, and a healthy appetite for adventure. Have a great trip, and don't forget to send us a postcard!"
  • "Wishing you an epic adventure filled with laughter, hilarious mishaps, and unforgettable moments. Bon voyage, and may your journey be as hilarious as your sense of humor!"
  • "Bon voyage to the world traveler who knows that laughter is the best travel companion. May every day of your trip be filled with hilarious anecdotes and bellyaching laughter!"
  • "Here's to a trip filled with funny encounters, quirky adventures, and memorable mishaps. Bon voyage, dear friend, and may laughter be the soundtrack of your journey!"
  • "Wishing you a trip so full of joy and laughter that it becomes the stuff of legends. Bon voyage, and may your adventures be filled with comedic timing and hilarious escapades!"

8. Inspirational Bon Voyage Messages

Uplifting messages can inspire wanderlust and courage for the journey ahead. Consider these examples:

  • "Bon voyage to the dream chaser who embraces the unknown with open arms. May your journey be a testament to the power of courage, passion, and perseverance!"
  • "As you set sail towards new horizons, may you find inspiration in every sunrise, strength in every challenge, and beauty in every destination. Bon voyage, and may your journey be the start of something incredible!"
  • "Wishing you a journey that fuels your spirit, opens your mind, and sets your heart on fire. Bon voyage, dear traveler, and may your adventures lead you to a life of purpose and fulfillment!"
  • "Bon voyage to the adventurer who believes in the power of dreams and the magic of wanderlust. May your journey be filled with breathtaking moments and a lifetime of inspiration!"
  • "As you venture into the world, may you be reminded of the incredible possibilities that lie beyond your comfort zone. Bon voyage, dear friend, and may your journey ignite your soul!"

9. Short and Sweet Bon Voyage Messages

A concise message can be memorable and perfect for a quick send-off. Consider these short and sweet examples:

  • "Bon voyage! Safe travels and may your journey be filled with beautiful moments."
  • "Wishing you a trip filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Bon voyage!"
  • "Wishing you safe travels and exciting adventures. Bon voyage, dear [name]!"
  • "Bon voyage, dear friend! May your journey be as extraordinary as you are."
  • "Sending you off with love and best wishes. Bon voyage!"

10. Long-Distance Bon Voyage Messages

Messages that convey love and best wishes across the miles are essential for those embarking on long-distance travels. Consider these examples:

  • "Though miles may separate us, know that our love and well wishes are always with you. Bon voyage, dear [name], and may your journey be filled with happiness and endless discoveries!"
  • "Wishing you safe travels and a journey that connects your heart to the farthest corners of the world. Bon voyage, [name], and may our love reach you wherever you may go!"
  • "As you embark on this long-distance adventure, know that distance is no match for the love and support we have for you. Bon voyage, dear friend, and may you create memories that bridge the miles!"
  • "Bon voyage to our dear [name]! Though oceans may separate us, our thoughts and warm wishes are always by your side. Safe travels, and may your journey be a testament to the power of love and friendship!"
  • "Wishing you a journey filled with awe-inspiring moments, new connections, and a heart that knows no boundaries. Bon voyage, dear [name], and may your travels bring you closer to the ones you love!"

Bon voyage messages hold immense significance in showing support and sharing in the excitement of a traveler's journey. Whether it's for friends, family members, colleagues, students, couples, or solo travelers, these messages allow us to express our care and well wishes. From humorous and inspirational messages to short and sweet or long-distance wishes, every bon voyage message helps strengthen bonds and brings a sense of community and care. So, the next time someone sets off on a journey, let your words convey love, excitement, and encouragement, setting the tone for a wonderful and fulfilling trip.

Best 50+ Examples for Happy Birthday Prayer Messages

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SMS et messages pour souhaiter un bon voyage

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SMS et messages pour souhaiter un bon voyage

Votre ami ou votre collègue part en vacances ? Souhaitez-lui un bon voyage grâce à notre série de messages et SMS.

À la recherche d'un petit SMS à envoyer à un(e) ami(e), un collègue, un frère ou un père qui va bientôt partir en voyage en France ou à l'étranger ? Vous aimeriez tout simplement lui souhaiter « Bon voyage » mais d'une manière un peu plus originale, voire plus rigolote ? Nous vous proposons plusieurs modèles de SMS sympas et originaux pour dire au revoir et bon voyage comme il se doit aux personnes que vous aimez ! Les voyages sont sources de découvertes, de rencontres, d’inattendu, d’excitation...mais aussi de stress. Ils sont attendus impatiemment par ceux qui les organisent, et lorsque le grand jour arrive, la tension est à son comble. Pour ceux qui partent en voyage, il est toujours agréable de recevoir des messages de "bon voyage" de la part de leurs proches, amis et collègues. Si vous connaissez une personne sur le départ, il est temps de lui envoyer un message pour lui souhaiter un bon voyage ! Sur cette page, nous vous proposons une série de messages afin de souhaiter un bon voyage à une personne de votre entourage ! Vous pourrez envoyer ces textes par SMS, mail, Facebook, Whatsapp... Pour résumer, l'objectif de cette page est de vous donner des idées pour souhaiter un bon voyage à vos proches et de vous aider à écrire des messages significatifs qui feront ressentir votre soutien et votre affection envers la personne qui part en voyage. Il est important de noter que vous pouvez personnaliser les messages en fonction de votre relation avec la personne et de sa destination. Lorsque votre reviendra de son voyage, n'oubliez pas également de lui souhaiter un bon retour !

  • Que ton voyage soit rempli de souvenirs extraordinaires et de doux moments ! Profite de chaque instant ! Tu mérites cette pause dans ce monde toujours en mouvement !
  • Tu pars bientôt, mais j’ai déjà hâte de te retrouver ! En attendant, profite de tout ce qui se présentera sur ton chemin ! Je te souhaite un très bon voyage !
  • Bon voyage ! Profite de chaque instant, fais de belles rencontres et reviens avec plein de souvenirs incroyables dans la tête !
  • Bon voyage à toi l’ami et je te souhaite de trouver de jolies personnes, expériences et découvertes sur ton chemin !
  • Bon voyage ! Je suis sûr que tu vas t'éclater ! Prends des photos, envoie-moi des messages et je compte sur toi pour que tu me racontes tout à ton retour. Je pense à toi !
  • Il est maintenant temps d’enrichir tes posts sur Instagram ! J’ai hâte de suivre tes aventures à travers le monde ! Bon voyage !
  • Tu pars déjà demain ! Je compterais désespérément les jours jusqu’à ce que tu me reviennes ! D’ici là je veux que tu t’amuses un maximum ! Je te souhaite un voyage incroyable.
  • Je suis heureux que tu puisses enfin entreprendre ce voyage que tu voulais faire depuis si longtemps ! Je te souhaite un bon voyage et j’espère que tu pourras faire tout ce que tu souhaitais pendant ton escapade !
  • Je sais que tu vas adorer l'endroit où tu vas. Profite à fond de chaque instant, oublie tes soucis et reviens en forme. Amuse-toi bien ! Bon voyage !
  • En te souhaitant le plus beau des voyages et un esprit libre de tout stress et plein de curiosité !
  • Profite de cette pause bien méritée ! Bon voyage à toi !
  • Tu ne comprendras jamais le vrai sens de ta vie tant que tu n'auras pas voyagé et découvert comment les autres vivent la leur. Bon voyage.
  • Bon voyage et surtout ne reviens pas les mains vides ! Je veux que tu reviennes la tête pleines d’histoire, d’anecdotes et de grands moments de beauté... J’ai hâte que tu les partages avec moi à ton retour !
  • J’espère que ce voyage sera LE voyage de ta vie ! Prends bien soin de toi et n’oublie pas de m’inonder de photos ! Je n’attends que ça ! Bon voyage !
  • Que tes valises soient remplies de rires, de découvertes et de souvenirs inoubliables. Amuse-toi bien et reviens-nous en forme !
  • Bon voyage ! Laisse tes soucis derrière toi. Profite un maximum !
  • Tu mérites une pause après avoir travaillé si dur pendant toute cette année. Alors, détends-toi, amuse-toi et reviens-nous reposé et avec plein d’ondes positives à nous partager.
  • J’aimerais tellement être avec toi en ce moment parce que je voulais vraiment faire partie de ce merveilleux voyage. Mais comme cela est impossible, je t’envoie tous mes vœux qui sauront t’accompagner jusqu’à ta prestigieuse destination ! Bon voyage à toi !
  • Certaines personnes disent que les voyages permettent de devenir plus sage. D’autres encore qu’ils vous apprennent à devenir humble. Moi je dis simplement : ne pense pas et voyage, tout simplement ! Profite de chaque instant et amuse-toi !
  • Ne sois pas nerveux à l’idée de prendre l’avion ! Tu arriveras à destination en un rien de temps ! Bon vol et profite de chaque instant !
  • Où que tu ailles, vas-y avec tout ton cœur et toute ton âme ! Je te souhaite un bon voyage !
  • J’espère que tu seras assez téméraire lors de ce voyage pour oublier tout ton stress et tes soucis ! Je te souhaite un super bon voyage !
  • Personne ne mérite plus que toi ces vacances ! Que ce voyage soit rempli de joies et de bonheur ! Bon voyage à toi mon ami !
  • J’espère que je te manquerai autant que tu me manqueras ! Je te souhaite un très bon voyage !
  • Peu importe où tu iras, nous serons toujours avec toi, dans ton cœur ! Nous t’aimons ! Bon voyage !
  • Bon voyage mon ami ! Reviens-nous tout frais et plein de peps ! Et en attendant, nourris-toi de tout plein d’aventures et de cultures. Tu nous raconteras toutes tes péripéties à ton retour ! Bisous
  • Bon voyage ! Je penserai à toi quand tu seras loin d'ici ! Je me demanderai où tu seras tel jour ; à telle heure...alors, n'oublie pas de me donner quelques nouvelles de temps en temps ! Bon vol !

Utilisez nos jolies idées de messages pour souhaiter un bon voyage à quelqu'un de manière simple et intelligente, car il y a beaucoup mieux à dire que « Bon voyage et à bientôt ! ».

D'autres messages à découvrir

Que choisir : Carte postale ou carte virtuelle ?

Que choisir : Carte postale ou carte virtuelle ?

Messages pour souhaiter un bon congé maternité

Messages pour souhaiter un bon congé maternité

  • Condoléances et textes décès
  • Messages d'amour
  • Messages amitié
  • Messages pour les anniversaires
  • Messages anniversaire de mariage
  • Textes de remerciements
  • Messages pour les fêtes de l'année
  • Voeux et souhaits
  • SMS félicitations
  • Messages professionnels
  • Invitations
  • Annonces diverses
  • Pour la famille
  • Pour les animaux
  • Mois de l'année
  • Jours de la semaine
  • Compliments
  • Encouragements et motivation
  • Pour dire "Au revoir"
  • Réponses à vos SMS
  • Messages pour vos fleurs

Derniers articles

  • Messages originaux pour un anniversaire
  • Messages "bonne nuit" romantiques
  • Messages anniversaire en retard
  • Messages touchants pour la fête des mères

Principal / Compétences Sociales Et Étiquette / Messages de bon voyage: 100 souhaits d'adieu et citations

Les Meilleurs Noms Pour Les Enfants

farewell bon voyage message

Messages de bon voyage: 100 souhaits d'adieu et citations

Connaissez-vous quelqu

Souhaitant un bon voyage à ceux qui partent à l'étranger

Vous ne savez pas quoi écrire sur une carte comme message «bon voyage» pour un ami partant en vacances? Vous cherchez d'autres façons de dire 'Bon voyage?' Envie d'envoyer un email à un patron qui part en voyage d'affaires? Vous envisagez de laisser une mise à jour émotionnelle sur Facebook à votre petit ami qui fait ses valises pour voyager à l'étranger? Continuez à lire et apprenez à exprimer vos sentiments pour souhaiter à un ami, à un membre de la famille ou à un partenaire un voyage sûr et heureux.

Cet article couvre

  • De courts messages d'adieu parfaits pour les textes
  • Messages pour les amis partant en vacances (`` Bon voyage ''), la famille et les partenaires en vacances
  • Funny 'bon voyage' messages
  • Messages pour les amis qui déménagent à l'étranger de façon permanente ou souhaits pour les amis et la famille qui déménagent dans un autre pays
  • Messages pour voyages professionnels ou professionnels

Messages d'adieu courts parfaits pour les textes

  • L'argent dépensé en voyage n'est jamais gaspillé.
  • Amusez-vous bien, manquez-moi et revenez bientôt.
  • Bon voyage; take your time.
  • Bien que les kilomètres puissent venir entre nous, vous ne serez jamais loin de mon cœur.
  • Emballez votre meilleur costume et votre attitude la plus pointue. Bon voyage d'affaires.
  • Bon voyage et rapportez-moi un cadeau!
  • Les vacances se terminent toujours trop tôt. Alors assez de temps perdu à lire ce message - rendez-vous à l'aéroport!
  • Voici de nouveaux commencements. Tu vas nous manquer!
  • Bon voyage; party hard.
  • J'espère que vous reviendrez avec plein de souvenirs et de souvenirs à partager! Au moins les souvenirs.

farewell bon voyage message

Messages pour les personnes partant en vacances

  • Les vacances se terminent toujours rapidement. Alors arrêtez de passer du temps à lire ce message et rendez-vous à l'aéroport. Bon voyage, mon ami. Tu me manqueras pendant ton absence.
  • Je ne peux pas croire que tu ne seras pas là pour ton anniversaire. Heureusement que tu vas célébrer tes 50 ans e sur les plages ensoleillées du Mexique. Joyeux anniversaire en avance. Profitez de vos voyages.
  • Ce SMS est pour vous souhaiter un bon voyage et surtout pour vous rappeler de rapporter des cadeaux à votre meilleur ami (moi).
  • Se détendre sous le soleil, Se détendre sous les étoiles, Siroter un cocktail à la framboise, Se faire masser les pieds à la thaï, Essayer des plats exotiques, Faire du vélo sur des itinéraires inconnus, Faire du canoë dans de petits ruisseaux, S'écraser dans le jacuzzi de l'hôtel après une journée fatigante de visites, Apprendre le langue des habitants - Attends, je ne t'écris pas un poème de vacances. Je vous parle simplement des choses que j'ai faites pendant mes vacances. Prenez quelques conseils et profitez au maximum de vos vacances. Bon voyage.
  • Comment un petit ami solitaire comme moi va-t-il survivre un mois entier sans une belle petite amie comme toi dans ses bras? Tu vas me manquer des tonnes pendant que tu es parti en vacances avec ta famille. Dois-tu partir? Je t'aime, bon voyage.
  • Vous n’avez peut-être pas d’argent pour aller dans de bons restaurants, acheter une nouvelle voiture, jouer au golf, visiter l’opéra ou acheter des diamants, mais vous semblez certainement avoir l’argent pour voyager - j'aime vos priorités dans la vie. Vous faites bon usage de votre argent. Bon voyage. Prenez beaucoup de photos.
  • La seule raison pour laquelle je vous souhaite spécialement «bon voyage» est que je veux que vous me donniez beaucoup de friandises à votre retour. Bon voyage.
  • Du vin, des chocolats, des souvenirs, des produits alimentaires exotiques et des vêtements - ce ne sont là que quelques idées pour vous aider à réfléchir à ce que vous pouvez me procurer de vos voyages à l'étranger. Bon voyage.
  • J'espère voir une version plus gaie, amusante, joyeuse, calme et gazeuse de vous lorsque vous reviendrez de votre voyage parce que - bon sang, vous allez à Ibiza! Bon voyage, fête bien.
  • Je suis jaloux de vous non seulement parce que vous êtes beau, charmant, confiant et adorable, mais aussi parce que vous partez pour des vacances de luxe. Bon voyage.
  • La destination de vos vacances n'a pas vraiment d'importance. Vous êtes une personne tellement amusante que vous pouvez rendre vos vacances mémorables. Bon voyage.
  • Chaque fois que vous trinquez à l'étranger. Chaque fois que vous laissez tomber vos cheveux pour le soleil, Chaque fois que vous vous imprégnez de nouveaux sites, Chaque fois que vous rencontrez de nouvelles personnes, Souviens-toi juste qu'il y a quelqu'un à la maison Qui veut partager vos voyages à travers vos yeux. En attendant que vous reveniez cher. Bon voyage.
  • Il est injuste que vous puissiez faire le tour du monde pendant que je suis coincé ici à faire des cours de semestre. Je suis tellement jaloux de toi. Sais-tu comment tu peux me faire me sentir mieux? Rapportez-moi un beau cadeau, s'il vous plaît. Tu vas me manquer des tonnes, colocataire.
  • Je vois vos yeux briller, vos lèvres se brisant en un sourire et vos paumes se serrant les unes les autres avec excitation. Je sais à quel point tu es super excité pour ton voyage. Passe un bon moment.
  • J'adore la façon dont vous dépensez tout ce que vous gagnez en voyage. C'est une façon vraiment cool de vivre la vie. Bon voyage.
  • Je n'envie que deux choses dans la vie. L'un est votre belle maison et l'autre est les vacances que vous prenez cette année. Vous vous envolez vers des îles exotiques - vous avez de la chance. Bon voyage.
  • Vous êtes la fille la plus chanceuse de pouvoir faire du sac à dos à travers l'Europe. Prenez beaucoup de photos en admirant la vue sur les vignobles français, prenez un bain de soleil sur les plages ensoleillées de Sicile, savourez des repas romantiques à Venise et augmentez votre vocabulaire en apprenant de nouveaux mots tout en discutant avec de beaux hommes espagnols. Vous allez me manquer. bisous bisous
  • Nous apprenons à connaître les meilleurs cafés, pubs, discothèques et hotspots dans diverses villes du monde uniquement grâce à vos vacances. Voici donc un toast à bien d'autres vacances et découvertes. Bonne chance. Nous avons hâte d'entendre plus de vos récits de voyage.
  • Vous êtes le genre de personne qui rendrait même les voyages les plus fatigants, amusants et excitants. Vous n'avez vraiment pas besoin de souhaits de «bon voyage», mais les voici quand même: faites un voyage sûr et agréable.
  • Je ne peux pas imaginer ne pas vous avoir pendant un mois. Qui d'autre vais-je embrasser quand je me sens mal? Prenez soin de vous, amusez-vous, manquez-moi et revenez bientôt. Muah.

Message pour un ami partant à l

Funny 'Bon Voyage' Messages

  • Vous partez enfin pour des vacances bien méritées. Dieu merci, je ne vais pas être ennuyé par votre mandat pendant encore 10 jours. Bon voyage, prenez votre temps.
  • Autant que je ne peux pas te supporter dans ma vie, tu vas me manquer quand tu es en vacances. Bon voyage, ma chérie. Reviens bientôt.
  • Vous auriez dû voir le visage de notre patron quand il vous a autorisé à partir pour vos vacances. Ses yeux hurlaient: 'Je veux y aller aussi!' Bonne chance, mon pote. Vous méritez celui-ci.
  • Je n'ai jamais pensé que vous pourriez vous offrir des vacances en Europe puisque vous ne m'avez même jamais offert une seule bière. Je plaisante - même si j'adorerais une bière. Bon voyage.
  • Vous avez dit que vous alliez vous rendre sur les plages ensoleillées d'Espagne pour vous détendre, faire du tourisme et passer du temps avec vos amis. Pensez-vous vraiment que je vous crois? Nous savons tous que vous allez vous allonger et regarder les belles femmes espagnoles défiler leurs corps chauds sur la plage. Amusez-vous bien, mon pote. Bon voyage et tenez-vous bien.
  • Ils disent que le voyage est plus important que la destination. Mais qu'est ce que cela vous intéresse? Vous espérez juste aller dans un pub crawl après l'autre, non? Amusez-vous, restez en sécurité, faites la fête.
  • Ne faites pas de bêtises pendant votre voyage. N'oubliez pas que tout le monde a des iPhones ces jours-ci et que vos singeries pourraient être sur YouTube. À la réflexion, j'aimerais voir une vidéo embarrassante de la vôtre devenir virale. En espérant que cela se produise.
  • Vous rendez-vous compte que vous êtes sur le point de gaspiller au moins deux mois de votre salaire durement gagné pour seulement quelques semaines de voyage? Vous auriez pu faire un acompte sur une nouvelle voiture à la place. Mais ne voulez pas gâcher votre humeur - bon voyage et amusez-vous.
  • Profitez de votre voyage, mon pote. J'espère que vous n'aurez pas d'intoxication alimentaire ou de fièvre au hasard. Fais attention.
  • Bon voyage. Devez-vous vraiment revenir?
  • Les meilleurs amis emmènent leurs amis rompus en vacances. Les bons amis rapportent des cadeaux à leurs copains. Les mauvais amis ne font rien de tout cela. Lequel allez-vous être, mon pote? Bon voyage.
  • Ne laissez pas votre aventure se transformer en cauchemar. Soyez prudent, emportez vos médicaments, dormez bien un jour avant le vol, transportez votre argent en toute sécurité, n'oubliez pas de prendre votre sac de couchage, faites attention à ce que votre passeport ne soit pas volé, assurez-vous de charger votre appareil photo, ne le faites pas. t laissez votre chambre d'hôtel déverrouillée. Gee, on dirait qu'il y a beaucoup de planification ennuyeuse devant vous. Bref, bon voyage. J'espère que vous réussirez à vous amuser entre tous les moments ennuyeux.
  • Le grand Achille a mené des guerres à travers les océans, voyagé avec de grandes armées, des royaumes protégés, et personne ne lui a souhaité un bon voyage. Pourquoi devrais-je vous en souhaiter un? Vous ne conduisez que vers un autre état. Néanmoins, bon voyage sur la route.
  • Que votre voyage ne se termine jamais. Et que vous ne reveniez plus jamais manger notre glace. Bon voyage.
  • Je suis heureux aujourd'hui parce que je ne supporterai pas votre harcèlement constant pendant les trois prochaines semaines. Bon voyage; n'hésitez pas à prolonger vos vacances de quelques semaines supplémentaires.
  • Les meilleurs cadeaux que vous pouvez récupérer pour vos proches lors d'un voyage sont des souvenirs et des souvenirs. Cela ne me dérange pas si vous oubliez de partager vos souvenirs, mais n'oubliez pas les souvenirs. Bon voyage, en vous souhaitant de bons voyages.
  • Alors que vous faites vos valises, je vous souhaite un bon voyage et j'espère que vous ne serez pas agressé, malade, perdu ou pris du mauvais côté de la loi. Gee, je suppose que vous avez beaucoup à surveiller. Passe de bonne vacances.
  • Où que vous emmènent vos voyages, peu importe à quelle distance vous êtes de nous, n'oubliez pas de rapporter des cadeaux sympas. Nous attendons votre retour.
  • Enfin, je reçois la maison toute seule. Aucun de vos tenaces et pinaillages pendant quelques semaines. Bon voyage, colocataire.
  • J'ai entendu dire que tu partais pour des vacances d'un mois. Vous ne nous manquerez pas à moins, bien sûr, que vous ne promettiez de nous faire des cadeaux. S'amuser.

Message pour un être cher qui déménage à l

Souhaits pour les amis, la famille et les collègues qui déménagent dans un autre pays

  • Nous sommes heureux parce que vous partez à l'étranger pour poursuivre vos rêves, mais nous sommes tristes parce que vous êtes l'étoile brillante du bureau et nous nous manquerons. Bon voyage; J'espère que ce message d'adieu vous apportera chance et succès partout et où que vous alliez.
  • Seule une personne comme vous peut avoir le courage de déplacer des pays vers des emplois nouveaux et passionnants. Vous êtes, avez été et serez toujours un réalisateur. Bon voyage, cher ami.
  • Cette carte est tachée parce que je n'ai pas pu empêcher mes larmes de tomber dessus pendant que j'écrivais ce message. Tu me manqueras énormément chaque jour. bisous bisous
  • La seule chose qui me manquera vraiment chez vous, c'est votre bavardage et vos plaisanteries inutiles qui m'ont occupé et amusé toute la journée au travail. Je vous souhaite un bon et bon voyage et j'espère que toutes les nouvelles personnes que vous rencontrerez vous aimeront autant que moi. Bon voyage.
  • Je déteste te voir partir, mais j'aime te voir progresser. L'amour triomphe de la haine, alors voici mes meilleurs vœux pour votre déménagement. Tu me manqueras bien plus que tu ne peux l'imaginer. Rester en contact.
  • La meilleure chose à propos de déménager dans un autre pays est que vous devenez plus attaché aux lieux et aux personnes que vous laissez derrière vous. Bon voyage, cher frère. Je vous souhaite bonne chance pour votre nouvelle vie.
  • Peu importe le nombre de kilomètres qui nous séparent, la distance ne s'insinuera jamais dans notre relation. Adieu et bon voyage et, surtout, sachez que je vous aime.
  • Je n'arrive toujours pas à croire que tu pars. Comment diable suis-je censé survivre sans nos discussions de minuit et nos dates amusantes? Muah, je me manque.
  • Lorsque vous regardez la mer depuis votre avion, pensez à tous les souvenirs heureux et tristes que nous avons partagés ensemble en grandissant en tant que frères et sœurs. Je souhaite que vous passiez un excellent moment à vous installer à l'étranger. Bravo à la nouvelle phase de votre vie.
  • Avez-vous la moindre idée de mon handicap quand vous n'êtes pas là? Je souhaite que vous n'ayez pas à y aller. J'espère seulement que vous reviendrez bientôt. Soyez prudent et restez en contact.
  • C'est triste de voir un ami comme toi, Avec qui j'ai partagé tous mes hauts et mes bas. Mais voyager et bouger est le mode de vie Profiter du bonheur et surmonter les conflits. À mesure que vous approchez des terres nouvelles et des opportunités importantes, Je vous souhaite un bon voyage et un bon voyage.
  • Voici un toast à un nouveau départ dans votre vie. Soyez bien, vivez librement et profitez de la vie au maximum. J'espère que vous obtenez tout ce que vous recherchez dans la vie. Bon voyage à un ami formidable, qui nous manquera beaucoup. Bonne chance mec.
  • Je vais tout manquer de vous: votre maison confortable, la piscine de votre jardin et la tarte aux pommes de votre mère. Veuillez ne pas bouger. Vous allez me manquer.
  • Il est difficile de quitter la maison, de voyager dans un nouvel endroit et d'en faire votre nouvelle maison. Mais chaque fois que vous revenez dans cette ville, vous savez que vous avez une autre maison où vous arrêter. Bon voyage, mon pote.
  • Je suis sans voix et en larmes. Ne partez pas. bisous bisous
  • N'attendez pas que je vous dise au revoir. Sinon, vous verrez mon visage larmoyant et moite, et vous devrez annuler vos plans. Alors courez avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Avoir un bon vol. Je vous souhaite tout le meilleur dans votre déménagement.
  • Vous êtes sur le point de commencer un voyage vers une nouvelle destination et de vivre une nouvelle vie, de vous faire de nouveaux amis, de voir de nouveaux sites, de vivre de nouvelles expériences et d'atteindre de nouveaux sommets. Bonne chance copain.
  • Chaque jour, nous prierons pour votre bonne santé et votre bonheur. Nous t'aimons, fils.
  • Peu importe jusqu'où vous allez, vous aurez toujours New York dans vos veines. Tout le meilleur, mon frère; rendez-nous fiers.
  • Votre nouvelle maison, votre nouvel emploi et vos nouveaux amis, tout vous attend. Allez-y et donnez-lui le meilleur de vous-même. Seuls quelques chanceux parviennent à vivre leurs rêves. Bon voyage, cher ami.

Message pour un collègue partant pour un voyage d

Messages pour les voyages professionnels ou d'affaires

  • Vous feriez mieux de sceller l'affaire cette fois-ci. Frappez leurs chaussettes, mon pote. Bon voyage et bonne chance.
  • Je suis tellement jaloux que votre réunion d’affaires ait lieu à Hawaï. Amusez-vous bien, chérie, mais soyez un bon mari et concentrez-vous sur votre travail. Ne regardez pas les belles femmes sur les plages ensoleillées. Bon voyage.
  • Tout le monde compte sur vous pour conclure l'accord à l'étranger. Vous devez le clouer cette fois. C'est faire ou mourir, mon pote. Avoir un vol en toute sécurité, une superbe présentation et un bon voyage.
  • C'est dommage que vous vous rendiez dans un si bel endroit uniquement pour assister à des réunions. Mais pendant que vous y êtes, assurez-vous de vous amuser aussi. Bon voyage.
  • Nous sommes tellement sûrs que vous allez remporter le contrat lors de ce voyage. La victoire et le succès sont écrits partout dans votre combinaison de puissance! Bon voyage.
  • Vous êtes prêt pour une grande fête lorsque vous revenez de votre tournée. C'est parce que nous savons que vous allez rapporter des cadeaux pour tout le monde au bureau. Je vous souhaite une bonne visite.
  • Nous savons que c'est fatigant de voler pour le travail, Mais c'est le genre de chose que nous évitons toujours; Tu es la star qui peut aller à l'étranger, Gagnez de grosses sommes et faites de grosses affaires, Alors revenez triomphant, réussi et chargé. Pour ce voyage gigantesque, nous vous souhaitons un bon voyage.
  • Chaque fois que je vous souhaite un bon voyage pour un voyage d'affaires, je pense: 'J'ai hâte d'utiliser tous vos points de vol pour mes propres vacances!' Bon vol, chérie.
  • Vous avez une promotion et un voyage d'affaires à l'étranger. De combien de chance pourriez-vous avoir besoin? Néanmoins, bonne chance pour votre voyage. Vous le méritez.
  • L'entreprise est fière d'avoir des employés comme vous qui représentent la marque à l'étranger. Bonne chance et profitez au maximum de ce voyage. Bon voyage.
  • Bon voyage pour cet important voyage d'affaires, mon pote. Pendant que vous mettez en sac toutes les offres, n'oubliez pas de rapporter de bons vins et bières pour faire le plein du réfrigérateur du bureau.
  • Vous êtes l'un des rares employés à être envoyés pour tous les voyages d'affaires car vous êtes notre artiste vedette, un acteur fiable et le visage de notre entreprise. Bonne visite professionnelle.
  • Avoir le décalage horaire, travailler avec des personnes de cultures différentes, vivre dans des valises, manger de la nourriture à l'hôtel tous les jours - vous serez bien récompensé pour avoir travaillé si dur et parcouru le monde. Gardez votre compagnon de jeu. Bon voyage.
  • Je ne peux pas croire que la société vous paie pour aller vous réunir ou deux sur les plages ensoleillées de Californie. Espèce de chien chanceux, profitez-en.
  • Emballez votre meilleur costume, ayez votre attitude la plus pointue et montrez-leur de quoi nous sommes vraiment faits. Tout le meilleur pour votre présentation et votre voyage à l'étranger.
  • Attirer Un Compagnon
  • Des relations
  • Compatibilité

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Messages pour souhaiter un bon voyage

  • par Mélissa
  • août 23, 2022 mars 19, 2024

farewell bon voyage message

L’un de vos amis, ou un collègue de travail, ou encore un membre de votre famille va bientôt séjourner à l’étranger ? Vous voulez leur envoyer un message de bon voyage pour leur offrir une énergie positive, mais les mots vous manquent. Inspirez-vous de cette liste de souhaits et de messages de bon voyage.

Table des matières

Messages classiques pour souhaiter un bon voyage

illustration de plage tropicale avec texte : j’espère que tu feras un bon voyage, tu vas beaucoup me manquer

✈️ J’espère que tu feras un bon voyage. Tu vas beaucoup me manquer.

✈️ Profite bien de ton séjour. Sois prudent et bonne route !

✈️ Roule en toute sécurité et reviens-nous avec plein de merveilleux souvenirs. Bon voyage !

✈️ Je te souhaite un excellent voyage et amuse-toi à fond !

✈️ Je prie pour que tu arrives bien à destination et que tu vives le plus beau des voyages.

✈️ Je souhaite que ton voyage soit rempli d’aventures, de belles émotions, et de bonnes découvertes.

✈️ Profite de ces congés bien mérités. Passe de très belles vacances .

✈️ Que la joie et le bonheur t’accompagnent pendant ce voyage.  À la prochaine !

✈️ Bon voyage très chère ! N’oublie pas la carte postale.

Dire « bon voyage » avec humour

🏖️ Je suis jaloux, tu es chanceux de vivre de nouvelles aventures. Mais je te souhaite quand même de passer de bons moments et de rentrer sain et sauf.

🏖️ J’espère que tu profiteras bien de ce voyage qui fera sûrement exploser ton compte Insta avec de belles photos de vacances.

🏖️ Ne reviens pas trop bronzé, ton chien pourrait ne pas te reconnaître. Bon voyage mon ami !

🏖️ Tu pars de nouveau en voyage ? Tu me refais le coup chaque année. Blague à part, je te souhaite de ramasser le plein de souvenirs mémorables.

valise avec autocollants et texte : j’espère que tu as réservé une valise juste pour me ramener des cadeaux., bonne route

🏖️ J’espère que tu as réservé une valise juste pour me ramener des cadeaux. Bonne route !

🏖️ Enfin, tu vas me faire des vacances au bureau. Mais reviens-nous vite, on a beaucoup de travail. Tu vas nous manquer.

🏖️ Merci de nous laisser respirer pendant un moment. Allez, profite bien de ton voyage ! Tu l’as mérité, cette pause.

🏖️ J’espère que tu lâcheras un peu ton téléphone et qu’à la place, tu graveras tous les bons moments dans tes souvenirs. Bon voyage !

Idées originales de messages de bon voyage

🧳 La vie est une aventure et ce n’est que dans l’aventure que certains réussissent à se retrouver. Quoi de mieux qu’un voyage pour vivre des aventures ? J’espère que tu tireras le meilleur parti de ton séjour. Fais un bon voyage !

🧳 Repos. Découvertes. Bonne vibration. Paix. Rencontres. Que de bonnes choses qui feront de ton périple un beau voyage.

🧳 Mes prières t’accompagneront tout au long de ton voyage. Trouve la paix de l’esprit. Que tout ce qui te pèse disparaisse à ton retour.

🧳 Que ce voyage te permette de te déstresser, de te reposer. Mais surtout de récupérer l’énergie nécessaire pour continuer à être la personne merveilleuse et passionnante que tu es.

🧳 Oublie tout, fais tes valises et vis de nouvelles aventures que tu pourras ensuite partager avec nous à ton retour. Bon voyage !

🧳 Partir pour mieux se retrouver est une chance qui ne s’offre pas à tout le monde. Profite et fais-toi plaisir. Tu me manqueras beaucoup.

🧳 Ton absence nous fera sentir à quel point nous sommes chanceux de t’avoir dans nos vies. Passe un bon séjour !

🧳 Joie, bonheur, paix. Prends tout ce qui est bon pendant ce voyage et rejoins-nous vite afin que nous continuions à être heureux ensemble !

Recherchez aussi

  • Messages pour dire bon mercredi
  • Messages pour souhaiter un bon déménagement
  • Messages pour souhaiter de bonnes vacances à vos proches
  • Messages pour souhaiter bon appétit
  • Messages de joyeux anniversaire pour soeur
  • Messages pour souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire

60 Examples of Heartfelt Farewell Messages

By Editorial Team on January 5, 2024 — 14 minutes to read

When it’s time to say goodbye to a coworker or employee, farewell messages are a thoughtful way to express your appreciation for their contributions, offer your best wishes for their future endeavors, and maintain a positive relationship.

  • Keep it genuine:  Make sure your message comes from the heart. Be sincere and avoid using cliches or generic phrases. What did you truly enjoy about working with this person? What did they bring to the team that will be missed?
  • Be specific:  Instead of just saying, “You were great to work with,” mention a particular skill or quality that you admired in your coworker, such as their enthusiasm, creativity, or professionalism.
  • Share a memory:  If there’s a memorable moment that you shared with your coworker, include it in your message. This could be a personal anecdote, a successful project you collaborated on, or even a funny in-joke that’s specific to your work environment.
  • Offer your support:  Let your coworker know that you’ll be there to help and support them as they move forward. Whether it’s by staying in touch, offering your assistance with their job search or providing a recommendation, make it clear that you’re available.
  • End on a positive note:  Close your message with an uplifting sentiment. This could be a simple “good luck” or “best wishes,” or a heartfelt expression of your confidence in their future success.

Examples of Short Farewell Messages

  • Sad to see you go, but excited for your next adventure!
  • Our team won’t be the same without you. Goodbye!
  • You’ve made a lasting impact here. Wishing you all the best.
  • May your future be filled with happiness and success.
  • Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors.
  • It’s been a pleasure working with you.
  • You’ll be missed! Don’t be a stranger.
  • Goodbye and good luck!
  • Farewell, may success follow you.
  • Keep in touch, and take care!
  • Best of luck in your new chapter.
  • Farewell, friend – wishing you the best.
  • Good luck out there, keep chasing your dreams.
  • Until we meet again, take care and farewell.
  • Thanks for the memories, wish you all the best.
  • Farewell and hope our paths cross again soon.
  • Wishing you a bright and prosperous future!
  • Cheers to your upcoming journey, we’ll miss you!
  • All the best in your new venture, goodbye for now.
  • Bon voyage, and hope to see you soon.
  • May good fortune always be on your side.
  • Your presence will be greatly missed. Farewell!
  • Sending you off with warm wishes and fond memories.
  • Farewell, stay in touch and keep us updated on your endeavors.
  • It’s been an honor to work with you, good luck on your journey.
  • May your new path be fulfilling and successful. Farewell!
  • Wishing you nothing but success in all that you do.
  • Here’s to new opportunities and exciting adventures!
  • Your next chapter is going to be amazing! Farewell and good luck!
  • We’ll miss you but are excited for the great things in store for you.
  • Despite our best efforts, we couldn’t convince you to stay. Goodbye!
  • You’re destined for greatness! See you later and good luck.
  • Your hard work and dedication will be missed. Farewell!
  • Looking forward to hearing about your new successes! Goodbye!
  • Your new team is lucky to have you. Best of luck in all you do.
  • Thanks for the laughs and great memories. Until we meet again!
  • Until our paths cross again, farewell and best of luck.
  • Wishing you a smooth and successful transition. Goodbye!
  • Your time here was special, farewell and best wishes!
  • It’s tough to say goodbye, but know you’re meant for bigger things.
  • May this goodbye be just a brief one. Keep shining!
  • Onwards and upwards! Wishing you all the best.
  • As you move forward, we hope you continue to thrive. Farewell!
  • Thanks for all the lessons and laughs, good luck in your new role.
  • Adios, amigo! We’ll always be rooting for you.
  • You’ll always be part of the family here. Goodbye for now!
  • Your positive attitude will be missed. Best wishes on your next endeavor!
  • Farewell and good luck! You’re destined for greatness.
  • Your dedication and creativity won’t be forgotten. Farewell!
  • Here’s to new beginnings and endless possibilities!
  • Farewell, and may your new journey be filled with joy.
  • Saying goodbye is never easy, but we believe in you!
  • To new successes and growth opportunities, goodbye for now!
  • Best of luck in your new adventure, and don’t forget us!
  • Thank you for your hard work! Here’s to the future.
  • Success awaits you, and we can’t wait to hear about it. Farewell!
  • May your new pursuit be fulfilling and prosperous. Goodbye!
  • Goodbye, and thank you for making a difference here.
  • Your presence will be missed, but your talent deserves to soar. Goodbye!

Tailoring Your Message

Consider the relationship.

When crafting your farewell message, think about the relationship you have with your coworker or employee. Are you close friends, friendly colleagues, or simply teammates? Your message should reflect the depth of your connection. For example, if you are close friends, you might use more personal and emotional language:

  • “I’ll miss our daily coffee breaks and laughs.”
  • “Our friendship means the world to me, and I’m so grateful we met here.”

If you have a more professional relationship, keep it courteous and focus on their positive attributes:

  • “Your dedication and hard work have always been an inspiration.”
  • “Thank you for your valuable contributions to our team.”

Reflect on Shared Memories

In your farewell message, it’s nice to reminisce about the times you shared with your coworker or employee. This not only adds a personal touch, but it also shows you genuinely cherish their presence. Think about the projects you worked on together, the challenges you overcame as a team, or any memorable moments. You can include one or two specific memories to make your message especially meaningful:

  • “Remember when we nailed that big presentation together?”
  • “I’ll never forget the team retreat we planned – it was a blast!”

Acknowledge Achievements

Take the time to recognize the achievements and contributions your coworker or employee has made. This will not only make them feel appreciated, but it will also show you respect their work. You can mention specific accomplishments to demonstrate your admiration:

  • “Your innovative ideas have truly transformed our department.”
  • “The way you handled that challenging client was nothing short of amazing.”

Writing Tips for Farewell Messages

Keep the tone positive.

When crafting a farewell message for a coworker or employee, always maintain a positive tone. Focus on their achievements, growth, and the good times shared together. Use this opportunity to express your best wishes for their future endeavors. A few ways to keep the tone positive include:

  • Reflecting on memorable moments and shared laughter
  • Praising their contribution and accomplishments

A heartfelt and genuine message goes a long way in conveying your true feelings. Avoid clichés and overused phrases, instead, try to be authentic in your writing. Some tips to keep your message sincere:

  • Mention specific moments or attributes that you truly appreciate about your coworker
  • Acknowledge the positive impact they have had on you and others in the workplace
  • Genuinely express your gratitude for their time and effort

Make It Personal

To create a lasting impression, it’s important to personalize your farewell message. Take a moment to think about the unique experiences you’ve shared and highlight those in your farewell message. Some ideas for making your message personal include:

  • Sharing a fond memory or inside joke with your coworker
  • Recalling a time when your colleague went above and beyond for you or the team
  • Mentioning their passions or hobbies and how they might help them in their future endeavors

Professional Farewell Messages

  • Wishing you the best in your new adventure, and we’re grateful for the time we spent working together.
  • Your dedication and hard work have tremendously impacted our team, and we’ll miss your presence around the office.
  • May success and happiness follow you wherever you go, and don’t forget to keep in touch!
  • It’s been a pleasure working alongside you, and we hope that your future is filled with great opportunities.
  • We’ve truly appreciated your contributions to our team, and your positive attitude will be missed.
  • As you embark on this new chapter, know that you’ll always have friends and supporters back here.
  • Farewell to an incredible coworker, and may your next endeavor be as successful as your time with us.
  • It’s been an honor to work with someone as talented and dedicated as you, and we wish you the best of luck in your journey.
  • Goodbye for now, but we hope our paths cross again. Your professionalism and kindness won’t be forgotten.
  • Your time here has made a lasting impact, and we look forward to seeing the amazing things you’ll accomplish in your new role.

Rather than focusing only on the loss, celebrate the person’s achievements and potential for future success. This will make your farewell message resonate with both the recipient and the entire team.

Farewell Messages for Retirement

Retirement is a significant milestone in someone’s life, and it’s important to send warm and supportive messages to your coworker or employee as they embark on this new journey.

  • Wishing you all the best in your retirement. You deserve it!
  • May your retirement be filled with new adventures, relaxation, and cherished memories.
  • We’ll miss your guidance and expertise, but we’re excited for you to start this new chapter. Enjoy your retirement!
  • Retirement only means it’s time for a new adventure. Sending you our best wishes!
  • You’ve earned every moment of your retirement. Relax and enjoy your well-deserved break! We’ll miss you.

As you say goodbye to a retiring coworker or employee, you can offer your support in their new journey, especially if you shared a close working relationship with them. Offer assistance with their transition, which can range from connecting them with new hobbies or interests to simply catching up after they leave the workplace. For example, you might write:

  • If you ever need someone for a round of golf or a coffee catch-up, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to stay connected!
  • Let’s make sure we keep in touch. I’m excited to hear about all the amazing things you’ll do in your retirement!

Farewell Messages for Career Advancement

Some examples of farewell messages to wish them well on their journey include:

  • Wishing you the best in your new role. Your hard work and dedication will be missed around here.
  • Congratulations on your new opportunity! I know you will excel in your new position as you’ve always done.
  • It’s been an honor working with you, and I’m excited to see where your talents will take you next.
  • May you find success and joy in your new position. We’ll miss your contributions to our team.
  • Every step you take in life is a step toward achieving your dreams. Good luck with your next adventure!

As you wish them well, reflect on the positive memories and experiences you’ve shared. For example:

  • I’ll never forget the time we tackled that tough project together. Your creativity and resourcefulness saved the day.
  • Watching you grow over the course of your time here has been a truly inspiring experience. You’ve come so far, and I know you’ll continue to achieve great things.
  • Ever since we became a team, you’ve impressed me with your dedication and commitment to doing great work. Keep striving for excellence.

Messages of Good Luck for New Ventures

As your colleague moves on to a new venture, it’s a great time to extend your supportive message and wish them good luck.

  • Wishing you all the success and happiness in your new journey. You’ve got this!
  • Good luck in your new adventure, and may it bring you all the joy and prosperity you deserve.
  • As you embark on this exciting new chapter, remember that you have what it takes to make it a success!
  • Your hard work and determination will surely lead you to great achievements in your new venture.
  • We believe in you and know you will do great things in this fresh start.
  • Best of luck as you pursue your dreams and embrace the opportunities that come your way.
  • You are definitely going places, and we can’t wait to see what you accomplish in your new role.
  • Your dedication and passion will no doubt propel you towards success in this new venture.
  • Embrace the challenges and remember we’re always here to support you if you need it.

Signing Off Your Farewell Message

Choosing the right closing.

Selecting the appropriate closing for your farewell message is vital to make sure it conveys the right tone and sentiment. Here is a list of examples you can use based on the kind of relationship you share with your coworker or employee:

  • Warm wishes,
  • Best regards,
  • See you around,
  • Best of luck,
  • Until we meet again,
  • Yours truly,
  • Farewell for now,

You might want to tailor these closings as per the specific circumstances or the bond you share with your colleague for more personalized touch.

Avoiding Common Mistakes in Farewell Messages

  • Making it about yourself : While you may feel a sense of loss with their departure, remember the message should primarily focus on the person leaving. Express your emotions, but don’t overpower your message with your own feelings.
  • Neglecting the reasons for their departure : Acknowledge why your coworker is moving on, whether it’s for a new opportunity, personal reasons, or retirement. Ignoring the reason can come off as insensitive or dismissive.
  • Including confidential or sensitive information : Be cautious about the level of detail you share about your coworker’s personal life or the organization itself. Keep sensitive information private to respect confidentiality and maintain professionalism.
  • Going overboard with humor : Light-hearted jokes can bring a smile to someone’s face, but don’t let humor hijack your message. Keep your jokes tasteful and appropriate to maintain a caring and professional tone.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some heartfelt sentiments to include in a farewell message to a coworker who is leaving.

You can express your gratitude for the time you’ve spent working together and mention the positive impact they’ve had on you and the team. Share a memorable moment or personal anecdote to evoke fond memories. You can say something like,  “I’ll always cherish our coffee breaks filled with laughter and insightful conversations. Your guidance has helped me grow professionally. I’m grateful to have had the chance to work with someone as kind and dedicated as you.”

Can you give an example of a brief and meaningful farewell wish?

Example of a short and sweet farewell message:  “As you embark on your new journey, I’m wishing you the best of luck. Keep shining and making a difference, just as you did here. You’ll be sorely missed!”

How do you craft a sincere goodbye note to your team members?

Be genuine and focus on expressing gratitude for the collaboration, accomplishments, and growth you’ve experienced together as a team. Acknowledge each member’s contribution and the positive memories you’ve shared. A possible message could be,  “Working with such a talented and supportive team has been a true privilege. I have learned so much from each of you, and our time together has made me a better professional. Let’s keep in touch and continue to support one another in our future endeavors.”

What are some inspiring words to share in a farewell message when leaving a company?

Share your appreciation for the company’s culture, mission, and the opportunities you’ve been given. Offer words of encouragement for the continued success of the organization. For example, you can write,  “This company has inspired me to dream big and work hard. I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to grow and be challenged. Keep pushing boundaries and making a difference in the world. I’m excited to see where your journey takes you!”

How can I gracefully express farewell to my boss or a senior colleague?

Show your appreciation for their guidance, support, and mentorship. Mention specific examples of their positive influence on your career. A potential message could be,  “I’m thankful for your wisdom and support during my time at the company. Your steady guidance has played a crucial role in my professional development. I wish you continued success, and I hope our paths cross again in the future.”

Could you provide an example of a farewell letter that includes an introduction to the person who will be taking over the role?

Example of a farewell message that introduces your replacement:  “As I bid you all farewell, I’m happy to announce that [New Employee’s Name] will be taking over my role. I’m confident that [New Employee’s Name] has the skills, expertise, and dedication to excel in this position. I kindly ask that you extend your support and warm welcome to [New Employee’s Name] as they transition into their new role. Keep up the fantastic work, and I know this team is destined for great things!”

  • 120 Examples: Heartfelt Thank-You Messages and Phrases
  • 30 Examples of Heartfelt Congratulations Messages
  • 60 Ways to Say “Thank You for Being a Friend”: Heartfelt Examples
  • 50 Ways to Say “I Appreciate You”: Heartfelt Examples
  • 60 Strengths for a Resume (with Examples)
  • 30 Office Closed For Holiday Message Examples

Bon Voyage Wishes, Messages and Texts Generator

Copied the message:, bon voyage wishes, messages and texts.

A bon voyage message can be an inspiring way to send good luck to your friends and loved ones as they depart on their trip. It can also remind them to enjoy the voyage and remind them of your wishes for their trip.

Below are various bon voyage wishes, messages, and texts;

Bon Voyage Wishes, Messages and Texts

1.    Bon voyage! Wishing you a safe and pleasant voyage. May the winds be at your back and the sun warm your face. Hoping to catch up with you soon!

2.    Bon Voyage and have a speedy journey! Be sure to enjoy every moment of your adventure and take lots of pictures to remember it by. I hope to hear from you soon!

3.    Missing you already! I'm so excited to be on my way. I can't wait to see all of the new places and meet all of the new people. Wish me luck and hope to see you soon!

4.    Bon voyage! We hope the journey is smooth and the final destination is an amazing one. 

5.    Bon Voyage to wherever your journey may lead you! Here's to hoping that your travels are joyous and that you always find what you're looking for. May you find all that you hope for and more. wishing you a frolicsome journey! <3

6.    Bon voyage! Wishing you a wonderful trip and all the best on your travels. 

7.    Bon voyage! Enjoy your trip and make sure to write back soon. Send lots of love and good wishes along with your text messages and emails. Namaste

8.    Bon Voyage! Wishing you a safe and exciting journey. May all the exciting adventures and discoveries you encounter be new and exhilarating! Enjoy your travels and make sure to return home safe and sound. Stay tuned for more updates on your journey—we can't wait to hear all about it!

9.    Bon Voyage! I hope your trip will be enjoyable and that you will catch some great vacation shots along the way. Make sure to relax and enjoy the new and unknown surroundings. And if you run into any trouble, know that here at home we are rooting for you! Hasta luego!

10.    Bon Voyage! As you embark on your new journey, we hope you have a wonderful time and make some great memories. Wish you a safe and enjoyable journey, and let us know how you get along when you get back!

Bon Voyage Wishes, Messages and Texts

11.    Wishing you a bon voyage as you embark on your voyage! May your voyage be bright and your journey fulfilling!

12.    Bon Voyage and Wishes for a safe and fun journey are always in style. Send heartfelt messages of good luck and encouragement. 

13.    Bon voyage is felt by all who send it. A wish for safety, a message of support, and a text of prayers are all part of the sentiment. May the voyage be smooth and the journey ahead rewarding.

14.    Bon Voyage, my friend. Know that your journey will be an amazing one. Know that you are loved, and know that you will remember all the amazing people you meet along the way. Be brave, be curious, and be happy. Thank you for choosing to travel. Namaste.

15.    Bon Voyage and good luck with your upcoming trip! Wishes of safety, happiness, and exciting experiences accompany you on your journey. May your travels be both enlightening and enjoyable! Send loving messages to your loved ones as you depart, wishing them all the best for their trip as well.

16.    Bon voyage! I hope everything goes well on your travels. Be sure to take lots of photos and memories to remember the trip by. I'm rooting for you, and I'll see you soon!

17.    Bon Voyage! May your voyage be safe and prosperous, and may you return soon to the ones you love.

18.    Bon voyage and happy travels! May your journey be as pleasant and exciting as you hope it will be. 

19.    In anticipation of your upcoming trip, we thought we’d share a few words of encouragement and good wishes. We hope your journey is as great as you hope it will be, and we can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back. Happy travels!

20.    Bon Voyage - everlasting love and blessings to you on this wonderful voyage of life. I am so grateful for the time we spent together and am excited to see all the wonderful adventures ahead! Know that you are always in my thoughts and will continue to be a part of my life. Wishing you all the happiness in the world on your voyage.

Bon Voyage Wishes, Messages and Texts

21.    Goodbye and Bon Voyage! As you depart, know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of everyone you know. Be sure to take the time to enjoy all the wonderful sights and sounds your destination has to offer. Be safe and have a wonderful time! Wishing you all the best on your destination and journey. Be sure to take plenty of pictures and write a blog post when you get back. 

22.    On your travels, take time for yourself and cherish your memories with messages, wishes, and text messages. Keep in touch with loved ones back home with pictures, thoughts, and travel updates. And, of course, make sure to bring a little bit of home with you!

23.    Bon Voyage! Wish you a safe and wonderful journey! Lots of love and happiness on your trip!

24.    Bon Voyage! We are excited for you to explore the world and all the new adventures that lie ahead. We hope that your trip is full of happiness and joy, and that you come back with stories and experiences you'll never forget. Wishing you a safe and fun journey!

25.    Bon voyage, my love! You're embarking on an extraordinary journey that will take you far away from home, but I will never forget your wonderful smile, your sparkling wit, and your deep kindness. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you, and I will be rooting for you every step of the way. Wishing you all the best on your travels!

26.    Bon Voyage, my love. I hope you have a wonderful trip and all the best for your future. May the wind be at your back and the sun in your eyes. Warm thoughts and happy dreams await you on your voyage. I love you, bisous.

27.    Bon voyage! Whether you're jetting off on your own journey or joining someone else on theirs, we hope your trip is wonderful and exciting. 

28.    Bon Voyage! Wishing you a smooth and speedy trip. May your journey be everything you hoped for and more. Enjoy every moment of your journey and feel free to send me a message upon your return.

29.    Bon Voyage! Wishing you all the best on your travels. Sending heartfelt messages of love and happiness along with a light breeze to keep you cool.

30.    Bon voyage, friend! Enjoy every minute of your trip! Be safe and take lots of pictures!

31.    Bon Voyage! Long may you sail and explore the world! As you journey, be sure to keep your thoughts, wishes, and messages close to your heart. xoxo

32.    Enjoy your voyage and be safe! Wishing you a smooth transition and lots of fun! 

33.    The best of luck and a happy journey to wherever your travels take you! Whether you're headed off to a new city or crossing an ocean, we hope your time away is filled with amazement and pleasure. When you get home, tell us all about it!

34.    Bon Voyage! Wishing you a smooth and happy journey! Be safe and enjoy every minute! May all your travels be positive, and allow for discoveries along the way. May the wind be at your back. Onward and upward.

35.    Bon Voyage! Wishes and messages of farewell for a loved one on their journey. Send them love, good luck, and peace on their journey ahead.

36.    Good luck, have fun and be sure to write back once you've landed and have had a chance to check in.

37.    Bon Voyage, my friends and family. Enjoy your trip and remember to write when you get there! I am so excited for all of you to see the places you will be visiting. Make sure to take lots of pics and videos and email them to me so I can share them with everyone! Wishing you all the best on your trip!

38.    Bon Voyage! Wishing you all the best on your trip! Make sure to take all the pictures you want, and write all the stories you want to tell when you get back. Be sure to dock in all the ports and explore as much as you can. Feel free to send lots of pictures and stories home to tell your friends, family, and loved ones. Wishing you a wonderful voyage!

39.    Bon Voyage! As you embark on your voyage, take with you thoughts, wishes, and messages of well-being and peace. Take time to relax, rejuvenate and enjoy the journey. Look forward to seeing you upon your return.

40.    Bon Voyage! May the journey be smooth and the destination be your dreams come true. Make sure you eat your Wheaties on the plane and don't forget your passport! Bon Voyage!

41.    Bon Voyage! I hope you have an amazing time and enjoy every minute! Wishing you all the best, happiness, and joy!

42.    Bon Voyage and all the best on your upcoming trip! Whether it's a short trip or a long one, we wish you all the best and hope you have a great time. Wishes of good luck accompany you on your journey.

43.    Bon voyage! Wishing you a safe journey and happy travels. 

44.    Bon Voyage! Wishing you a safe and happy voyage! Send lots of love and light along your journey, and be sure to take plenty of photos and memories to keep you going. Make sure to send some positive vibrations too, to help keep your voyage smooth and without incident.

45.    Bon Voyage! Be sure to pack plenty of travel essentials in your suitcase for your journey - maps, guides, snacks, and drinks! Pass on a few of your favorite travel memories to make the journey even more enjoyable. A final wish for a great trip!

46.    Bon Voyage! Sending you off on an adventure with lots of optimism and hope for a great future. Make sure to take everything you've learned and apply it to the new country! And if you have any problems, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Wishing you all the best and hope to hear from you soon!

47.    Farewell my love, May your journey be full of adventure and pleasure. May you meet new friends and have wonderful experiences. Wishing you a bon voyage!

48.    Take care of yourself on your trip. You're worth it. Enjoy all the new and unknown things you see. Life is too short to stick to the familiar. Don't worry about coming back. We'll all be here waiting for you. Have a safe and fun trip!

49.    Bon Voyage! May your journey be safe and pleasant, and may all your dreams come true. Be sure to pack plenty of good books, snacks, and laughs, and most of all, enjoy every minute! Wishing you a lovely trip.

50.    Bon voyage, my friend! Wishing you a safe and happy journey. May the wind be at your back and the sun on your face. May you make new friends and may the memories you bring back bring happiness. 

51.    Bon voyage! Wishing you a smooth and exciting voyage. Be sure to take plenty of pictures and memories to keep you reaching back for them years from now. Make sure to send postcards and text messages when you can!

52.    Bon Voyage! Enjoy your trip and all of the new experiences waiting for you. Take time to relax and enjoy your time away from home. Wishing you a safe and happy trip!

53.    Bon Voyage! Wishing you a wonderful trip and lots of fun. Make sure to stop and explore wherever you go, and always remember to take lots of pictures and memories!

54.    Bon voyage! We're all rooting for you on your journey. Make sure to stay healthy, write often, and have happy travels.

55.    Bon Voyage! I hope you have a wonderful trip and that you enjoy all that you see. Feel free to write me whenever you have a chance, and take plenty of pictures for me to see. Don't forget to write about your adventures once you get back! Wishing you a happy, safe, and enjoyable trip.

56.    Bon Voyage, my friend! I can't wait to see all the amazing places you'll visit on your overseas journey. Wish you the best of luck, and let me know all about your adventures when you get back.

57.    Bon voyage! Wishing you all the best on your upcoming trip. Have a great time and come back soon!

58.    We hope that you have a wonderful trip, and that you enjoy all the new and exciting places that you visit. We’ll be counting the days until we can see you again. ♥

59.    I hope you are all having a wonderful day! I am excited to be embarking on this great adventure and I can't wait to tell you all about it when I get back. xoxo

60.    Bon Voyage! You're off on an amazing journey, and I can't wait to see all the amazing places you'll visit. I hope you have a wonderful time and make lots of new friends. Here's to a smooth sailing trip!

61.    Bon voyage! Wishing you a smooth and exciting journey. May all your dreams and aspirations come true. Be careful and enjoy the journey!

62.    Bon voyage! Wishing you a safe, fun, and happy trip!  May your trip be everything you hope it will be and more! Enjoy every moment and, when you get home, tell all your friends and family about it! xo

63.    Bon voyage! Enjoy the journey and all the new experiences it will bring. Make unforgettable memories and send good luck messages along the way.

64.    Bon Voyage, dear friend! Let's hope that your journey is as blessed and exciting as you hope it will be. Wish you all the best, and let's stay in touch!

65.    I hope you have a wonderful trip and come back safe and sound! I can't wait to hear all about it. Goodbye and take care.

66.    Bon voyage and all the best on your new adventure! Enjoy the ride and make sure to stay safe. Be sure to send photos and messages along the way to let your friends and family know you're on your way.

67.    Bon Voyage! We wish you a smooth and exciting journey wherever you go. May all your experiences be positive and enriching! Feel free to share your thoughts and blessings upon your departure in the comments below. Wishing you a wonderful trip!

68.    Bon Voyage, Destination: _____! We hope a wondrous and exciting journey awaits you! We are excited to see the new place and explore all that it has to offer! _____ Wishes You a Wonderful Trip!

69.    Bon voyage! Wishing you all the best on your upcoming trip. Be prepared for anything and everything, and always know that you are in good company. Have a wonderful time! ~

70.    Bon Voyage, friends, and loved ones! Let's hope that your voyage is swift and your return safe and exciting. As you travel, be sure to take time to relax and enjoy the experience. Bring back stories and photos that will remind us of your time away. And in case you're ever lost at sea, remember that the Sun, Moon, and stars will always guide you home. With love, yours always.

71.    Bon Voyage! Take lots of pictures and have a wonderful time! I can't wait to see you soon. Drive safely, and don't forget to stop for a chicken biscuit on the way home! I love you. We'll miss you! Be careful and have a fantastic time! Goodbye, I'll see you soon.

72.    I hope you have a wonderful trip and that you find all that you're looking for. I want you to know that I'm sending you all the love in the world and I will miss you terribly. Goodbye, my love. xoxo

73.    Bon Voyage! May your trip be safe, pleasant, and meaningful. May you enjoy all the sights and sounds of your journey. May you return with wonderful stories and new memories.

74.    Bon voyage and happy travels! We hope that you have a wonderful time on your amazing voyage and that you will return safely to your loved ones. Send lots of love and happy thoughts with your journey, and don't forget to share your photos and stories when you get home!

75.    Bon Voyage! Wishing you all the best on your voyage - whether it be a long one or a short one, we are confident that you will be able to make the most of it. Make sure to take plenty of photographs and memories along the way! Sending you lots of love and good vibes as you embark on this exciting journey.

76.    Bon voyage! Wishing you all the best on your adventure! good luck, have fun, be careful, and see you soon!

77.    Your departure is truly Bon Voyage. May your travel be delightful and your adventures exciting. Enjoy every moment of your journey, and return with stories of your adventures to share with others.

78.    Bon Voyage! Know that you always have a place in my heart. See you soon! Take lots of pictures! Warm thoughts and fond memories on your big trip!

79.    Bon Voyage! Wishing you the best of luck on your journey. 

80.    Wishing you a safe and happy voyage! May the journey be smooth and the destination bright!

81.    Bon Voyage! May your voyage be a happy one, and may you return safely to those you love.

82.    Bon voyage, my loved one! As you embark on your trip, be sure to take plenty of pictures and memories to capture your travels. Be excited for each and every stop on your journey, and be sure to arrive healthy and happy. 

83.    Bon voyage! Enjoy your trip and make sure to write or call someone you care about when you're out of touch. Let them know you're safe and happy and that you'll write or call when you get back.

84.    Bon Voyage! When you leave on your trip, be sure to take all of your thoughts, wishes, and messages with you. Make it a memorable journey with those who care about you most. Congratulations on your new adventure!

85.    Bon Voyage! Make sure you enjoy every moment of your voyage and be sure to send lots of love and good wishes to those you'll be leaving behind. Sending you my best wishes for a safe and happy voyage. Stay tuned for more posts about my upcoming travels!

86.    Bon voyage! May your voyage be safe and enjoyable. Wishing you a voyage of discovery and pleasure, wherever it may take you. Namaste.

87.    Bon voyage! May your travels be enriching and full of new experiences. As you embark on your journey, I wish you happiness and peace. I hope to see you soon. 

88.    Bon Voyage! Sending you off on a new adventure, filled with new and exciting experiences! Know that you're in good hands and that we'll miss you, but know that we're excited for the experiences that await you! ♥

89.    Bon voyage, my love! May all your dreams and hopes come true, and may you find the happiness and love you seek on your voyage. I wish you all the best on your voyage, and I hope to see you soon!

90.    Your departure fills me with longing, but I know that you will find many wonderful adventures waiting for you. I hope that your journey is filled with happiness and that you return to us soon.

91.    Happy travels! I hope you have a fantastic trip and lots of good memories. Be sure to come back safe and sound! Wish you all the best. Take care! Take care on your trip! Stay safe and have a wonderful time. You go, girl! I'm rooting for you!

92.    Bon Voyage, friends, and loved ones! As you embark on your voyage, send all of your good thoughts and blessings in advance. Feel the excitement of the journey, and be sure to pack plenty of humor and friendly intentions for those unexpected moments along the way. Wishing you a safe, exciting, and transformative voyage.

93.    Bon Voyage! Wishes of happiness and all the best as you embark on your new journey. May your travels be safe and prosperous, and may you arrive at your destination full of laughter and memories.

94.    Goodbye, my friend. Be sure to put your feet up, relax, and enjoy all that the new continent has to offer. I know you'll make many dear friends, and that you'll flourish in your new home. Take care and bon voyage!

95.    Bon Voyage! We send you all the best on your trip and hope you have a wonderful time. Here's to a safe and enjoyable journey!

96.    Bon Voyage, friends and loved ones! Sending all of my love to you as you embark on this exciting journey. May you find all that you are looking for and much more! Be well and happy.

97.    Bon voyage, my friend! May your travels be safe and your journey prosperous. Take with you all the happy thoughts and good wishes that we can spare you. Know that we will miss you and that we will keep you in our thoughts always.

98.    Bon voyage! May your journey be uneventful and your return soon. As you set out on your voyage, please remember to take care of yourself and be safe. Send thoughts and good wishes to your friend as they embark on their journey.

99.    Bon Voyage! To have a safe and memorable trip, make sure to pack a few things to help you relax and enjoy your time away. Send your friends and family lots of warm thoughts and good vibes, and make sure to take some simple measures to stay safe while you're on your journey. Be prepared for anything and have a fantastic time!

100.    Bon Voyage! We wish you a safe journey and a joyful arrival at your destination. Safe travels will be accompanied by plenty of good luck and plenty of love. May your journey be exciting and full of new experiences. Sending lots of positive energy your way!

101.    Bon Voyage! Here's to your exciting and new journey ahead. Wishing you all the best, and may your travels be delightful, informative, and enriching. Safe travels and happy memories – wherever you go!

102.    Bon Voyage! Wishing you a safe and enjoyable journey wherever you may be headed. May the winds be at your back, the sun be your guide, and the stars be your destination.

103.    Bon Voyage! May your travels be safe and prosperous, and may you enjoy every minute of your journey! Millions of happy thoughts await you on your trip - send good luck and happiness to yourself and to all those you will meet along the way!

104.    Wishing you a safe and speedy journey and a wonderful return! May all your travels be enjoyable and delightful. Keep in touch, and be sure to let us know what you're up to.

105.    A few words of encouragement as you set off on your journey. Know that you are embarking on a wonderful adventure and that you are in capable hands. Be sure to enjoy every moment and find joy in the smallest things. Be surrounded by people who love and support you, and know that you are not alone. Take time to reflect on the experiences you have had and look forward to the new ones that await you. Know that you are important and that your time here is precious.

106.    Bon voyage! With you on your travels, I hope that you'll enjoy everything the world has to offer. Here's to a new adventure, be it in a new city, across a new continent, or even into a new lifetime! Wishing you all the happiness in the world and a smooth ride, wherever you go!

107.    Bon Voyage! Wishing you a safe and exciting journey as you take on this new phase in your life. May the wind be at your back, the sun at your side, and the love of your life by your side. NAMASTE!

108.    Bon Voyage! Wishing you a safe and smooth journey. May all the hurdles on your road be overcome with ease and grace. Feel free to take in all the new and exotic surroundings while keeping your head and your heart open. Wishing you all the best on your travels!

Other Wishes/Messages

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The Best Travel Gifts

The 142 Most Beautiful Bon Voyage Messages For A Heartfelt Goodbye

Bon voyage messages with a photo of an airplane wing

Goodbyes are never easy. What do you say or write to someone who is about to leave a journey of their lifetime, while you’re going to miss them like crazy? To help you out, I’ve gathered a list of the 142 best bon voyage messages. Whether you are looking for beautiful wishes for your loved one, a family member, or a friend, I guarantee, you will find a great one here. From funny happy trip messages for a friend to heartfelt bon voyage quotes that work for anyone!

In This Post:

A little tip on what to write in a bon voyage card

Even though I have separated these bon voyage messages into different categories, you can easily mix and match them. So can use the safe travel wishes for friends for family members too (just change the word “friend” to “brother/sister/cousin/or whatever”.

And if you are looking for a small gift to go with your safe journey message, check out these 40+ going-away gifts for travelers.

Save these bon voyage messages

Don’t forget to save these bon voyage messages to Pinterest, so you’ll know what to write on your card next time someone is about to travel!

77 Bon voyage messages with a photo of a silhoutte at sunrise

Happy bon voyage messages for anyone

1. Have a fantastic time and I can’t wait to see all your pictures.

2. Take good care of yourself and have a fun and enjoyable trip!

3. I wish you well and I hope to see you return healthy and happy.

4. Making new memories, I’m so excited for you to have a great trip!

5. As you embark on your long-anticipated trip. I just want to say I hope you will make great memories and love every second of your journey.

6. May your journey be filled with adventure and excitement. May you experience the best of all. Bon voyage!

7. Wander as if you’re lost, I hope you’ll have an unforgettable journey and return home safely!

Travel safe quote: Wander as if you’re lost, I hope you’ll have an unforgettable journey and return home safely

8. Bon voyage, see you on Instagram! (You can even add one of these Insta captions to give them some inspiration!)

9. Forget everything that is on your mind, because this is the time to relax and unwind. Have a great time!

10. Money spent on travel is never wasted. Enjoy your trip and return home safe!

11. Leave behind your worries and enjoy every minute of your trip.

12. Bon voyage, enjoy the food!

13. Wishing you every happiness on your adventure into the world. Stay in touch!

14. The world is waiting for you. Good luck, safe travels and go!

Bon voyage message: The world is waiting for you. Good luck, safe travels and go!

15. I hope to see you safe and sound when you finally return. Till then enjoy everything that comes your way and have a safe trip!

16. May your feet take you where your heart wants to go

17. Here’s a toast to a new beginning in your life. Be well, live free, and enjoy life to the fullest. Hope you get whatever you are looking for in life.

18. May you enjoy this trip to the fullest and create long-lasting memories!

19. Wishing you so much joy and happiness as you begin a new chapter in your life. Take care!

20. I know it’s time to say goodbye, but goodbyes are too sad! Let’s say hello. Hello to new adventures, new opportunities, and new discoveries. Stay safe until we meet again!

21. Traveling is an expense that yields great returns in the form of priceless memories and enlightening experiences. Bon voyage.

22. You never really travel alone. The world is full of friends waiting to get to know you. Have an awesome trip!

Bon voyage message: You never really travel alone. The world is full of friends waiting to get to know you. Have an awesome trip!

23. Traveling is less about selfies, more about memories. Bon voyage.

24. Don’t worry about souvenirs. Fill your bags with experiences and memories when you return. Bon voyage.

25. Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. Stay safe and have fun!

26. I hope your holiday is filled with smiles, laughter, and sunshine. And don’t forget to take lots of pictures!

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27. As long as you have an open mind, an able body, and a benevolent heart, you will be safe everywhere.

28. would wish you luck but I really don’t think you need it. Enjoy your trip!

29. Goodbyes are not forever. They are not the end… They simply mean we’ll miss you until we meet again

Bon voyage message: Goodbyes are not forever. They are not the end… They simply mean we’ll miss you until we meet again

Bon voyage quotes for friends

30. Safe travels until we meet again my friend! Don’t worry. I won’t have too much fun here while you’re gone (at least I’ll try not to).

31. It’s going to be tough without you, but I know you’ll have the best time of your life, so it will be worth every pain of the temporary separation. Travel safely!

32. You mean the world to me, so it’s only fitting that the world gets to know and appreciate you too. I hope you have a great time on your trip!

33. Best wishes as you fly into your next chapter. Please don’t forget your friend from your home chapter

34. Wishing you a safe journey. My friend. Go safe, move safe, stay safe, leave safe, and then come back safe.

35. Best friends take their broke friends along on holidays. Good friends bring back gifts for their buddies. Bad friends do none of these. Which one are you going to be, mate? Have a good trip.

Travel safe quote

36. Only a person like you can have the guts to go on a trip to the other side of the world. You are, were, and always will be an achiever. Bon voyage, dear friend.

37. Goodbye to my best friend. I know it won’t be the same without you…it’ll be so much better.

38. They say that friends never say “goodbye” only “see you soon” . And yes, that is a thread. I will come and visit you if you’re not back here soon!

39. You know. They say the best way to keep in touch with friends is to send them presents… Just saying. Travel safe!

40. I hate to see you go, but I love to see your progress. Love triumphs over hate, so here are my best wishes for your journey. I will miss you much more than you can ever imagine. Keep in touch.

A long and sweet bon voyage quote

Bon voyage messages to family

41. Let’s start the journey. I’m sure you’ll come back with lots of sweet memories to share with all of us.

42. Here’s to new memories. You’ll be missed by all of us.

43. We will miss you until you return. Bon voyage!

44. As you set out on this new phase of your life, I wish you a safe flight and a wonderful time. May your trip be filled with the best things in life. You will be missed!

45. Make good use of your time over there, and always remember the family you left behind. I know you’ll come back safe and sound. Bon voyage!

46. Have a great trip! Just remember to bring back enough presents for the whole family…

Bon voyage quote: Have a great trip! Just remember to bring back enough presents for the whole family...

47. Sister! I wish I were going with you on your trip, but since I’m not, I’ll have to photoshop myself into all of your pictures. Have fun!

48. Get lost and have fun but be safe. You will be dearly missed.

49. Our love will reach you no matter where you go! Have a safe trip, and come back soon.

50. No matter how far you go, you will always have “ insert home city ” running through your veins. Take care, and make us proud.

51. Be careful over there! Just remember not to do anything that your mother or I wouldn’t do. Have fun on your trip!

Travel safe message: Be careful over there! Just remember not to do anything that your mother or I wouldn’t do. Have fun on your trip!

Bon voyage quotes for best friends

52. Bon voyage, my adventurous friend! May your travels be as epic as our friendship.

53. Can’t wait to hear all your awkward and crazy stories when you get back!

54. Remember to send postcards from all those exotic places, so I can live vicariously through you.

55. Don’t forget to bring me a souvenir, or at least a funny story!

56. To new horizons, new friends (but not a great as me of course), and the same awesome you!

57. Even though you’ll be miles away, our friendship knows no distance.

58. You’re not leaving, you’re just taking your awesomeness on a global tour!

59. To my partner-in-crime, may your journey be as epic as our adventures together.”

60. No matter where you go or how long you’re away, you’ll always have a place in my heart. Bon voyage, my dear friend!”

61. Off you f*ck then… I mean, safe travels.

62. You are brave, you are strong, you are fearless, you are brilliant, you make me proud. Good luck on your travels!

63. I’m devastated in the best possible way. Bon voyage bestie! (Shop card at Etsy )

Bon voyage card messge: "I'm devastrated in the best possible way, bon voyage"

Bon voyage messages to your partner

64. Bon voyage, my love! Can’t wait to hear about your adventures and cuddle you when you’re back.

65. Travel safely, and remember that my heart goes wherever you do.

66. Here’s to the love of my life, setting off on another adventure. I’ll be counting the moments until you’re in my arms again.

67. Don’t forget to pack love notes from me in your suitcase, so you’ll have a piece of my heart with you.

68. Distance may separate us, but our love knows no boundaries. Have an amazing trip, my love.

69. Distance may test us, but it will only make our love stronger. Have an incredible trip!

70. While you’re away, I’ll be counting the days until I can hold you close again.

71. Every mile you travel, my love for you grows stronger. Can’t wait for your return!

72. As you set off on this journey, may you carry my love with you, knowing that you are my everything.

73. Travel far and wide, but always remember that you are my favorite destination.

74. No matter where you are in the world, you are always in my heart. Bon voyage, my love!

75. How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. (Shop card at Etsy )

Bon voyage card of Winne The Pooh "how lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard"

Religious bon voyage greetings

76. Enjoy your trip, and may god always keep his kind eye on you on this journey!

77. Enjoy your trip! I will pray for you every day while you’re gone. May the Lord bless your journey!

78. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you travel. Bon voyage!

79. I will pray to God for your security and safe journey till you return in my arms. Enjoy your travels!

80. May God return you safe and sound to the ones that love you. Have a fantastic trip.

Quote: May God return you safe and sound to the ones that love you. Have a fantastic trip.

Bon voyage quotes for a colleague

81. Relax, refresh, recharge

82. Happy holiday! Relax and enjoy your trip

83. The office won’t be the same without you while you’re gone. I’ll be sure to guard your desk and chair very carefully. Have a great trip!

84. Don’t worry we’ll be having tons of fun here in the office while you’re on vacation. I bet you’ll be jealous of us!

Don’t worry we’ll be having tons of fun here in the office while you’re on vacation. I bet you’ll be jealous of us!

Sweet bon voyage messages

85. There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart

86. Good luck with your journey. You are going to be missed so much. I hope you have a fantastic time and don’t forget to stay in touch!

87. I hope you’ll have the most amazing time exploring the world. I’ll be counting down the days until you return home safely!

88. I’m so proud of you for taking this trip. Have an amazing time discovering different parts of the world. Love from me

89. You are my hero for taking the kind of trip most people only dream about. Have a safe trip and the best time of your life!

90. No matter how many miles between us, you’ll never be far from my heart.

Travel safe: No matter how many miles between us, you'll never be far from my heart.

91. Distance means so little when someone means so much. Keep in touch and enjoy your travels!

92. You are more special than words can say. Please travel safely each and every day.

93. I’m so excited that you’re going on this trip! You’re going to have so much fun. Knowing that you’ll be happy makes me happy, even though I’m going to miss you so much.

94. Beautiful and rare sights in this world are many, but beautiful travelers like you are few. Bon voyage sweetheart.

95. Side by side or miles apart, we will always be connected by the heart.

Quote: Side by side or miles apart, we will always be connected by the heart.

Short bon voyage quotes

96, And so the adventure begins …

97. Enjoy the adventure.

98. Wishing you a year of new adventures.

99. Life is better at the beach.

100. Sometimes you need to travel far to come closer.

101. Dream it, wish it, do it!

102. Home is where your backpack is.

Bon voyage text: Home is where your backpack is.

103. Living the good life. May you have a fun and memorable lifetime experience!

104. La vie est belle

105. La dolce vita

106. Life is better when you’re traveling/camping

107. To travel is to live

108. New life, new discoveries, and many more sweet memories.

Safe travels message: New life, new discoveries, and many more sweet memories.

Funny bon voyage messages

109. I hope you come back with lots of memories and souvenirs to share! At least the souvenirs.

110. Wine, chocolates, souvenirs, exotic food items, and clothes—these are just a few ideas to help you think about what you can get me from your foreign trips. Bon voyage.

111. I’ll miss you until you come back. But I’m sure you’ll make up for it by getting me awesome souvenirs. Happy travels!

112. Have fun, miss me, and come back safe and sound.

113. Just a tiny bit jealous.

114. Enjoy your journey, and bring me back a present.

115. We will desperately wait for your photographs. But more so for the souvenirs you get us. Bon voyage!

116. I will miss you like an idiot misses the point.

117. Bon voyage. That’s French for “have an awesome trip and nobody is jealous at all” .

Funny bon voyage message: Bon voyage. That’s French for “have an awesome trip and nobody is jealous at all”.

118. Travel safely and enjoy your trip. (Though the only reason why I sent this bon voyage message is so that you won’t forget to bring me back lots of goodies!)

119. You are finally going for a much-needed trip. Thank God I am not going to be annoyed by you in the office for a while. Bon voyage—take your time.

120. Bon voyage. Do you really have to come back?

121. Some people say traveling makes you wise. Some people say traveling makes you humble. I say, don’t think and just travel. Bon voyage.

122. Trust me. You will regret this decision and miss us every step of the way. Goodbye to you and enjoy your trip.

123. Don’t be sad. Because surely we aren’t. Just kidding! You will be missed dearly. Stay safe and enjoy your travels.

124. Farewell. Someone is really going to miss you. But, it is not going to be me!

125. I wish I was your GoPro – then I would travel the world with you.

126. Bon voyage and have a safe flight! Not that you have any control if the plane crashes, but good luck.

127. Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.

Funny travel safe quote: Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.

Short poem bon voyage greetings

128. The way of peace and safety is where I wish you go. The path of fulfillment and love is the path I hope you take. Have the best journey of your life. Safe travels to you!

129. Until we meet again. May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your fields. Enjoy your trip!

130. As you start your travels, best wishes go your way for a trip that’s really wonderful each and every day.

131. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, and sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sail. Explore. Dream. Discover. By Mark Twain

132. Open your senses, and feed your soul. Be carefree and let wanderlust take control. Stay safe and have a wonderful journey.

travel safely poem

Bon voyage captions for social media

133. Off on a new adventure – catch you on the flip side!

134. Packing my bags and chasing dreams. See you on the other side of the world!

135. Adiós reality, hola adventure!

136. Remember, it’s not the destination; it’s the journey. But the destination is pretty awesome too!

137. Saying goodbye to the ordinary and hello to the extraordinary!

138. Catch flights, not feelings. Well, maybe a little of both!

139. Off to chase sunsets, collect seashells, and leave footprints in the sand.

140. Adventure is out there, and I’m determined to find it. Join me on this wild ride! Ready to unplug, unwind, and unlock new experiences in [Destination]. See you on the flip side!

141. Bon voyage to stress, deadlines, and responsibilities. Hello, freedom and relaxation!

142. Adventure is calling, and I must answer. But first, coffee!

An instagrame sample post for Bon voyage

Did you save these bon voyage quotes on Pinterest yet?

107 beautiful bon voyage messages with a photo of an airplane wing

Final note on these bon voyage messages

All right, these were my 107 favorite bon voyage messages for someone who is about to leave for a trip! Don’t forget to check out my going-away gifts if you are looking for something small to give along the way.

farewell bon voyage message

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70+ Bon Voyage Wishes, Messages and Quotes

Bon Voyage Wishes : Enjoying vacation trips with family or friends is an integral part of one’s life. In fact, for working people, it becomes an urgent need to give themselves some time to refresh and reenergize! Thus, we need these occasional breaks to recharge ourselves. When we hear or see a friend, sibling, spouse, or colleague going on a journey to enjoy the moment, we should send them some wishes to motivate them to enjoy the trip. Following are some Bon Voyage messages to encourage our dear ones to go on a trip.

Bon Voyage Wishes

Bon voyage. May God always keep His kind eye on you in this journey.

Have a great trip and leave behind your worries. Enjoy to the fullest. Best Wishes.

Happy trip to you. I am sure you are going to make great friends and beautiful memories throughout this trip.


Money spent in travel are never wasted. Make a lot of memory but be safe out there. Bon voyage.

Here is to new memories. Get lost and have fun but be safe. We will miss you.

Have a safe and wonderful trip on your vacation. May you enjoy this trip to the fullest and create long-lasting memories! Bon Voyage!

Bon voyage, my boy/son! Some wonderful experiences await you on this journey! Enjoy it, and have a great vacation.

May this journey be a memorable one for you. Take good care of yourself and have fun! Bon Voyage!

Bring a lot of souvenirs and eat your heart out. Make great adventures and lots of memories too. Bon voyage, dear.

bon voyage msg

Holidays end too quickly, so why are you still here. Quench the thirst of wanderlust, dear. Bon voyage.

Some people say traveling makes you wise. Some people say traveling makes you humble. I say, don’t think and just travel. Bon voyage.

The wings of your airplane may be big, but the ones in your mind are bigger. Bon voyage.

Open your senses, feed your soul. Be carefree and let wanderlust take control. Bon voyage.

May your travels cure the biggest worries of your life. I wish a happy journey to you and your wife. Bon voyage.

bon voyage wishes

I can’t believe my little doll is all grown up and going on a trip all on her own. I’ll miss you, sweetie. Be extra careful for my sake. Bon Voyage.

I am going to miss you when you are away on holiday. Bon voyage, sweetie. Come back soon.

The destination of your holiday really doesn’t matter. You are such a fun person that you can make any holiday memorable. Have a good trip.

The money you spend on your travels is actually an investment that will help you grow from within. Bon voyage.

Don’t be in a hurry to reach different places and new cities. Rather, take a deep breath to enjoy the cultures and new faces. Bon voyage.

Bon Voyage Messages For Friends

Have the best trip of your life, my friend! You deserve this break! Enjoy the journey like there is no tomorrow, and come back, fully energized and refreshed! Bon Voyage!

Bon voyage dear friend. May you have a safe and sound trip and bring lots of souvenirs for me.

Write the fascinating chapter of your life on this journey and make memories. Have a safe journey, pal.

Do a lot of crazy things on this trip that you will never regret but can have a great laugh later. Bon voyage, buddy.

bon voyage wishes friend

May this journey be one of the most memorable ones in your life! Have a great trip ahead, dear friend!

Some occasional trips remain embedded in our memories forever. May this vacation trip be one of those for you. Enjoy the journey, but also take care of yourself, my friend!

Enjoy the travel and every moment of it. Make a lot of memory but keep us inside your heart. Safe travel, my friend.

Hope you get bitten by the bug of wanderlust more often only to enjoy most and to have safe travel. Best Wishes, friend.

Wanderlust isn’t about running away. It’s about experiencing the outside to discover what’s inside. Goodbye, my friend, bon voyage.

I am jealous of you not only because you are good-looking, charming, confident, and adorable but also because you are going for a fancy holiday. Bon voyage.

Also Read: Safe Journey Wishes

Bon Voyage Messages for Him

Safe travels, my love! I will miss you, but I will keep myself happy, knowing you are enjoying this trip! Great days lie ahead for you! Enjoy!

I will pray to God for your security and safe journey till you return in my arms. Have a safe journey.

Can you pack me in your suitcase, my love? Without you, I will be bored here. Have fun, and I wish you very safe travel.

May you get tired of traveling and come to me at rocket speed. Kidding. I hope you enjoy the tour safely and soundly. Bon voyage, love.

May this journey be a refreshing one for you, my love! Have a safe and wonderful trip, but come back soon as I will miss you dearly! Love you!

bon voyage greetings

You will never understand the meaning of traveling unless you go out and enjoy your heart. I will miss you a lot. Have fun. Bon voyage.

Surely, my heart will miss you a lot, my man, but I want you to enjoy it to the fullest. Bon voyage, Love.

I see your eyes gleaming, your lips breaking into a smile, and your palms clasping each other in excitement. I know how super-excited you are about your trip. Have a good one.

I love the way you spend whatever you earn on traveling. That is a really cool way to live life. Bon voyage.

Bon Voyage, sweetie! I hope you have a wonderful journey on this vacation. Come back soon, because I am going to miss you badly!

Read: Enjoy Your Vacation Wishes

Bon Voyage Wishes For Sibling

Have a great trip, brother/sister! You need this break! But don’t forget to miss me as I will miss you! Bon Voyage!

Have a memorable and mesmerizing trip, brother/sister! May this vacation let you enjoy yourself to the fullest and create memories of love, laughter, and happiness! Safe travels!

Bon voyage, bro! Hope you enjoy your trip abroad and bring lots of goodies for me! See you soon!

Bon Voyage Message For Sibling

I hope you have a fantastic trip this time around, sister! Enjoy with your buddies, and come back with great memories and many pics! 😊

Nothing can beat a vacation, away from our daily, busy lives! Have a great journey ahead, my brother! Enjoy to the fullest but don’t forget to miss me! 😀

You deserve a long vacation, dear sis! Enjoy this trip of yours and feel the adventure! On your return, bring bags full of goodies for me! 😀 Bon Voyage!

Bon Voyage Wishes For Colleague

Have a wonderful trip on this vacation, boss! Enjoy your time with your family. Hope to see you soon among us! Best wishes for this trip! Bon Voyage

Bon Voyage, dear colleague! We hope you have a safe journey! Enjoy the trip. See you soon!

Have a wonderful vacation! May this vacation give you the best journey of your life to date! Safe travels!

Have a wonderful journey with your family! Enjoy this hiatus and energize yourself with positivity! We hope to see you soon; energized and ready to achieve more goals!

Have the best trip of your life, boss! May this journey be the most amazing one of your life! We will miss your presence, but we also pray for your health and happiness! See you soon, boss!

Also Read: Vacation Wishes For Boss – Holiday Messages

Bon Voyage Quotes

Life isn’t meant to be lived caged within walls and mindsets. The only way to break free from the shackles of monotony is to travel. Bon voyage.

Life is a journey. Don’t imprison yourself in a rut. Break free and travel. Wander as if you’re lost. It’s the only way to discover yourself. Bon voyage.

Travel as if your life depends on it. Because decades later, the happiness in your life will actually depend on reflecting on the memories that you make today. Bon voyage.

You will never understand the true meaning of your life until you travel and experience how others are living theirs. Bon voyage.


Traveling isn’t only about hopping to different places and new cities. It’s also about soaking in new cultures and faces. Bon voyage.

Life is only half lived if you have never got in a car and driven off on the open road. Bon voyage and have an awesome road trip.

Traveling is an expense that yields great returns in the form of priceless memories and enlightening experiences. Bon voyage.

Beautiful and rare sights in this world are many, but beautiful travelers like you are few. Bon voyage.

Discover, find, seek, search, rummage, explore, visit, unearth – if you like the sound of these words, I bet you will enjoy your holiday. Bon voyage.

The memories of traveling form some of the fascinating chapters in your life’s book. Bon voyage.

Funny Bon Voyage Wishes

Enjoy your trip, buddy. Hope you don’t get food poisoning or a random bout of fever. Be safe.

Get lost, run out of money and do crazy things – these are the memories from your travels that will last a lifetime. Bon voyage.

I never thought you could afford a holiday to Europe since you have never even treated me to a single beer. Just kidding—though I would love a beer. Have a good trip.

funny bon voyage messages

They say that the journey is more important than the destination. But what do you care? You’re just hoping to go on one pub crawl after another, right? Have fun, stay safe, and party hard.

I heard you were going for a month-long holiday. We won’t miss you unless, of course, you promise to get us gifts. Have fun.

You should have seen our boss’s face when he granted you leave for your holiday. His eyes were screaming, ‘I want to go there, too!’ Have a good one, mate. You deserve this one.

The secret to really enjoying a holiday lies in switching off your cell phone and staying away from Facebook, Email, Twitter and Instagram. Bon voyage.

Finally, I get the house to myself. None of your nagging and nitpicking for a few weeks. Bon voyage, roomie.

Wine, chocolates, souvenirs, exotic food items, and clothes—these are just a few ideas to help you think about what you can get me from your foreign trips. Bon voyage.

You are finally going for a much-needed vacation. Thank God I am not going to be annoyed by you in the office for another 10 days. Bon voyage—take your time.

May your trip never end. And may you never come back to eat our ice cream again. Bon voyage.

Also Read: Business Trip Wishes

When someone our close going on a journey or any other purpose then we have to wish them their safe and enjoyable journey. It can be for friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife or colleagues, we should wish them perfect bon voyage messages which will bring a smile to their faces. Whether they are going for a few days of business tours or a long vacation, we shouldn’t miss saying goodbye and praying for a safe journey. Leaving an impression of your love on their mind before they leave the city or the country to make some great memory.

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65 Beautiful Quotes to Wish Someone a Safe Journey

Know someone who is about to set off on holiday or go abroad? Here are 65 creative and thoughtful ways to say ‘Have a safe trip’. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes to show them that you care.

Saying goodbye to someone who’s about to depart on a journey can be difficult. Even as a writer, I often struggle to find the right words to say.

These days, I’m usually on the receiving end of goodbyes – but I’ve had to say my fair share of farewells, too.

While ‘Have a safe journey’ will sometimes suffice, quoting a simple message, a beautiful saying or even a traditional blessing is an easy way to make a farewell more meaningful and memorable.

I’ve searched books, song lyrics and inspirational sites to come up with this list of 65 safe journey wishes . You can say these out loud, or you can copy and paste your favourite into an email, use it in a caption on social media, or better still, jot it down on a hand-written note!

  • The best quotes about travelling with friends
  • The best quotes about travelling alone
  • The best quotes for travelling with family
  • Inspiring quotes about adventure & hiking
  • Beautiful sunset captions for social media

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Tips for wishing someone a safe journey

Goodbyes are often emotional and can be overwhelming, especially when they take place at the airport or at the station. These tips can make saying farewell that much easier.

  • Don’t leave your goodbye until the last minute. If you want to make it meaningful, make sure you set aside enough time to say everything you want to say.
  • Focus on the next time you’ll meet. Whether it’s catching up for a meal or picking them up from the airport, make a plan and remind them (and yourself) that it’s only a matter of time before you see each other again.
  • Make a time to speak. If you know you’ll hear their voice when the flight lands or the train pulls in, you’ll feel much better about sending them off.
  • Remember, the person travelling is excited for the journey ahead – but they’re probably just as emotional as you!
  • Reassure them that you’ll be thinking of them. These safe journey wishes are perfect for just that.
  • It’s not only about what you say, it’s also what you do. Depending on your relationship, a warm hug or a hand on the shoulder can mean a lot.

Short and sweet safe journey wishes

These safe journey messages are thoughtful but to the point. They’re especially good for saying a quick goodbye on social media or by text message.

  • Best wishes for a safe, happy and fulfilling journey.
  • May the road be kind to you.
  • Go safe, move safe, leave safe, home safe.

A quote graphic.

This goodbye message comes from a Middle English phrase meaning ‘May you prosper’.

When NASA astronaut John Glenn made the first manned orbital flight in 1962, mission control used the word ‘Godspeed’ to wish him a safe journey.

  • Catch you on the flip side!

We often use this friendly way of saying goodbye in Australia. It comes from late-night radio DJs, who would use the phrase before they put on a vinyl record.

Listeners knew they wouldn’t hear from the DJ again until the record had played through and they had ‘flipped’ the vinyl to the B side.

  • Stay out of trouble!

A cheeky way of saying ‘Have a safe journey’, appropriate for someone you know well!

  • Smooth sailing!

First coined in the 14th Century, this phrase prophesied calm waters free from rough waves for someone who was about to set sail on the high seas.

It doesn’t just apply to water travel – nowadays, it can be used as a generic saying to wish someone a breezy journey.

  • “May the air be clear, your flight smooth, the plane ride safe, and the sky blue!” – Unknown
  • “May angels fly with you wherever you roam and guide you back safely to family and home.” – Traditional Irish blessing
  • “The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe. Eat cake!” – Unknown

A quote graphic.

  • “The world is waiting for you. Good Luck. Travel Safe. Go!” – Phil Keoghan (The Amazing Race)
  • “I don’t want you coming back empty-handed – I want you coming back with a head full of tall tales, absurdities, and little moments of beauty. Have a safe trip!” – Unknown

How to wish someone safe travels in a different language

Are you saying goodbye to someone who is travelling overseas? Why not wish them a safe journey in the local language of their destination.

  • Bon voyage! – French
  • Buon viaggio! – Italian
  • Gluckliche reise! – German
  • Viaje seguro! – Spanish
  • Boa viagem! – Portuguese

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • Tsetchem leshalom (נסיעה בטוחה) – Hebrew
  • Chuyến đi an toàn – Vietnamese
  • Anzen’na tabi (安全な旅) – Japanese
  • Yīlù píng’ān (一路平安) – Chinese
  • Surakshit yaatra (सुरक्षित यात्रा) – Hindi
  • Mae alsalama (مع السلامة) – Arabic
  • Safari salama – Swahili

Inspiring safe journey wishes

Are you wishing a safe journey to some who is feeling nervous or anxious? Or maybe you just want to offer some parting words of wisdom that will inspire them to make the most of their trip. Travelling is a life-changing experience , and these quotes perfectly capture that sentiment.

These inspirational journey quotes and travel affirmations are suitable for family, friends or your significant other.

  • “It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.” – Ernie Harwell
  • “Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you. You must travel it by yourself. It is not far. It is within reach. Perhaps you have been on it since you were born, and did not know. Perhaps it is everywhere – on water and land.” – Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
  • “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” – Paulo Coelho

A quote graphic.

  • “As with most phobias, the fear of flying does make some sense, but if ever there was a fear worth quashing then this is it. After all, life is short, and there’s a great big world to explore out there.” – Beth Ditto
  • “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it. The reason birds can fly and we can’t is simply that they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings.” – J. M. Barrie (Peter Pan)
  • “Embrace what you don’t understand, what you can’t see just yet, experience something new.” – Unknown
  • “Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars.” – Jack Kerouac, On the Road

Lanterns in Chiang Mai.

  • “What is that feeling when you’re driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? It’s the too-huge world vaulting us, and it’s good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.” – Jack Kerouac, On the Road
  • “Today is the first step on a brand new journey. All you have to do is keep moving.” – Unknown
  • “Most people spend their lives dreaming about somewhere else, go there.” – Unknown
  • “Ships may be safest docked in the harbour, but that is not what they were designed to do.” – Unknown
  • “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius
  • “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller

A mountaintop monastery with a beautiful quote overlaid on the graphic.

  • “Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travellers don’t know where they’re going.” – Paul Theroux
  • “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu
  • “The world is open to an endless stream of potential experiences; it’s up to you to navigate that raging torrent of possibilities and find your own destination.” – Unknown
  • “Remember that true contentment comes from stepping out into the unknown and beating back the ghosts of insecurity. Enjoy this trip and all that it has to offer and let your mind be open to new experiences.” – Unknown
  • “Get ready for the unexpected, for the trivial and mundane to be turned into the profound and insightful.” – Unknown
  • “Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert
  • “Travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown.” – Anthony Bourdain

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” – David Mitchell
  • “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” – Henry David Thoreau

Safe journey wishes for your significant other

Saying farewell to the person you love – be they a girlfriend or boyfriend, husband or wife – is often the hardest goodbye of all.

These romantic quotes can help you convey your feelings while wishing your loved one a safe journey.

  • “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)
  • “Distance means so little when someone means so much.” – Unknown
  • “Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.” – Rumi

A beautiful quote graphic.

  • “The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected.” – Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook)
  • “You’re my favourite hello, but my hardest goodbye.” – Unknown

And if it’s you who’s saying goodbye…

  • “Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you Tomorrow I’ll miss you Remember I’ll always be true And then while I’m away I’ll write home every day And I’ll send all my lovin’ to you” – The Beatles, All My Loving
  • “So kiss me and smile for me Tell me that you’ll wait for me Hold me like you’ll never let me go ‘Cause I’m leavin’ on a jet plane Don’t know when I’ll be back again Oh babe, I hate to go” – John Denver, Leaving on a Jet Plane

Thoughtful safe journey wishes for friends & family

These friendly travel quotes are perfect if you’re parting ways with a friend or family member.

  • “Though miles may lie between us, we are never far apart, for friendship doesn’t count miles, it’s measured by the heart.” – Unknown
  • “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” – Mahatma Gandhi

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • “Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.” – Henry David Thoreau
  • “Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means I’ll miss you until we meet again.” – Unknown
  • “The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.” – Charles Dickens

Traditional safe journey messages from around the world

Every culture and religion has its own beautiful and poetic ways of saying farewell. Here are just a few of my favourites.

  • “May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields and, Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand, May Angels fly with you wherever you roam and guide you back safely to family and home.” – Traditional Irish blessing
  • “May good luck be your friend in whatever you do and may trouble be always a stranger to you.” – Traditional Irish farewell

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • “Goodbye, goodbye, loved one, goodbye. We’ll meet again, God willing.” – Kwa Heri by Libana, a Swahili goodbye song
  • “May you ride comfortably and tirelessly on the road you travel! May your golden way be filled with prosperity! Please go easy and well on your way! Please go well!” – Traditional Mongolian farewell

Beautiful safe travel blessings & prayers

  • For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone. – Psalm 91:11-12
  • “Arise with you in the morning, travel with you through each day, Welcome you on your arrival. God, be with you all the way.” – Christian prayer
  • “Be mindful, O Lord, of those who travel by land, by sea, and by air… upon them all send forth Thy mercies, for Thou art the Giver of all good things.” – Orthodox Christian prayer

And there you have it – 65 thoughtful and heartfelt ways to say farewell to someone who’s travelling. What are your favourite goodbye quotes?

World’s best and golden words I’ve read here . I wanted to wish my crush and this site helped me a lot . Thank you very much.

Thank you for sharing 🙂

Just a little note on the Portuguese wishes, “Viagem segura” is grammatically correct but no one really says it that way, we say “Boa viagem”

Obrigado, Rita! I’ve just updated it 🙂

Amazing, these are cute wishes and I think best way to say good-bye to anyone in a beautiful way. Keep sharing good stuff!

Great page! Very inspiring. Very meaningful. Very informative.

Please note typo: Buon viaggion! – Italian should be Buon viaggio! (There is no letter n.)

Keep up the good work,

Whoops, fixed! Thanks for pointing out the typo.

Kindest, Emily

Your words are amazing!

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120 Bon Voyage Messages for Safe and Fun Travels!


Bon voyage messages are a great way to send your loved ones a positive message before they leave on their trip. These messages are perfect for sending to friends and family members as you prepare to leave on your trip. Whether you’re packing for a short trip or a long one, these farewell messages will help make the journey a little less daunting. these will remind them that you’re thinking of them and that you hope they have a great time.

Bon Voyage Messages

  • I wish to send you my heartfelt greetings and wish you and your family all the best that this journey can offer. Fly safe and have a good trip!
  • I love the way you spend whatever you earn on traveling. That is a really cool way to live life. Bon voyage.
  • Do a lot of crazy things on this trip that you will never regret but can have a great laugh later. Bon voyage, buddy.
  • I can’t believe my little doll is all grown up and going on a trip all on her own. I’ll miss you, sweetie. Be extra careful for my sake. Bon Voyage.
  • Life isn’t meant to be lived caged within walls and mindsets. The only way to break free from the shackles of monotony is to travel. Bon voyage.
  • Bon Voyage, sweetie! I hope you have a wonderful journey on this vacation. Come back soon, because I am going to miss you badly!
  • Life is a journey. Don’t imprison yourself in a rut. Break free and travel. Wander as if you’re lost. It’s the only way to discover yourself. Bon voyage.
  • Finally, I get the house to myself. None of your nagging and nit-picking for a few weeks. Bon voyage, roomie.
  • Get lost, run out of money and do crazy things – these are the memories from your travels that will last a lifetime. Bon voyage.
  • Traveling is an expense which yields great returns in the form of priceless memories and enlightening experiences. Bon voyage.
  • Go where no one has ever gone, do what others have never done, live like others have never lived. Bon voyage.
  • I heard you were going for a month-long holiday. We won’t miss you unless, of course, you promise to get us gifts. Have fun.
  • You should have seen our boss’s face when he granted you leave for your holiday. His eyes were screaming, ‘I want to go there, too!’ Have a good one, mate. You deserve this one.
  • I am jealous of you not only because you are good-looking, charming, confident, and adorable but also because you are going for a fancy holiday. Bon voyage.
  • Though you are far away from us geographically, we will always keep you in our hearts. Love you! Come back soon!
  • You will never understand the true meaning of your life, until you travel and experience how others are living theirs. Bon voyage.
  • Some people say traveling makes you wise. Some people say traveling makes you humble. I say, don’t think and just travel. Bon voyage.
  • I envy only two things in life. One is your beautiful home, and the other is the holiday you are taking this year. You’re flying off to exotic islands—lucky you. Bon voyage.
  • The destination of your holiday really doesn’t matter. You are such a fun person that you can make any holiday memorable. Have a good trip.
  • It is unfair that you get to go halfway around the world while I’m stuck here doing semester coursework. I’m so jealous of you. Do you know how you can make me feel better? Bring back a nice gift for me, please. I will miss your tons, roomie.
  • The best gifts that you can get back for loved ones from a trip are memories and souvenirs. I don’t mind if you forget sharing your memories, but don’t forget the souvenirs. Bon voyage, wishing you happy travels.
  • Travel as if your life depends on it. Because decades later, the happiness in your life will actually depend on reflecting on the memories that you make today. Bon voyage.
  • Do you realize that you are about to blow away at least a couple of months of your hard-earned salary for just a few weeks of travelling? You could have made a down payment on a new car instead. Don’t mean to ruin your mood though—bon voyage and have fun.

bon voyage messages

Heart Touching Bon Voyage Messages

The best way to say goodbye is to tell your loved one that you love them and that you will miss them. Some heartfelt words of farewell can be, “Bon Voyage!” “Wishing you all the best on your journey!” or “Take care, and don’t forget to write!” These messages express your heartfelt admiration and concern for the person’s upcoming journey.

  • Make good use of your time over there, and always remember the family you left behind. I know you’ll come back safe and sound. Bon voyage!
  • You may not have any money to go to good restaurants, buy a new car, play golf, visit the opera, or buy diamonds, but you sure seem to have the money to travel—I like your priorities in life. You are putting your money to good use. Bon voyage. Take lots of pictures.
  • I am hoping to see a more cheerful, fun, happy, calm, and chirpy version of you when you get back from your trip because—what the heck, you are going to Ibiza! Bon voyage, party hard.
  • Beautiful and rare sights in this world are many, but beautiful travellers like you are few. Bon voyage sweetheart.
  • Don’t do stupid things on your trip. Remember that everyone has iPhones these days, and your antics could be up on YouTube. On second thoughts, I would love to see an embarrassing video of yours going viral. Here’s to hoping that it happens.
  • Be careful over there! Just remember not to do anything that your mother or I wouldn’t do. Have fun on your trip!
  • As much as I can’t stand you in my life, I am going to miss you when you are away for holiday. Bon voyage, sweetie. Come back soon.
  • The secret to really enjoying a holiday lies in switching off your cell phone and staying away from Facebook, Email, Twitter and Instagram. Bon voyage.
  • You should have seen our boss’s face when he granted you leave for your holiday. His eyes were screaming, ‘I want to go there, too!’ Have a good one, mate. You deserve this one.
  • Hope you get bitten by the bug of wanderlust more often only to enjoy most and to have safe travel. Best Wishes, friend.
  • I’ll miss you until you come back but I hope you’ll make up for it by getting me awesome gifts. Bon voyage.
  • You are the luckiest girl to be able to backpack around Europe. Take lots of pictures as you soak in views of the French vineyards, sunbathe on the sunny Sicilian beaches, enjoy romantic meals in Venice, and increase your vocabulary as you pick up new words while chatting to hunky Spanish men. I will miss you. xoxo
  • The whole family will be following along on your trip with your photographs, so be sure to take and post plenty. Have a great trip!
  • Holidays always end quickly. So, stop spending time reading this message and get to the airport. Bon voyage, my friend. I will miss you while you are gone.
  • Chilling under the sun, relaxing under the stars, sipping on a raspberry cocktail, getting a Thai foot massage, trying exotic dishes, bicycling on unknown routes, canoeing in small rivulets, crashing in the hotel’s jacuzzi after a tiring day of sightseeing, Learning the language of the locals—
  • I know that your business trip is just an excuse, actually you just want to go there to enjoy the cruise. Bon voyage.
  • Even though I’m a little jealous of you, how could I be mad at my best friend for taking a once-in-a-lifetime trip? I hope it’s awesome and that you come back safe and sound.
  • May this journey be a refreshing one for you, my love! Have a safe and wonderful trip, but come back soon as I will miss you dearly! Love you!
  • Have a safe and wonderful trip on your vacation. May you enjoy this trip to the fullest and create long-lasting memories! Bon Voyage!
  • I see your eyes gleaming, your lips breaking into a smile, and your palms clasping each other in excitement. I know how super-excited you are for your trip. Have a good one.
  • May you get tired of traveling and come to me at rocket speed. Kidding. I hope you enjoy the tour safely and soundly. Bon voyage, love.
  • The money you spend on your travels is actually an investment that will help you grow from within. Bon voyage.
  • Now it’s time to make your Instagram game shine—can’t wait to follow you on your journeys around the globe.

Check out these:

  • “4th of July” Messages to Inspire and Motivate You!
  • Heart Touching “Rest in Peace” Messages Ideas
  • Trust Messages That Will Change Your Life!  

Unique Bon Voyage Messages

  • You are lucky to be able to travel so much for business, I am a little jealous of you, I confess. I wish you not just success, but also tons of happiness. Bon voyage.
  • I’m happy today because I won’t be putting up with your constant nagging for the next three weeks. Bon voyage; feel free to extend your holiday by a few more weeks.
  • Brother, it will be hard to be here without you, but I know that you’re going to come back with so many stories and pictures it will be worth it to have missed you so much.
  • I see your eyes gleaming, your lips breaking into a smile, and your palms clasping each other in excitement. I know how super-excited you are about your trip. Have a good one.
  • You are a wonderful person. May the joy of this day bring sweet memories for the rest of your life! Have a safe trip back home.
  • I never thought you could afford a holiday to Europe since you have never even treated me to a single beer. Just kidding—though I would love a beer. Have a good trip.
  • Life’s meaning doesn’t lie simply in promotions and pay checks. It also lies in crossing boundaries, experiencing new cultures and understanding the world in a better way. Bon voyage.
  • Life is only half lived if you have never got in a car and driven off on the open road. Bon voyage and have an awesome road trip.
  • When you travel with loved ones, it doesn’t matter where you are going – because every place will envelope you with love and happiness. Bon voyage and enjoy your family vacation.
  • They say that the journey is more important than the destination. But what do you care? You’re just hoping to go on one pub crawl after another, right? Have fun, stay safe, and party hard.
  • Some occasional trips remain embedded in our memories forever. May this vacation trip be one of those for you. Enjoy the journey, but also take care of yourself, my friend!
  • This journey is a once in a lifetime experience. I wish you all the very best for your travels and hope you come back safe and sound. Have a safe trip back home!
  • May this journey be a memorable one for you. Take good care of yourself and have fun! Bon Voyage!
  • I hope you have a great time and don’t have so much fun over there that you decide not to come back. We love you so much! Have a great trip.
  • Enjoy the travel and every moment of it. Make a lot of memory but keep us inside your heart. Safe travel, my friend.
  • The only reason why I am especially wishing you ‘bon voyage’ is that I want you to give me lots of goodies when you get back. Have a super trip.
  • No one deserves a vacation more than you. May your journey be filled with joy and happiness! Bon voyage!
  • I’m so proud of you for taking a trip that I know you’re going to love. Have a great time and come back safe!
  • No matter how important a business trip, it always begins with a hug from someone who cares about you. Bon voyage, xoxo.
  • Don’t be in a hurry to reach different places and new cities. Rather, take a deep breath to enjoy the cultures and new faces. Bon voyage.
  • Sister! I wish I were going with you on your trip, but since I’m not, I’ll have to photoshop myself into all of your pictures. Have fun!
  • We will desperately wait for your photographs, but more so for the souvenirs you get us. Bon voyage.

bon voyage messages

How do you wish someone a good voyage?

Whether it’s someone you know, a stranger, or someone you haven’t seen in a while, I think it’s important to take the time to wish them a safe and happy voyage. Whether you’re sailing into new waters or returning to familiar shores, I think it’s important to remember that every voyage has a beginning and an end. Whether it’s a short trip or a long journey, I hope you have a wonderful voyage. Here are some good bon voyage messages for them.

  • Bring a lot of souvenirs and eat your heart out. Make great adventures and lots of memories too. Bon voyage, dear.
  • As you pack your bags and leave for your holiday, I hope that you never get lost along the way. Bon voyage.
  • Bon voyage, my boy/son! Some wonderful experiences await you on this journey! Enjoy it, and have a great vacation.
  • The great Achilles waged wars across oceans, travelled with large armies, protected kingdoms, and no one wished him bon voyage. Why should I wish you one? You are only driving to another state. Nonetheless, have a good road trip.
  • They say that the journey is more important than the destination. But what do you care? You’re just hoping to go on one pub crawl after another, right? Have fun, stay safe, party hard.
  • Have the best trip of your life, my friend! You deserve this break! Enjoy the journey like there is no tomorrow, and come back, fully energized and refreshed! Bon Voyage!
  • Best friends take their broke friends along on holidays. Good friends bring back gifts for their buddies. Bad friends do none of these. Which one are you going to be, mate? Have a good trip.
  • Discover, find, seek, search, rummage, explore, visit, unearth – if you like the sound of these words, I bet you will enjoy your holiday. Bon voyage.
  • Safe travels, my love! I will miss you, but I will keep myself happy, knowing you are enjoying this trip! Great days lie ahead for you! Enjoy!
  • I wish you well and hope to see you return healthy and happy. You’ll be missed by all of us until you return. Bon voyage!
  • May your travels cure the biggest worries of your life. I wish a happy journey to you and your wife. Bon voyage.
  • I’m so glad that you and dad are taking the opportunity to go on a trip for yourselves! I know you’re going to have a fantastic time, and I wish you all the best.
  • You are so adventurous! I wish I could go with you on this trip, brother, but that will have to wait until next time. Have a great journey!
  • Funniest Birthday Messages for Laugh out Loud
  • “Missing You” Texts for Your Loved Ones!
  • Veterans Day Messages to Honor Our Heroes!  

What to say when someone is leaving on a trip?

  • My heartiest congratulations to you for making this journey. I’m sure you’ll come back with lots of sweet memories to share with all of us. Enjoy your trip.
  • Don’t let your adventure turn into a nightmare. Be safe, carry your medicines, sleep well a day before the flight, carry your money safely, don’t forget to take your sleeping bag, be careful that your passport doesn’t get stolen, make sure you charge your camera, don’t leave your hotel room unlocked. Gee, looks like there is a lot of boring planning ahead of you. Anyway, bon voyage. Hope you manage to have some fun in between all the boring bits.
  • May you discover beautiful things, as you fly across the world on a plane with wings. May you have experiences that change your thinking, as you trot across to far of lands while traveling. Bon voyage.
  • You are finally going for a much-needed vacation. Thank God I am not going to be annoyed by you in the office for another days. Bon voyage—take your time.
  • I will pray to God for your security and safe journey till you return in my arms. Have a safe journey.
  • I heard you were going for a month-long holiday. We won’t miss you unless, of course, you promise to get us gifts. Have fun.
  • You are finally going for a much-needed vacation. Thank God I am not going to be annoyed by you in office for another days. Bon voyage—take your time.
  • Can you pack me in your suitcase, my love? Without you, I will be bored here. Have fun, and I wish you very safe travel.
  • We get to know the best hole-in-the-wall cafes, pubs, nightclubs, and hotspots in various cities of the world only because of your holidays. So, here’s a toast to many more holidays and discoveries. Good luck. We can’t wait to hear more of your travelogues.
  • New life, new discoveries, and many more sweet memories. May you have a fun and memorable lifetime experience!
  • Capture every landscape in you new iPhone’s panoramic view, for unfortunate ones like us whose holidays are long due. Bon voyage.
  • Hang on, I am not writing you a holiday poem. I am just telling you about the things that I did on my holiday. Take some tips and make the most of your vacation. Bon voyage.
  • Wanderlust isn’t about running away. It’s about experiencing the outside to discover what’s inside. Goodbye my friend, bon voyage.

bon voyage messages

What are the best bon voyage messages?

Bon voyage is a very special word. It is used to wish somebody a safe journey, and it is also a way to say goodbye. People often give different bon voyage messages, depending on the person. Here are some of the best bon voyage messages.

  • Life is not about the number of destinations you have seen, but the number of journeys you have experienced. Bon voyage.
  • Wanderlust isn’t about running away. It’s about experiencing the outside to discover what’s inside. Goodbye, my friend, bon voyage.
  • You will never understand the meaning of traveling unless you go out and enjoy your heart. I will miss you a lot. Have fun. Bon voyage.
  • I wish you all the best on your trip and for safety as you travel. Don’t forget to drive with caution and fasten your seat belt!
  • As you pack your bags, I wish you a happy journey and hope that you don’t get mugged, sick, lost, or caught on the wrong side of the law. Gee, guess you have a lot to watch out for. Enjoy your holidays.
  • You are a wonderful person who deserves more than the best. Have a safe trip and an enjoyable vacation!
  • You are the type of person who would make even the most tiring of journeys fun and exciting. You really don’t need ‘bon voyage’ wishes, but here they are anyway: Have a safe and enjoyable trip.
  • I can’t believe you won’t be here on your birthday. Lucky you, getting to celebrate your the on the sunny beaches of Mexico. Happy birthday in advance. Enjoy your travels.
  • The destination of your holiday really doesn’t matter. You are such a fun person that you can make any holiday memorable. Have a good trip.
  • May your travels cure the biggest worries of your life, I wish a happy journey to you and your wife. Bon voyage.
  • Traveling isn’t only about hopping to different places and new cities. It’s also about soaking in new cultures and faces. Bon voyage.
  • Happy trip to you. I am sure you are going to make great friends and beautiful memories throughout this trip.
  • Wine, chocolates, souvenirs, exotic food items, and clothes—these are just a few ideas to help you think about what you can get me from your foreign trips. Bon voyage.
  • Sometimes, wandering and traveling aimlessly helps you introspect and zero in on your life’s real aims. Bon voyage.
  • Work Anniversary Messages to Show Your Emotions
  • Sweet and Romantic Valentine Messages to Wife!
  • Easter Messages to Encourage Joy and Happiness!  


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Safe travels: inspiring messages for a bon voyage card.

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It’s almost spring – a time when you start dreaming about summer vacations, and distant and exotic destinations. For some of us, it’s also the time that we begin to crave change.

If you have a friend or family member who has decided to take the plunge and head off on a big adventure, you’ll want to give them a leaving card that wishes them a fantastic time. Plus, you’ll want to get across how much you’ll miss them and look forward to seeing them again.

Keep reading for all the ideas and inspiration you need for writing a bon voyage card. From besties and family members to colleagues, we can help you to write the perfect message for this new chapter of their lives. 

Why send a safe travel card?

As much as you will miss them while they are gone, the travelers themselves will naturally get waves of homesickness. At times like this, opening up your card and reading your message will give them a boost of positive energy. Your card will become a little piece of home to look back on whenever they feel low. 

Whether your friend is going on a sabbatical, a gap year, a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, or even moving abroad, a TouchNote card is perfect for wishing them safe travels and encouraging them to make the most of their experiences while they’re away. 

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Boost their spirits with humour

Although it’s exciting, starting out on a new adventure can also be a scary prospect and a time of anxiety for the uncertainty ahead. There may be tears when it comes to saying goodbye to loved ones and friends, especially if the trip is an extended one. A leaving card that injects a dose of humor will lighten the hearts of your traveling friends by breaking the tension, as well as lifting their mood by giving them some chuckles as they go on their way.

“Have a great trip! We’ll miss you! However, all the lovely gifts you’ll bring back will soften the blow – a lot!”

“My face is saying “good for you”, but I’m really saying “I’m green with envy – wish I was going too!” Enjoy, my friend.”

“I’m looking forward to having the house to myself! And don’t worry – I haven’t planned a single party while you’re gone (honest) 🤣.” 

“Let’s hope that you’re better at map reading in the Far East than you are at home! Still, getting lost is all part of the fun, right?”

Messages to tug their heartstrings

Traveling somewhere new and different means big changes for the person who is leaving. And, it goes without saying that you’re going to be without your family, bestie, or partner too. So, a travel card with a touching message lets them know how much you’ll miss them, and how excited you’ll be to see them and hear all their stories when they come back home.

“Very best wishes to you in this next chapter of your life – I’m going to miss you lots but am so excited for you. I hope it’s everything that you wish for.”

“Have a great sabbatical and make memories that will last a lifetime – I’ll be waiting for you to share them with me when you’re home.”

“Bon voyage, my darling – they say absence makes the heart grow fonder so my heart will be bursting by the time you get back!”

“I’ll be missing you every day that you’re away and following all your adventures on Instagram and Facebook, so post lots of pictures. Love you!”

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Empower them with supportive messages

With nerves running high as the travel date approaches, a little reassurance and support can go a long way. Let your backpacking buddy know how proud you are of their bravery and sense of adventure. Make sure your bon voyage card mentions all the new experiences they will have to look forward to and how awesome it’s going to be.

“I’m so proud of you for taking the plunge and embarking on this new adventure – have a fabulous time and I’ll be counting the days until I see you again.”

“You’re the most confident person I know and have always dreamed big, so I have no doubt that you’ve got this in the bag. Have an awesome time.”

“No one deserves this trip more than you and I know that you will make the most of every single minute. Have a fantastic time and enjoy the ride.” 

A little quote can sometimes say it best…

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” Helen Keller

“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.” Lewis Carroll

Keep it plain and simple

The person you’re sending a card to may not be a close friend or family member. Maybe it’s your co-worker, neighbor, or new acquaintance. In this case, you won’t want your message to be too emotional or gushy. Don’t worry, a plain and generic message will still let them know you wish them safe travels and a happy trip.

“All the best for a safe and happy voyage. I look forward to seeing you when you get back.”

“Best wishes to you – I hope you and your family have a great and relaxing vacation.”

“Wishing you both a safe, stress-free, and relaxing journey.”

“Best of luck on your travels and I hope you have a brilliant time.”

Choose the perfect bon voyage design for you

Now you have a good idea of the type of bon voyage message you want to include in your card, you need a design that matches perfectly. You could personalize it by using a picture of the person leaving, or including a selfie of the two of you together – this is always a winner. However, if you’d rather have something more graphically striking, check out TouchNote’s fabulous ready-to-send artwork and choose a congratulations, good luck, or miss you design.

Whether your friend is moving country, taking a gap year, off on an exotic extended vacation, or taking a sabbatical, it’s a life-changing experience. Sending a personalized bon voyage or sabbatical card that expresses your heartfelt wishes for their happiness and reminds them how much you will miss them will give them the support and love they need before beginning this exciting life chapter. Add a small handpicked gift to take with them in their suitcase, like a scented candle or box of truffles, and they’ll leave with a smile on their lips and some pep in their step. 

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Bon voyage poems.

Beautiful bon voyage poem to write in a greeting card

Bon Voyage Poems: Traveling is much more than just flying off to an exotic destination in an airplane. It’s about making memories, spending precious time with family, tasting new foods and meeting new people. Capture this essence of travel with a beautiful message to say goodbye to someone going away – whether it is a weekend getaway, interstate holiday, sabbatical or an important business trip aboard. Wish your friends or family a happy holiday by sending a greeting card with a sweet poem. Say farewell on Facebook and remind them they will be coming back home to a ton of pending work at office. Assure them that everything will be fine while they’re gone. Let your wishes mark a great start to their journey.

1) Get your eyes to become

Your HD camera

To capture the world’s

Beautiful panorama

Get your emotions to become

Fine and sharp sensors

To enjoy the sights and sounds

Of the world so diverse

Get yourself to become

A beautiful photo album

To store the memories

Of a holiday so awesome

2) Embrace the sun’s glare

Feel the wind in your hair

Take a break from life’s race

Enjoy the rain drops on your face

Forget your worries as you leave

A sigh relief, you must heave

3) As you leave for your holiday

You will be lounging on sunny beaches

I am sure that you will also love

Gorging on the most exotic dishes

But you will have to come back

To pending bills and a dirty garden

But until you’re away you must

Forget all that and have fun

4) From snorkeling

To late night partying

For club hopping

To beautiful kayaking

From tons of shopping

To all forms of relaxing

May you have lots of fun

And experience all the good things

5) Enjoy your holidays like a king

Bounce from one shop to another like a spring

Don’t be afraid to swipe your credit card

After all you have been working hard

Assume that you don’t have to go back to a job

Relax all day in your hotel like a slob

Enjoy your holiday to the best

Pamper yourself and take lots of rest

6) You must be a little nervous, I can imagine

For the first time, you are going overseas

Stop worrying, everything will be alright

I hope my message will put you to ease

We’re pretty sure you’ll come back

With lots of stories and anecdotes to day

We wish you Bon voyage

May you have an awesome holiday

7) As you travel far and wide

Across oceans and high tides

As you come across new people

Who will make your journey special

As you find new things to do

Undertaking experiences that are new

Cherish every moment of your journey

And enjoy every moment to the tee

8) On a luxurious cruise, to hop aboard

Is a luxury that only a few can afford

To such faraway lands, to make a journey

Is not everybody’s cup of tea

You are one of the lucky few

To have such a beautiful holiday due

Enjoy it to the very last bit

Think of us as being there in spirit

9) Visiting a new place every time

Will help you experience new cultures so fine

Seeing places known to only a few

Will help you to discover experiences new

Taking in new sights and sounds

With memories will make you abound

Bon voyage and good luck to you all

Enjoy your holiday and have a ball

10) Since holidays are meant to be

Fulfilling and carefree

Take rest and rejuvenate

At night, party and celebrate

Do things you wouldn’t do here

Bask in the holiday cheer

Calm your body and soothe your mind

Sleeps lots and take time to unwind

Sweet quote to wish bon voyage

11) An adventurous spirit

With contagious zest

Is bound to make

Your holiday the best

A zealous soul

With great attitude

Will help you cross

Many latitudes

12) Whether it is Bali or Bangkok

Tourists like you love to flock

To places most beautiful and exotic

Yours is always the choicest pick

May you have a fantastic holiday

For your safe journey, I will pray

13) Whether you splurge to travel by plane

Or you save a few pennies and travel by train

Whether you book a luxury cruise

Or to drive to the destination that you choose

Whether you stay in a five star hotel

Or you stay in a budget motel

May you have fun in whatever you do

I wish bon voyage to you

14) As you travel to different places

And meet a rich variety of faces

May you come back enlightened

With your experiences deeply widened

By seeing something totally new

Witnessing things out of the blue

May you have a trip so memorable

That in your heart it always remains special

15) No matter where you go

I always want you to know

For your safety I’ll always pray

Whenever you go on a holiday

My wish for you will always be

That you get back home safely

So enjoy without worrying

A great time, look forward to having

16) Time will fly quickly

Enjoy every moment

Forget about everything

Nothing else is important

The only thing that matters

Is how you can make the best

Of your holiday

And forget about the rest

17) You deserve to finally get

A luxurious holiday

Happy times and enjoyment

Will now make their way

Into your life because you have

Worked so very hard for it

Bon voyage, may you enjoy

Your vacation to every bit

18) It doesn’t matter where you go

As long as you go somewhere

New experiences to unravel

Are always going to be there

It doesn’t matter what the length

Of your journey is

As long as the beauty of each place

You make sure not to miss

It doesn’t matter how far

You decide to travel

As long as you make

Each day very special

19) As you bid your friends goodbye

To a foreign land, as you fly

Gather stories one by one

Of the things you did to have fun

Pack memories in your mind

Sit back, relax and unwind

We’ll wait to hear everything

Bon voyage, fly away with wings

20) The time has come

To leave every worry

And to abandon

Each reason for agony

That day has arrived

To set yourself free

And fulfill every

Whim and fancy

Cute bon voyage message for friends

21) One more vacation

One more holiday

I am so jealous of you

Is all that I can say

On more break

One more sabbatical

To me your life is

Very enviable

22) A seasoned traveler like you

Needs no bon voyage wish

For you know very well

How to enjoy and cherish

Every moment of your journey

Every second of your travels

Even then I will hope that

Your holidays is special

23) Your journey will start

And then come to an end

But in the meanwhile

You’ll make many a friends

Your holiday will eventually

Find its place in photographs

But its memories be quotes

Even in your epitaph

24) You are bound to be

Really excited

For you’ve finally got

What you wanted

A relaxing trip

With your family

Bon voyage to you

Have a nice journey

25) Get to the airport in time

Don’t carry too much luggage

Carry your first aid kit

Without which you can’t manage

Stay light, don’t eat too much

You have a journey ahead of you

If you want more instructions

I can still give you a few

26) The best journeys of life

Are the ones that we take

In which lots of memories

With our families we make

The most memorable travels

Of our lives always become

The ones in which we gather

Moments that are awesome

27) Pack your bags

Fly off in a plane

When you come back

You won’t be the same

Your travels will

Help you discover

New dimensions of life

And make it better

28) Traveling to a land unseen

Going where you’ve never been

Getting thrills like never before

For adventure, opening new doors

Scouting for the best memories

Making new discoveries

This is what life is about

You’ll have lots of fun, there is no doubt

29) The beauty of Mother Nature

You will now see

As you undertake

A beautiful journey

The exquisiteness of this world

You will now experience

As you enjoy

Your holiday in abundance

30) On a business trip

I know you’ll be

Even then I wish you

A happy journey

May your flight be safe

And your purpose successful

May you have the chance

To see a new place so beautiful

Bon Voyage Wishes

110+ Bon Voyage Wishes: Jet-Set with Our Best Messages!

Bon Voyage Wishes: Are you or someone you know gearing up for a vacation? Whether it’s a family trip or a getaway with friends, taking time off to refresh and recharge is essential. As working individuals, it’s crucial to give ourselves a break from the daily grind and indulge in some leisure activities.

When a loved one or colleague is embarking on a journey, sending them off with warm wishes can go a long way in motivating them to enjoy their trip to the fullest. That’s why we’ve put together a list of Bon Voyage messages to inspire and encourage those dear to us to make the most of their upcoming adventure.

In this blog post, we’ll share some heartfelt Bon Voyage Wishes, messages and Quotes that you can use to wish your loved ones a safe and enjoyable trip. So, get ready to spread some love and positivity as we embark on this journey of well-wishes together.

Table of Contents

Bon Voyage Wishes

Bon Voyage Wishes

Bon voyage. May the universe bless you with safe travels and unforgettable memories.

Wishing you a fantastic trip, free from worries and full of joy. Bon voyage, and have a blast!

Happy travels! I have no doubt that you’ll meet amazing people and make beautiful memories.

Traveling is an investment in memories that will never lose their value. Have fun and stay safe on your journey. Bon voyage!

As you embark on this new adventure, may it be filled with new and exciting experiences. We’ll miss you, but can’t wait to hear all about it. Bon voyage!

Enjoy every moment of your trip, and may it be everything you hoped for and more. Bon voyage, and safe travels!

Bon voyage, my dear son! I’m excited for you to create unforgettable moments on this journey. Have a great vacation!

Bon Voyage Wishes

May your journey be filled with incredible moments and unforgettable memories. Take good care of yourself, and have a fantastic trip. Bon voyage!

Travel far and wide, try new things, and create lasting memories. Bon voyage, my dear friend.

Don’t waste a moment – let your wanderlust take over and explore the world. Bon voyage, and enjoy every second!

Traveling can teach us so much about ourselves and the world around us. Bon voyage, and may your journey be a transformative one.

As you take off, remember that the biggest adventure is waiting for you at the end of the journey. Bon voyage, and safe travels!

Set your spirit free and let your heart be your compass. Bon voyage, and may your travels be filled with joy and wonder.

I hope this trip brings you the peace and happiness you deserve. Safe travels, and bon voyage to you and your partner.

I can’t believe my little girl is all grown up and ready to explore the world. I’ll miss you, sweetie. Please take care and have a safe journey. Bon voyage!

As you embark on your journey, know that you’ll be missed. Come back soon, and we’ll have plenty of catching up to do. Bon voyage, sweetie!

Bon Voyage Wishes

No matter where you go, your vibrant personality is sure to make the trip unforgettable. Enjoy every moment of your adventure. Bon voyage!

Travel is an investment in yourself – it broadens your horizons and opens your mind to new perspectives. Bon voyage, and safe travels!

Don’t rush from one place to another – take your time and savor each moment. Embrace new cultures and make lasting memories. Bon voyage!

May your journey be filled with new experiences, beautiful sights, and wonderful people. Bon voyage, and enjoy every step of the way.

Bon Voyage Messages For Friends

Bon Voyage Wishes

Bon voyage dear friend. May you have a safe and sound trip and bring lots of souvenirs for me.

Have a blast exploring new cultures and creating unforgettable memories! I can’t wait to hear all about your journey when you return. Bon voyage, my friend!

Do something crazy and adventurous that you will always remember! Have a great time and take care of yourself, my dear friend. Bon voyage!

May this journey be one of the best adventures of your life! Make every moment count and embrace every experience. I can’t wait to hear all about it when you return. Bon voyage, my friend!

Take a break from your busy life and enjoy your travels to the fullest! Bring back lots of souvenirs and stories to share with us. Bon voyage, my friend!

May this trip fuel your passion for travel and inspire you to explore more! Have a safe and exciting journey, my friend. Bon voyage!

Wanderlust is all about discovering the beauty of the world and oneself. Have an incredible journey, my friend, and come back with a new perspective on life. Bon voyage!

I’m so envious of your upcoming vacation! Make every moment count and enjoy the trip of a lifetime, my dear friend. Bon voyage!

You work so hard and deserve this break! Have the time of your life and come back feeling recharged and refreshed. Bon voyage, my friend!

Have an amazing trip, my dear friend! May your journey be full of adventure, joy, and great experiences. Bon Voyage!

As you embark on this exciting journey, I wish you safe travels and a wonderful time. May your trip bring you the happiness and relaxation you deserve. Bon Voyage, my friend!

Bon Voyage, my buddy! Explore new places, try new things, and create unforgettable memories. I can’t wait to hear all about your trip!

You’ve worked hard and now it’s time to relax and enjoy yourself. Have a great time on your trip, my friend, and come back refreshed and re-energized. Bon Voyage!

May this trip bring you everything you hoped for and more. Safe travels, my friend, and enjoy every moment of your adventure. Bon Voyage!

You’re about to embark on an incredible journey, my friend. May you have a safe and enjoyable trip filled with new experiences, exciting adventures, and unforgettable moments. Bon Voyage!

Bon Voyage Wishes

Bon Voyage, my dear friend! Remember to take lots of photos, make new friends, and enjoy every moment of your trip. I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures when you return.

Life is too short not to travel and explore the world. Have a fantastic trip, my friend, and may you return with a new perspective and a renewed sense of joy. Bon Voyage!

Pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable adventure, my friend. May this trip bring you new experiences, great memories, and lots of fun. Bon Voyage!

As you set off on your journey, I want you to know that I’m rooting for you and wishing you all the best. Have a safe and enjoyable trip, my friend, and make the most of every moment. Bon Voyage!

Bon Voyage Messages for Him

Bon Voyage Wishes

Safe travels, my dear! Although I’ll miss you, I’ll keep myself happy by imagining all the wonderful experiences you’ll have on this trip! Have a blast!

May God watch over you and grant you a safe journey until you return to my arms. Have a safe journey, my love.

I wish I could fit in your suitcase, my love. I’ll be so bored without you. Have a great time, and I wish you a very safe and enjoyable trip.

May your journey be full of excitement and adventure, my love! Have a safe and unforgettable trip. Bon voyage!

May this trip bring you the refreshment and relaxation you deserve, my love! Have a safe and fantastic trip, but please come back soon, because I’ll miss you so much!

You can only understand the true meaning of traveling if you go out and explore to your heart’s content. I’ll miss you, but have a fabulous trip! Bon voyage!

Even though I’ll miss you terribly, my love, I want you to make the most of your trip. Bon voyage!

I can see the excitement in your eyes, the smile on your lips, and the way your hands are clasped together. I know you’re super excited about this trip. Have a fantastic journey!

I admire the way you spend your earnings on travel. That’s an amazing way to live life. Bon voyage, my love!

Bon voyage, sweetie! I hope you have an amazing journey on this vacation. Please come back soon, because I’ll miss you terribly!

Bon voyage, my handsome man! Go and explore the world and make unforgettable memories. I will miss you dearly, but I know you will have a fantastic journey!

Wishing you a safe journey and exciting adventures, my love! May every moment of your trip bring you joy, happiness, and a sense of fulfillment. Bon voyage!

I’m so proud of you, my darling! Have a safe and enjoyable journey, and don’t forget to take lots of pictures to share with me. Bon voyage, my love!

Bon voyage, my dearest! As you embark on this journey, I want you to know that I’ll be thinking of you every minute. May you have a safe trip and come back to me soon!

Bon voyage, my amazing partner! You are one of the most adventurous, kind-hearted, and inspiring people I know. I wish you a safe and memorable trip, filled with new experiences and discoveries!

Bon Voyage Wishes For Sibling

Bon Voyage Wishes

Have a wonderful trip, my dear friend! You deserve a break from the daily grind. But don’t forget to keep in touch, as I’ll miss you! Bon voyage!

Wishing you a safe and enjoyable trip, my buddy! Make sure to try new things, see new sights, and have a great time. Can’t wait to hear all about it when you’re back!

Bon voyage, pal! I hope your travels take you to amazing places and bring you new experiences and perspectives. Looking forward to catching up when you return!

I know you’ve been looking forward to this trip, my friend. Have a blast, make lots of memories, and take lots of photos to show me when you’re back! Bon voyage!

You’re off on another adventure, my buddy! I’m excited to hear about all the exciting things you’ll experience and the interesting people you’ll meet. Have a safe and enjoyable trip!

Dear sister/brother, Bon Voyage! May this trip be the best one yet, filled with adventure, joy, and unforgettable moments. Have a great time!

To my wonderful sibling, I hope this journey brings you immense happiness, beautiful sights, and amazing memories. Have a safe and enjoyable trip! Bon Voyage!

Bon Voyage, dear brother/sister! May you have a pleasant and comfortable journey, and may you return with many interesting stories to share.

As you embark on this exciting journey, dear sibling, I want you to know that you have my love and support always. Have a safe and enjoyable trip, and don’t forget to miss me!

Bon Voyage, my beloved brother/sister! Wishing you an unforgettable trip, full of new experiences and joyful moments. Safe travels!

May this journey fill your heart with warmth, love, and beautiful memories, my dear sister/brother. Have a wonderful trip, and come back soon to share all your adventures with me. Bon Voyage!

Dear sibling, as you venture out into the world, I pray that you find peace, happiness, and fulfillment on this trip. Have a great time, and be safe. Bon Voyage!

May this journey bring you closer to your dreams, goals, and aspirations, my dear sister/brother. Have an amazing trip, and come back with a renewed spirit and energy. Bon Voyage!

Bon Voyage, dear sibling! Take in all the beauty and wonder of this world, and let it fill you with inspiration and joy. Safe travels!

To my dear brother/sister, I wish you a fantastic journey ahead, full of new discoveries, exciting adventures, and endless fun. Bon Voyage, and come back soon!

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Bon Voyage Wishes For Colleague

Bon Voyage Wishes

Bon voyage, dear colleague! Have a fantastic trip, make amazing memories and come back re-energized!

Wishing you a safe and joyful journey ahead, my dear coworker. Enjoy every moment of your well-deserved break! Bon Voyage!

Have a great trip, my colleague! May this journey refresh your soul and fill your heart with happiness and joy! Safe travels!

Bon voyage, my dear colleague! Have a wonderful vacation and come back rejuvenated to continue with your great work!

Wishing you a safe and stress-free journey, dear coworker! Have a fantastic vacation and come back with great stories to share! Bon Voyage!

May your trip be filled with adventure, relaxation, and lots of fun, dear colleague! Bon voyage and safe travels!

Have a wonderful trip, my colleague! May this journey give you the time to relax, rejuvenate, and come back with new ideas and energy! Bon Voyage!

Wishing you a fantastic vacation and a memorable journey, dear coworker! Take a break, enjoy and come back refreshed! Bon voyage!

Bon Voyage Wishes: Bon voyage, dear colleague! Take this opportunity to explore new places, try new things, and make unforgettable memories!

Have a great trip, my dear coworker! Take this time to unwind and recharge, so you can come back even stronger and better than before! Bon voyage!

Have an incredible vacation, boss! Take this opportunity to relax and recharge with your loved ones. We can’t wait to hear all about your adventures when you get back. Safe travels and have a fantastic trip!

Bon Voyage, dear colleague! May your journey be filled with exciting new experiences and unforgettable memories. We’ll be eagerly awaiting your return and can’t wait to catch up. Enjoy every moment!

Wishing you a wonderful vacation filled with laughter, relaxation, and joy. Take the time to recharge and come back even stronger. Safe travels, and have an amazing trip!

Have a fantastic journey with your family! Enjoy this time away and make unforgettable memories. We can’t wait to hear all about your adventures when you return, and we know you’ll come back with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

Bon Voyage, boss! We hope this trip brings you joy, relaxation, and everything you need to recharge. Take care of yourself and come back feeling refreshed and ready to take on new challenges. We’ll miss you while you’re away, but we’ll be here cheering you on from afar.

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Bon Voyage Quotes

Bon Voyage Wishes

Life should not be confined within walls and limited perspectives. Break free from monotony by traveling. Bon voyage and enjoy the journey.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery by exploring new places and cultures. Don’t let life become a routine. Bon voyage.

Traveling is more than just visiting new cities. Immerse yourself in different cultures and embrace new faces. Bon voyage and have a wonderful trip.

Bon Voyage Wishes: Life is incomplete without a road trip. Get behind the wheel and hit the open road. Bon voyage and enjoy the adventure.

Travel may seem like an expense, but the priceless memories and experiences it provides are worth it. Bon voyage and have a fulfilling journey.

Unique and adventurous travelers like you are a rarity in this world. Bon voyage and enjoy the journey.

Satisfy your wanderlust and explore the world through discovery, search, and exploration. Bon voyage and happy travels.

Travel creates unforgettable memories that add fascinating chapters to your life’s story. Bon voyage and have a memorable trip.

Travel as if your life depends on it, because the memories you make today will bring happiness for decades to come. Bon voyage and enjoy the journey.

Bon Voyage Wishes: To understand the true meaning of life, experience how others live through travel. Bon voyage and have a meaningful journey.

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Funny Bon Voyage Wishes

Bon Voyage Wishes

Bon voyage! Don’t forget to pack your sense of humor, because you’ll need it to survive the inevitable travel mishaps.

May your travels be filled with adventure, laughter, and lots of awkward moments that make great stories later.

Bon voyage! Don’t worry about looking like a tourist – just embrace the fanny pack and socks with sandals look.

Have a great trip! And remember, the best souvenirs are the embarrassing photos you take of your travel companions.

Bon voyage! Just remember, it’s not a true vacation until someone gets lost and everyone else panics.

Wishing you a safe and enjoyable journey, filled with all the comforts of home – like Wi-Fi and unlimited snacks.

May your travels be filled with unexpected detours, cancelled flights, and lost luggage – said no one ever! Bon voyage!

Bon Voyage Wishes: Don’t forget to pack your sense of humor and a healthy dose of patience. You’re going to need them both. Bon voyage!

Have a great trip! And don’t worry, we won’t judge you for the ridiculous amount of luggage you’re bringing.

Bon voyage! May your travels be filled with amazing experiences and not-too-awkward encounters with strangers in hostels.

Safe travels! And if you need to impress the locals, just remember the universal language of pointing and nodding.

Wishing you a wonderful trip, filled with all the fun and adventure that can only come from getting lost in a foreign country.

Bon voyage! Just remember, no matter how bad things get, you’ll always have your travel buddies to blame.

Have a great trip! And don’t forget, a little bit of jet lag is just nature’s way of telling you to take a nap.

Bon Voyage Wishes: Bon voyage! May your travels be filled with lots of laughter, great food, and just the right amount of awkwardness to make it all memorable.

Bon Voyage Captions

Ready to explore the world! ✈️🌍 #BonVoyage #AdventureAwaits

Time to say goodbye and set off on a new adventure! 🚀✨ #BonVoyage #NewBeginnings

Off to new horizons! 🌅🌴 #BonVoyage #TravelGoals

It’s time to take off and fly high! 🛫🌤️ #BonVoyage #SkyHigh

A new adventure awaits us! 🌎🌟 #BonVoyage #ExploreMore

Time to explore new cultures and create new memories! 🎉🌍 #BonVoyage #CulturalExploration

Bon voyage, my love! Can’t wait to explore the world together! ❤️🗺️ #BonVoyage #TravelCouple

Time to pack our bags and head to the airport! 🛬🌇 #BonVoyage #VacationTime

Let’s go on an adventure and make some unforgettable memories! 🌟🌊 #BonVoyage #UnforgettableJourney

It’s time to say goodbye to the familiar and embrace the unknown! 🌄🌅 #BonVoyage #EmbraceTheUnknown

Bon voyage, my dear friend! Have a safe and amazing trip! 🌈✨ #BonVoyage #SafeTravels

Time to explore new places, meet new people, and create new stories! 📖🗺️ #BonVoyage #TravelStories

Can’t wait to explore the world and all its wonders! 🌟🌍 #BonVoyage #WorldWonders

Saying goodbye to the familiar and hello to new adventures! 🌅🌊 #BonVoyage #NewAdventures

It’s time to take a break from reality and enjoy some new experiences! 🌴🌞 #BonVoyage #BreakFromReality

Bon voyage, family! Let’s create unforgettable memories together! 🌈👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 #BonVoyage #FamilyTravel

The world is our playground, let’s go explore! 🌎🌟 #BonVoyage #WorldPlayground

Time to say goodbye to the daily routine and hello to new adventures! 🏝️🏄‍♂️ #BonVoyage #GoodbyeRoutine

Bon Voyage Wishes: Can’t wait to explore new places, taste new foods, and meet new people! 🍽️🍹👥 #BonVoyage #NewExperiences

It’s time to take a leap of faith and chase our dreams! ✨🌠 #BonVoyage #ChaseYourDreams

Read: 110+ New Car Wishes: Congratulations For New Car

Wrapping Up

In conclusion , wishing our loved ones a safe and enjoyable journey is a small gesture that can leave a lasting impression on their minds. Whether it’s for a business trip or a long vacation, taking a few moments to say goodbye and offer a heartfelt bon voyage message can go a long way in making them feel loved and appreciated.

So, whether it’s for a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, or colleague, let’s not forget to wish them a perfect journey filled with adventure, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Let’s make sure to leave them with a smile on their face before they embark on their journey and remind them of the love and support waiting for them back home.

Originally posted 2023-02-24 03:26:17.

Home » Communication » 31 Great Bon Voyage Messages

31 Great Bon Voyage Messages

The cruise ship industry focuses on creating the best oasis from land on the sea. Majority of ship productions occur in South Korea and China. An estimated 10 million people travel on cruises each year. With over 2,000 ports of call in the world, most cruisers go to Miami or Fort Lauderdale for a Caribbean Cruise. A selection of great bon voyage messages are compiled below to help inspire the creation of a special note to someone who will be traveling soon.

After you are back you better take me out for coffee, because I am feeling sad that you going on a holiday without me. Bon voyage. As you leave for your overseas trip, I am going to give you the only and most important advice you need to remember – don’t forget to take your credit card along. Bon voyage. As you pack your bags and leave for your holiday, I am praying that you never get lost along the way. Have fun my friend, Bon voyage. As you pack your suitcase to go aboard, for your safety and security I will pray to God. Bon voyage. Beautiful and rare sights in this world are many, but beautiful travelers like you are few. Bon voyage. Capture every landscape in you new iPhone’s panoramic view, for unfortunate ones like us whose holidays are long due. Bon voyage. Discover, find, seek, search, rummage, explore, visit, unearth – if you like the sound of these words, I bet you will enjoy your holiday. Bon voyage. Don’t be in a hurry to reach different places and new cities. Rather, take a deep breath to enjoy the cultures and new faces. Bon voyage. Don’t go sightseeing. Instead, go experience-seeking. Bon voyage. Get lost, run out of money and do crazy things – these are the memories from your travels that will last a lifetime. Bon voyage. Have a wonderful time. Remember that progress is measured by fun, not miles. I know you think that traveling is must, may you always be bitten by such an amazing wanderlust. Bon voyage. I wish your trip will be joyful safe and entertaining. Nice to see a dream come true. If you really want to enjoy your travels, you must stop looking and watching. Instead, you must start feeling and experiencing. Bon voyage. Like your own life, may this journey be full of surprises and fun. Bon voyage. May the wind be to your back, the flats are few, the food be good, the gut sound, and the head be happy. May you discover beautiful things, as you fly across the world on a plane with wings. Bon voyage. May your travels cure the biggest worries of life, I wish a safe and happy journey to you and your wife. Bon voyage. Pack as light as you can so you can fill your bags with memories when you return. Bon voyage. Since you are not taking me along, the least you can do after you come back is to invite me, treat me to delicious food and drinks as you show me pictures of your trip. Bon voyage.Some people say travelling makes you wise. Some people say travelling makes you humble. I say, don’t think and just travel. Bon voyage. The secret to enjoying a holiday lies in turning off your cell phone, not checking your email, not logging into Facebook and not checking your Twitter until you are back. Bon voyage. This beautiful world is God’s handmade collage, for your travels across the globe I wish you bon voyage. To God I sincerely pray, that you have a safe and awesome holiday. Bon voyage my friend. Travel is the best form of education. So pack in as many new experiences as you can on your vacation. Bon voyage. Travel with an adventurous heart and an open mind, and bring me home any exotic souvenir that you can find. Bon voyage. Traveling with leisure is the treasure from which only some of us can take pleasure. Lucky you, bon voyage. When you travel with the people you like, it doesn’t matter where you are going. Bon voyage and enjoy your family vacation. Whether you visit beautiful Switzerland or the exotic Bahamas, you are bound to be smitten by the world’s beautiful panorama. Bon voyage. Your long anticipated trip is finally going to start. Have a wonderful time ahead. Bon Voyage. Your travels will form some of the most fascinating chapters in the book of your life. Bon voyage.

The Oasis of the Sea is considered to be the world’s largest cruise ship. Spending an estimated 6 years to construct and $1.4 billion to build, this ship has the equivalent length to the height of the Eiffel Tower and is 5 times bigger than the HMS Titanic. The below infographic outlines facts about living on a cruise ship.

Life on a Cruise Ship

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Bonjour! Le 30 mars 2024, nous avons commencé notre voyage en Égypte avec beaucoup d'enthousiasme. La vérité est que nous avons passé un bon moment et avons aimé apprendre les choses les plus importantes sur la période ancienne et un peu sur la période moderne. Sans aucun doute, un bon voyage est fait par vos compagnons et les guides. Pour cette raison, nous aimerions recommander les 2 que nous avions et qui l'ont très bien préparé. Si vous envisagez de faire votre propre voyage, n'hésitez pas et comptez sur les deux, ce sont de grands professionnels, compétents et dignes de confiance :

 - Louxor et Aswan, Mr. Hassan Awad, +20 101 493 4086

 - Caire, Mr. Wessam, +20 127 699 9989

Belle journée à tous :-)

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